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Chatty Member
I’ve really been finding the identity stuff interesting to read.

now before I say all this, please don’t think I’m a dickhead- I keep all this to myself as a general rule but I have massive identity issues.

for me it manifests on getting a bit too into a certain culture or group but I don’t seem to be able to just have an interest in a bit of everything, I focus on one thing, follow a bunch of internet accounts, buy lots of things regarding it (as an example I’ve had weird times when I liked all things kawaii, other times when it’s all been instagram Parisienne fashion accounts where I only ate croissants and ratatouille and spent hours learning French on duolingo!). More recently it’s been biohacking of all things (?!). I think all of these things are really going to make me a better person and feel better.

for me i think it’s because I really don't know or like who I am (I’ve spoke about this in another thread recently so don’t want to be all me me me). But seeing it happening to someone else is eye opening to be honest!
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Jack gave the impression in her JO twitter rant that she had insider knowledge (Louisa) that her name was “in the ring” for the carry on cooking show
I would take this with a pinch of salt. I worked with someone who became a Channel 4 commissioning editor (this is a bit ago) and yes, they have influence and make decisions, but it's also in committee. They are group decisions and a commissioning editor would not give their partner a show just like that. The editor I knew had worked in TV for a long time - freelance, plus short-term contracts - and when she got the editor gig she said it's the first time she can actually get a mortgage and have some financial stability. She loved her work - but it's a paranoid industry and for her it was a big relief to get a permanent role. And Channel 4 is still seen as the cool station to work for, full of upper-MC editors and producers. So, I don't know Louisa's background - but if it's anything like how it was when I knew TV, Louisa is going to be very careful, very professional and not make any stupid decisions because of her personal life. Maybe that's why she walked out - she may have seen Jack as being a liability in the future and affecting her reputation in the industry.

And on the topic of TV, people in the media ALL know about Tattle. It's like Popbitch was a few years ago. So once someone gets a shady reputation and people see what the public say about them on forums like this, they are going to be wary of hiring. IMO that's why Jack's TV career will never take off.
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Here it is, her justification for Patreon straight from Jackie’s mouth on her infamous appearance on thread #31 She admits she’s not poor anymore, no Shit Sherlock, but states as she’s not ‘financially secure‘ erm most fecking people aren’t FFS😡 and we ALL know there’s no magic pot as we all go out and earn a living, knowing that we’ll never be financially secure, because unless you win the bloody lottery (or I suppose have a Patreon account😉) people don’t ever really feel financially secure. Her middle class values shining out here!View attachment 191878
Sorry to post again so close to my previous post BUT hasn’t she said she pays herself a living wage and puts the rest into savings?!
How else do you explain £700 for the vet then close to £1k on a trip to Edinburgh within days? What living wage is she on?
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Hi all, I took some time away from our JM (every time I write that it makes me think JUST ME which just about sums her up tbh) as I was finding her too intense and draining mentally.
Plus my Dr is trying to persuade me to get in touch with the mental health team, where I live you have to self refer and I physically can't ring them or talk on the phone so MH has gone right down. Whilst also awaiting special neuropsychology help. Along with my various tics and twitches deciding to play up, so I now have a cup with a lid on after far too many drinks being chucked over myself🙄🤣
Along with having a flare up of one of the many actual diagnoses I have (I'm like a vampire burning under light 🙄, triangulate that one Jack). Anyway I'm going to stay in this thread rather than reading much into the past ones.. I'm sure JM has more identities and side to her than a rubix cube. Gah! Love to @MrsOgre and hope you're feeling well @MancBee plus anyone else that needs it today. Right need to make a cuppa and going to read this thread.
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Marmalade Atkins

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when were these taken? It looks weird. The front of the skirt looks weird. The ruching effect on the top is weird. The whole thing is weird.
I can't remember when but not long ago. Just before thread 31 🤣.

She used the slimming tool (hips) and smoothing tool (legs) on this one (the unedited one was on Instagram, the edited one was on Twitter. Sloppy uploading):


And, well, then there was this:

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Tabitha D

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Firstly, Saturn is a hero amongst men and I regret that I never met him in tattle life. Secondly, this is my take on Jackie’s tattle obsession (just speculation, your honour).

I suspect the reason Jack so desperately wants/needs to control the narrative is that she lost control of the narrative a long time ago. She’s told so many different stories (her own fault because she can’t control herself) & I have absolutely no doubt that she’s well aware that they don’t stand up to scrutiny. Which is fine as long as nobody scrutinises it. She stops people publicly scrutinising her narrative by blocking critics, guilt-tripping people into being scared of criticising her, claiming libel (the KH success means people believe she’ll be successful) and generally making it so chaotic that your head hurts even thinking what the actual timeline/narrative is. I think she hates the fact that she can’t control/stop this forum.

She hates the fact that the vast majority of the people on this thread are intelligent, articulate people who have the measure of her. Many are in her target market & many previously liked her. Many have suffered with some of the many disorders she has claimed to have. Previously she could just delete all her social media posts & forget them but now they’re immortal.

I think it would be easier for her if this forum was abusive to/about her (I wouldn’t be on it if it was). As it is, she effectively has dozens of eloquent people analysing & critiquing her actions with genuine concerns for the welfare of her, her fans, the people triggered by her actions and those around her. Those aren’t the actions of ‘nasty trolls’ & she knows it.

She could, of course, just think twice about what she posts & we’d inevitably get bored and stop keeping the receipts & discussing her but that would take effort on her part. She seems to want to manage us in the same way she manages everything else: in a combative way. It’s not really working because there’s no genuine libel on here & nobody’s going to take her seriously if she has a tantrum about the anonymous people calling her food slop™️.
The main reason she is obsessed with is here is that she knows we have the receipts - screenshots of the many tweets she has deleted, many of which evidence that she is (let’s be diplomatic) inconsistent with her stories. And that she is (at best) rude, dismissive, condescending and aggressive to her supporters and the general public. (Whereas she’s a complete arse-licker To blue-tickers though, to the point that it becomes embarrassing).
She dreads people coming over here and finding out the truth.
And she knows, deep down, that we are not to blame for her fucking up her “big chance” on DKL and the Hellmann’s shitshow. She is the only one to blame for that. But, being a chronic narcissist, she can’t accept that it wasn’t, in fact, a triumph and that she is the newly discovered next big TV chef. A maverick! 🙄 She’s so chaotic guys, look she did a chaos (aka a complete fuck-up)! As if this is what TV producers are looking for.
And most of all she hates that she can’t control us.
Which reminds me, she’s not threatened legal action for a while. Maybe her (fled to Israel) lawyer told her some home truths. There’s no legal action to be had here.

The main reason she is obsessed with is here is that she knows we have the receipts - screenshots of the many tweets she has deleted, many of which evidence that she is (let’s be diplomatic) inconsistent with her stories. And that she is (at best) rude, dismissive, condescending and aggressive to her supporters and the general public. (Whereas she’s a complete arse-licker To blue-tickers though, to the point that it becomes embarrassing).
She dreads people coming over here and finding out the truth.
And she knows, deep down, that we are not to blame for her fucking up her “big chance” on DKL and the Hellmann’s shitshow. She is the only one to blame for that. But, being a chronic narcissist, she can’t accept that it wasn’t, in fact, a triumph and that she is the newly discovered next big TV chef. A maverick! 🙄 She’s so chaotic guys, look she did a chaos (aka a complete fuck-up)! As if this is what TV producers are looking for.
And most of all she hates that she can’t control us.
Which reminds me, she’s not threatened legal action for a while. Maybe her (fled to Israel) lawyer told her some home truths. There’s no legal action to be had here.
And I should add, the main reason there will be no legal action is that we would be able to bring to court all the evidence of her (now deleted) Tweets. She would not want that, not al all
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So I just clicked on the Patreon link that she listed on her ‘off Twitter but you can still contact me’ Post.
I can’t believe what I’ve just read!
View attachment 191833View attachment 191834Erm how many postcards would one person need!? What are they doing with them all?? $14 (£11!)dollars a monthView attachment 191835 A pack of 6 postcards EVERY month for £18.76, mother of God, you’d be drowning in them if you’d joined a few years ago, although that general feeling of wellbeing would be such a boost for a person 🤔
View attachment 191836Then for £34.40 a month signed framed photo only one and then all the previous rewards erm a stack of postcards!? Recipes (aren’t those given away fro free? And the sense of well-being, phew at least they have that warm glow every month 😦View attachment 191840
For £65.67 a month you can be a whispering sous chef! A personal thanks if your idea is used erm what about actual recognition 😡!!!
I can’t quite believe the gall!!
this is one of the most shameless things I’ve ever seen “Keep my larder stocked”.....”people who really need my recipes”!! I have no words!!!

Oh she mentioned her mixed race brother once around the time that she was being criticised for her white saviourism regarding BLM.
this is also so incredibly shameless. Every time I start feeling sorry for this woman she does something horrendous and makes me angry all over again. She really is unbelievable!!!

ETA I remember at the start of lockdown she was moaning on twitter about losing income and immediately posted her tip jar and was asking people for help. People were donating and Someone dared to ask how on the breadline she really was as a “bestselling author” a phrase which she mentions with some frequency. The hapless questioner was shot down by he gang of acolytes. I remember feeling disgusted that she was begging money from people who were probably less wealthy and privileged than her, at the start of a period when many would doubtless lose their jobs, especially since she was still with L at the time.

And that’s what sent me here!

E again TA - I’m just grunka’ing thru the Patreon stuff and have seen the messages posted by patrons. This takes her onto another level afaic because it takes her from “merely” disingenuous, manipulative, narcissistic and trigger-y to maybe possibly appearing to be an actual honest to goodness con artist. And given her followers seem to include some quite vulnerable people, that is Not. Good.

(Only speculation m’lud, I am not saying Jack is a con artist. Obviously she is not a con artist. Just take a look at her Patreon and see for yourself.)
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Her house is beautiful and full of lovely and expensive things, don't think I've ever read anyone say otherwise..except for Jack..
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As for the teenage-like Taylor Swift posts and why they're grating.

I once read Patti Smith saying something about how teenagers can react so strong to music and bands. And she said how at that age you might not have much life experience yet, but you have already so much feelings to process. So lyrics about things you've not even experienced yet still resonate with those feelings. When you're older you have more experience to process new events, and just more thinks going on in life anyway. This is why obsessions with bands and music (like overidentifying with them, not just liking them) is more tolerable from teenagers than from a 32-old.

(Patti Smith undoubtedly was more eloquent in her explanation).
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The thing is, Jackie would likely snap at us for questioning her possessions with her tried and tested 'poor people are allowed to have nice things' retort. This is completely true! But, like with everything to do with Jack, she appropriates it until it's meaningless. Poor people get their 'massive fucking TVs' (yes, this was really shitty of JO) after saving for ages, second hand, on credit, on those terrible pay monthly 'deals', or they know someone who can get it off the back of a lorry. They don't waltz into John Lewis and buy one outright. They also don't have everything in their shitty bungalows come from Made dot com. If this is indeed all her furniture then she has splashed some serious cash. This stuff would not be affordable if she actually used her 'living wage' salary for everything she purchases. I'm betting she has a very loose definition of what constitutes a business expense. Smeg fridge and Rangemaster cooker? Need it for work. Twelve seater solid oak dining table? Need it for work. Fancy 93kg sideboard to pose half naked on? Need it for work. Leather chesterfield armchair from which to furiously scroll Tattle? Need it for work.
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Oh, and it's just occurred to me that I cannot believe there has been so much footwear chat and I have not mentioned Havaianas yet. The cost per wear I get out of those babies (especially the flip flops with the strap round the back), is insane. I live in them as soon as it's vaguely warm enough to get away with it.
I cannot tell you the slight look of horror and confusion I got when I started talking about my cute, bright coloured thongs when I started living in the UK again. I forgot you call them flip flops, people thought I was talking about skimpy knickers 😳 😂
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A "coven of mavens" actually has a really nice ring to it in my opinion. I'm blushing at the lovely compliment from R Jackie 😘
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Omg I’ve been meaning to ask you this because I’ve picked up ~vibes from your posts before - south London?

Also Irish and agree with everything said here, it’s very... peak white entitlement the way a lot of people mask wear. BAME people don’t have the privilege of being able to do that so suffer systemic injustices associated with being XYZ, it’d be obscene for JM to adopt yet another new identity to get paying work as part of the new world order, thus depriving someone who’s actually had to work against the grain. But she doesn’t care she needs money to spend!
Was just thinking that that " white people" with multicultural backgrounds can pick and choose who they want to be this week, yet there is people fighting, dying and leaving their homes to try and get into a country so they can live/ provide a living for their families. They don't want to leave their heritage behind but sometimes have to in order to be taken seriously.
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Oh god, she's becoming the Southend version of those Irish-Americans who come to the "old country" to search for their roots and wish you a happy St Patty's Day... 🤦🏼‍♀️
Yes! I worked in the US for a bit after my first period in Scotland and it was quite funny how some Americans with Scottish heritage wanted to connect with me over that when they are such different things (the romanticised heritage and the everyday life in a country nowadays).

I find it less grinding though when people do it all the time than when it's tried on for a week.

I also don't want to judge too harshly on white Americans who identify with their ancestors' Euro-origins. My dad traced our family tree for quite a few centuries (back to 1670) and it's all just peasants and farmers for 100s years not moving from a 30km radius (reader, there were quite some links between my mum's lineage and my dad's...). So I've never had to question my origins as it was never complex. Leaving my country was always my own choice, not decided by parents.

Having said that, being a 32-old woman reminiscing lemon picking in a country your dad didn't even grow up in is just dumb.
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