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Fraus, you did it! Colombo/ Magnum PI of the SistahSpace deep dive has Jackie in his sights. Starting Monday!!!! The week when we get Guardian.pdf AND Grifty Thrifty Kitchen! Deservedly, I present this gif to sum up the forthcoming chaos….
I don't know what you mean, Jack has told us herself that she can't lie. It's us that twist her words. It's us that misrepresents her. It's us that jump to conclusions. It's us that exaggerate to make her look bad. It's us that don't understand the value of her campaigning. It's us that pick on her even though all she wants to do is help people.

It's also us that keep receipts. It's also us that compare her own words. It's also us that show the glaring discrepancies in her stories. It's also us that have proof of her lies. It's also us that have monitored her online fundraising activities. (Mostly you lot, I'm here for the sarky remarks and camaraderie)

I'm sure she'll be OK.

She'll be fine.

She'll just let the truth speak for itself.

Nothing to worry about at all. Nope.

She'll come out of this unscathed.

Won't she?
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I could have attended so many things, but sat at home scratching my arse instead.

What an anticlimactic tale it is.

I was invited to join an anti-fracking protest but didn't go. What an amazing, wild and crazy life you don't have, Jack.
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Chrissie Hynd always comes across as a genuinely decent person. A pioneer, trailblazer, talented and constantly interested in everything... Outwards, rather than Jack's way of seeing herself only in the way others see her.
Chrissie Hynde is total class. If you haven't read her autobiography, treat yourself. My admiration for her which was already high went through the roof by the time I got to the end.

Surely if Jack was such a close personal friend of Vivienne's that she personally invited Jack on the tank driving thing, Jack could have come up with a better memory rather than a complete damp squib?
Well yes, most people do manage to come up with better anecdotes than 'they asked me to do something for them and I let them down' when a friend dies.
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I think she really showed her true nature with that one. Didn’t she claim to be drunk after? I often think that about a lot of people who are ‘bad’ drunks or those who like to spout “home truths” after a few that it’s actually their base layer coming through with some additional lubrication as it were. Apols to any genuinely lovely people who are demonic after a babycham 😬
I think she uses alcoholism as an excuse for bad behaviour. If you recall she went to dayhab after starting on a head teacher on twitter one night. I firmly believe she uses it as a get out of jail free card.
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Jack's new book is a cosplay manual for bored middle class people to reinact some wartime thriftiness, capturing it all on their smartphones for sharing on social media. Performance art at its worst.

Even her tits are embarrassed.
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View attachment 1839510View attachment 1839511

Why is she acting like this article that doesn’t mention her at all is proof of her ridiculous lie?
Screenshot 2022-12-30 07.16.16.png

What a revealing little tantrum this is. For a woman of the people, she's very keen to align herself with the rich 'n' famous believing them to be be fun and wild unlike the common throng.

Jack if you ever left the shitty bungalow or had any friends you'd realise that there are wild and fun people in all walks of life. Celebs are just people like everyone else, some are dull, some are interesting. Vivienne Westwood was particularly interesting which is probably why people are having a tough time believing she'd want to hang out with a whiny little snob like you. Incidentally Jack if there's a grown up in your life you can get to read to you and help with the big words I can highly recommend Jane Mulvagh's biography of Westwood and Vivienne Westwoods own autobiography. Compare and contrast Vivienne Westwood's creative and career highs after she threw herself into her work following her break up with Malcolm McLaren with your own self pitying and embarrassing meltdowns when things don't go your way. If you weren't terrified of knowledge and capable of learning it could really help you.
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Brief Recap:

Jack is perpendicularly both beset by terrible trolls but also foxily dressing up in outfits so wholly comprised of synthetic fibers that she should not be allowed near naked flames. This while channeling Shakira and being lucky that her breasts are small and humble. Oops! her boobs are (consensual and surprising).

She’s basically acted like a twat all day long, but has a two pronged strategy 1. Send all her acolytes to Amazon etc to buy her book and make some “small change” off that and every other thing they might buy for weeks after that using (undeclared) affiliate links, 2. Ensure anyone who might want to write something vaguely dissenting about her new book is unable to do so having severed one or both thumbs and lost an eye from following one of her thrifty tips.

Oh, and 3. She’s high on what the Guardian is cooking on her behalf

Finally: Jack, Elon is not going to marry/shag/cruise/anything with you. Stop messaging him with cute GIFs. It’s embarrassing.

ETA correction: Jack, please just stop. It’s embarrassing.
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God she's getting worse. Woman has tits. Woman wears bra. Oh look, let's post a photo of them for attention seeking purposes. Do fuck off.

And as for the Shelby thing, yeah right. She's so far behind in the whole Peaky Blinders thing that it isn't true, for sure. Yet another "I can do that" moment. Shelby? More like Shelnotbe
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Mr Krabs

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This is true, Jenny. I know there will be people who have literally nothing but that will be few and far between, and less common than perhaps a nurse using a foodbank.
Ackshally when I went to a food bank as a poor single urchin mum with big hooters they handed me a bag of tinned hoops, which I don’t even like, and when I told them I didn’t have a tin opener they did a Tory laugh and said I should have kept my legs shut before slamming the door on my face.
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Using HH2 as a gotcha is my new aneurysm.

Yes Jack, we all know you started HH2 by saying “I’m not poor by any stretch of the imagination”, but you then went on to state various things that indicate that you have no money. If you’re going to argue semantics that lack of disposable income =/= poor I don’t want to hear it. You know exactly how HH2 was meant to be received. You know exactly what you were implying. And if you didn’t, there should have been countless replies to tweets saying “thanks but I’m going to refund the money you just sent because, as I stated in my blog, I’m not poor”. You’re such a lying liar!
This made me re-read HH2 because I didn't remember it saying she wasn't poor, but indeed it does say "No, I’m not ‘poor’ any more. Nor do I pretend to be." but (the likely reason I don't remember the "I'm not poor bit") it then goes on to catalogue selling her worldly goods and thinking about getting rid of the TV and the fridge. Which is something you wouldn't do if you weren't poor. It makes no sense! I generally think of Jack as being daft rather than deliberately manipulative but I'm rethinking that now, because surely the only reason you'd write "I'm not poor" in an article about how poor you are is so could then point to that line if anyone called you out on pleading poverty? I didn't SAY I was poor, I SAID I'm not poor, it's not my fault if you missed that in the thousands of words about how poor I am, a description of my poverty that actually made multiple poor people post on the internet about how it seemed a bit extreme for this country. But as you can see I CLEARLY stated that I'm not poor, using the words "I'm not poor" so no you can't have your money back leave me ALONE I am having FIVE BREAKDOWNS and I'm not saying you're threatening my sobriety I'm just casually mentioning my AA meetings and my sponsor.
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Can I just mention that whenever I click on a Guardian article and it asks me to donate/sign up I softly, gently, painstakingly click the 'x' whilst saying "that's for supporting and promoting a grifter"

Considering she proclaims her love for Viv there's no way she would have passed up the opportunity to share a tank with her to storm Cameron's house. That's like saying I'd have turned down the opportunity to have a drink with Keith Flint because I had to take stuff to the tip.

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A normal person would also comment on how cute the squig’s dog is. Jack…BACK TO ME.
This is what bothers me so much. There is so much attention on Jack about being a grifter, a scammer, etc that people forget that aside from all that, she is just... not a nice person. HOW can people not read her tweets and pick up on this? Her tweets are always like this. Her automatic reaction is to continue talking about herself, and not address what the other person says, and it's completely self obsessed. Her interactions with people are not normal. The only time she's nice is when she's replying to people sucking up her arse, and it's all heart emojis and fake love. It's honestly just so embarrassing looking at people be super nice to her and hope to get a nice interaction, only for Jack to use it as a way to continue talking about herself, and keep the pity party going, completely ignoring anything the person said. Yet these idiots keep coming back for more.
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I’ve about 35 pages to grunk so apols if this lands somewhere odd.

one of the things that SH1TS me off the most about her is that when she does reply to a kindly, gentle squig, it’s never to reciprocate any goodwill or provide a compliment in return. It’s always an opportunity to write another 50 words about herself.

This tedious Wikipedia article in response to someone saying “looking good Jack!” is about the cleanest example of her narcissism I can think of.


And from this morning’s “I sleep on a sofa cos I’m POOR” grift, could she not have softly, gently said something nice about the squig’s dog or its toy instead of elevenerifing it? Cunt

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It occurs to me that a massive Viv stan like Jack would have kept the email from Viv asking her along for the tank ride. I know people generally frown on publishing personal correspondence but Jack was happy enough to publish DMs between her and a squig who'd displeased her recently. Besides I'm sure anything personal or embarrassing could be easily redacted and still let us see the invite. I think sharing this is what Viv would have wanted, I'm sure she'd be aghast to learn people were questioning the honesty of her good mate Jack. Pics or it didn't happen, Jack.
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I was a big Viv fan, though couldn't really afford to buy much of her stuff but I did have some nice t-shirts at one point. It would be great if Jack just kept her stupid mouth shut but I expect she'll be keen to inform us that Viv was both peripatetic and a parallelogram or some arsewitted nonsense.
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OK Canal, I'm bored and ill so have a fun hypothetical for you. Here goes...

Your grownup child has been a bit wayward recently and you've grown concerned. In the last 3 month else they appear to have settled down and finally they tell you - they've met someone special! They think this might be 'the one'. You're so happy for them. They want you to meet this special person. They invite you over for dinner. Excited, you arrive on the doorstep just in time. Your child opens the door and brings you through telling you all about the special dinner their partner has cooked. You walk into the dining room. There, standing in front of a bowl of brown slop with a shit-eating grin on their face is your child's new partner. It's Jack!

What do you do?!
Hope like fuck that Jeremy Beadle is waiting around the corner with his camera crew.
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