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So far I’m seeing recommendations for how to give yourself third degree burns (the point of a colander is actual holes, cloth versions just won’t work) and stabbing your self with a knife trying to open a tin. What the actual fuck is that shite. And it took how long?! LJC.
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She's careful not to mention Tattle cos ppl head over to get the geg but end up with the facts and then never leave.
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Honestly, who decided that grifty kitchen was a good idea to publish? 🤯

if the rest of the book is similar to what we’ve seen, then some of the ‘hacks’ are ridiculous, some are downright dangerous and some will be less cost effective than buying the original item!?

it really does read like one of those crappy pop up videos on Facebook or wherever ‘101 great life hacks’ and literally 100 of them are fake!

I know that the true fans will rave about the book but honestly, this is going to get ripped to absolute shreds and tank surely?
The tips are never worth the effort. They don't work. I once spent 20 mins warming the neck of a wine bottle with a lighter, its supposed to ease up the cork that should then just pop off. All I got was burnt fingers. Had to knock at number 54 to borrow a corkscrew from the old bitch who robbed me wheelie bin
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I am genuinely shocked at the dangerous suggestions for getting around the lack of the most basic and inexpensive kitchen equipment such as tin openers and colanders.

I believe this book should be withdrawn from sale and certainly not handed to food bank users :mad:
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Not being rude but ffs come on, this shit isn’t remotely based in reality. In fact I think Bear Grylls does something like this with a snake skin? Like I’m sorry but there is a welfare state and there are charities in position to help people who’ve got nothing at all, no it’s not perfect but I’m sorry no one in the UK in 2022/3 needs to do this and it’s appalling this has been published?

This is honestly something you’d see in ch4 news reporting on a humanitarian crisis like people surviving bombings or in huge refugee camps?
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If you're stupid enough considering buying a pack of carabinas to suspend your sweat stained old t-shirt and scald yourself on steam and wet material, wouldn't you be better off just paying 79p for a plastic sieve or colander from the shop round the corner? Or wouldn't you just do what everybody who has ever cooked a vegetable or pasta in their life has done and take the food out with your slotted spoon or hold the lid against the side of the pan to let water come out?
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Chatty Member
Apparently the parents WhatsApp of SB’s year group already discussing these tweets - presumably his teachers too. So won’t be long before reaches kid’s dad and step mum who’ll have to deal with it. Why doesn’t she just keep quiet or tweet a recipe rather than make her kid’s life worse and harder?
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Nine times out of ten it's Crunchy nut cornflakes with an unfashionable amount of sugar for breakfast?? What?? Since when? When have we ever seen this on Twitter, rather than the constant performative porridge/bircher/sludge/slop??
Firstly, that shit is expensive cereal, secondly it's never been on the shopping lists that I've seen.

This is the shit that will bring me out of my posting slumber!
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That 77p comment just sounds ungracious and sour grapes. If the person can only send 77p to 'support her work' she shouldn't be accepting it. Grasping pig.
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View attachment 1836669

An interesting little exhange. Red squig is the Uni of Kent lecturer, one of Jack's more unhinged stans. Blue squig is a waverer - a mildly pro-Jack account who's been trying to understand why Jack's receiving so much pushback.

Needless to say, I don't think red squig is doing Jack any favours here.
I cannot adequately express how much I despise that lecturer. I’ve never interacted with her and our academic fields don’t overlap (she’s a theatre twat because of course she is) but every time I see her inane gifs I wonder what drugs the hiring panel who gave someone that intellectually sterile a position might have taken. They must have been collectively tripping balls because she’s an insufferable dullard.
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The fucking suicide/miscarriage stuff really really gets to me. I hope SB‘s dad takes her to court for sole custody and her parents pay for it.

She is a disgusting human being. i take it back Jack - I do hate you. How can you write that stuff in public for your nearly 13 year old son to read? You are a foul foul narc and that poor kid needs to be taken far far away from your sick head
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I’ve gone past the point of thinking SB’s dad has the patience of a Saint. I now think he’s a fucking knob for allowing his son to continually be in the same space as her.
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77p! Oh I’m gonna have to send for the off licence to deliver if she carries on like this!!!
Sorry but she’s a cheeky cunt for this because in every fucking write up it’s clearly said this is an estimate using some fairly reasonable assumptions about the % of subscribers on each tier. All 3 assumptions have subscribers on the lowest 3 tiers so it’s hardly a fucking reach? Our base estimate uses 100% of subs on £3.50 pcm and deducts the highest 12% fee - I’m sure this one person on 77p is negated by the swathes of people on higher tiers that warrant the physical goods she’s just sent out for the first time in 2 years.

Seriously Jack show me one month’s invoice for Patreon and I’ll stop doing the updates.

It’s such a shame this clapped rat claims WC representation 🤡🤡🤡
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The editors/publishers just let Jack write any old shite and don't even edit it, don't they?
I do think this. Every screenshotted page I've read shrieks 'I haven't been edited'. Which wouldn't be a problem if all she got wrong were errant apostrophes. But giving out dangerous advice such as this really isn't funny.

Really angry that Trussell would commit to distributing this.
I just vaguely thought Trussell Trust did good things until their involvement with Jack made me look more closely. Now I avoid anything they're linked with like the plague, and tell others to do so, too.
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Chatty Member
Jack, just log off. Make your account private. Stop tweeting personal shit. Not for your sake but for your son. You’ve written that everything you do is for him so have a little think about him now. If your health, both physical and mental, is so bad then stop what you’re doing and try something else. Like touching grass. Fucks sake, she's ridiculous.
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