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Wtf was the arthritic, asthmatic, crumbly shouldered, mathematically challenged smol pixie expecting? 😂
HACTUALLY I think you’ll find that the RAF officers said that she was the strongest, bravest and most forensically gifted would-be recruit she’d ever seen, and they badly wanted to recruit her but they knew that The Poors needed her more. Then an evil NCO turned up and said she should’ve kept her legs shut and they wouldn’t admit a bird in traaaaazers. Then Jack PUNCHED him and he fell over!! And then all the RAF officers stood up and clapped.
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Based on everything I've read that has been posted here, there's no waaaaay this grift/scheme isn't bigger than we think.

If the lying is smoke, there's one hell of a fire somewhere.
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Haha, love it!

Though this is the thing that's always irked at me, why didn't she just ask her parents for help? I know she has written before that she didn't want to "admit" to being in poverty - but no, that has never rung true for me. Her parents come across as being really good people, even what I have read about them that has nothing to do with Mel. I do not think they would have let her and her son live in poverty. Even if there was a brief period, she has never been out of touch with them for a long enough period that she would have gone into the poverty she described. When I hit the skids my dad came and got me and brought me right back into the fold. It's thanks to him I am the person I am now, reigniting my life and career. And my dad isn't rich, he's just human.
I agree wholeheartedly with everything you say, but need to point out that her name is Jack, not Mel.
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Mel Donte

Chatty Member
The Blog archive starts in March 2012 and she was posting recipes back then, though posting a lot of other stuff too, the recipes weren’t the focal point.

For anyone who wants to get a quick flavour but not massively commit to a huge dive, if you scroll down almost to the bottom here, you can click on her archives month by month and get a sense of what she was posting at any given time - it shows both the post titles and the opening few lines of each

I've found her first recipe! Springtime blondes with green tea frosting. Ingredients include green tea powder, vanilla pods and macadamia nuts.


Her second recipe was slow-roast tomatoes with kale and roasted beans. She says that it's useful for using up all the kale and tomatoes she's left with from her weekly veg box. This recipe also includes lemon juice from an actual lemon.

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Helena Handbasket

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Yes when I was a little poor I always had matcha powder in! Top of the shopping list every week. Same with macadamias. A very cost effective nut and the children love them in a lunchbox! Vanilla pods are known for being very cheap. I usually add saffron and gold powder to my bakes just to really ramp up the unnecessary expense so I can see where she’s saving money.
I do not know what is a ‘roasted bean’ but at least it isn’t rinsed.
Roast tomatoes and kale though. She’s so basic.

ETA: Jack on Masterchef
*Reveals ingredients: kale, tomatoes and (I dunno) some kind of bean. Remember pantry items are also available.
Contestant 1: I’m making a Tuscan bean soup.
Contestant 2: I’m making potato and kale cakes with a bbq beans side.
Jack: I’m making roast kale, roast tomatoes and roast beans.
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I hope she draws a line under everything and goes back to answering her fans' food questions on Twitter.

Our newer Frauen don't know the simple joys of Hi Jack, what can I do with salt? x or Hi Jack, I hate mushrooms but just bought 10kg of them, any ideas? x
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More ye olde bollox from yesteryore. 2013 article.
“Didn’t tell anyone she was hungry“ from November 2011 to at least December 2012. Even though in that time she told thousands of people including her parents and friends via her blog, by her own admission her mother came round with food, and they spent Christmas Day 2012 at her parents

Took her “18 months to find work” and only then was she able to “feed herself and her son 3 meals a day again”. So from November until May/June 2013? Despite all the jobs (including bar work, a trainee reporter on her local newspaper etc etc all of which she LEFT- apart from the one that fired her for being too nice 😂 - and including the one she left to start her self employed craft business). Plus multiple columns and interviews etc.


What I think she means by “took me 18 months to find work” is ‘work that suits my grandiose notions of what I’m entitled to’, because that’s when she got hired to write the weekly ‘Recipes for Life’ guardian column that lasted from July 2013 all the way through to April 2015 and commissioned to write her book.

It’s also unbelievable (in the literal sense of the word) that she resigned from a £27,000 a year job in November 2011 but was in this level of dire straits by Christmas in the following month.

It’s truly incredible that NOBODY in the media EVER did even a modicum of due diligence and research on this lying charlatan. No wonder her lurid pov tales have become increasingly wild and improbable over the years; she’s high on their ineptitude in letting her get away with it. Mateus mate, where are you?
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Helena Handbasket

Chatty Member
View attachment 1638146
I'd previously missed this bit of Jacklore, but how was she managing to craft without money? I'm a keen cross stitcher but it's definitely not a hobby you can start without spending anything. I have friends who've sold crafts and unless you're doing something very unusual, you won't be making much money for a long time.
Patchwork quilts my arse. I’ve seen her attempt at sewing ave she can do one. Softly, gently, labouriously and with clean hands, PAINSTAKINGLY cutting out hexagons/diamonds/triangles erm no. The fabric cost alone makes sewing for fun a challenge. Making children’s clothes? Lies and more lies. I’ve been sewing for donkeys and my attempts at patchwork are laughable. Fine for me but not for sale. I genuinely do find a lot of my kit in charity shops but I know what I’m looking for. Quilting rulers online are about £15 each. Decent rotary cutters aren’t cheap. Neither is wadding and neither is making/buying bias binding for the edges. Show me one photo of your quilting stash Jack. I see all your lies because I am the HOBBY FRAU!
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Another Jack shop that still appears to be live ( as in, I can add things to my basket). Looks like it was set up in 2016 to raise money for charity - the Orlando massacre. I wonder how much they saw of the profits what with jack, her ADHD brain and countless areas of income/fundraising.

The potato one is ... well ... dire.

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The nursery staff called me their ‘star parent’ today for paying Small Boys nursery fees.

Nursery staff: Just a reminder, nursery fees are due
Jack: I've already paid them
Nursery staff: Thanks, you're a star
Jack: A star parent?
Nursery staff: Um, sure?
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One for the “who’s head is this” album Marms

ETA lest we forget just 5 weeks ago…

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One thing I have noticed is how many interviewers/journalists comment in their articles about Jack sniffling or having a cold as in the Tîm Adams one in the post here:

Really makes you think 🤔
Yeah, and it’s journo ‘code’ for snidely implying that the subject of the interview might be under the influence of ❄. It used to crop up a lot in NME and Melody Maker interview features back in the 90s 🤣🤣
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