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Chatty Member
It fits in with the whole "acceptable face of poverty" thing that many fraus have spoken about. The "her heart's in the right place even if she's a bit disorganised" cover has worked brilliantly for a very long time.
My mum is almost 70, has never been on twitter in her life, has only recently learned to read the newspaper on her iPad and only knows of Jack through Guardian articles, and adamantly refuses to believe she's a grifter even after I've explained that people have used her own words to show her contradicting herself. (Admittedly I didn't do a very good job explaining because I didn't want to admit that I'm a maniac who's been over-invested in this for the last six months.) As far as she's concerned Jack writes some good anti-Tory stuff and gets columns in a proper newspaper, i.e. not the S*n or Daily Mail, so 'how do you know it's not those people on the Internet who are making things up rather than her?'

It's a frustrating response when you've seen all the evidence like us, but... from her perspective, it's a fair question. To her Jack's not a narcissistic Z-list blogger-turned-raging twitter addict, she's a freelance columnist writing for a respected national broadsheet and a recipe writer who gets her trad-published cookbooks promoted in the same paper. Naturally, she's going to assume the professionals involved here have done the bare minimum of due diligence and not let her spout a load of factually incorrect bollocks (and shit recipes) without checking any of it. Next to that, and without further context, an anonymous Twitter account trawling back through things Jack said many years ago to find contradictions looks pretty weak and possibly a bit deranged. A lot of people just don't live in the world of internet drama and have no idea that this kind of grifting and being exposed is so commonplace, except for the odd high profile case where someone makes the national news for getting on breakfast TV by pretending to have terminal cancer or something, so trying to explain that people are this invested in looking for inaccuracies in her story does feed into the whole 'obsessive stalkers are harassing me for politically motivated reasons' narrative.

Luckily my mum is also not the sort of person to give money to any cause unless it's a well-known charity, so in this case no harm done, but I really think the Guardian and other professional media that platform her have a lot of culpability in letting things get as far as they have. It can't have done Jack any good in the long run either - she'd probably have stayed a relatively minor figure without all their 'help', and the eventual fallout if it ever came would have been much more contained.
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If that is correct, then even by Jack’s standards, my mind is (not)LITERALLY BLOWN that in 2022 she is still grifting cash for a charity that ceased operating in 2016.

Bet she claims nobody’s bought one since 2016.
I doubt many/any people buy from that online shop these days. I only found it from her FB page. I did wonder if the 'Potatoes' drawing was hers or someone elses as she was asking people to send her their art so she could sell it in the shop. Didn't realise it was someone painting with their mouth so I guess that explains it a bit more.

The site is 'live' in the sense that it still allows you to add items to your basket. I didn't go as far as actually trying to check out!

Today has been quite enlightening. I had no idea Jack's life story was proposed to be made into a Hollywood blockbuster. I also didn't realise that Viv (RIP) wanted her as a muse. Cringing my intestine out re: "punk-mama"

Interesting comment (highlighted) considering the lack of transparency/missing books from the Kickstarter campaign. I wonder how many frilly 3 button blouses oor Jack now has in her wardrobe.


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Jack, hi, your son is nearly 13. He doesn't want nor need to share a wardrobe of clothes with his sad sack of a mother. Let him have some agency. Cool, thanks, bye.
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Thread title by a perceptive squig on twitter and nominated by: @Brian Butterfield. Your prize is a Saturday Is Treat Day plate with slop on it and a handy bin near by.

The recap is limited. As usual there has been suspected sock activity. Jack updated her bio but is otherwise behaving the pumble has her chained up in his slop dungeon.
Twitter tides are turning against Jack, lots of people are questioning her, sharing older articles and generally mocking. Twitter is her kingdom so this is bound to be a kick in the narc balls. Her story has been questioned in another podcast too.

Still no update on Content's haircut or Cooper.

P. S please check the wiki if you are new, it's very thorough and informative unlike Jack.
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Just to add a wee note of caution to the account that sent the donation. It's a fairly new account (Sep22) and hasn't tweeted much. It will be interesting to see how or if Jack responds. Could be well be a set up to make Jack look bad or something Jack has done herself so that she can publicly refund the donation. As things stand it's worrying as it might be a real person but lets wait and see.
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Chatty Member
Tender one, there was also a 50p Nicole Farhi jacket x

View attachment 1638849
So did she just choose not to tell the charity shop that they could get far more money for this coat, because she's so kind and ethical? But it's a lie anyway, isn't it? It's charity shops according to people who don't go into charity shops. 50p for a coat in a charity shop is when it's on the sale rail of stuff they can't get rid of no matter how hard they try, because it's ugly or scratchy fabric or similar making it unpopular. You can't even get a Primark t-shirt for 50p in most charity shops, and you never could at any point during her lifetime.

Similarly with the alleged "Viv" really. Unless that was one of those high-end pop-ups a bigger charity might occasionally run to sell designer goods to well-off people, then it plainly just a lie. There isn't a charity shop in the country where they'd get in "a load of Viv" and just not know what it is and make no attempt to find out and so they shove it all on a rail for the same price as the ex-M&S stuff, and there it lingers until Poverty Jack comes in and kindly takes it off their hands without a word of "by the way given that you're a charity I feel morally obligated to mention that you could make quite a bit of money of this stuff."

It's bollocks. (🔺I've been buying clothes from charity shops for several decades now, and have worked in a few as well.)
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Chatty Member
I seriously think so.
Connections through her exes, agent, publisher.

Anyone pulling the shit she did around Grenfell should have been 'Cancelled' quick smart, but she wasn't.
I think a lot of people just haven’t been paying attention either? Outside of Twitter & Tattle she’s not really anybody, a talking head slop slinger who appears to talk about rinsing beans and poverty and then disappears again. It’s only since the VBI debacle that she’s become a bit more mainstream and people have started to notice the lies, plot holes and grifting, prior to that she was just the acceptable face of poors nobody looked into too deeply. Plus, the media who have supported her for the last 10 years aren’t likely to want to admit their failings (looking at you, The Guardian!).

In other musings, the living in poverty without her family noticing or caring is total bull shit. I live round the corner from my parents 🔺 and if either me or my toddler were starving, wearing ill-fitting clothes, not working or our house was always cold, they would notice. I can’t come round to their house without being fed lunch, dinner, snacks and my mums always picking up bits & bobs for my son & the baby we’re currently awaiting, and we don’t live in poverty, both me & my OH work full time and don’t want for much. So they either wilfully ignored hers and her child’s suffering, or she’s lying and they’re facilitating her lies.
I know I’m lucky and my life is not representative of everyone’s, but I am willing to bet my upbringing & family situation is very similar to Jack’s. Except my dad has never had to wear humiliating trousers to work, only recreationally if he wishes.
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If you look back at her old blogs thoroughly, it's pretty clear that her initial ambition was to get into local politics. There are countless incredibly dull entries covering minor disputes at Southend council meetings. Almost all the posts in the first year are about local Southend dramas (and apologies to Southend Frauen, but fuck me, that is some boring shit). Even the original name of the blog was Our Southend.

I suspect that Bread & Jam, just like her volunteering and her posting Southend volunteering vacancies throughout summer 2012 and her other charitable endeavours, was an attempt to show her community spirit. The early blogs suggest that she really wanted to be a pillar of the community - she won an award in autumn 2012 for volunteering or giving back or some shit.

Then when the Sunday People feature happened, she realised that Sad Single Mum Can't Afford Xmas was a better story than Plucky Single Mum Saves Southend From The Tories.

You can see the whiplash in December 2012:

11/12: Jack's circumstances have improved but she continues to spend 10£ a week on food because she's used to it and doesn't need to spend more:

23/12: Sunday People starring Sad Jackie Munroe:

29/12: Jack has 2p in the bank:

I think I differ from a lot of you in that I don't believe she set out to be a grifter (I think most of her shitty money stuff is due to just due to her being incredibly lazy and also quite thick). Instead, she was motivated by fame and recognition. That started out as being locally known within Southend politics, then pivoted post-Sunday People to a bigger stage. You can see her monstrous ego at play as far back as May '12, when she clearly already saw herself as locally famous:

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I know I'm not alone in saying that I really can't be arsed with her these days. Sick of the endless cycle - wash rinse repeat or should that be tweet, delete, deactivate. It's just so relentless and boring. Where's the justice? Sick of her being held up as a 'force for good', she's a mess. Of course, I could stop reading/watching along - SHAN'T.
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Amongst all the bullshit and lies it's easy to forget how fucking thick she is.

Fifty quid a month to run a fridge! Then she tried to pretend it was some industrial model, but we all knwo it's the smeg one she found at the tip.

And lets not even get started on her belief that radiators actually have gas in them.

@Bwidge Snap.
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