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Chatty Member
It really needs properly investigating. It's so frustrating how she just gets away with this shit.
And best of all, she can’t claim it’s ring-fenced in a separate account since she said (and we all know she doesn’t lie, don’t we) that those account balances of £0.00 she shared at the beginning of the month were all the accounts she has.
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So a friend of mine tweeted Molly's post last night, mentioning Jack and then received this DM from her. I assume she's messaging a lot of people as my friend's Tweet didn't have much engagement.

View attachment 1582261
See this! THIS FUCKING ENRAGES ME! This is her game and it’s worked well for her for a long time. Slipping into peoples DMs and trying to scare people with legal bs. If you’re taking legal action then shit or the off the pot Monroe, you fkng bitch!
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Squig not backing down about the coroner's reports
View attachment 1581802
This whole Coroner’s Report nonsense just highlights something about Jack and her pathological lying that I’ve always found it difficult to get my head around. It never seems to occur to her that when she’s bullshitting about something, whether it’s applying for a mortgage, paying her taxes, being diagnosed with autism or reading Coroner’s reports, that people who have actual experience of these things will know that she’s lying. She never does her research, and then makes a tit out of herself by claiming things that can’t possibly be true, such as being diagnosed with autism by your GP/Educational Psychologist (neither of whom are qualified to diagnose autism) or claiming to have access to reports she has no legal rights to see. It never seems to occur to her that other people have done the things she boasts about.

I’ve always thought that Jack lies like a child, as she just wildly exaggerates with no thought for how credible it sounds. She seems to think everyone else is incredibly stupid. Basically what I’m saying is I can’t work out if her lying is coming from a place of grandiose narcissism where she thinks she’s so much cleverer than everyone else (and this is borne out by the fact that she always doubles down and is outraged by even the most gentle challenge or question) or she’s just really, really thick.
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Anyone who thinks they can’t watch it, trust me-you have to see it to believe it. And hear it. She has truly surpassed the most cringeworthy thing you’ve ever seen in your life by a country mile.
The faux American singing voice. The head shaking defiance. Oh god it’s just priceless on so many levels
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Grunking from my last post - I was the poster who asked for the provenance of pumble and see that pumble/slopbot (which I actually haven't seen, I don't think!) found its way to Twitter shortly after that. I just want to say that it absolutely wasn't my doing. I'm on Twitter but have a very public job (not blue tick/sleb, but think entertainment industry behind-the-scenes type) so I am very, very careful with my likes and RTs let alone actual tweets. I stay firmly away from Jack and the squigs on that hellsite.

I can't provide six lever-arch files full of evidence to prove that it wasn't me (I guess no-one can), and being a 'new member' I'm sure helps to raise suspicions, but I just wanted to put that on record!

Now fuck off! xx
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Yes it means to triangulate. Cos all the grifters reckon they can triangulate everyone from here.
they can’t.
My absolute BEST EVER favourite use of 🔺is when it’s used for things that really aren’t, like “I walked past a horse this morning”.

And in the spirit of same, it’s currently very hot and sunny here 🔺
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Is it just me or is Martin definitely subtweeting Jack here?

I squiggled who he is quote tweeting as not a blue tick even though he's a journalist and former editor of the Sun :sick:

View attachment 1580422
There are a very small number of responses, but three are specifically about Jack, one of which is tagging her in. Edit to clarify these are all different people, I just squigged in same colour because I’m EXHAUSTED.
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I've never seen someone with no desire for fame take so many selfies bigging themselves up.
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This was in a thread about Jack. Squiggled account is a big one that recently experienced the flying monkeys.

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❄❄❄ Cold tonight
Why has she Facetuned and done LJC knows what to that pic to make her look so oddly out of proportion? Is she going for a Hobbit look

Also “jumper fashioned into a dress with 10 safety pins”? Nice one, Liz Hurley.

Plus, posting bollox and lies on Twitter from 2.33am to 3am is not work. Nor is getting up at 430am to travel to work. Therefore, your workday has not been 23 hours, you prat.
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Hun me too, my coffee went down the wrong way - I’m coughing and laughing so hard I need to go sit on the loo!

also she did this 2 hours ago? Is she staying another night, what time is checkout at this fancy place?
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