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Just got in from work, feet up on the sofa with a glass of wine and a JM thread catch-up. Living a life beyond my wildest dreams. I never could have imagined this could happen to little old me #blessed
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Just to let you guys know, if you don't already, that the best fun to be had is in the quote tweets.

Over 16k followers -

Screenshot 2022-09-16 at 08.21.06.png

Almost 23k followers, lots of lols in the replies -

Screenshot 2022-09-16 at 08.22.29.png
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I know for a fact that DWP, being under a prevention of death order, took each of those deaths, put them to the departments who had interactions with the person in their last few months and *forensically* examined what could be done better. Not all deaths were starvation, Jack is wrong. A lot were suicides related to us not IDing distress, one was even a homicide.

I know because without saying too much I was involved in this. The person who's death that my department had interactions with was from DV, and we went so far as in bringing in a Prof from Cambridge to independently assess our whole process to see where we could have ID'd risk to that person. Chances are we couldn't have prevented the death as the person didn't disclose, but their death is included on the report Jack is referencing. Wholescale change was implemented. Its frankly repugnant that she suggests we have 'suppressed' or 'ignored it'.

BTW we dont even have the coroners report.
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Jack, you can't cook and claim you can feed a family for £20 a week.

What are food tech lessons like these days? Mine (year 7-9) were making cookies, sandwiches and salads. GCSE was entirely desserts. I obviously don't love the "poor people just don't know how to cook" narrative but if parents don't have the time/money then it would be helpful for kids to learn to make actual meals in school.

Screenshot 2022-09-15 142649.png
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Jelly Bean

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I expect you could just ask the Beeb nicely as a 'fan' if she'd been/ was being considered, tbh.
I just sent it in, was very matter of fact and didn't go into any details. Just asked if she had ever been asked to appear on any series.
How gutted will I be if they reply 'yes we've asked her numerous times but she always graciously turns us down' 😂
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I just sent it in, was very matter of fact and didn't go into any details. Just asked if she had ever been asked to appear on any series.
How gutted will I be if they reply 'yes we've asked her numerous times but she always graciously turns us down' 😂
There's a certain kudos to be had for being the frau who caught Jack telling the truth.
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Quoting myself like a ninny to add that the whole reason I found out about Jack’s grifting was because my mother worked as a DWP manager during lockdown and is an avid Twitter fan. She said to me during the Rishi Mate saga “That Jack Monroe is a chancer” because she knew what Jack was saying about furlough couldn’t possibly be true, because she was implementing the furlough rules every day.

Someone mentioned upthread that there seems to be a lot of Civil Service Fraus and personally I think it’s because people who work in the Civil Service are intelligent, analytical and know how the world works. They can spot bullshitters from miles away.
With almost 1/4 of a century in the CS, I’d say this is largely accurate. I spent a decade and a half at DWP, some of that during the time of the poverty. I can smell the lingering honk that comes off Jack’s tale a mile off.
I’ve seen poverty. Poverty that goes from generation to generation. I’ve seen people in desperate situations, doing desperate things for money, includingshaving their child’s head and pretending they had cancer to attempt to claim DLA and Carers Allowance and I’ve never come across anyone who had to switch off their hot water completely whilst having a child in the house. Never come across anyone selling lightbulbs or their child’s toy.
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Amanda Lin

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Circling back to this:


“Famously “ 😂

Who does she think she is? A canal of fraus laughing about your lever arch files does not make you famous pal.

Although at this point I even suspect the millions of receipts are a lie.
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This whole Coroner’s Report nonsense just highlights something about Jack and her pathological lying that I’ve always found it difficult to get my head around. It never seems to occur to her that when she’s bullshitting about something, whether it’s applying for a mortgage, paying her taxes, being diagnosed with autism or reading Coroner’s reports, that people who have actual experience of these things will know that she’s lying. She never does her research, and then makes a tit out of herself by claiming things that can’t possibly be true, such as being diagnosed with autism by your GP/Educational Psychologist (neither of whom are qualified to diagnose autism) or claiming to have access to reports she has no legal rights to see. It never seems to occur to her that other people have done the things she boasts about.

I’ve always thought that Jack lies like a child, as she just wildly exaggerates with no thought for how credible it sounds. She seems to think everyone else is incredibly stupid. Basically what I’m saying is I can’t work out if her lying is coming from a place of grandiose narcissism where she thinks she’s so much cleverer than everyone else (and this is borne out by the fact that she always doubles down and is outraged by even the most gentle challenge or question) or she’s just really, really thick.
Quoting myself like a ninny to add that the whole reason I found out about Jack’s grifting was because my mother worked as a DWP manager during lockdown and is an avid Twitter fan. She said to me during the Rishi Mate saga “That Jack Monroe is a chancer” because she knew what Jack was saying about furlough couldn’t possibly be true, because she was implementing the furlough rules every day.

Someone mentioned upthread that there seems to be a lot of Civil Service Fraus and personally I think it’s because people who work in the Civil Service are intelligent, analytical and know how the world works. They can spot bullshitters from miles away.
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Squig not backing down about the coroner's reports
View attachment 1581802
My grandad actually died from starvation. It wasn’t because he was poor, it was because he had a heart attack and was in hospital but got hugely depressed and refused food. He basically shut down and wouldn’t listen to anyone. Sadly, my dad did the same thing-refused food, although he didn’t die of starvation officially. If some moron like Jack used that as clout or for some shitty book I would be incandescent. People are complex-how on earth does she know the exact circumstances of every one of those people if indeed she does have coroner’s reports?
Using other people’s tragedy for your own gain is despicable.
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i managed to catch a tweet the fastest i’ve ever caught before and now it’s deleted

it’s made me cry

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Never has my username been more apt 😨 I'm not well enough to be seeing her catflap or deliciously squishy body. Expect to hear from my pro bono lawyer you thirsty creeper.
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