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7k followers. This popped up organically on my feed. I don't follow or interact at all with any Jack content or this poster. A lot of likes for anti JM posts. This would have been unheard of until recently.

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Mr Krabs

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He'll have the "what the fuck have I done with my life and what is that lingering honk?" look, prolonged exposure to Jack gives people.
And you may ask yourself “what is this lingering honk?”
And you may ask yourself “where is my forever home?”
And you may tell yourself “this is not my shitty bungalow!”

OK, that’s enough of that.
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The squig she threatened to sue definitely didn’t get a letter but his employer did. No wonder people guard their identity. If I remember rightly he mentioned snowy weather in Southend

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Jack, you can't cook and claim you can feed a family for £20 a week.

What are food tech lessons like these days? Mine (year 7-9) were making cookies, sandwiches and salads. GCSE was entirely desserts. I obviously don't love the "poor people just don't know how to cook" narrative but if parents don't have the time/money then it would be helpful for kids to learn to make actual meals in school.

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I've ranted about Jack's lack of nuance in discussing this before so I won't repeat the whole thing, but here she is over simplifying the issue again.

Of course "poor people can't cook" is a bad take if it's left at that, but if you explore it properly it does uncover some genuine issues. Poor people aren't unable to cook because they're stupid or lazy, but as a demographic they really do have fewer opportunities to learn cooking (or any other skill!) because they are the people whose parents or other mentors are most likely to be working multiple jobs/too disabled to demo things/unable to read English etc. Offering lessons in school for cookery and other life skills would go some way towards addressing this.

Recognising that socioeconomic status impacts on our ability to learn is important, and is exactly the sort of thing that should be covered within Jack's "niche".

Jack is all about nuance when it comes to defending her own reputation, but doesn't acknowledge it all when it comes to engaging in difficult conversations about other people. Makes you think that she's a selfish cunt.

Edit- sorry I think I lied and did, in fact, repeat the whole rant. The rage took over 😂
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"Quiet guidance off the record" very convenient for anyone asking her about why the ONS FOI request only shows one meeting
Government doesn't do 'off the record' in the way she thinks. Emails, calendar entries in senior people's diaries, meetings: if she thinks it's 'off the record' it isn't. FOI requests usually result in an instruction going to staff 🔺 to search their inboxes/calendars etc for, in this case, 'Jack Monroe' - they're required to turn in any results and the FOI team will decide what is releasable. MAYBE she thinks WhatsApping a director or director general level contact (SCS2 and SCS3) is off the record but I believe many Departments do advise staff that WhatsApp messages from official devices are also fair game under FOI.

I don't see a high flying civil servant at the ONS or anywhere else in Whitehall hiding the fact she's been softly, gently speaking to them on numerous occasions over many months. Why would they. Ergo, it's bollocks!
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It really ruffles my feathers when she uses the word “thankless”

She is one of the most regularly ‘thanked’ people on Twitter by a long way. Not to mention the patreon subscribers and the book buyers and the tip jar fillers. It’s incredibly rude to ignore these tangible examples of thanks.

Her patreon subscribers are the thankless ones.
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Brian Butterfield

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Also, re the “celebrity community” distancing themselves from Jack Monroe. My take from the below is that Mom has finally gently, softly backed away.

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I was there and I have forensic … notes
Quoting myself like a ninny..
I have checked what she said: she talked about the origins of the VBI and how she’d underestimated the task, but was thankful to have the ONS doing a lot of her ‘homework’ for her
and her actual quote was
“The press like to paint us as if we’re at loggerheads with each other but we have weekly Teams meetings, it’s lovely”
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I'm confused as to what Jack's role in all this was. Did all the charities have a Tinder profile detailing what they did and then Jack just had one with a picture of her on a sideboard saying "all my recipes are free online"? Or was she assisting the tech bros pick the lucky winners? Either way I can't see the point of her being there.
Sounds more like it was an idea rather than an actual thing? WFK.

Oh and re Soho farmhouse - it's members only and costs around £1,500 a year. Its very exclusive as in it excludes people who are a)poor and b) don't fit the "profile" of the stype of member they want. Obv jack is there as an invited guest but it does make you question her "socialist" credentials if of the 1% of work opportunities she chooses to accept the one held somewhere like that.
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The saddest thing about these selfies is just thinking about the process. "Ok, put phone here, hmm, yes I'm in it. Ok, set the timer, that's it, ok so now I pose. Look coy, shy, smile but not too much, ok 2..1.. right, that looks ok. I need to post this and make it look like I'm doing lots of important things, now to go to sleep alone"
It's really very sad. I have never in my life taken a selfie like this but then I haven't had to project an image of myself which isn't true.
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Slightly OT in terms of current discourse (non burger related and non Lenin/Marx related).. but it was reading the JM threads that I realised a now ex-friend of mind is exactly like Madame. Constant need for validation from internet strangers, multiple 'chaoses' (she actually calls them that as well) and general unreliability, fake health conditions that she's internet researched "I have an EPI pen"... as someone who genuinely has a litany of serious health conditions this is my own particular aneurysm. I wouldn't wish any of my health conditions on anyone, why anybody would pretend to have arthritis etc is beyond me. This friend did a Jack on me and trolled me on social media, then denied it, then blocked me on everything?! Her constant 'poor me' attitude when I was going through some of the worst times of my life was just too much to bear and her selfishness became very apparent. At first I thought of her as quite a sweet, slightly pitiable person who found life hard, but actually I think there's real manipulation there.
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I keep laughing at this thread title.

One of my favourite things about these threads is the absolutely insane things that you think MUST have been made up as a joke, turn out to be literal Things That Jack Monroe Has Tweeted.

Like "that's not my fanny".
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