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That Forensic Man

VIP Member
Just checked my American edition of WaPo--she's not in there today and hasn't been in there since 2018. We are too busy wondering what Grifter-in-Chief Donald Trump is doing in DC today. Perhaps been called before a grand jury (we can only hope). Jack must be in the UK edition.
"You’re in the Washington Post this morning!"
"Today’s recipe"
"Dec 10, 2018"

What the 🤷‍♀️

ETA oh dear


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Out of curiosity I opened a creator's patreon account (send cashos). It's extremely easy to pause your billing cycle, literally two clicks. She's an absolute arsehole not to have paused it 18 months ago or whatever it is. She's robbing a living.
Especially after Nigella doubled her subscriber numbers back in January; she knew full well she hadn't provided a single benefit or update for over 12 months by then, and seeing so many new subscribers pledge to "support her vital work" didn't give what passes for her conscience enough of a prod to even post a simple welcome/thank you message. Anyone with an ounce of decency or responsibility would have got their shit together and put measures in place to ensure people got what they were paying for well before that point, not just ignore all questions and get snippy with anyone who dared ask where their bonuses were.

I've posted about this before, but one of the creators I used to support suspended subscriber payments for several months when she had personal problems that meant she couldn't deliver what patrons were being promised, and I'm reasonably confident most other creators do the same in similar situations. That Jack can not only look at herself in the mirror, but continue to somehow portray herself as a victim in the situation (waaaah, no admin support) absolutely grates my mushrooms.
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Ahahahhaha my reputation and reliability ahahahahaha. How many radio shows did she just not show up for this year??
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On the Google executive summit - it’s a PR/marketing event they’ll invite big accounts to (eg Unilever) to wine and dine them to ensure another year of £xx spend with Google, it’s not anything to do with the head honchos steering Google will be at it’ll just be sleazy account managers making increasingly banal small talk with marketing managers who’ve attended. It’s not even organised in house, they outsource it to a third party agency, who’ll be the dumb dumbs that hired Jack.

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So she has alphabet pastry cutters to add to the clutter/tat pile. My god, the hoarding in that place must be outrageous!

The lovey Trifle Defender has also shared the promo for spices to be purchased for prisoners. Which proves, yet again, that she is a wholly decent and wonderful being and way WAY nicer than me - because I sure as shit wouldn’t be sharing it as it has been set up by one of Jacks biggest fans and flag wavers. To the point I had to unfollow her, which was a shame because, minus the overly zealous Jackolyte nonsense, she was a good Twitter follow but I have zero tolerance for the Jack fan club now.
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Didn't a Frau speculate that a family member may have been volunteered into living with Jack to minimise chaosi - could the mystery pie bear the moniker "BRO"
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Fraus, is it OK to veto buying a specific fridge because I know that

Why you sob?
Russell Hobb

Will creep into my mind every time I look at it?

OH considers this an unreasonable condition to place on the purchase of white goods. Send fridgeos. Go well, ninnies x
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Mad to think that only a couple of weeks ago she was completely and utterly heartbroken, eating cat biscuits and sharing it on her professional social media account.
Ah but that was before she did a six hour sex with a man. Alas we on Tattle shall never understand this as we have never known lurve, are all enraged virgins, have no partners, friends or family and exist solely to undermine the good works of the ickle charidee pixie. If only we could be as happy and fulfilled as Jack.
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Helena Handbasket

Chatty Member

Luckily the drink is so revolting you’d never hold down the questionable combo of meds she’s chucked on top. And a Jakemans chaser because they’re disgusting aswell. Have a Strepsil Jack you fanny.
Next time I have a sore throat I’m going to carry on like this at work and see how long it takes for someone to stuff me in a cupboard.
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Chatty Member
I've said it before but it is as if knowledge just bounces off her. I think it's partly her self obsession in that she cannot relate to anything that doesn't directly benefit her in some way.
Morning all,
I call people like this "corks" they float through life absorbing absolutely nothing.☹
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waffle maker

VIP Member
It’s like Piccadilly Circus in that bungalow with boys and housemates and big cars and dogs and burgers and bubble buddies and woodcutters and people leaving shoes behind and soap on the doorstep.

I’m pretty sure the housemate’s name is Bread.
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Five hundred dogs

VIP Member
If she could marry into relative wealth (meaning someone willing to support her in the style to which she would love to become accustomed), her craving for attention and praise would still persist. I imagine she would continue to live on social media and perform illness and "specialness."
I’m sure what she wants is the life she had with Allegra, being part of the London lefty media crowd with an Uber wealthy partner to keep her in sideboards and floral boiler suits while she dicks about writing the odd column and have a book published every couple of years so she can pretend she works for a living. Instead she’s stuck in Southend with an increasingly diminishing number of high profile supporters, not poor but not minted enough to spunk money in the way she’d like, getting a bit old to be a trophy wife with a career that’s sliding down the pan and heading for a life more ordinary. She’s genuinely in a hell of her own making and doesn’t even know it. If she wasn’t such a cunt I’d feel sorry for her.
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i mean, the condom machine thing is actually fake. but it just goes to show that

1. there is clearly no limit to the lunacy this country is exhibiting atm so it does seem plausible

2. jack's really fucking thick
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I'm saying this because I know you'll all know what I mean and in the safe knowledge that you all know I'm not being offensive to anyone except... Well, you know.

This 'pie'
View attachment 1569380
If your 7 year old kid came.rushing home with this pie they Home economics, you'd be thrilled to pieces right?
"Aww Jack, you've even put your name on it and some stars"

If, however, someone you didn't know but was obviously over the age of 30.
If they proudly handed it to you... you'd be worried she'd been eating the wax crayons wouldn't you?
BH’s (better half 🤢) pie she hasn’t so much as pushed the pastry to the edges. Also not blind baked the pastry, so it’ll have a soggy bottom. Is it just me or do they look less like pies and more like little tartlets? They look about 7-8cms across and maybe 2cms deep…. Either way, the oversharing never fails to make me feel deeply uncomfortable. Poor SB. Constant new lovers 🤢 in and out of his life and his home, it would be seen as disgusting if it was anyone else. Why does nobody who supports her pick up on this?
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So 1. Her (not teenage) “teenage son” has been going to school twelve and a half years-so since his birth? and 2. She’s claiming to still be taking her twelve and a half year old son to the school gates?

Jack, I know you spout lies like Old Faithful spouts boiling water, but you could at least try to make them vaguely feasible.

Also, I have just been chatting on the WhatsApp group of all of the Americans and there is universal consensus. We don’t want you.
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