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Dear Frauen and Herren,

Been on (rather in the midst) of a very intense training course this week; I feel like Jack has infiltrated my psyche somewhat as when asked who inspires me most in life I had a verbal expulsion and said "Jamie Oliver".

Training manager was not impressed.
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It could, if in her own blog posts she didn’t write about “living paycheck to paycheck” and going to the “bathroom” instead of toilet/loo/lav/bog whatever.

Also, living rough means exactly the same thing in American as it does in the UK. If you ask me, she’s just a heckin’ big liar, y’all.

ETA loving the performative pantry from the WP article tho. Gooseberry, Pease Pudding and Pilchard ‘Surprise’ anyone?!
View attachment 1562618
Pease pudding hot
Pease pudding cold
Pease pudding, prune and pilchard stew in the slow cooker
Nine days old
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I've just re-realised while adding the link to the photo of her sofa that I have the same cushion as her.
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I’ve been doing some searching on the Lee Anderson thing. I actually watched it unfold that weekend but didn’t have the common sense to screenshot anything.
A few tweets are still up and I’ve copied them but here’s what I know is missing. Hopefully someone will have them Or know where copies exist

Jacks original tweet asking for money.
The tweet where a squig said she should donate anything she got to foodbanks and She said she was fed up giving everything and she deserved something for herself (I’m paraphrasing obviously). I’ve got the tweet where she said she’d get her forever home, it’s still up.
tweets were she was counting the video views. Theres two that I can find but there were LOTS.
The tweet where she said she’d donate the money to charity if her lawyer was working pro bono.
Tweets of Squigs reposting her PayPal
The tweets about crack teams of paralegals. some have been deleted.
The tweet where she asked Squigs to scour the internet for mention of the video and send it to her.
tweets of Squigs asking dissenters if they owned a nice house (there were lots of those too)

Id just like to see a timeline laid down for that weekend I’ve never forgiven myself for not taking screenshots. Ridiculously, it never crossed my mind they’d be deleted. I’ve never made that mistake again
Thanks Fraus x

Mods delete if not an appropriate request
this one?

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As others have already said there’s a huge outbuilding space, the garage and the sitting room all available for sorting stuff. There’s also space to shift work stuff into her bedroom and on the landing, or use one of the hallways for whatever she calls work (tweeting) It’s beyond nonsense and would indicate SB being barely there, except someone on here said he’s there more than it seems. That could’ve changed though, because for someone so disorganised , she seems able to flit about at the drop of a hat.

The apology to the tweeter about chocolate and diabetes didn’t read like Jack’s words to me and was out of sync with how she was expressing herself.
My last flat was tiny. It had a tiny entrance hall barely bigger than a cupboard, a decent sized living room/kitchen combined and one smallish bedroom. I had to sort everything for moving, deciding what I was chucking and what I was taking. I took one room at a time, shoved everything down to one end of the room and set up a bag and box system. Boxes for stuff that was moving, bags for the bin and for charity. I would have loved more space and a special sorting room but I didn't have it so made the best of what I had. I'm not a hoarder but do have a tendency to shove stuff in cupboards/wardrobes/drawers and forget about it until it gets in my way so do accumulate more crap than I should. I appreciate Jack has a bigger space and way more crap than I've ever managed to stockpile but if she tried breaking the task down into chunks and taking one small bit at a time it would become easy. I don't want to be a positive thinking wank but it does come in handy when you're trying to move forwards in life.

This performance about using fewer rooms, sleeping on the couch and turfing SB out his room is just the usual Jack playing the martyr in the hope that someone will step in and save smol pixie from one bed flat hell. I've no idea if it's for the paypigs, Big Dave or some other IRL person we're not aware of but it's embarrassing and anyone who can't see through it deserves fleeced.

Just a speculative thing that occurs about the one bed flat, if it is a Big Dave property, might it be possible they've suggested to Jack that they'll help her get a one bed flat and give SB one of the spare rooms at their place so Jack can see him there and even stay over herself when seeing SB? They must be worried by her behaviour and it would let them keep more of an eye on her if she's visiting them to see SB. I'm sure his dad would feel very reassured by an arrangement like this and it would be nice for SB to spend more time with his family as he's approaching the time when teenagers tend to drift away a bit.
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Tabitha D

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Cheers @GrannyOgg

There is no way on earth that Fox and Daubney will back down and I wouldn't be surprised if they've agreed to look after Anderson in terms of fees as he's potentially the weakest link in terms of coming under pressure from his party to drop it and knowing he's at risk of not being re-elected come 2024 so might see it as worth settling for financial reasons. Reclaim seems to be pretty well financed and they'd easily raise funds were they to go down the crowdfunder route. There's a lot of money in online culture warring. I strongly suspect she's lying about the letters but we shall see. She has until May 13th 2023 to take action, so if the silence continues after that date we'll know nothing came of it. From memory I think it was just one tweet soliciting paypal donations but I could be wrong.
She hasn’t really got a leg to stand on though, because she herself played a massive role in amplifying the alleged “libel”. If she found Lee’s tweet libellous, the very last thing she should have done was keep retweeting it to her 500,000+ followers, saying “look at this”, because that meant Lee’s tweet got a much bigger audience.
Especially when that was accompanied by a narrative along the lines of what a nice big house she’d be able to buy even it goes to court. That’s hardly going to impress a judge, is it.
Never underestimate just how profoundly thick she is.
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I am delighted to win the honour of a thread title and am now looking up old school teachers to have a very long last laugh at. Yes, needless to say Jenny Numbers triumphed over everyone I made up in my head who told me I'd never amount to anything and to shut my legs.

Paypalos and cashos to the usual places

I now have a pro bono lawyer and the protection of Celebrity Squad. Warned!
I think you should screengrab the title and email it to all those people who doubted you would ever make it. Maybe make a poster of it, put it outside your old school and go and stand outside looking it as the teachers come out. Well done Jen, you do so much - you’re one of the good ones 🥰
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Jack's liked this post, which refers to her as "a disabled person with mental health issues".

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As ever it begs the question, what checks have they made on the people criticising Jack to see what their physical and mental health is like and how much push back they're able to handle without it affecting their condition(s)? Or are they just weaponsing disability and bad mental health to defend someone they like. I do know the answer here but I'm just curious as to how they decide who is worthy of compassion and who isn't.
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This came up on my Instagram explore page. The page has 21k followers so I hope it’s ok to share. Bristol based (where Jack just was) random shite in a lasagne (what Jack’s just suggested). Really made me think.
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Is she sleeping on the sofa a try and up the patreon numbers again or squeeze a few more PayPal donations? As I can’t see why she’s doing it other than sympathy, what with there being a perfectly usable bed in the spare/sort room. Given she has far more space than most why does she need multiple rooms to sort her crap out? Why move it about? If you pick something up you must know if you want it or not.

If I was housemate I’d be most upset if half the downstairs was filled with junk and Jack was dramatically draped on the sofa failing to sleep due to her two imaginary friends in ICU, rage tweeting.

Thank goodness she has the occasional booty call from the absolutely not married and totally does exist fresh love in her life, who is happy to walk through piles of shite late in the evening, guided only by the glow of solar bulbs, to give Jack one on the sofa covered in dog hairs or on her son’s bed surrounded by Lego Star Wars figures.

Living the dream. It’s a shame none of those jobs she applied for got back to her. After chicken liver and black pudding lasagne, making a Big Mac would be a doddle, surely?
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Taken from another thread
When your grandkids ask you what you were doing when you heard the Queen had died

Err slagging off Jack Monroe and laughing at her being the voice of Asda cheap beans
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There was a post in the last thread about the 90% vegan thing I wanted to reply to, but then the thread was locked - I know I described myself as "80-90% vegan" but i was being sarcastic, comparing myself to Jack. i would never describe myself that way in reality, bc i'm not vegan nor trying to be. i do eat mostly vegetarian, mostly to save money, but please don't think i'm one of those obnoxious people who goes around co-opting labels that don't belong to me🫣
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She’s a passive aggressive cunt.

The fucking railroad track?
she writes herself like a character in a Johnny Cash song. (I love JC, for the record).
I absolutely cannot figure out how people see her being aggressive and aggy all day on Twitter and then think “oh I’ll send her some money”.
She is so genuinely unlikeable.
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I've been digging.

The bit from A Girl Called Jack made it into one Edexcel/Pearson mock paper and Hunger Hurts was on one AQA foundation paper (which imo says something about her writing). I can't find any mention of I Can't Open My Front Door being on anything anywhere as Jack claims. No trace of anything anywhere since 2015.

As for her saying “the books, writing and poetry I learned for GCSE, are still with me – Blackberrying by Plath, Of Mice And Men, Lord of the Flies, Shakespeare, etc. I’m a bit blown away, to be honest." - will someone please tell her the difference between English lit and language?
Thanks for these, the mark scheme for the mock is hilarious. I genuinely think they’re taking the piss. Kids have to find similarities and differences: text 1 is about some poor guy away at war & text 2 is Jack exaggerating. Just look at the shade (btw Jack, if you’re reading, THIS is that inference you have so much trouble with. I’ll spell it out-kids were invited to look at how easy your exaggerated bollocks is to genuine hardship. For example, away at war vs living somewhere smaller. How embarrassing)


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View attachment 1561625

Oh squig, if Jack Monroe was in my kitchen menacing me with five courses I would never run out of things to moan about though I'd probably prioritse shooing her out with my big garden brush and safely and responsibly disposing of any slops. I garden for wildlife and there are a lot of birdos and animalos who could be harmed by carelessly tossed slop.
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Sorry to go on but I’ve seen a lot of talk on the Cursed Bird app about Tattle and us.
Id just say this to our detractors, Molly and others have used Tattle wiki as the basis for their expose of Monroe. Without the Fraus, none of this would be happening.
I’m not knocking them at all, I’m grateful for what they are doing, but it’s Fraus who have captured it all, winnowed it, weighed it and wrote it all up. We are still doing it. It’s no accident no one mentions the Anderson chaos its because it’s not in our Wiki.
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