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Is it me, or does the “I warn you not to be ordinary” jarr? I warn you to be ordinary would work better, no?
It was a grand speech though. The Welsh are among some of the finest orators in the world. They can make language soar.
Then theres Jack, who is neither Welsh, a socialist nor has she any feeling for language at all.
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Jack Monroe: “The Poors, do you want to eat some of my delicious home- cooked vile slop recipes?”

Also, this is a new one on me. She “lived for a year” on this fascinatingly limited diet? Was this when she was riding the railroad tracks “living rough” in a boxcar as a hobo?

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Remind me what Madge did to you?

when she was taking a tour of the country to launch the intercity 225, a bunch of us from school were chosen to stand around in the station for when she got off the train for a walkabout. my mam gave me a bunch of lilies to give her. i did a really nice curtsey and presented liz with said lilies and she just went, "oh, more flowers" and went on her way. i became a republican in that moment.

may she rest in peace.

and, tbf, she did get a *lot* of flowers
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As ever it begs the question, what checks have they made on the people criticising Jack to see what their physical and mental health is like and how much push back they're able to handle without it affecting their condition(s)? Or are they just weaponsing disability and bad mental health to defend someone they like. I do know the answer here but I'm just curious as to how they decide who is worthy of compassion and who isn't.
I often wonder how those who she attacks and are piled on cope. Some, probably most, will be fine. Others will not. You could be forgiven for thinking that only Jacks feelings matter and only her MH is worth protecting.
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eh, i know i tell it every time the queen's mentioned on these threads (and tbh, it won't be for much longer), but that bitch was rude to me when i was seven!
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Apologies if this is way too off-topic but just read this by Kerry Hudson (an actual working class writer):

A matter-of-fact laying out of some of the barriers to social mobility for the working classes. Advice and guidance on what is now possible. A message of hope that you don’t need to be defined by former limitations. It touches on so many of the things that Jack writes about (wanting the security of owning a home/ regret over incomplete education) yet is refreshingly different from Jack’s incessant and inauthentic doom-mongering. She could (and should) learn from this.
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Honestly, pics or Dublin didn't happen.

This is the person who bleats on twitter constantly about the most inane crap, and she loves a good travel story - from agonising shoulder pain to begging strangers for pringles lids. Are we seriously to believe the airline staff didn't sidle up to her whispering thanks for all you do, and then everyone on the plane clapped?
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When my eldest was at his old school. There were two kids who were neglected by their mum, ( she was bad into drugs) a while later she lost them to social services. The children all had different dads and one dad didnt live local, so his grandma took the child in.

A while later i was chatting to the grandma at the gate( we had been talking for a while) and she told me, just bad things were for the kids. She also said the youngest had been refered to her as feral by social workers. That broke my heart as she was very little. Anyhoo we left shortly after and i havent seen her much since. I often think of those kids. No child should be referred to as feral, they are children who likely have had a hard life.
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I think you should screengrab the title and email it to all those people who doubted you would ever make it. Maybe make a poster of it, put it outside your old school and go and stand outside looking it as the teachers come out. Well done Jen, you do so much - you’re one of the good ones 🥰
I'm just sorry the old branch of Shoprite I worked was demolished to make way for flats some years ago. I would have enjoyed last laughing the staff in that particular hellhole. That said I could spend the day informing the residents of the flats that they live on the site of a great injustice before sharing my inspiring story with them.
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Found this in the past threads.
I am not an attack animal by nature
Just call me Granny Gobsmacked from now on.
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The way the FMs looked up parking guy’s corporate accounts and posted his name within seconds of him asking Saint Jack a question was utterly unhinged.

They really scare me
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i have a burning question, why hasnt she slept because her friends are in ICU. I mean if she lept her phone handy they could call her if something happened? What can she do? She is not a dr. So it was pointless her staying awake.
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