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VIP Member
I’d quite like to hear from him on this, pal.
It's OK, Jack says he accepted her apology and she literally can't lie.
Screenshot 2022-08-30 at 11.38.32.png

She's also followed him, presumably to keep an eye on his responses to the people who showed him solidarity last night.
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My county council awarded me a certificate as a County Scholar for getting top marks at a level but I had and have no idea why. It seemed odd and I've never told anyone except now. It seems hilarious to boast about how well you did at school, especially at preGCSE level. Ooooh, I got the headmaster's award for chess club at infant school. Must go tweet about it.
One of my kids got a certificate in primary one for most improved forward roll (this caused myself, husband and family and friends much hilarity after of course praising the little darling). Must keep it for his CV in the future
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If I was doing this 🔺 I would personally go with a human interest hook, by getting in touch with the people who've felt ripped off and let down by Jack, and start unpacking it from there. I think the risk is, as Katie demonstrated, that it can all seem a bit dry and so-what. The bottom line defence from her hardcore monkeys is 'what if Jack is a millionaire, she does so much good anyway'. What you need is an answer to the 'so-what' - and I think normal, struggling people who've been exploited by her financially answers that question.
Exactly what I would do. You would genuinely have to start with people who'd donated to the kickstarter, not recieved their books and been gaslit. People who were targetted by the FMs on Twitter. People donating to Patreon and not recieving anything. People who gave her money at the start of lockdown only to feel puzzled when she announced a big TV gig a few weeks later. People on benefits who gave her the little they had, only to see her tweeting about designer clothes and holidays.

You would find a few people willing to speak out, on the record (this part would be crucial for a Jack expose imho) and then wrap it into a wider piece about SM grifting and poverty cosplay. And about how it took rampant inflation and a threatened recession, plus the greater empowerment of working class voices over the past 5 - 6 years, for peeps to start claling her out.

Maybe a little bit exploring Nigella's role in HH2 - HH2 would have to get a big airing because it's just so egregious.

You could get Kirsty Stricklan to give some side commentary.

There you go, journos - you're welcome.
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I'm sorry, does she realise that she's responding to a thread where she claims that most of the work she does is for free

Screenshot 2022-08-30 at 13.18.11.png

And a minute later she's responding to a thread in which she says she doesn't do 'unpaid labour'?

Screenshot 2022-08-30 at 13.18.57.png

Like what the hell is going on? She's arguing against herself each time. Can't she remember what she said moments ago?
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👑 behaviour - bringing in more and more women to exclusive hard-to-find opportunities - have we ever seen Jack so much as tweet about someone else’s work? Unless it’s to position herself to soak up the paid media work for it?

I guess this is the difference between people that live tweet getting shagged in exchange for a burger & then ditched at 3am and those that….. don’t 🤭
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90's grunge queen? Could somebody who had a screenshot of blond haired average teenage Jack in that shiny pink dress repost it please?
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Chatty Member
In other news, I just stumbled across this by chance. Not sure who the person is or what their situation is but a nice reminder for JM that is isn't difficult to just be transparent, honest, thoughtful.

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Right, so... *checks notes*
six hour shagathon = public tweets
apologies for a pile-on YOU STARTED = private DMs

What an absolute weapon.
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Recap: Jack Monroe abuses vulnerable person with physical and learning disabilities. Jack Monroe leaves her abuse of this disabled person up for hours so her fans can abuse him too. Jack Monroe thinks banging on about buying a beach hut is more important than apologising to the disabled person she abused. Jack Monroe then centres herself in her apology for abusing this disabled person so her flying monkeys can blow smoke up her arse and give her money.
Jack also couldn't be arsed writing the apology herself and had to get a grown up to do it for her to copy and paste. She also informed us she'd been at some sort of AA meeting as if the last few days haven't happened and it had any relevance to her choice to indulge in bullying behaviour. She still hasn't told anyone what she did with the rest of the Teemill money, Patreon Squigs remain out of pocket, she still can't cook and is currently a Twitter laughing stock, though the loyal squigs remain willing to drink the Kool Aid.
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Cannot tell you how relieved I was to see no Sex Jack on my morning catch up.

Im predicting some kind of woe is me thread today as she's clearly run out of sniff and is crashing hard.
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Jelly Bean

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I wish her moronic followers would stop telling her 'well everyone makes mistakes and how amazing you were to correct it'. It wasn't a mistake. She wrote an abusive, foul mouthed message, read it again, thought it was acceptable and sent it to someone (whose original tweet was incredibly inoffensive). The intention was to be upsetting. The fact the recipient has disabilities is almost beside the point. Nobody should be at the end of that, made worse by the fact the sender has over half a million followers who have proved their willingness to join in the abuse time and time again.
And now her sanctimonious 'we've spoken, he's OK and has lots of support' with such largesse.
*If* she did speak to the poor bloke it was no doubt a monologue of all the death threats she gets and how exhausted she is in her nasal monotone. And she was only sussing out if he wanted to go to the media with it. 'Poverty hero Jack Monroe's foul mouthed rant at man with a learning disability' probably isn't the headline she wanted.
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Chatty Member
I think the biggest problem with Katie's piece is that when you present only the facts (as AM did very successfully, in my opinion) those facts need to be 100% correct. No errors, no typos, etc. A long list of sources means very little when some of those sources are possible troll accounts. I think if a similar piece had been published in defense of JM, we would have ripped it to pieces.

Anyway, any journo who is thinking about publishing a piece, for the love of god, just send it to @colouredlines first for fact checking.

Jack's timelines are incredibly confusing and it doesn't surprise me that anyone fairly new to the grift might get lost in the weeds. I've been here since the beginning (different name, had to take a break for a while and closed the old account). I still get things mixed up. But it's striking how often new Frauen and Herren turn up and say things like 'hang on a minute, I thought she did X not Y'. She lies all the time, about every little thing. It's really quite shocking.

In addition, some things we don't have evidence for have become 'facts' on this thread. It's worth being mindful of that. We don't know for certain what her childcare arrangements are (we know she's lied about them, but we don't know exactly what's true and what isn't). We don't know exactly how many times she visited the foodbank (it's def not certain that it was only once). There are lots of examples like this.
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