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Well-known member
I'm going as Content, in that I will make a grand entrance, inexplicably disappear for days on end and then return, replete with risotto, at a particularly tricky moment.
Bork bork!
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She's fire fighting. And badly, I might add.

In fact she's as awful at fire fighting as she clearly was call handling.

*and cooking
The fact she appears to firefight by pouring nuclear waste on the flames goes some way to explaining her failure in the fire service.
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Well-known member
it all stinks; i'm surprised the apology wasnt this:

I am dreadfully ashamed of my behaviour....BUT it's all because of the constant stream of abuse i receive online,
if I only had more cashos i could hire an admin assistant to do this all for me

Send Cashos:

Amazon Wish List<Link>
PO Box address for cold hard Cash <Address>

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Ah a horrible horrible mistake. Because the man has a LD. If he didn't it was OK then.
He had a lot of support from people who have your number and who you’ve basically admitted it’s alright to tell to ‘go fuck’ themselves because they don’t have a learning disability. Also, that creepy ski squig must feel like a right dickhead now after echoing the ‘go fuck yourself’ and swarming up to Jack. I bet the sycophantic little creep has hastily deleted his tweet.
God, imagine sucking up to Jack. He must have zero self esteem.
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Mr Krabs

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So is this a straight up lie because I thought she said she got the highest 11+ mark in her school. Because I’ve always thought that it’s distinctly anti-everything she standals for to crow about doing well in an inherently classist and racist test.
Uh pal, she wasn’t just top in her school. She was one of the top 100 pupils in the country!


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Well-known member
The only bit of that apology that is necessary is the first bit. The rest is all justification and about her. Just vile.View attachment 1539744
EIGHTEEN I’s, my’s and me’s in that “apology”.

Making it all about herself, as per usual.

The part about AA meeting doesn’t seem truthful; it’s an entirely unnecessary justification, for a start. The “AA” part was even more unnecessary, she just wanted to make sure he knows that she’s super, duper fragile and endlessly struggling. She could have just as easily said “I was in a meeting” and not dragged her (alleged) alcoholism into it. Another suspect part of the language used is “I’ve been taking a local AA meeting”. “I’ve been taking” is strange, I don’t know the AA insider lingo, but this sentence should be “I took” and the incorrect, inappropriate use of the continuous tense indicates dishonesty. The “local” is an unnecessary qualifier; as opposed to what, a national meeting?! Superfluous detail often indicates dishonesty.

The word “so” is always highlighted as extra sensitive because it precedes explanations, meaning this part of her apology was sensitive for her, whether truthful or not.

She didn’t at all need to explain why she didn’t see any tweets relevant to her misunderstanding; it is perfectly normal (for anyone not Jack) to not see 100% of what is on Twitter. The fact she feels the need to do so indicates a need to persuade, which - in absence of a valid need to persuade - indicates dishonesty.

The length of time taken (within the day) is really not that long (for non-Jacks) to notice and rectify a mistake, and it is not necessary to apologise for that. The fact she feels the need to justify it is another indicator that the length of time taken to apologise is sensitive for her.

In short: I don’t believe she went to an AA meeting. I don’t believe she didn’t realise her misunderstanding until late last night. I don’t believe she was not on Twitter. She is being dishonest, she quickly knew of her misunderstanding, and hoped that not enough people would notice to call her out on it. The length of time taken was a combination of her hoping it would blow over, and then when it didn’t, deciding what she should do about it.
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I'm interested in the 'JM isn't working class' discourse and I'd like to ask Fraus whether they think class is more material (ie you might come from a middle class upbringing and have whatever education credentials but no support network means you're struggling month to month on rent/groceries is working class) or cultural (ie coming from a working class background, distinct 'working class' taste preferences vs 'upper or middle class' preferences, what you spend money on, income is less important)
On twitter sometimes I see people pointing to JM's upbringing alone as proof that Jack can't be working class. I'd more say that it's because Jack has a (minor) celebrity profile, brand deals, books, is invited to talks etc. so claiming they struggle materially to a point of working class-ness is pretty baseless.
Also the Karl stuff made me so sick. Hope everyone is ok x
It's cultural and social.

The cultural capital Jack will have gained through ballet and piano lessons, having a parent in a managerial role, the nice big house, safe upbringing in a nice area, holidays, grammar school etc won't have disappeared because she fell on hard times.

It will have helped her navigate the media world, even things like travel to London - I worked in a school for a couple of years and was shocked but the number of kids who had never left our small town.

Think of her cultural touchstones and the brands she mentions - that fancy perfume brand, the expensive watch etc. Even knowing about them would help her moving in that space - fit in with Allegra's circles etc

It's the sort of advantages she won't even know she has.

I'm not saying working class families can't give their children some of the above btw.
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If she can check her Twitter while waiting her turn at crazy golf, and from the frontlines of Pontins dance floor, then she check her Twitter on the bus.

Oh, shiiiiit. Ok. Ok. Um [dials agent] Carole? Can you write a good apology for me?

PS - is Carole her agent’s name? May have made this up 😂
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Jelly Bean

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Sorry for awful squiggling - stupid dog was scratching his ear vigorously pressed up against me.

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Interesting couple of 'likes' on this.

Morning Star contributor and I'M SURE a previous supporter of Jack's.
Screenshot 2022-08-30 at 09.39.20.png

Screenshot 2022-08-30 at 09.39.35.png

Long-term Guardian writer.

Screenshot 2022-08-30 at 09.38.13.png

Screenshot 2022-08-30 at 09.39.49.png
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Mr Krabs

VIP Member
“None of it is true.” Well, this is awkward since it’s your own words you absolute tit.
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VIP Member
Ah a horrible horrible mistake. Because the man has a LD. If he didn't it was OK then.
How wonderfully wholesome.

first Jack battles with public transport to attend her AA meeting in the vitally important role as a secretary. I know nothing of the secretarial duties, so not sure why Jack would end to arrive so early and leave so late. Was her crumbly shoulder hampering her from setting out the chairs and putting them away afterwards?

Then after taking her beloved Content, although I may rename her Excuse, out for the last walk of the night, a walk that she didn't seem bothered about during Sunday night's alleged shagathon, Jack settled down with a cup of herbal tea. Jack opens Twitter, after all there may be a starving povo in her DMs she need to write a meal plan for. Oh imagine her shock and horror, not only has she told someone with learning difficulties to fuck off - other people have noticed.

Jack deletes the tweet then rushes off a sincere apology.

then she also goes on to block all the flying neckbesrds who thought it was was appropriate to send abusive tweets to a person with LD and will be quietly, privately, directing all profits from September's paetron to an appropriate charity to amends. I made up that last bit.

Tldr. Jack is a duplicitous cunt.
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