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So I completely agree with you and I’ve been trying to put this into words all weekend because she’s pissed me off, I’ve ended up going on a bit of a me rail so I’m sorry about that 😅

That rant actually really bothered me, usually I find Jack repulsively awful but also so ridiculous that you can’t help but laugh, but I felt really awful for her parents!

My dad grew up in actual poverty, my grandad was an abusive piece of work when he was around (which he barely was) and my also abusive grandmother struggled a lot with untreated mental illness on top of working full time and raising two kids on her own (grandfather spent all his wages on booze and gambling etc).
I can’t even start to imagine what my dad’s life must have been like, he barely ever spoke about it and didn’t like people to know at all until he got older (he wouldn’t care about me telling you this anonymously btw because he would have loathed Jack with all his being lol)
He managed a job at a factory and basically worked his absolute arse off and his way up to being a well paid and traveled salesman with a lot of connections, despite having literally no qualifications.

Because of this our upbringing was a million miles from his, we didn’t get to see him much at all and half the year he lived abroad, which must have been hard for him because he loved being a dad, even if we were a pain in the arse!
But we never had to worry about money in the way that they did and we didn’t go without, I was a lot more financially luckily than a lot of my friends growing up.
Dad was very paranoid about us being viewed as (his words not mine) ‘plebs’ so we were never aloud to look ‘scruffy’, which was annoying as hell at the time but I understand it now. He was so desperate for us to have a good life and not go through what he did, which made him determined for us to be viewed as middle class and well off (I’m not saying he’s right, just explaining his own logic).
He struggled with his mental health all his life because of his childhood and died before he should have due to this.
I’m absolutely not saying that it’s anyone’s choice for their family to grow up in poverty (well… maybe with the exception of Jack), my dad made a lot of sacrifices and spent his whole life grafting but he DID also get lucky (and was a white man in a first world country) and I know that.
I’ll never stop being so so grateful to him, everything he did was for us, even if sometimes it was a misguided attempt to look a certain way, if you get me?
If, when he was still alive, I told ANYONE lies about how I grew up and implied that I lived in a hovel and was barely fed enough to get by it would have broken his heart.
Let alone half a million fucking people.
Can you imagine being Jack grandfather or dad and seeing all this bollocks about her growing up like Oliver Twist?!
No one was trying to shame Jack’s father or grandfather for being wealthy, just trying to point out that she didn’t grow up in fucking poverty and that she’s completely oblivious to her privilege.
If I was her parents I would be absolutely distraught with her, what a twat.

Right. Off for a cup of tea and some jammy dodgers 😂

Edit: just wanted to point out that I focused mainly on her paternal relatives because that’s why I could compare my situation to, no shade on mama Evelyn!
Her unhinged rant full of lies “defending” her own fantasy of her parents’ working class honour is so insulting to them.

Big Dave has legitimately achieved a lot in his life. He is very pompous about it, and his own middle class upbringing would have helped ease the way, but the achievements, hard work and good deeds are very real. He went to grammar school himself, and has a degree. He was in the army from the age of 16-23, then spent 28 years in the fire service, and worked his way up to a very senior management position. He’s been a foster carer for 30 years, and headed up an association for fostering, and was awarded an MBE for it. He volunteers at several groups, including military associations and the RNLI.

Her mum was a nurse, a foster carer, a mother, and now, we learn, after retiring from nursing, she ran a local preschool. She is active in her local church.

Her grandad owned his own guesthouse and restaurant. His will reveals he left 12 properties, worth a total of £1,800,000, to his four children back in 2013. His landlording isn’t something to be proud of, and neither is Jack’s dad’s landlording now that he’s inherited some if his dad’s properties. But Jack’s grandad moving to another country and becoming a rich businessman here was undeniably an achievement.

One of the traditional definitions of middle class was having people working under you, which all her family did. Her family are very accomplished, and that’s a good thing. It is not an “attack” on them to point out this out.

By denying their achievements and pretending they were scraping to survive is to shit on everything they accomplished, and the good quality of life Jack was born into through the fruits of their hard work.

There is nothing at all wrong with being middle class, Jack, you little ingrate. What is wrong is pretending to have been starving and impoverished while your loving, relatively wealthy family lived around the corner. What is wrong is pretending to have a working class background, and taking the place in the media of an impoverished working class person and being a paid figurehead for a life of which you know less than nothing about. Especially when actual working class people are largely excluded from media work, and it was your middle class connections - a friend in the media - who gave you your big break in the first place.

What is most wrong of all is still pretending to be “grinding your bones to dust” to keep your head above water, 10 whole years after you were gifted an incredible platform (as a result of your lies, don’t forget), and extracting vast hoards of money out of your idiot cult followers due to your endless begging and moaning.

If you have failed to be relatively wealthy after 10 years of work in newspapers, TV, radio, advertising, brand partnerships and six cookbooks, that means you’re a useless failure and shit with money. If you continue to fail to legitimately monetise your 500,000 Twitter and 176,000 Instagram followers, you’re so stupid and lazy that you deserve to be as penniless as you pretend to be. Your middle class family must be so ashamed of you.
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Recap: Jack Monroe abuses vulnerable person with physical and learning disabilities. Jack Monroe leaves her abuse of this disabled person up for hours so her fans can abuse him too. Jack Monroe thinks banging on about buying a beach hut is more important than apologising to the disabled person she abused. Jack Monroe then centres herself in her apology for abusing this disabled person so her flying monkeys can blow smoke up her arse and give her money.
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Chatty Member
A brave squig has made and compared her rinsed hoops and the proper CoP recipe. Go well sweet stranger, sending Rennies-os



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Literally nobody would be talking about your finances if you didn't constantly post about them yourself, you insufferable twat.
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Hi all – I’ve been following along since HH2 and finally it was the Hole thing that made me finally reveal myself. If JM was born in 1988, she would have been in primary school during the peak grunge years (92-96). Fuck off out of appropriating an adolescence you never had.

Anyway, I always thought Jack was very annoying (I generally can’t stand people who just reflexively should “EEEBUL TORIES!!” all over Twitter rather than actually engaging with solutions to problems) and her recipes looked grim. But the more I’ve looked, the more I have Thoughts, especially around her career and finances. I’ve been a self-employed frau in the writing/media world and also run a smol biz, so I have some insight into what’s going on.

One correction/clarification from recent grunking – What media folk call “New Broadcasting House” is actually in London – it’s the shiny new building off Portland place. People refer to it as NBH and the 1930s older building next to it as Old BH, which is important if you’re going for interviews as you need to know which entrance to go to. BBC Breakfast and a lot of other stuff moved up to Salford, but a fair bit of radio and TV is still in London.

For talking head interviews, the BBC do pay a disruption fee if you have to go into the studio (it’s shit - £50 and you don’t always get it – and may not get anything for local radio/tv) but they should also pay travel/send a car for you. Other channels can pay a bit more (still not the big bucks – like £100-£200 if you’re lucky).

However, I do seriously take issue with her use as any kind of ‘expert’, and also that she needs hours to prepare for every interview. Surely after 10 years of campaigning on this stuff she should have a good grasp of the key stats and messages, and a few case studies up her sleeve? Yet every interview is just a bit ranty and unfocused. Apeing Martin Lewis by cranking out a few tears on Today ain’t going to cut it for long, honey.

I can see why she wouldn’t want a TV career – it’s hard work and involves a lot of networking, pitching and disappointment. Pilots pay poorly (if at all) and you probably won’t get paid much (if at all) for doing development work on pitches. More importantly, she has very little natural presenting talent – which you can improve a lot by practice on YouTube or Insta, but that also requires effort and consistency. Doesn’t necessarily need a lot of fancy kit to start with, but it does need graft and thought. And even more importantly, she has already had great media opportunities but fucked them up by being difficult to work with and not really delivering the goods.

Then there’s the books. I can tell you for a fact that books do not earn as much as you would think. But while some publishers will offer writers an initial royalties-only deal, generally established writers with agents get an advance for their next book – this might range from a few thousand to £££££, depending how famous you are and how good your agent is (after all, this is how agents get paid…). You then don’t get any further royalties until your book has ‘earned out’ (ie your publisher has recouped in sales what they paid you for your advance). The catch is that the advance might sound big but doesn’t all come at once. Usually you get a chunk on signing the contract, then a chunk when you submit the manuscript, then a chunk when the hardback comes out, and a chunk when the paperback comes out (if that’s how they’re doing it). You can also get extra payments for translations along the way.

General public speaking gigs often pay badly too, especially if you’ve got a book to flog. You might only get a couple of hundred quid even for something that sounds quite prestigious like the Hay Festival. You usually do get travel and accommodation paid (although often only 1 night accommodation). I strongly suspect her Edinburgh talks were booked to coincide with the obv delayed publication of her next book – what a wasted opportunity.

Finally, writing columns and op-eds also doesn’t pay that much, especially if they’re small and you’re not a massive name.

More generally, assuming that she doesn’t actually want to get “a job, any job” then the kind of career and lifestyle she seems to be wanting (writer, speaker, campaigner etc) relies on building your personal brand, especially if you want to do corporate partnerships.

Social media is an important part of that (I guess she classes all the time she spends on Twitter in the 100 hours a week?) but your public online persona is professional. You can have fun, talk about your life but be really careful what you say, especially if (as seems to be the case here) you are given to fabrication.

She comes across as a compulsive fabulist, just says anything that comes into her head and seems true enough to be plausible or gets her out of the current scrape (basically like Donald Trump) some may be deliberate eg trying to Google hack hoops with the hula hoop nonsense, other times it’s almost a survival reflex. Getting into twitter fights, badmouthing others in the industry, posting wildly inappropriate stuff about getting Burgered is such a bad look.

If this career is really destroying her mental health, as she seems to imply, and she’s howling with frustration about her financial stability, then she needs to step away, shut down her social media accounts, and get a fucking job. Nobody is making her pursue this career except herself. And if she wants to do it, then there is so much she could be doing to help herself.

Then there’s the money. I just don’t understand her finances as a self-employed person or a business owner. Lots of things that you buy for work, either as a self-employed person or through a business, are tax-deductable – things like a phone, laptop, airpods (needed for interviews), personal grooming and stage/TV clothes, meals while you’re away working, I’m sure things like food, spoons for photoshoots etc etc etc – basically, anything that you can legitimately claim you need for work that you wouldn’t otherwise be buying. If you’re a VAT-registered business, you even get the Vat back! I don’t understand why she’s not open about this – clearly having a iPhone is fine if it’s mostly for your work, but don’t whine about being on your uppers and get defensive when people point out your nice stuff and ask questions about where your money is going. I do think the fact her company has folded is a Bad Look and a bit suspicious, it either smacks of wanting to keep her income hidden from the public, or total admin chaos (or both).

I just don’t understand what the fuck she’s doing in these alleged ‘100 hour weeks/20 hour days’, and why she isn’t getting paid for it or pushing back. It’s clearly very poorly thought-out about how she is using her time and where she’s adding value – by this point she shouldn’t be having to say yes to every unpaid request, especially as she says she pushes back on it. I’m very strict about how much time I allocate to charity/low paid projects, and make it clear when I get requests that I don’t work for free. Like Nigella, I find it unfathomable how she hasn’t managed to convert all those books, talks, appearances and 0.5 million social media following into a sustainable career. “I’m working so hard but I still barely have any moneeee” is just a bullshit excuse by this point – you don’t have any money because you’re dreadful at managing it. And no, ADHD/chaos brain isn’t a good enough excuse. She is not valuing her time or energy, or that of those around her, if she continues to push a mad hamster wheel of unproductive activity.

In an ideal world it all works together – books, plus media appearances, plus writing, plus speaking, plus #sponcon and partnerships, consulting fees etc and Patreon can add up to a really decent living. It is fine if she earns money, and it’s fine if she earns money from big name brands if she then explains that she’s doing it in order to do the charitable stuff or demonstrably giving it away.

Patreon is the single most obvious someone like her with a good following and name recognition could be earning a decent, sustainable living. It could have been a stable source of income and community that she owned and controlled but she’s fucked it by doing nothing to nurture it and not delivering. Absolutely mental. What a colossal waste of good will and other folks’ money. I’m very glad people are starting to ask questions and demand refunds. She had an amazing opportunity with that, and has just fucked it at every turn.

One clarification on her blog. More technical fraus than I can comment on whether her basica wordpress site is really borked beyond belief, but looking back over many posts, I suspect everything from the copyright disclaimer just above [AD BREAK CREDITS ROLL] onwards, including the tip jar beg, is inserted into every post automatically from a template. So she can claim she didn’t deliberately rattle the jar on her HH2 blog, as she didn’t add an overt ask into the text she wrote, but it is still there nonetheless. It would not be difficult to edit that or change it to a Patreon link – and if she can’t do it herself then I’m sure there’s a hundred neckbeard web devs who would love to (OH HAI Russ!).

However, one of her biggest issues is that she’s actually quite shit at what she does.

If she was smart, she’d lean into the ‘Home economics’ thing – properly costed weekly/monthly/yearly shopping and cooking plans including energy, toiletries, other household consumables, bulk buys, even treats! Instead we get dishonest £20 “weekly shops” (plus £50 in the cupboard/freezer) and recipes/notrecipes that are lists of ingredients with 1p for a spoon of sugar, tuppence ha’penny for half a tomato plus a can of rinsed economy hoops (25p) nonsense.

More importantly, her grasp of nutrition is absolutely terrible, verging on dangerous. She has absolutely no business providing advice on cooking and eating for people struggling on low incomes when her recipes demonstrably don’t contain enough calories to feed normal humans and unrealistic pricing scenarios (weighing an anchovy, FFS – how much does the whole tin cost and what else can you do with them??). If you’re on a low income, you should be working on maximising calories, nutrients (protein and vits/minerals), flavour and satiety per £, especially for growing children. There’s nothing I see in her recipes or portion sizes to suggest that she thinks about that at all. Who on earth are they really for???

It feels to me like she’s just using the whole endeavour as a way to continue her eating disorder but focusing on weighing and costing rather than calories. She tries to get out of things like the shopping basket debacle by saying “well this works for me, you do you”, but when you have 0.5m followers and seven cookbooks to your name, you are an expert and what you say is taken to be advice.

Also, she’s objectively a terrible cook on a technical level – putting things in cold oil, boiling stuff that doesn’t need to be, odd flavour combos, no consideration of texture. She strikes me as someone who doesn’t actually like food, certainly doesn’t test her recipes as much as she says (is it triple tested, or ‘one and done’??)

Finally, the “Fit and active” vs “multiple disabilities” thing really grinds my gears. I appreciate that health conditions wax and wane (I also have an incurable health condition with variable symptoms) but the way she’s crumbly and in pain for sympathy one minute and yomping about the next minute boasting about how fit and active she is is hugely offensive to people who live the reality of disability and chronic illness. I will not get on to the fact that she is clearly weaponizing her recovery/sobriety/12 steps, as other fraus have more than enough Thoughts on that one.

TL;DR: Cunt
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So now she's used AA as a shield for her foul behaviour which happened while she was TOTALLY SOBER, it'll be self harm/suicide baiting if the big meanies don't leave her alone for abusing someone with learning disabilities, right?

Screenshot 2022-08-30 020203.png
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hello guys! been lurking for about a month but this is my first time posting (and i’m still 20 pages behind…) popped out on my lunch break to do my weekly shop (in actuality a top up shop…) and imagine my shock when the total came to £18.41… now this shop includes fruit and veg, mushrooms (an excellent source of protein…) and some real protein (chicken) and some (branded) choccy biscuits 😋 and more. So I’m thinking I better pack the job in, take a photo of it in a flat lay (do i lay all the biscuits out individually??) and then I’ll start a blog patronisingly detailing the hours and hours of planning that made it possible to get such a cheap shop… in reality it took about 5 mins of planning and a quick whizz around the shop, after Jack’s decade of experience how can she be so bad at this? 😂
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Tabitha D

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Well, a lot of people have been watching Jack on Twitter since Molly’s thread. Including her beloved blue ticks. And she’s really shown them who she is - which is thick as mince, greedy, argumentative, unpleasant, self important, ill-informed, self-obsessed, grandiose, vicious, vindictive and a bully. Lovely! Well played Jack. 🙄
And still the lies keep coming.
Her father hitch-hiked 30 miles in his fireman uniform? No he did not. That’s ludicrous. He will have changed into his uniform at work, like everyone else. And was he hitch-hiking from Southend to Southend?
Then she says she’s had a housemate for a year. When just the other day she was whining about being lumbered with a fixed-term lease by her departed partner. So which is it? She’s paying all the rent herself - or she has a lodger who is also contributing?
As for the night of grotty sex with some random hookup who bought her a Big Mac then left at 3 a.m. (quite possibly wiping his cock on the curtains on the way out). It’s hardly love’s young dream, is it. How things have changed since the heady days of the millionaire girlfriend and living it up at the Groucho. And still, she thought this delightful story was worth sharing with her 500,000+ followers, for her son and her family to see.
She’s really fucked it up this time. There’s no going back.
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Hopelessly behind, but this is a PSA about microwaving stone fruit.

Yes, I did it. I had a few very unripe nectarines (I wish I could say peaches, to stay on brand, but despite not being autistic, I like big butts and I cannot lie.) and I thought this is my moment!

I followed her instructions exactly. One hard nectarine, straight into the microwave, 1 minute on full blast. Nothing happened apart from a bit of the nectarine getting hot. Then 2 minutes on defrost. At this point it started fizzing and my children were concerned. My teen accused me of watching too much TikTok and getting pranked by the internet. Oh, if only he knew the truth.

Anyway, the nectarine was hot and leaking. I bunged it in the fridge (health and safety). This was about 2 hours ago and I've just consumed the nectarine in question.

It had oddly changed colour and was slightly greenish on the outside. However, it had actually gone soft and seemed in texture like a much riper nectarine (though bits of it were still hard, so it was a strange sensation to eat). The main disappointment though was that it still tasted exactly like an unripe nectarine, i.e. of nothing.

Verdict: While it's not as dangerous as I first feared and didn't cause an explosion in my microwave, it also didn't ripen the fruit in any meaningful way. 3/10
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Jelly Bean

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Recap: Jack Monroe abuses vulnerable person with physical and learning disabilities. Jack Monroe leaves her abuse of this disabled person up for hours so her fans can abuse him too. Jack Monroe thinks banging on about buying a beach hut is more important than apologising to the disabled person she abused. Jack Monroe then centres herself in her apology for abusing this disabled person so her flying monkeys can blow smoke up her arse and give her money.
Yes the original tweet was posted at 4.30pm.
Jack (or someone) apologised at 11.30pm.
Apparently she hadn't seen all the outrage until then. Because she is noted for being away from twitter for large amounts of time. Even though she was on twitter and being alerted within that time. But she can't lie.
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