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I went back and re-read thread 31 recently. We all know how tricksy she is with words; she states very vehemently and clearly that (as of 2020) she has “never injected drugs of any kind”.
PS She didn’t know how to use apostrophes back then either.
I don't know why this is making me laugh so much. I think it's Jack's pomposity here, the big preamble about the private reasons she will never reveal about being aghast and horrified at the notion that she would inject heroin. It's not compulsory Jack, if you don't fancy the heroin that's fine. No explanations required. I mean it's not like we were offering in the first place.
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Again, what are we jealous of? A woman claiming a career she allegedly makes no money from? A rampant Twitter addiction? Booty calls at 3am with a burger thrown in?

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If there was no other reason to dislike Jack, the fact she's ruined Nigella for me would be enough. I've loved that woman since How To Be A Domestic Goddess first crossed my path, and now I just seeing her books on my shelf is making me mad. :(
This is how I approach the Nigella situation because I am frustrated and annoyed by it too:

Jack is an expert gaslighter.
Behaviour like Jack's can tie even the most-experienced mental health professionals in knots.
Nigella is painfully aware of her privilege and keen to do something in mitigation.
Many people have been gaslit and manipulated by Jack; Nigella is one of them.
It takes longer to pull yourself out of a gaslighter and abuser's orbit when you lack the facilities to test your own perceptions. This particularly applies to the celeb and media world which is filled with people also gaslit by Jack who may feel defensive about this.
Nigella has a history of being exploited by abusive people.
She doesn't follow Twitter closely; I reckon she dips in and out and simply doesn't see a lot of it.
She's taking longer than most to realise who Jack is because of all of this.
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Fuck me, I wish you owed the Black Eyed Peas a debt of gratitude instead and Shut Up

PS Jack, I’m very much looking forward to Courtney’s hot takes regarding the implications of the primary vote on the midterm elections this fall.
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God there are just so many lies but the hitch hiking one is just fucking off the scale bonkers. I didn't grow up poor, we started out working class and by the time I hit my teens were lower middle class, neither of my parents earned as much as Jack's parents and we even had a temporary unemployment POVERTY drama at a couple of points. However at no time was anyone hitch hiking to work- once when the car got nicked my dad had to get the bus for a bit and I was upset because the person who nicked the car set fire to it which I just thought was really mean spirited. We either walked to school or got lifts with neighbours or sometimes my dad if he was working nearby, there was no great drama in any of this and as far as I can tell it was how everyone else was getting about. Neither of my parents are financial geniuses and were both working in pretty modest retail jobs, one part time (mum) and full time (dad) yet they could get to work and get their children to school. I just cannot fathom how a decently paid public sector worker was habitually struggling to get to work and was apparently wearing some sort of humiliating trousers during this odd episode. I really wish Big Dave would come on here and do an AMA because there's just so much I want to know about all of this. I can't be arsed making a trifle but I would be prepared to spray a ready made trifle gold and send a picture of it to Big Dave as an incentive to clear this up for us.
So I completely agree with you and I’ve been trying to put this into words all weekend because she’s pissed me off, I’ve ended up going on a bit of a me rail so I’m sorry about that 😅

That rant actually really bothered me, usually I find Jack repulsively awful but also so ridiculous that you can’t help but laugh, but I felt really awful for her parents!

My dad grew up in actual poverty, my grandad was an abusive piece of work when he was around (which he barely was) and my also abusive grandmother struggled a lot with untreated mental illness on top of working full time and raising two kids on her own (grandfather spent all his wages on booze and gambling etc).
I can’t even start to imagine what my dad’s life must have been like, he barely ever spoke about it and didn’t like people to know at all until he got older (he wouldn’t care about me telling you this anonymously btw because he would have loathed Jack with all his being lol)
He managed a job at a factory and basically worked his absolute arse off and his way up to being a well paid and traveled salesman with a lot of connections, despite having literally no qualifications.

Because of this our upbringing was a million miles from his, we didn’t get to see him much at all and half the year he lived abroad, which must have been hard for him because he loved being a dad, even if we were a pain in the arse!
But we never had to worry about money in the way that they did and we didn’t go without, I was a lot more financially luckily than a lot of my friends growing up.
Dad was very paranoid about us being viewed as (his words not mine) ‘plebs’ so we were never aloud to look ‘scruffy’, which was annoying as hell at the time but I understand it now. He was so desperate for us to have a good life and not go through what he did, which made him determined for us to be viewed as middle class and well off (I’m not saying he’s right, just explaining his own logic).
He struggled with his mental health all his life because of his childhood and died before he should have due to this.
I’m absolutely not saying that it’s anyone’s choice for their family to grow up in poverty (well… maybe with the exception of Jack), my dad made a lot of sacrifices and spent his whole life grafting but he DID also get lucky (and was a white man in a first world country) and I know that.
I’ll never stop being so so grateful to him, everything he did was for us, even if sometimes it was a misguided attempt to look a certain way, if you get me?
If, when he was still alive, I told ANYONE lies about how I grew up and implied that I lived in a hovel and was barely fed enough to get by it would have broken his heart.
Let alone half a million fucking people.
Can you imagine being Jack grandfather or dad and seeing all this bollocks about her growing up like Oliver Twist?!
No one was trying to shame Jack’s father or grandfather for being wealthy, just trying to point out that she didn’t grow up in fucking poverty and that she’s completely oblivious to her privilege.
If I was her parents I would be absolutely distraught with her, what a twat.

Right. Off for a cup of tea and some jammy dodgers 😂

Edit: just wanted to point out that I focused mainly on her paternal relatives because that’s why I could compare my situation to, no shade on mama Evelyn!
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Something which has really been grating my soap since the Asda "special shops for the poor so they won't have to look at nice things and be sad" tweets is the casual assumption that existing local shops just gouge their customers (unlike those nice Issa brothers and their forecourt chain of basically charity shops with petrol pumps attached). Our local shops (Spar, Heron, newsagent) were an absolute lifeline for the community over the lockdowns, and in general serve us very well, especially the more vulnerable - it always impresses me how many customers are greeted by name, and given a chance to chat. No illusions here, I know that it's all still capitalism and they're making a profit. It's just that as a rootless cosmopolitan myself, I cannot understand how Jack Monroe is apparently incapable of moving away from her ends but simultaneously seems to have no idea of what it actually means to live locally as part of a community.
During the lockdowns, our local (chain/franchise) convenience store took all the posters and leaflets on debt support, how to access MH support, help with DA etc that would normally be up in libraries, doctors surgeries and community centres and put them up in public and, importantly, staff areas. They spent a week slipping leaflets into shopping bags indiscriminately, to help avoid stigma and embarrassment.

They knew their vulnerable customers to check in on them, they knew that they might be the only person to have a real life conversation with a customer that week. Because for some people that's a normal week, not just lockdown.

To suggest the gouging of prices rather than, I don't know, the recognition of different business models and operating costs, suggests the absence of a clue rather than uncovering some huge scandal.
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Mrs Peel

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My short recap

After a burger and a frolic, the new beau is now on the longest shift in history. Without a phone.
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Obviously Jack's 'private DM' didn't make a blind bit of difference.
Hope she is proud of herself for enabling this.
That evil disgusting squig. "Disability is no excuse" tell that to the child who can't walk because of scoliosis, spinal bifida or talipes related amputation. Or the cancer patient who can't speak because their vocal chords have been affected by throat surgery or the elderly person who can breathe unaided because they have lung disease. Rotten nasty squig. TD you are a wonderful woman for stepping in. Jack needs to say something too. This mess is her responsibility. I hope Karl will be ok, he is brave and forthright. And why should he not make others aware of his conditions? Such awareness gives others insight and the ability to help.
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Who is she actually suing though?

Jack Monroe vs. The World.
I am going to sue everyone who doesn't like meeeeee and they'll have to give me their forever homes which I will softly gently mash together and make one giant forever home and the bad people will all live on street outside in boxes like rubbish and I will go and look at them with all my friends who I live an incredible life with. The bad people all say Jack we are sorry and want to be my friend but I'll say no you should have thought of that before you made fun of me on the internet. Then I'll just have great sex for hours and they'll all be crying because they can't do that or be amazing the way I am.
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I agree.

Re her Dad, I believe, and it’s disgusting, she is cosplaying those who lived through the miners’ strikes, the miners were extremely poor due to the longevity of the strike ( Polish toys were gifted from Polish unions so kids could have an Xmas gift) were extremely poor whilst they were striking fighting for their jobs, communities and just to eat.
According to Wikipedia the firefighter strikes were 2002-03 ( I very much doubt the story re hitchhiking, there is a huge camaraderie in the service ( like the police) and I doubt it would be tolerated could you imagine the outrage at hitchhiking firefighters arriving late for a shift due to not being able to run a car? Plus her Mum would have been working.

Unions also have funds for those who are vulnerable and miss wages from striking, when applied for, are distributed due to need and having children is prioritised, it’s not a fortune, nor close to actual wages but that’s what subs go towards. Obviously, the longer the strike the less funds there are ( hence why miners relief funds were empty) I think this cosplay really fires up the idea of her fabulous politics. I bet she watched Brassed Off ( good film) and adapted it to her narrative.

just wrote all this and found the exact days they were out for
  • 09:00 Friday 22nd November to 09:00 Saturday 30th November
  • 09:00 Wednesday 4th December to 09:00 Thursday 12th December
  • 09:00 Monday 16th December to 09:00 Tuesday 24th December
Although not great ( made it a tough Xmas) it’s not the miners or dockers strike in terms of longevity, it would have had an impact, but was very survivable especially with a second wage in the house. Her Dad being a union leader would also been involved with the negotiations. As a leftie union supporting Frau this cosplay makes me seriously angry. Her Strike narrative is seriously dubious, even if she was probably party to talk at home about what was happening.
Many many moons ago, my ex OH worked for Fords and was on strike for a long time (I think it was 16 weeks) I had a 3 year old and was pregnant. He got 9quid strike pay from the union after 3 weeks (I think) and i could claim supplementary benefit for me and my daughter. Wasnt easy but we managed. The Miners had it far far worse.

Also, going back further into strikers history, my dad worked in the docks and I can remember him a) having no work and just coming home, piece time, or zero hours contract as it fancily called now and (b Strking for better conditions and proper wages. Those were very hard times !
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Lads I’d hate to get a telling off for trying to moderate the thread, so here’s some thread history.
We have a tradition of squiggling the names, photos/avatars and @handle of ordinary folk out there on twitter. Even if they are a Jack Stan, they don’t deserve to be captured in all their glory in perpetuity on the threads.
If you post and you don’t squiggle all three (lower down in the replies is a nightmare) it makes a mockery of the term “squiggle” if they’re not even squigged. Blue tickers are verified public figures, so they don’t benefit from being squiggled.
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The housemate thing is my aneurism. How can it be woe is me, the bills are crippling me and NO I cannot take a lodger in April to August where she’s had a housemate for a year????
What is wrong with her? What is wrong with me??? I don’t understaaand any of this
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Obviously there've been endless lies from Jack as usual the last couple of days, but the fact that she expects anyone to believe that she wasn't on Twitter during either of her bus/train journeys to/from her apparent AA meeting is up there with the best of them. In the last 36 hours she's admitted to tweeting whilst walking the dog (take better care of it and actually watch it while you're outside you absolute weapon, and get your eyes off your phone) AND of course tweeting directly after apparent JackSex. Of course her phone was glued to her grubby little hands during the bus ride. Make it make sense Jack.
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nope .... I've been following aghast for weeks but I'm out. You don't cause a pile on on anyone but definitely a person with LD, make a shitty apology which centres you and somehow makes you out to be a fucking saint and then post this pile of shit.

I just can't - as a mother of SEN kids, she's upset me so much with that patronising tweet.
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I thought sex was supposed to mellow a person out. Six hours of Burger Bill jackhammering away( i think she is a pillow pincess) and she is still grumpy.

Need to work better not harder mate.
Tbf to her I'd be a tad narky if I'd been shagged for 6 hours and my nethers looked like a pair of padded coathangers.
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