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She’s so ridiculous.
It may be worth remembering at this point that, back in 2020, she was regularly threatening legal action to us over here. She had several lever arch files of evidence and everything! We were terrified of course. 😂😂😂
Nothing ever came of it. Not a thing. This is simply how she bullies people, to try and get them to shut up.
It's hilarious. She cannot sue anyone without revealing her income and she can't do that without blowing up the grift. If she could still do facial expressions she'd be looking very lost bobble just now.
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If it's true that she failed the 11 plus and her Dad somehow got her a place at grammar school then that screams middle class to me. I don't think a working class kid would get that privilege.

But then again, at this point I don't know which 11 plus story is correct because it seems there are quite few different versions.
Re Jack passing/not passing the 11+ (public Facebook post)

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Chatty Member
So finally caught up this morning.
Jack has shown what a nasty piece of work she is. Also, notice how Karl got a private DM.. just like the Camerons, and Jamie Oliver? They never acknowledged her apology either.. how strange these people don’t respond or say ‘thanks for the apology’.. Almost as if she hadn’t sent a DM at all..
how I would love it if Karl just tweets ‘I didn’t get any DMs from her’ to really highlight what a nasty, lying, disgusting cretin she is. I don’t believe for a second she is ashamed of her behaviour; she she worried this shows her flying monkeys her true behaviour and is trying to do some damage control. She sees nothing wrong in how she behaves and this was confirmed in her attempt at grovelling. ‘I’m not responsible for my own words, I’m subject to a vicious attack by trolls. I’m the victim here!’
How the BBC and the like still give Jack a platform I really do not know.
Jack, you are a disgrace.
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Give me strength, wasn't it just one item of the 30 from the highly experimental data that showed a 50% increase? Heaven forbid they'd use the average increase across all 30 items to show an accurate picture rather than just cherry picking one to misrepresent. And jack did not work with them other than being a cunt and @'ing them on twatter.

The Traveller Movement annual conference will be held on Thursday 17th November 2022, 10-4pm at Lambeth Town Halll, Brixton. For the first time since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic we are delighted to be returning to an in-person conference.

The themes for this year’s conference are particularly relevant in light of the spiralling cost-of-living crisis. Jack Monroe’s work with the Office of National Statistics has shown that the inflation rate for some essential food staples is as high as 50%
I know the editor. I may have to have a word.
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Tin Can Crook

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I'm disgusted by the amount of people praising her and stating she has demonstrated a real apology and shown real leadership.

I give it less than 48 hours before she does this exact same thing again. She is not sorry.
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If there was no other reason to dislike Jack, the fact she's ruined Nigella for me would be enough. I've loved that woman since How To Be A Domestic Goddess first crossed my path, and now I just seeing her books on my shelf is making me mad. :(
I've said it here before but: Don't let Jack ruin anything for you.

Whether that is the work of a blue ticker under her spell, eucalyptus trees, crafting, Hole, golden doodles, Saaaarfend, the Edinburgh Book Festival, Bombay Bad Boby pot noodles, Cotswold sideboards or hamburger shaggathons. Don't let her ruin it for you.

She's awful, but not all that she touches has to become tainted.
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alone 99% of the time. Yet has a Live in housemate, SB there all the time cos as she says almost daily, she's a single parent

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One of the reasons he was getting support is because a previous victim of her flying monkey attacks suggested people give him that support. But of course to acknowledge that would put Jack and her followers in the wrong (which they were) and the 'trolls' (Dr Rachel and her followers, as well as us) in the right. But somehow Jack glosses over that fact and pretends like it's her own followers who showed him support when it was them doing the attacking, at her behest.
Yes I think that's it. She's taking credit for something that was done by people she herself has bullied in the past.

It's a very typical Jack thing to do on Twitter, and it's subtle, the kind of thing where, if you tried to explain it to someone who's got no previous experience of narc behaviour, they'd look at you like you were crazy. But it's very typical gaslighty narc behaviour.
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I had a joint tenancy with an ex about 14 years ago. When we split he was still liable for his share of the rent as it was, well, a joint tenancy.
I actually didn’t hold him to it and paid the full rent myself as I was the one to initiate the split and felt bad! But he would have been pursued for his share of the rent if I hadn’t paid it.
So she’s either let her ex off paying (stupid, if she can’t afford it herself) or it was a tenancy in her name only.
I'm of the opinion that LJC has been paying her half until fairly recently (she may actually still be paying it) but has said that she won't if Jack renews her lease AGAIN. So Jack's cut off from that source of income from the start of next year. Hence the downsizing.
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Chatty Member
This is a very familiar Narc spiral.

Once she starts Tweeting lies that are very easily debunked/clarified, she’s over.

They will tell lies about the most ridiculous things in order to try and regain control over whoever they’re gaslighting/controlling. Meanwhile, the victim(s) eyes are starting to open.

Example -

“The electrics gone off, I’ve nipped outside and there’s nothing on the meter. Did you put credit on the key and forget to put the key in?”

“Yes sorry”

Puts key in meter, no credit, takes them outside to show them. Narc kicks off. States shop has fucked up. Rings electric company who say they need a receipt. There’s no receipt. Electric company ask for card details to trace that way - no record of transaction. Log on to online banking, and see the money meant for electric at the shop was spent in the pub.

Then what I call “Narc Rage Plus” occurs. Goes into a spiral of ever more lies that are totally unbelievable. Will not believe black and white evidence in front of them. Sometimes they get violent at this point, sometimes they will slink off and disappear for days on end.

Awaiting imminent Twatter account delete.
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If there was no other reason to dislike Jack, the fact she's ruined Nigella for me would be enough. I've loved that woman since How To Be A Domestic Goddess first crossed my path, and now I just seeing her books on my shelf is making me mad. :(
I look at it as: Nigella was hoodwinked in the same way that so many people were, and continue to be. I also question how friendly they really are: I know Jack likes to imply they're besties (I'm BUSY skiving at work, trying to grunk, but I remember JM recently saying 'thanks for being such a good friend' or some nonsense), and I know Nigella went a bit over the top with the whole tender one/dear heart stuff (Nigella is nothing if not camp; it's her thing), but I bet if they've ever even met in person it's been fewer than three or four times). Nigella is also a perfect example to Jack (not that she would care to learn from it) of how to run a professional social media account which makes people feel close to you as a celebrity, while also maintaining strict boundaries. Note how much kinder the comments and replies are on Nigella's twitter feed and it really makes you think.

So don't be mad and please don't let it ruin her books for you, tender one. Her recipes are excellent - easy, full of flavour, and infinitely adaptable (and not slop). (End of Nigella love letter).

I first became aware of JM in about 2013 and I actually wrote to her for work reasons 🔺 just before she became far more widely known, but didn't get a reply. I bought her first book (made one thing from it, it was crap, never opened it again). She then just kind of burbled away in the background of my awareness for years; I had assumed she was poor once, but now was doing OK. Didn't follow any of the relationship DRAMA but would see her mentioned now and again in the press, and I'd be like, 'ah yes, her'. As I said previously, it was only when I saw HH2 that the penny dropped (Jack: hyperbolic lies are the worst, and they have exposed you well and truly, cf soap boiling and removing lightbulbs). I'm thrilled to have found this cabal at a time of peak Jack chaos - I'd say long may it continue, but she does need help, and she needs to get off Twitter before that can happen. (

As you were!
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It's OK, Jack says he accepted her apology and she literally can't lie.
View attachment 1539369

She's also followed him, presumably to keep an eye on his responses to the people who showed him solidarity last night.
She's such a fucking creep. Maybe just leave the guy alone. She can sit there flicking her narcy shark eyes over Twitter all day long. She's fucked, we're just waiting to see what and who finally derails the main grift. The best she can hope for is enough cult members/people who don't check ongoing payments to keep her going in slightly more modest style than she's used to.
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I’m confused about the housemate. She can’t take a lodger and is responsible for ALL her bills alone. But she’s had a housemate for 9 months?

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