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Ugh yes, and remember so many of her critics have their “little recipe blogs”.
Which is so reductive. A lot of these so called little blogs actually amplify the voices of minority groups. I follow a disabled lady for her vegan and GF baking and her little blog has lead to a best selling recipe book. She plugged away for years and has raised awareness for Crohns and Stoma patients. I also follow the legend that is Omari McQueen who is 13 but learned to cook at 7 when his mum became ill. He is vegan and advocates for healthier diets with better nutrition. He has achieved so much in a very short time. Compare him to Jack and the difference is stark. He is also black and has introduced wider audiences to Carribean cooking. He also aims a lot at kids to engage their interest in cooking. And he challenges toxic male attitudes and is a genuine role model for children. My eldest loves Omari's cookbook and cooks occasionally because of the book.
Check out this article.

Jack is an arsehole. The younger generation put her to shame.
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WTF (this thread is full of fawning replies). Some think she should get a honorary doctorate from the LSE.

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She has also retweeted her celery town event.

Stand strong everyone. I am no longer at the Wall, had I been I would have done my bit from Sycamore Gap.
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News: The ONS is considering publishing inflation changes for different wealth groups
Jack: I think there should be a way of showing how inflation effects the poor worse, I’m working on the VBI. It will help the poors, I’ll be finished in a weekend.
ONS: we will now be showing how inflation effects different wealth groups. It’s something we have been working on since November.
Jack fans: Jack does so much. This is all down to her. She is like a modern day saint.
Jack: yep, all me. Much working behind the scenes. Please send cashos.
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Brian Butterfield

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Yeah I agree, she’s not one to take advice, but there’s definitely been a step change in her output. She’s not stopped her nonsense completely but I think there’s a roll back. It must be killing her that she can’t just do her usual, she can’t even deploy content because that’s a BIG £ Sign right there 🤣

Molly has shone a light on her and she’s squirming like fk.

Really makes you think
Jack Monroe - Really makes you think as the next thread title.
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Jelly Bean

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Ugh yes, and remember so many of her critics have their “little recipe blogs”.
She never even mentions small food businesses in Southend. No local markets, no local food events. She never travels round Essex to explore the food 'scene'.
It's all Asda.
Baffling. Almost as though she has no interest or curiosity about food at all.
Makes you think.
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And from the same "I'm totally not a bunny boiler" category:

View attachment 1507675

I need to stop looking, the cringe is too great. I'm actually starting to feel a bit bad for her.

“They took it quite well considering…that I’ll be single again in three short weeks from now”


All good though Jack. At least you don’t have to worry about having another “engagement ring photoshopped off a book cover” especially not the cover of your “best book yet”. Phew!

Also, @Jay-cloth Cow I’ve thought of a way you can stay pals with your work chum while also gathering intel. You invite her brother out ‘for tea’ with you! 🕵️‍♀️ Set up a Patreon to foot the bill, I’ll donate!
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Brian Butterfield

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Has anyone asked her why she didn't have some sort of estate sale to make some money off all this clutter she's apparently just giving away now, before resorting to boiling soap scraps, etc etc? Really makes you think. I mean if I was sitting on a pile of Wonderful Stuff but my bank account was empty I'd probably at least try listing some of it on ebay first...
Yes, isn't it strange she's giving away all these big ticket furniture items to friends instead of selling them when she's apparently so broke?

Makes you think.
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Lucy Aeroplane

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Re TD: I haven’t habitually read the Graun in years, as I hate Kath Viner’s editorial approach to social issues (which I perceive as being to commission writers to take the most divisive stance possible along identity lines; which I bloody hate the modern middle-class left for doing instead of focusing on meaningful debate around redistribution, social status, class, and mobility, which once upon a time the Graun did fairly well) … BUT will deliberately go looking for whatever TD wrote for them as I think she’s great.

Re IF: I’ve been intermittent fasting for [x] years since becoming a proper single parent, because skipping my own breakfast is genuinely the only way it’s possible for me to get kids ready in the morning to get to childcare/school AND get my own arse to work on time. (And I’m a real single parent, Jack, and on Universal Credit top-up despite being in full-time professional work; will never ever be a homeowner or have a family member wealthy enough to buy me a home; and by the end of the month yes we do have to have beans on toast for dinner a couple of times a week - but that’s fine because beans on toast is a perfectly decent meal in the context of an overall decent diet, and honestly life could be so much worse.)

As usual, Jack has no idea what she’s banging on about. Skipping a meal a day as an adult honestly isn’t harmful - ok I’m a bit hungry by 11am, but lunchtime isn’t far off by then so it all works out. My weight is stable, I’m pretty much as healthy as someone from my background can be, and I’ve got one less source of stress in the mornings.

The weight of evidence supports that there are benefits to intermittent fasting - and even to extended periods of fasting (a few days) in terms of increased levels of autophagy and related body housecleaning mechanisms; the sensation of hunger is not in and of itself a bad thing. Jack, unsurprisingly, is not bothering to make a distinction between skipping meals for health benefits and actually going hungry/becoming malnourished. She’s such a mendacious baiting twit.

Research data on female subjects does exist, including athletes - and IIRC IF benefits are evident for women too, but with shorter fasting periods (12-16 hours rather than 20+ hours.) Long fasting periods do appear to screw up female hormone balance and cycles, which makes total sense in an evolutionary context where it wouldn’t have been great to be fertile during times of famine.
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Anyone going to the Edinburgh thing, please report back on how much of her time she uses up on canal business. She spent a solid 10 minutes of her time at Glasgow talking about the canal's interpretation of the Dordrecht beer bottle sunglasses tripod fiasco, a propos of nothing, meaning there was no time for questions at the end. Which was convenient.
Really makes you think...
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I think people are getting too excited about Molly’s blog and expecting some ‘Jack was on the grassy knoll’ type revelation, when she’s prob just going to condense everything from places like here.
I agree. And rightly so for a few reasons. Firstly there is just too much here. Yeah we find walrii and Harold funny but it’s hard when you’re trawling pages for info and it’s just post after post like “but the Chinese supermarket isn’t in that part of Croydon!”

Also for some reason (cough, misogyny) Tattle has this rep as a pit of bullying and obsession so rather than just directing people here she’s distilling the key reasons most of us loathe Jack and taking it to the masses where they can’t be distracted by in-jokes or snark or their own internalised hatred of Women With Opinions.

Finally it just makes it more difficult for her to discredit when it’s the key problems, in one place, with little to no conjecture. Just showing side by side, in black and white, the contradictions.

That’s basically the same thing I’ve said three times but I’m EXHAUSTED so FUCK OFF x
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I’ve just got ABSOLUTELY FURIOUS remembering her ‘how did the other guy do?’ after Jamie’s first lockdown show. So fucking unprofessional. How she wasn’t cancelled right then baffles me.
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Fraus, why is there a very, very tiny child and some sort of shrunken Eamon Holmes Easter Island head spying on the BBC and the viewers from the shelves behind her head?


Please tell me the rest of you can see these accursed beings too and that she hasn’t put some heckin’ big hoodoo curse on me where that tiny little girl comes onto my pillow in the night and whispers terrifying prophecies of The Pumble into my ear, while shrunken Easter Island Eamon bites off my toes one by one because my foot’s sticking out from under the covers.

Yes I wasn't trying to minimise Molly's blog as thank goodness someone outside of here is finally doing a sensible, clever and measured look at Ms Monroe.
I don't think we'll ever see a grand 'ta dah' media unveiling of her grifting ways - she is small fry.
But her name and reputation is increasingly becoming mud on SM. Too many jokes at her expense. Too many growing rumours about her supposed poverty. I think it will be a slow death media wise.
Interesting she clung on to Joanne Harris. About
Huge apologies if it came across like that JellyB, it was not at all intended. I guess I was agreeing with you, but clumsily in a “don’t worry, I don’t think that part matters” way. (Lol and as to her blue tick mates,don’t forget about Rufus Hound weighing in back there about…something? too)
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Delurking to say that Jack Monroe has really really not changed the way the ONS measure inflation; they were measuring by income decile three years ago

That she will not correct this mis-attribution and will continue to lap up praise and calls for a Nobel prize is obviously par for the course at this stage, but I despair about the lack of critical thinking from the squigs 😬😬😬😰


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And from the same "I'm totally not a bunny boiler" category:

View attachment 1507675

I need to stop looking, the cringe is too great. I'm actually starting to feel a bit bad for her.
I’ve not really thought about the bottom tweet much before, so is she implying that they’d been arguing about her house being such a cesspit of rusty old shite? Maybe she was trying to pressure him to move in and he was reluctant because if made him uncomfortable? 🕵🏻
If so ‘just because’ is gaslightly af, if he’s not comfortable in that environment she should give a shit about it, all speculation m’lud!

P.S I’ve always imagined her house smelling of wet feathers
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Hang on, how could this even happen? Do we take this to mean that Not Harold also now owns eleventy billion plates, bowls and sundry items “most of it from charity shops” so that part of Not Harold’s kitchen now also resembles the Under Butler’s storeroom at the Dowager’s country pile?


I wonder if Not Harold also decided to get exactly matching inexplicable multiples of large unsightly snake charmer baskets to put on his top kitchen shelf? You know, in case he ever needs to hide from the Nazis in one like Marion in Raiders of the Lost Ark.
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Apologies, when you said the account 'isn't going to do squat all', I thought you meant it hadn't full stop. I still think it's good to have a voice out there keeping the commentary going, people have short memories and I worry that some of the concerns about JM will fade away if people aren't reminded that she's a wrong'un. 😕
To be fair to the AM threads, I've spoken to friends about JM's suspect behaviour in the past and they've pooh-poohed it as gossip and nonsense. They also wouldn't come and look here as Tattle is painted as (rightly or wrongly depending on who you speak to and which threads you submerge yourself in) a nasty troll site. The AM thread is another avenue, and quite possibly, regarded as a more reputable platform. I really don't want to talk Tattle down but I know from experience that some people will flat-out refuse to even look over here. I think the AM profile needs to keep up the calm, factual drip-feeding aswell as the potential in-depth written piece. I'd imagine it's very difficult to find a balance between looking like a *hater* and sharing discrepancies because of genuine concerns.

The only real problem I see with the recent Twitter activity is the number of new accounts that have been created purely to comment on or about JM. THEY pose more of a distraction and are easily labelled as trolls, in my opinion.

Thank you for coming to my Ted talk.
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