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@Raydog thanks for asking about my IV. It went well I think. I will find out next week if I've got the job 🤞
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So many men sneeze into the metro and just close it up and leave it behind them on the tube, the idea of anyone touching them is bad enough, the thought of wedging them in ur knicks is too much to bear!!
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MASSIVE APOLOGIES but I am new here and I created this entire account to ask this question. I'm sure it's been asked before so please just link me to discussion - I couldn't find anything BUT HOW is Jack still tweeting as if she is living on the poverty line? She has a successful media career with numerous books. Is she not getting paid? Does it all go to charity? Or is the whole thing faked? So confused.
Jack has found that pretending to be "poor" actually pays very well.
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Silver Linings

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This is absolute s****. You don’t need to buy lace topped underwear. At any price point (sorry about using that term).

Why are lies just pouring out at the moment? Why?

Someone stop her.
One of the things on Lauren Goodger’s wishlist that her ‘fans’ can buy her is a washing machine, Jack just needs to cut out the middle man and do that instead. Removing Amazon from my website, my bum. She’s a greedy shopping addict and needs actual help.
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Jelly Bean

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That tweet in the last thread about needing a TV co presenter who would help her as she is so shy, is so annoying.
Why should another presenter have to carry her? Presuming they would be on the same wage. She has zero talent for TV, especially when cooking.
It would have happened by now if it was going to. Even This Morning keep giving her opportunities but they are never backed up with a regular slot - which in this age of rising food costs is quite amazing. She *should* fit the brief exactly. But she is awkward, almost rude and her food revolting. She is the anti face of nice food on a budget.
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Sideboard Bob

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Funny how Jack's ADHD, which is severe enough that she loses things constantly, has a drawer full of cancelled bank cards, misses deadlines, and is unable to file her accounts on time, had no impact on the Poverty.

During the Poverty, she was undiagnosed and unmedicated, but she was able to apply for hundreds of jobs, stick religiously to a miniscule budget, forensically analyse prices, etc etc. Now - AFTER being diagnosed, and WITH medication - her ADHD is so strong she can't keep track of an idea for longer than five minutes.

So...she's lying about the Poverty, the ADHD, or both.
This is such a good point, and it’s made me realise Jack’s lanyard thing isn’t just a way to have another affiliate link. It’s a “prop”, which people with Munchausen’s are known to love.
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Soapy Dolphin

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I know she keeps saying she’s trans and she has the squigs under some sort of hypnosis were they believe every word but has no squig ever ask why her £20 never include Tampons?
When she was being snippy to ChrisMate (economics editor of the Financial Times) it was socks and newspaper, and because he hadn't done that he had no right to discuss inflation.

Oh yeah, found it. SIT DOWN!

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There was a fascinating article on the BBC website and it was on the BBC news channel about "jobfishing". A guy recruited people during the pandemic to work for his online company. It was a totally fraudulent setup and ultimately very sad outcome for the people he recruited. The investigation team were very thorough but he wasn't particularly remorseful when they caught up with him. Left me hoping that a smol pixie may one day start having to look over her shoulder (the good one) when people start seeing through the grifting 🤔
How does the BBC fact-checking team work, honest to god!

Couple of weeks back they pour their energy into investigating the numerical sequencing of Djokovic’s covid test to prove it was a fake, and now they’re investigating this but yet seem to have no issue with saying Asda have increased the price of rice by 344% and nobody bats an eyelid?

Why doesn't Jack ever use cheese?
TBQHWY I’d like this as a thread title.
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Id have more (a scrap) of respect if Jack said ‘£20 is just food, it’s almost impossible to have household items too on that budget’. Instead it’s just ‘wash yourself in vinegar and bicarb. Easy. Done. What cost of living crisis’
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-Use cheap bleach, washing up liquid and vinegar for everything else (is this for laundry as well or is Jack just ignoring that one?)

FFS what is wrong with people?
Instead of using laundry detergent, simply drop your clothes off at the local dry cleaners to save pennies in your food budget #jackhack
I take it from what the daughter said that the squig doesn't normally buy smart price food.

So the sqig who can afford to buy mid range has bought the cheap shit that, according to Jack is either identical to to mid range (exception, tinned fruit) or the sweepings from the floor that only The Poors

Thus, just as Jack sweeps up armfuls of performative yellow sticker produce, depriving those who really need it, sqig has potentially deprived a genuine Poor from being able to buy smart price food.

Nice move sqig. I hope you are proud of yourself.
Is this squig so thick that they read jacks tweets and thought buying Smart Price = helping the poors?
What’s Sitrep??
Situation Report- it’s army speak for ‘what’s going on’ when they are using radios.
I ‘baked cakes’ for an army man for a while🔺.
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Oh God! She gave out tupperware dishes of slop to the homeless, well rather she claimed she did. This was at the point where the rough sleeping homeless had all been put up in hotels due to Covid.
Christ imagine being homeless and our smol pixie handing you a Tupperware box of what looks like her own shit.
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They're also prone to exploding in the oven if you try and roast them, like Jack promotes.

She's again talking shit with the things being relabelled as smart price items, a quick comparison shows you that they aren't the same ingredients wise. She's just constantly coming out with lies lately in a bid to look knowledgeable. She'll show herself right up sooner or later, and then we'll be back to Venomous Jack and "please leave me alone" 🙄
I am actually more concerned by how thick her followers are. I mean come on, repackaging top brand names with smart price, you only have to compare something like super noodles. The proper ones are a decent size and the flavouring tastes of something, the sp ones are hollow, light, small and the flavouring taste like Satan's arse after step aerobics. Just to add I am no supernoodle superfan but that's when you know that sp and brands are not the same.
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Avert you eyes, dear heart. This was nothing on topless Jack.
I've already seen that one multiple times, I am immune. The worst topless Jack (I hate that there are even more than one) is actually this one which I know traumatised @MaineCoonMama the last time I posted it so I've stuck it under a spoiler. Look at your own peril.

disturbingly unclothed santa hat jack.png

Yes @Marmalade Atkins the framed doctorate one and this one where she was draped across her chairs after a chaos!

jack asleep on chairs.jpeg
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I always read the 14 hour days line and think, 14 hours of prep and you didn't even think to point yourself at the camera? What were you prepping?
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Five hundred dogs

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I listened to an audiobook by the journalist who exposed Belle Gibson (Australian influencer who said she had healed her brain cancer by "clean eating", all lies, never had cancer and fabricated stuff constantly).

Some people had become suspicious of her cancer story as it just didn't add up. But it's obviously really difficult to prove that someone isn't ill, plus its such a sensitive topic so you would have to be so sure you were right.

Belle had claimed that she had donated a proportion of her profits to charities.
The journalist dug into this instead: the charities comfirmed they'd never had anything and the whole house of cards came down.

Just sayin'
I think with the charity stuff she’s sailing very close to the wind. Mostly journalists don’t seem to be that interested in her grift and lies, I’d guess partly because she’s not especially famous, her grift isn’t on a huge scale, she’s been litigious before and she’s managed to convince the world she’s a poor victim and no one wants to look like they’re punching down. However charity fraud could tip the balance, it’s a thing that’s universally deplored and that’s actually illegal, unlike tip jar rattling which is just immoral.
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