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I've missed a load of threads so apologies if it has been mentioned already recently but it looks like Jack's Teemill 'shop' has removed all mention of any proceeds going to charity. Which is fine for the most part (in that other creators have their own merch lines) but on this particular product it's definitely not ok. You can't claim a tshirt is providing three days of emergency food and not state where that money is going (or has gone).

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I'm sure she accused him of stealing her rotting salad pesto before DKL, but I can't find the post now, and that was her "massive dirty hands clutching tiny bowls of slop" Insta phase, so I don't want to look too closely. 🤢
Just because I can’t resist a good Instagram scroll and just for you 😘, found this gem nestled between all the salad bag pesto shots (nothing about JO that I can see) and marmite scones. Those were the days my friends.

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Beeeeans. Spoooons. Heeeeeerrbs.

That article about Jilly/Jack/Jamie was quite interesting although a little short and underexplained - if Jack was half as good as she thought and teamed up with Jamie they could do a lot of good.

I'm making That Man's 7 veg pasta sauce for dinner and plenty for the freezer.
I've been thinking about Jack's increasingly worrying obsession with THAT MAN. A big part is just straightforward jealousy but I wonder if a part of it in Jack's mind is a sense of injustice that he can get away with public fuck ups (the restaurants going bust), stupid comments (UKIP, big tvs/cheesy chips) whereas she lost her Sainsburys contract because of her comments about David Cameron's child. Of course Jack being incapable of any form of honest self reflection won't acknowledge that there's a world of difference between a stupid comment and a spiteful one. She also fails to realise is that all she does is make stupid comments, throw tantrums, tell lies and churn out slop. In contrast even his detractors acknowledge that JO is a talented chef and has done some good in the world with his youth apprenticeships and improvements in nutritional standards in school meals. The reason he is able to do good campaigning stuff is because he knows about food so can be taken seriously in his lane. Beyond throwing tantrums our ickle smol pixie doesn't really have a lane.
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Dear Jack, I am well, I hope you are well. I would like to go back to your media blitz a couple of weeks ago (I think it was a couple of weeks but time go so quickly doesn't it and it is hard to keep track of your zig-zagging). Anyway, you probably won't remember but I asked if you could do me a favour and speak to your mate Sir Richard of Iceland about the lack of packets of rolls of Wine Gums in his stores. They are not back yet. I am in decline as the Big Packets are not the same taste. Also, his carrier bags have a weakness in the handles but I don't expect you will know about such things using a trolley and back pack. I had thought of getting a petition up but I will await your kind reply before taking such a step. Kind regards 'Els xx
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The problem with Jack's "just use 40 p dish soap, bleach and vinegar and baking soda" is that (apart from conveniently ignoring things like washing powder, loo roll and shampoo), that even when they are a pew pennies, it's still quite a big part of a budget that's only £20 (and you'd need to pay 21 meals form that £20 as well).

I remember her writing when she was doing the 'living below the line' challenge that she even took the papery layers form the loose onions before paying fior them in the shop as an idea of saving half a penny or whatever.

And I don't care how much she pays for her groceries, but that she's giving the impression that you could live (with a son) of £20 a week if you put your mind to it, leaving people that actually do have to budget feeling bad when they can't. It just bothers me that she's held up as this budget expert when she's such a liar.
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I'm am not a retail frau but neither is Jack and it doesn't stop her bumping her gums. Why would the supermarkets re-label a more expensive pasta as budget label rather than just sell a load of it at the lower price as a promotion? Most people would be quite happy to buy the dearer pasta at a lower price because they're not weird Smart Price fetishists trying to make people think they're struggling so they can milk them for cash.
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So the advice for someone struggling to include all household stuff along with food shopping is:
-Buy and pay to have installed an arse shower
-Buy bumboo toilet roll in bulk around £40 for 48 rolls
-Use cheap bleach, washing up liquid and vinegar for everything else (is this for laundry as well or is Jack just ignoring that one?)

FFS what is wrong with people?
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MASSIVE APOLOGIES but I am new here and I created this entire account to ask this question. I'm sure it's been asked before so please just link me to discussion - I couldn't find anything BUT HOW is Jack still tweeting as if she is living on the poverty line? She has a successful media career with numerous books. Is she not getting paid? Does it all go to charity? Or is the whole thing faked? So confused.
The whole thing is faked.
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So buying eight cans of tomatoes and being gleeful makes Jack adorable? Talk about being the Mary Sue of your own life on the daily.

‘Grumpy Twitter persona’ ... hmm. Rude, immature, entitled, ungrateful, childish, attention seeking, lying, gaslighting, sadfishing = grumpy.
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For the second week I’ve gone to Tesco for my weekly shop. This whole arse licking of Jackastory has made me decide to shop elsewhere. Asda is a 15 min drive from my home. Tesco 25 mins. I’ll go the extra miles! I think there’s some sort of collaborative effort in the mix here with Asda. Far to much of the back pocket patting going on! Either that or she’s after one! Asda can piss off for me now because I can not stand liars and while they entertain hers, I will not put a penny in their tills! It already infuriates me that a large number of their staff are jobless due to them changing set hours and replacing them with self serve checkouts! She has the money to support smaller, independent farm shops to and feed her child good healthy food instead of these plates of sloppy cat shit.

That bacon is disgusting. I’m sorry but if I was on my arse then I’d buy a bag of apples or bananas and eat those! Not a packet of chopped up pigs titties that are mangled together to form a slice!!

To earn that much a month off her Patreon and still claim to eat something that resembles the shit my cat has when he’s been gnawing at the grass like a dick head is unbelievable!!!

Also as someone said further up… begging with her bowl out two days ago, now she’s got a full time day job!

Just piss right off. An anyone thick enough to send her money, well my sympathy has now, completely run out for you. When you realise she’s had your pants down and rinsed you for a few quid every month
I’ll sit here laughing at you!
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I remember her writing when she was doing the 'living below the line' challenge that she even took the papery layers form the loose onions before paying fior them in the shop as an idea of saving half a penny or whatever.
Maybe it's the ex-supermarket worker in me but this pisses me off. The papery layers protect the onion in transit and have been paid for. They have been picked that way to keep your onion intact and fresh, and when the cashier handles your onion, the bit you're going to eat is protected from germs on your hands, their hands, the inside of your shopping bag and the conveyor belt.

Leaving them in the box for another minimum wage employee to dispose of for you (another cost implication) is pretty disrespectful, and ultimately pushes prices up.

On a cost analysis basis only, I'd honestly rather people shoplifted the whole thing than make a complete nuisance of themselves like this.
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Thankfully I don't think she included a pic for this, but remember the time she gave a detailed description of herself lying naked on the sofa eating thick slices of cheese dipped in Marmite butter? 🤢 Haunts me.

I think it was shortly after this she announced sadly that she could no longer afford butter.
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Not to go all Sali Hughes but some cheap things are just better because that’s what you grew up with, or you prefer the flavour. I’m sure the Queen sometimes just fancies some beans on toast. The fetishisation of food is peak 21st century.
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And I don't care how much she pays for her groceries, but that she's giving the impression that you could live (with a son) of £20 a week if you put your mind to it, leaving people that actually do have to budget feeling bad when they can't. It just bothers me that she's held up as this budget expert when she's such a liar.
I managed the £20 a week challenge in Jan-Feb 2020!

Basically my New Year's resolution was to eat from the stock we had in the house. So use up frozen food, cupboard staples etc etc. I had to get organised to lift out meat to defrost and plan what I had in cupboards to use up.

I only bought fresh fruit and veg as we had so much stored.(I don't say this to be boastful but it's for many people it is quite common to have food stored and still do.a weekly shop.)

This meant that I was spending about £20, including buy washing stuff and loo roll etc.

I agree with you that living on £20 a week without the luxury of good stock in freezer and cupboards is a dangerous and moronic message as it just says that people who can't do this are frivolous and bad at money management.

I often read her postings and thought that I was doing it wrong as I couldn't get to £20. But I could do it when I basically didn't have to buy much!

Unfortunately my 'use up everything in the cupboards' coincided with the start of the pandemic so having nothing in wasn't the best idea.
But I do think all the people who tweet her praise are people who, like me, have cupboards full so a few weeks of a £20 spend would work but don't understand that she is suggesting that that buy's everything.

In summary the £20 is dangerous crap and totally lowers the expectations of the finances need to feed a family.
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I hate ADHD/Autism Jack the most.
I have both and struggled for 35 years before I was diagnosed properly.
Her making me sound like I basically need a carer fucks me right off.
Strategies and routines, Jack. That's how the rest of us cope.
INGRAINED strategies and routines.
You cuntasaurus.
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I live in bidetland. It's great.

That being said, it's an insane suggestion for someone struggling to make ends meet. It also shows the reality of Jack's audience - can't afford vegetables? Rent an allotment!
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