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May I suggest: -

Jack Monroe #221 No, Jack Monroe, director of on a bootstrap ltd, has not paid her tax bill to HMRC
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Deep-fried tomatoes are a thing. But GREEN tomatoes, which are less liquidy, and they are coated with something. Just dropping cherry tomatoes (sorry, baby tomatoes in restaurant parlance I guess) in hot oil is one of the stupidest things you can do.

I deep fry fairly often, and I've burned myself doing it a few times. If you put something wet into hot oil, it will spit EVERYWHERE, and not even your trusty onion goggles will save you!
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No one, but no one, is sending oysters as a replacement in a supermarket shop. But if they did, you could refuse them. But it’s all immaterial as Jack doesn’t do online shopping because she can’t afford the minimum spend.
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So her 'uni lecturer' is asking her for advice?

Oh my gosh, give it a month and she'll be teaching the course! Size of the ego on this one!
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I felt this way about Jack for a while - her lying has no real endgame. Sure, she makes some money off it, but she could have a much better career and make much more money if she was honest and worked. It seems a compulsion for her and I also think, just like the guy in the article, that she knows she's lying. She can clearly push it to one side, but she knows.
I know I’ve said this before, but I do think she’s really still annoyed that her career has grown up around budget food by mistake - she clearly has no idea/tastebuds/aptitude nor desire for learning. I really do think her origin story (🤮) was aiming to be a piece about benefits and poverty as she was politically interested, but she was picked up and feted and the “budget cooking” label over took her. And as much she got a free career as an author/columnist/smw/ professional elevenerifer/rent-a-gob, with a niiice line in grifting on the side, now she’s stuck and frustrated (and is taking out her micro aggressions on her salad drawer).
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Anyway any new frau want to tell us how it dawned on them that the people’s pov princess might actually be a massive blagger?
Well, I guess since you asked... I came across Jack's website whenever I was a student and was looking for budget recipes. I bought her first two books and also signed up for the Kickstarter for Cooking on a Bootstrap, which did eventually get delivered to me. I got a bit fed up of her once she started claiming every trendy diagnosis under the sun, but didn't realise what a liar liar pants on fire she was until I found this thread. I've been 🦉 and 🍾 ever since.

Mine has "a lot of excess tissue," but all normal apparently.
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She says what suits in the minute to either show off, prove a point or get her out of a fix - like a child.
And the lie she told about having an interview cut short because she called Boris a liar live on air, when it was literally broadcast on the TV and bore no resemblance to her telling of it. And yet the tweet got thousands of likes and was reported in the newspaper as fact! It's not just lying in such cases, it's deliberate misinformation (or FAKE NEWS) and it really sticks in my craw.
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A good food writer should be able to make you want to try a food you hate simply by the way they describe it.
Monroe is the polar opposite. She takes foods I love and by the time she has finished wanging on, I never want to eat them again.
She is the antichrist of nourishment.
Bib thread title nominate
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The whole Diva podcast was bollocks.

The presenter kept saying normally in a diva.pdf they have a set of questions but Jack wanted to write and mine her own personal trauma for an essay (fake surprise.gif). So she obviously went into this wanting to find some wealthy lesbians to feel sorry for her and take her under their wing.

It was all so dramatic and pathetic. How she was nothing until rehab and these people saved her, talking about the beige suit. Repeating the same lines we see on Twitter all the time, it was dramatic and predictable. Poor little Jack against the world and now she’s fought it. But I am with the poster (sorry forgot who it was) who said they didn’t believe she was an alcoholic. I don’t for a second think she was, I think she’s very good at cosplaying and adopting what an alcoholic would sound/act like and then making it the most dramatic version possible. She is OBSESSED with outing herself and I don’t believe she had anyone threatening to leak photos, again it’s a story to suit the plucky heroine narrative - the DM have not once shown an ounce of interest in her and I believe her narcissism makes her think she’s up there with Marcus Rashford in terms of fame. The school bullies too, omg she is obsessed with how she looks to people. It’s so sad, imagine your whole life trawling social media for attention. Ewwww.

They also asked if her son had seen the diva.pdf photo, and she said no not yet but she was planning on showing him. Imagine what would happen in secondary if the year 11’s found out who his mamapapa was. She offers zero protection to him, they could search her posts and find everything ever to use as ammunition for bullying because she turned him into a Victorian urchin.

My Christmas wish is for a blue ticker or someone to question the inaccuracies. It would honestly make my year!!
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Lads, I've taken one for the team and am making the advent calendar. So many Jacks and so little time.

Please could the idiotic lie about the sprouts be included in The Sloppies, it doesn't come near the no toaster, no sugar or no coffee lies but it's still a good lie.

Hold onto your seats until December 1st (more Jacks may materialise between now and then).
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Cake fork ✅
Saucer ✅
Polish Jack has returned ✅
Fart Jack has lingered ✅

The brown filter LEFT
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