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Her accent in that interview where she discusses her tats is markedly posh, isn’t it? Ive never heard her quite so ‘received pronunciation’ as that before. Very middle class indeed. Clearly she changes her speech pattern to fit whatever she’s doing. Typical.
Catching up so this may be totally out of synch now, especially if there’s a chaos…

but changing your accent to match other people you’re talking to *can be* part of being autistic.
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I have some insurance through my bundled bank account, and some more with my very basic credit card, which is something you don't get with GoHenry.
Has the ig post been deleted? I can’t see it there.
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I’m really glad she hasn’t commented on today. Any comments I have seen have been appropriate apart from some American journalist.

I have to say though that I am desperate to try that girl poppy’s 15 hour potatoes….. they seem worth the wait unlike 15 hour slop.
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Why post it? Not for the first time, I know, but there's no recipe and no description of what it actually is, other than a swamp? There's literally no point to the post.

Here's some green stuff. No idea what it is, or what I put in it and I haven't got a recipe for it. But whatever, here's a photo anyway.

She's supposed to be a food writer?
Bib is the magic word, but did she give herself that label? A lot of these SM money grabbers give themselves totally inappropriate labels. Do they just pull them out of a hat lucky dip style. most of them miss the mark by miles
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The latest post about cooking when depressed appears to have been deleted.

(Sort of OT but not really) Has anyone seen the Ruby book yet? Bookshops near me don’t have it at the moment so I haven’t had a spy.
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Miss Anne Thrope

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With the proviso that I'm going from memory and my own interpretation, I think the sex worker period has never been fully explained, only alluded to.

However, the timing of it being alluded to is around the timing of the references Jack made to working as a 'shot girl' or in revealing clothing as bar staff. So the two have become strangely crossed wires in my brain where it makes me wonder whether Jack thinks that wearing skimpy outfits in a bar for the titillation of others (primarily the male gaze) and receiving payment and/or tips for thus doing falls under the banner of sex work, or if it is all just your standard classic Monroe obfuscation for which we need the most useful .jpg known to humanity.
🎵🎵 You may be right, (I may be crazy) 🎵🎵

Spoiler: I think you’re right.
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Logging off now, we don't need levity, Jack is a comical idiotic puppet of the press but a dangerous pawn of right wing ideology. She reinforces the view of your average Daily Mail reader about what a 'poor' person is.
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Chatty Member
There's another piece following her Sainsbury's sacking;

Great piece again. The thing is, being reminded of this particular instance of gobsmacking hypocrisy, it really brings home how even more hypocritical she is (again) about the very issue of criticism and ultimately tattle, that she so desperately wants to make a bigger thing of. "Cameron uses rhetoric to shut down debate on disability when he's rich enough for it not to be a actual issue for him" was the gist of the point she made in place of an apology. And it's a terrible point too, but looking beyond that the thing is, now going after someone's sick child is repugnant and in the absence of that apology (which like the true narc she is clearly incapable of giving) she instead questioned the class, back story, right to comment on a particular issue and motives of someone who she perhaps isn't a fan of. Sound familiar? Seems as though she'd love it here, if she could just mange to tone down the abuse and keep it respectful, that is.
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My logic is that if she is a problematic drinker and her family know this, they may have kept an eye on her drinking and stopped any pity party. Also it’s not as sad a story for the media to go to your family for Christmas.
Indeed, I being somewhat facetious.
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