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Can you even imagine telling EVERYONE that model agencies said you had the perfect face? If that happened to me (it wouldn’t) I would maybe tell my mum. She is so full of herself. It’s soooo embarrassing.
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Was just reading a guardian article about Alex Salmond which I thought was really rather good (the opinion section can be pretty dire at times so I was surprised, it managed to make a clear point without being wishy washy or unprofessional ) I scrolled back up to see who the author was and it's only our Kirsty Strickland getting all up in JMs niche writing for the Guardian!

Jack must be loving that they're colleagues now 🤣
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Jelly Bean

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Oh bloody hell more guilt tripping women. Dye your hair/don't dye your hair. Literally who actually cares. It is called choice.
It's like when Caitlin Moran made out having a bare front botty was akin to being a p*edo enabler and also under the patriarchal jack boot. More ways of making women feel ashamed for their personal choices.
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I always find people who are seen as peers saying I'm proud of you as a bit condescending. For me it's something that a parent would say to a young child after a big accomplishment, someone who is seen as within the same age brackets it just sounds like they are stating you did good but I'm still bettter. I always say well done or good for you if my friends so well. I feel it's less condescending.
Proud of you for this post ;)
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Was re-reading the "Poverty is a septic wound" bilge, because I clearly hate myself, and feel like we need to talk about this:



I wonder what tuneful warbling she regaled it with? Landslide, Stand By Me, Think Twice (she can do it note-perfect, don't you know). Ending up pulverised for slop must have been a blessed relief.
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Speaking of the hideous rag rug, I noticed this a while ago. She got it from the Cambridge folk festival and whoever sold it to her apparently told her it was a handmade Moroccan carpet lol.

View attachment 502748

View attachment 502747
Such a tw@t . No offence to anyone but that rug is horrible. Wax cloth sourced from morogoro, material gifted by poor natives in awe of my majesty. she's sounds like a gap year student. Have you 'done the taj mahal yet jack?'
Oh and I'm so bloody rich and faux gauche darling I just keep crap on my (RENTED) baby grand. It even has watermarks from the mugs of coffee made from civet shit bestowed on me when I joined the tory Party as their woman on the front line of acceptable poverty and social mobility.
Obviously this happened after I sang with Billy Bragg in my Marmalade Atkins phase.
Oh, did I mention my dead grandad was a slum landlord?
Thatcher's dream.
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And her blind insistence on effing Twitter being the only forum for anything enrages me. Absolutely pointless.
I had to use twitter for work and it was a time suck - it could be useful but it mostly was the same "in group" chatting away and promoting each other. With a change in job, I binned it off. I don't miss it and I can confidently say, as a now non-user, it never fucking crosses my mind what's being said on there. The people who use it though, my GOD, don't they just believe they are the elite all-knowing all-seeing, all-understanding creme de la creme of life. It's a joke! They're all just blowing smoke up each others' arses while the rest of the world gets on with life. Sad fucks.
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Not a fan of the way she's phrased this. Like she's been asked by people to say something.

What do you even say? What could you say Jack? I don't think empty words on Twitter are going to help people at this point.

Unless you've got some contacts at the UN?
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I can’t wait for the Marcus cook book. I bet it won’t be some patronising “can cook for a week on 20p”
I think there will be real recipes, good nutrition, and a point being made that people shouldn’t have to do a £20 shop. I hope.

as a Liverpool fan 🔺, I want to hate Marcus but he is just perfect. And uses his platform for actual change, not ranting
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Chatty Member
It’s a beautiful sunny day here in the West Country. I’ve pulled all the hair out of the bath plug hole and have hung it out on the line ready to make firelighters #jackshacks 💛🧡❤🧡❤🧡
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As I've said before, I have Asperger's Syndrome. I dont claim to be an expert on autism. I dont even claim to be an expert on my own personality, because it makes no fucking sense, even to me at times.
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Just thinking more about the horrific potential of Myanmar Jack...

In 2019, when our political prisoners were sentenced, we had enormous protests. During that time, no one spoke about anything else, in person or online. It was all-consuming. What's happening in Myanmar is far, far worse, so the thought of Jack sandwiching a "solidarity with Myanmar" tweet between "look at my floofy catto" and a Facetuned pic of herself eating dib dabs is sickening.

When you're actually affected by these things, you can't just turn them off and go back to cattos when you're bored.
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View attachment 501158
Inspired by @colouredlines, the WayBack Machine has Jack's Wikipedia page dated from 2013 and no wonder it got so heavily edited...

There's so many subjective statements in it, and what on earth is that random bit about lentils?!
“And some people dislike lentils” just actually made me laugh loudly enough Mr Bol looked up from football manger, which is quite the achievement for such a seemingly benign sentence. 🤣
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Thanks to everyone for the kind words and thoughts, really appreciated.

Op all done in about 4 hours, so a little more complicated that they had anticipated, they said it would be over in an hour. The painkillers and local anaesthetic are doing their job thank goodness. The general anaesthetic lingered so I had a great night's sleep. Fingers crossed it has been successful. I have had a quick look and it looks brutal, goodness knows how they manage to get such huge bruises in places nowhere near where the operation site is. Onward and upward, need to get home now.

Talking about grey hair, the nurse thought I was a famous chef using a false name. It was a private hospital (I was NHS of course) so it might well have been. I asked her who she though I was and she said Marcus Wareing. I hadn't a clue, so Googled him.

🔺 I had to admit, some of the pictures I really thought were of me! Now either he looks old for his age, or I look very young. I think it is probably a bit of both.

Off for a read of the pages I missed.
So glad you’re ok, it’s horrible that it was more complicated than expected. Are you able, or wanting, to stay in a bit longer to recover? You hit the crappy jackpot with private X NHS for an op, I say that with total understanding that it’s never ideal to be having one in the first place. I’ve had loads in NHS and two private.

Last operation I had, I was howling and clawing at the carpet in my RENTED house just thinking about it. I’ve had loads of operations before and was not feeling great about another one. Then they told me it would have to be at a private hospital.

Manc, Mate. I got there and was like little orphan Annie, when she gets to Daddy Warbucks’s house and starts singing “I think I’m gonna like it here!”. The fish supper after the op was like silver service! It wasn’t even cooked in its own freezer juices, which is just bizarre 🤷‍♀️ I eventually got wheeled out of there and chucked in a cab after begging successfully to stay an extra night.
Disclaimer: yes I fully get the problematic situation of NHS/privatisation etc etc etc

On topic with Jack, I wish she’d keep her facetuned nose out of autism. I don’t believe she has it, for one. If she does, then she totally misunderstands her diagnosis. She uses it as an excuse for everything, and doesn’t seem to be able to distinguish autistic traits from sheer tomfoolery.

Being autistic definitely qualifies that guy to talk about his experiences of autism. A diagnosis does not, however, qualify anyone to become some kind of figurehead or spokesperson for the condition, unless they are also fully trained and have studied extensively. There is research and careful work to be done, before you can speak on behalf of a whole community of people.
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