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Thought the same to be honest, while I’m all for normalising normal homes, I suppose (Al’s a cheat) when you’re getting the mortgage (Al left his pregnant ex wife) paid for you and it’s your ex husband’s house you don’t really give a crap.
Thanks for answering our questions you hilarious pair of cheats.... what happened to working ALL weekend and spending time with your perfectly blended family 😂😂😂😂 seems the cheats have been spending lots of time here with us 😂😂😂 also notice how consciously / subconsciously T is referred to as ‘child 1’ and I is ‘child 2’


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Also before they bang on I’ve lost 2 babies , one at 14 weeks and one was my sons twin at 12 weeks so they aren’t going to make me feel guilty for having an opinion.
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I always raise an eyebrow when a new member to the site starts defending in a threat or become overly passive aggressive (almost like Al the cheat does when questioned on his post....) it wouldn’t be the first time an ‘influencers’ has been on this site in their thread. Same thing is going on in the westholme property thread right now too.
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Omg you wouldn’t think she had a bloody teenager, Jen the cheat really is pathetic. Bloody Ted led. How about you pair of cheats let the kid have a life. No wonder he’s so bloody dependent on I.
That poor child will grow up with so many issues & it’s most definitely Mum led. If she’s in that much of a state letting him off to a supervised school club he has absolutely picked up on her anxieties over the years
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I am so glad this thread exists, if I was still a follower of theirs I sure wouldn't be after this shit show jen has pulled. The "i don't talk about it online" narrative is mind blowing, does she even realise she's just aired some seriously personal details about isla, hannah and hannahs husband.
I know sometimes in the film world the step mum is often made to be evil, and the step dad the hero, but this situation is so different. Jen wants to talk about sexism? How about feminism hun? Jen slept with al while hannah was pregnant with isla, for months they snuck around behind her back while she was carrying als child. Al spoiled jen with presents and flowers rather than being there for his expectant wife. While H was working her arse off as a midwife, and dealing with the normal strains of pregnancy, al was meeting jen in the park for a quickie, with no thought to his baby. Jen has painted this picture of her and al being sidelined by H and her husband, acting as if her and al are hard done by.
When the reality is Al left baby isla when she was 5 weeks old. He made the choice to walk away from his infant daughter and move in with jen, he chose his mistress over his baby. Whatever way he paints it, he cannot overlook that. Marriages break up, I don't argue that, but al acts like it was a natural end to the marriage and he moved on afterwards. When really he was cheating for months and then when the grass got greener he packed and left. Hannah had no idea what was going on until that day. Imagine that, a first time mum, with a 5 week old baby and your husband turns around and says I'm off, I've got another woman. You'd be fucking terrified.
The way jen and al act is like jen should have been involved in every isla moment for the second they got together. Even though that was when isla was 5 weeks old, and H was left on her own. Did they want H to role the red carpet out for jen and welcome her as islas new step mother.
The timeline of the events they talk about show me just how much this is about control. H was on her own with isla for two years before she met her husband, he became a part of her life a few months after. They got married and had a little boy a year into their marriage. Their little boy got to one/one and a half and started talking, he obviously called his dad, dad. Isla then at 6 years old, asked if she could call him dad too, as her brother did and he had been a father to her since she was around 3. So al and jens whole "isla has always called her step dad, dad" dig is all out of place. Isla was 6 by the time this happened. 6 years old. Not the narrative al and jen shout about. They act as if al moved in with jen, and then H moved her partner in, but there was years between all this. They cannot stand to have the narrative of H being a single mum, struggling on her own while jen and al were off having the time of their life.
I have no idea why jen has decided to do this now, especially as little isla is over there more often, they have openly saif themselves she stays every Thursday and every other weekend. I find it shocking jen feels the need to share all this so publicly, especially as H and her husband cannot have their say.
Jen you should be fucking ashamed of yourself you lying, cheating, manipulating woman. You go on about trolls but you're the biggest one love, the way you treat H is beyond disgusting

Nothing more to say on these two because it only benefits them.

I hope they enjoy the bitterness, jealousy and resentment they have created and stirred up. Maybe it's the only emotion they are capable of feeling nowadays? Airing your private business on SM is what made alot of people question them in the first place, I cant see what purpose it all serves other than to provoke. Whether its us 'trolls' or islas family, who knows. I hope they actually see sense and give up on whatever mission their on. At the end of the day it's the kids that will pay the price in some way. Such a shame.
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Yeah maybe but its quite well known around here that H planned it as a baby band aid. And the important thing is that now poor Isla has to deal with it all. I follow them on insta but can't recall what he said about h on there? is it still on his account?
He’s a sneaky so and so , everything he puts on is generally a story so disappears in 24 hours. He clearly puts things on when he’s pissed on a night too then often removes on a morning. Plenty people have screen shots. I don’t get drawn into that. Obv I don’t know them personally and followed the page then came here and saw another side. I know affairs happen and marriages break up. However when you build a social media following based on being Disney’s version of Coparenting but also hide the fact you have a child for years and make on your a first time dad with T it kind of makes you look like a wanker.
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Why does cheating Jen always say “elderly friend”. Is it to gain extra Instagram points? She could be just a friend but that wouldn’t make her a saint.
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Cringe!!!! I had my Vaccine, think I mentioned it to my mum? Does the husband snatcher want? A medal?
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If they (the cheats) are as broke as they say they are, desperately trying to save the pennies (al cheated on his pregnant wife with Jen) but selfish Al wants a kfc, selfish Al is saying he has a new guitar? (Benefit of the doubt maybe it’s only a new addition to the wall?) but still. When we’ve struggled financially, the kids and our house come first. My husband and I made huge sacrifices. He’s an immature little prick. The way he giggles and smirks. He an embarrassment to men everywhere.
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Ha ha as if some one does a "good deed" then says look at how good I am, oh the shame of it 🤣🤣🤣

Really kind of her to take £1 clothing away from the homeless who probably rely on having to walk into the store directly up to the rails as they don't have access to the Internet to ask her to kindly gift it to them 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 soooo kind and soooo heroic.

Fucking modern day Robin hood right there
Al the cheat screen shot your comment and storied it. That is why (Al’s a cheat) I always make sure to include references (Al cheated on his pregnant ex wife) to their behaviour to stop him (cheat) gaslighting his followers


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Was just coming to post this. The only question they've deigned to answer and yet again it's a dig at H. Maybe the co-parenting would be a bit easier if you weren't constantly taking swipes at the mother of your child on social media, eh Cheating Al and Jen?!
Yeah because this thread (Al’s a cheat) has gone quiet lately and they have ZERO content (Al’s a cheat) so have to try to spark us into a discussion again so that they (cheats) can pull out the troll stories again - Chests are sooooo lame 😂
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“It’s why I stay silent”. Like fuck you do you lying cheats. It’s all you talk about. Without this woe is me narrative you’ve got nothing.

If Al wanted to be at Isla’s christening maybe he shouldn’t have fucked off

Good luck Al (you lying cheat) with getting an invite to her wedding the way you’re carrying on
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I really don’t want to give them (cheaters) any content but have genuine questions. How can the double school run take an hour and a half and both kids be on time? Jen slept with a married man. Even with covid bubble times, my kids go to different primary schools and it’s 10mins drive between them. Not being funny but if poor Isla (al cheated on his pregnant wife) spends that much extra time in the car in order to just stay with them overnight that doesn’t seem in her best interests.
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She seems like a good kid who is naturally good with other kids and knows the score on what’s expected of her. It will be interesting to see what happens when she is 13/14, and I speak from my own experience, her true feelings will come out.
She does seem like a lovely kid, she’s an absolute credit to her Mum & stepdad.
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Chatty Member
At least the photo is relatively accurate although I’d say Jen (the cheat) was more of a bulldog licking piss off a thistle than a chihuahua (cheats).

He’s (the cheat) casually forgetting to reference that he didn’t mention the poor lass for 5 years (he’s a cheat) which is probably more likely to upset her.
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