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under the ivy

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I binged it all today. Really enjoyed it. I learnt about Section 28 at university but great to see it being talked about in a drama. I was born in the 90s but I adore 80s music, fashion, culture etc. I’d love to watch a documentary about the HIV/AIDS outbreak.
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Binged it all last week.
Loved it. Cried laughed cried again mainly.

Shocking to think people with aids hiv were treat 😞
The shows really stayed with me in mind Almost can’t shake it off! Been a while since I’ve watched a show that’s made me think like this.
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I haven’t read this yet but it was recommended to me after I went on and on about this programme

Amazon product

Has anyone read it?

Also - reading all the love for this show is making me cry all over again! 😭
I have also had this on my TBR list - it’s currently out of stock on the Gay’s The Word e-shop - I’d love to know thoughts from anyone who has read it too ☺

I love reading all the love for It’s A Sin - I ugly sobbed my way through every episode like most of you here 💔
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There was a huge amount of panic and the TV continually played this awful advert and sent out leaflets to every household.
There was a huge amount of stigma attached in those days.

I was only a kid at the time but I had genuine nightmares seeing those adverts and constantly sering news headlines about it.
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I’m glad you took up my recommendation and were as moved by it as me. I know this is a ‘it’s a sin’ thread but I honestly feel ashamed as someone who grew up in the 80’s-90’s that it’s only now I feel more informed and better educated of this era. Any other reading, tv programmes or films I’ll take your recommendations so’s to understand even better.
I actually bought book recently which is going to be my next read. It's called "All The Young Men" by Ruth Coker-Burks, i've heard it's an emotional one, i'll let you know thoughts once i've dug into it a bit. :)
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I watched QAF last week - I kind of enjoyed it but not as much as Cucumber or It's A Sin...I just found the majority of the characters really unlikeable? Like it was so hard to root for them at all. Not to mention the weird relationship with a schoolboy thing...I know it was a 'different time' but surely it wasn't that different!!
Stuart was rather unlikeable. I hated how he treated Vince who was so sweet 😒 and Nathan only being 15, bit dodge. I actually forgot that the age of consent for gay men used to be 21 😬
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Wasn’t Marcus one of the many men who Ritchie slept with back at his flat? I think there was a very brief scene and he’s like “bye then!” afterwards.
I didn't notice so can't say either way but the actor who plays Marcus, Richard Cant, is listed on IMDB as appearing in just episode 5. (Don't know how accurate IMDB is, though).
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Oh god Violet Moon. Brace yourself with Cucumber. One of the episodes is HARROWING. I was shaken for days.

Years & Years is also fantastic by RTD.
I've just finished it. Really loved it. Tragic, funny, refreshingly real (in sometimes an ugly way, if that makes sense). And yes, that really was.
I'm becoming quite the fan of RTD. I did watch Queer as Folk years ago, and I've seen a few Doctor Who episodes he wrote. But never really appreciated his work properly.
I'm going to watch Banana next, but then I'll definitely check out Years & Years!
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I really didn’t want to binge it but did the lot in one go last night until the early hours as it was so compelling. I’ve thought about it all day. RTD is just brilliant.
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Weren't Jill's mum and dad introduced before that at the Pink Palace having a meal there?
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I have and Cucumber was amazing, it made me gasp in places and stayed with me for ages after. Is it still available to watch anywhere? I can’t remember if I watched Banana that was part of the series. I remember watching Queer as Folk the first time and thinking it was so risqué then rewatching it a few years ago. I’m sure I have the dvd. I’m only a couple of episodes in to Its a Sin and love it but also don’t want to watch on as can feel the sadness 🥺
It’s on All4, I’ve just started it.
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Along similar lines, has anyone watched Aids: The Unheard Tapes on iplayer? It's very good (if "good" is the right term for something so tragic) Really interesting account of that time, the gay community had it so rough.
I’m just watching this now.

it must have been terrifying. It was so sad hearing their interviews.
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I find it so sad that Colin was the one who could have been more open, his mum didn’t care if he was gay or not. She was just so happy he had a nice group of friends.
Maybe he had told Mum or she would have guessed. But he lived in a very tight knit narrow community which he would have wanted to be free of.
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I came on the thread after the 1st episode but so many people had binged it after and I read a spoiler so stayed away until I watched in real time too. Just about pulled myself together enough to come on here now. It was one of the best things I've watched in a long time, so thought provoking, hilarious and heart breaking all in one. Loved it even if it turned me into a snotty weeping mess!
Exactly like me! I read something about Colin so clicked ignore until tonight! I'm still a little weepy
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Just want to thank/blame you all for inspiring me to watch Cucumber on All4. Such a change of pace to Its a Sin but still absolutely brilliant and shocked me in different ways. Just goes to show that RTD is a bloody genius.
Just finished Cucumber myself after I saw it recommended on this thread. Thought it was great.
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