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Jenny is breaking her silence by posting pics of her looking absolutely 🔥🔥 thats fucking iconic tbh.
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I’m still an Xgal, hanging on until the end of the month, for what I don’t know but I have to say the last episode I listened to about the mortgages was the biggest load of shite.
I subscribed to the girls because I loved their light hearted podcasts, so much so that I needed an extra one a week. I’d be walking down the road and giggling away to myself at some of the things the girls said but my god, I felt down after that pod.
and I picked up on what another member said above, that Lindsey just mirrors the personality of the person she’s speaking to and they were painful to listen to in that episode.
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Chatty Member
I don't know if she's actually racist, but ignorant and privileged yes - this woman wouldn't last a day working in a restaurant / cafe
I kinda disagree. If you have the ability to educate yourself and you actively choose not to, and then you say ignorant racist shit- that’s racism imo. And making excuses for that kind of behaviour is only enabling it. If you have the opportunity to call out racist behaviour but choose not to, you are also complicit.
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Im sorry but im so fucking tired of Jenny not able to put a foot wrong. Different sources and Lindsay herself have confirmed it was Jenny who was in the wrong yet people are saying "well she only mustve did it over something Lindsay has done". 2 months ago everyone was calling Jenny the ultimate pick me girl. She was called out on here numerous times for comments shes made and her attitude towards certain subjects. Not to mention thinking we are all plebs and she knows waaay more about everything than everyone. Shes savvy she knows how to handle the pr side well, as seen when shit has hit the fan. Just because shes staying quiet doesnt mean shes the wronged party. Means she knows how to handle the issue the right way. Wer as Lindsay has always has knee jerk reactions. Doesnt make her the bad one in this. Im not a huge Lindsay fan either I just find the lynch mob mentality a bit much. She took over a podcast that she relies on for income because someting occured between them that finished their friendship. Thats not salvable but her podcast is. Of corse shes going to have a run at it. We all would. Maybe not in the exact same way but noone would want to lose their job and best friend, over best friends actions if people are to be believed, and be left with nothing. We would all scramble to keep it going.
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she also claims that she "stumbled over her words" and she feels so nervous talking about race because of PC culture, 1) its a fucking podcast Lindsay if you say something wrong or can't figure out the best way to word your thoughts re-record it or edit that part out 2) you don't have to talk about race?? tbh i don't think anyone wants the racial opinions of a middle class white woman
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As a triple X gal actually enjoyed the pod about mortgages big issue for young women in Ireland who the podcast is aimed at. Gas how ye all are pretending to love Jenny now when everyone hated her a few months ago and said she was boring.. tbh ye are all boring hypocrites and everything ye accuse them of being
It’s almost like people’s opinions aren’t static and can change when situations evolve, shocker!!
Who’s pretending to love her? What do anonymous posters stand to gain by pretending to like anyone?
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I think the majority of people have enough going on in their day to day life that educating themselves on BLM issues etc, is not a priority to them? Is that not fair enough? Also what was racist about what L said in the most recent podcast?
The majority of people have free time to sit around on social media and the internet in general, as evidenced by this thread, as evidenced by the X Galz community being a thing, as evidenced by Lindsay spending her life online. Very few people don’t have even a small bit of time to educate themselves, but the thing is stuff like this isn’t even something you need to actively go educate yourself on, I feel like you can’t move without something new being thrown in your face (and overall that’s a good thing).

Plus a lot of it isn’t even stuff you need to read up on, it’s just common sense and tact half the time. ‘The blacks’, Jesus wept.

When she’s being told nicely that something isn’t right and her response is ‘lmao stop being a snowflake gyaaaaal’, that’s her choosing not to change or acknowledge there might be other perspectives.

She can give out about snowflakes, virtue signalling and the ‘woke’ all she wants, but it’s painfully obvious that edginess is something she tries to hold onto as much as ‘wokeness’ is a huge thing for some people. God forbid people actually just had certain morals
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What's this photoshoot about on her stories? Anyone else find it a bit cringe?

I'm not a fan of her style at all and don't understand how you swing from dreads and indie rock chick look to playboy bunnies on everything, neon green, burberry miniskirts short shorts and bralettes to demure blazers and high necked tops and this last change was within the space of a few months.

I feel like she changes how she looks depending on who she hangs around with at the time or is going out with... Doesn't seem genuine to me
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So Jenny has made her sign an NDA then. Well that’s that on that so, we’ll never know the reason why they fell out so anyone hanging in there waiting to hear the goss is wasting their time
remember when all of this first kicked off someone wrote in here that they heard they fell out because Jenny texted Lindsays sisters stuff about Lindsay putting her on/ off fella before her kids? I honestly believe that is the truth and that is why they fell out.
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I and many other female friends of mine deliberately used to avoid walking through temple bar square when DMS was “busking” there due to the vile things he would shout at passers-by and those passers-by were always young women. He never said anything to men or boys but girls were fair game for a smart comment about their clothes/ hair etc. I was actually afraid of him because I was extremely shy and having a bunch of strangers laugh at you on a Saturday afternoon was my idea of hell
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i didn’t mean for my comment to come across as sexist. I just know from personal experience sometimes it takes a boyfriend or new friend to show you how bad an old friendship is
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Lindsey did mention in episodes that she was going to be maid of honour. Also in the engagement episode I found her trying to make the whole situation about her. I defo think Evan has given Jenny the confidence to break away from Lindsey. The comment she made about wishing Jenny and Evan were breaking up as well in the episode she was discussing her break up was really bad form. It has always come across that shes v jealous of Jennys relationship
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Can't stand Ross Hogan. He's a bootlicker extraordinare. He seems to get great mileage out of calling people out but is literally dying to be friends with all of them ie Lindsay, Casper Walsh, etc. Seeing people who engage so fully with cancel culture, then drop it immediately when said person offers to give them a followers dig out, shows such weak character. It's classic fake ass behaviour to do that. I know he's a literal child though so perhaps there's some hope for him yet. It's just so painful watching it.

I'm also really surprised at Lindsay giving him any platform considering the level of vitriole he gave to her face. She actually dealt with it pretty well I thought. That's the one thing I'd say for Lindsay, she seems to have a lot of patience for complete headmelts and let's them say their piece. It does make for entertaining viewing/listening, so I'll give her that!
I don’t think it was right that a 33 year old (at the time) was engaging in online altercations with a 15 year old child. It was beyond embarrassing and apparently Jenny was not happy about it! IMO Lindsay done a lot of damage to the itgalz brand when she was entertaining that child online. She later went on to do a live with him discussing really inappropriate things for a child of his age
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