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the hatred you lot have for Lindsay and the horniness you lot have for Jenny is so strange. You are the people who hated Jenny literally a few months ago before this all took off and will now take minor things like the fact she’s literally just on holiday as a sign of her winning at life in the long run somehow? Lindsay has personality flaws but in regards to her fall out with Jenny she hasn’t bad mouthed her in any way. I find the narrative that she should sack off the pod now so strange too. Why do you all wanna see her downfall?
Lol I feel like this is Lindsay 😂 also the only reason she hasn’t had mouthed Jenny is because Jenny hit her with an nda, she literally said she was going to explain what happened “once the dust settles”
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to be fair I remember when they asked people what kind of content they wanted more of a while back a few people mentioned mortgages.
Seeing as J was trying to get one herself at the time and people where aware of it there was suggestions on doing that type of content.
I feel like if I wanted information on a mortgage I would talk to my bank and not two internet girls behind a pay wall but that’s just me! Did see the comment a while back that some would find it interesting.
Isn’t XGalz still being marketed as like a juicy sex pod? Gas because there’s nothing juicy about it for months 🤭 (bar the obvious drama)
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I dont like either so its not pot kettle. Im simply stating that just because someone knows how to play the pr game doesnt make the other one the bad person. I dont agree with nor do I necessarily care about L's behaviour lately just my opinion that the lynch mob should ease off a bit and that Jennys halo shouldn't be polished so much.
Jenny could be acting out and wrecking everyone’s head and that wouldn’t change the fact that Lindsay is annoying people with her behaviour. I’ve said previously on this thread it’s hard to be actively annoyed at someone who’s keeping their mouth shut, whether it’s calculated and cold or not
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In other news to fill my Podcast void - as a former XGal I’d listen to over two hours of their content a week including It Galz - I gave Red Scare a try as I heard it mentioned here a few times.

Would definitely NOT recommend, you can see how Jenny has been influenced by the two hosts who spent the podcast that I listened to criticising women, making fun of ‘liberals’ and woke people. I listened to an ep about Courtney Stodden and despite it being obvious that the poor (& underage) girl was being manipulated and taking advantage of by her family & pweirdo husband the hosts still managed to be massively judgemental and blaming the victim for her choice of clothes, hair and makeup. Shocking stuff!

Tbf Tattlers ages ago were pointing out that J was using some Red Scare content for inspo and I definitely found similarities in how they discussed certain topics.
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Agree. If it was L in Ibiza there would be nothing but "hope shes quarantining when shes back" and " does L have her vaccine".
Totally agree people would be saying that, and it would be coming from Lindsay’s shitty attitudes towards Covid and restrictions at the height of the cases and deaths.
Sorry but why do people act as if everyone’s opinions about L and J exist in a vacuum and aren’t CAUSED by their behaviour? People aren’t doing eenie meanie minie mo and picking a side for the craic 🙄
Edit to add to the people who are moaning that ‘Oh Jenny can do now wrong now you’re just looking to tear Lindsay down’ realise it just looks like Lindsay can do no wrong to them and they’re pissed off that people might dare change their opinion on Jenny cos they don’t like her? Pot, kettle 😂 things aren’t black and white either it’s not about loving or hating anyone it can simply be a case of still being indifferent to the person as a whole but feeling like they’re handling this particular situation well or not
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Nothing about her in that video screams bag to me
I agree. She's basically very normal in that video?

She's bopping around town in her new style, feeling herself like Marge Simpson that episode where she gets the chanel suit and I'm all here for it.
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Well, I unsubscribed from XGalz (I hate solo voices on podcasts), so I guess I'll have to bow out of following this thread soon.

I really liked the ItGalz: they were a great team because Jenny had a logical mind while Lindsay's mind would dart off in unexpected directions. I think Jenny provided the safe space for Lindsay to play, even if I didn't agree with everything they said.

But L's pushback over people challenging her BLM sensitivities reminds me of how the girls unhitched from the feminist label. They were 'fine ass feminists' until feminists called them to account for, well, let's not go there.

The galz demonstrated a lot of the traits of feminism over the years but rejected the label basically (IMO) because feminists actually took them seriously enough to pay attention to what they were saying and found that they were severely wanting. Instead of listening to the feedback and trying to learn and grow, they just stomped off and declared themselves 'not feminists'.

Now Lindsay is once again being asked to account for words she herself uttered, and she's not happy. (And, really, Lindsay, your defence of repeating dodgy AF gossip from your handyman should not be that you're 'regurgitating' what you heard. I won't even attempt to address where she's going wrong with the BLM movement because I'm not qualified to say.)

I think Lindsay is a good woman - that IT Galz live in the new year, where she supposedly talked over Jen and her big news? I thought Lindsay was just excited for her friend.

But I wish Lindsay would realise how LUCKY she is, with her gorgeous kids and a really supportive family, and maybe take a seat and listen to people when they're trying to give her useful criticism.
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I think Jenny dodged a bullet there with Lindsay not being her maid of honour...can you imagine relying on L on your wedding day?

"Lindsay, can you get the bridesmaids together for photos, and make sure they all have their bouquets?"

Cut to Lindsay in front of a mirror twerking in her dress and eye fucking herself, away in her own world 😭
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There's no way she can sustain it imo. It's awful when she's alone and how many times can she have her sisters and Pete on?
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I think Joanne and Vogue have decimated the pod. Like a final blow. If there was no fall out, it still would have decimated it.

The other girl duos are a different vibe like State of Us, Rosemary McCabes one, Bandwagons TUO etc. They have their own lanes but Joanne/Vogue are very much in the same vein as Itgalz but Joanne navigates the risqué better than Lindsay and Vogue has A list connection rather than Z list like Jenny
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It was the usual Lindsay shit this morning, mainly justifying what she said by saying it was a regurgitated story and that she wouldn’t apologise because it’s not her issue if someone takes personal offence (she is a CoMeDiAn after all and Ricky Gervais doesn’t apologise).

She wants XGals to be able to say offensive things on Patreon and others find them funny instead of getting offended.

Also that people who get offended by racial slurs are usually upper class, lower class people don’t get offended by it.

Oh and everyone hates women, Britney Spears is famous purely because she had a breakdown, as are Lindsay Lohan and Paris Hilton. Her situation is similar on a smaller scale and that people are loving watching her demise.
but like does she not realise that even if people like Ricky gervais or whoever say offensive things and then don’t apologise, that doesn’t make it ok? Like they’ve still said offensive/racist things? I do think in the past she or both Jenny and Lindsey have said things that were blown out proportion such as the whole echo man saga and even Movember but like there’s a big difference between the echo man comments and then making racially insensitive comments. She needs to realise that and stop making herself the victim in this situation.
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I’m never one to comment on a forum like this but I felt I had to. I’ve been a long time listener to itgalz and always enjoyed their content. I am a single mam and it always reminded me of my wild side/ party days .. listening to their stories of clubbing in dublin etc and the sexcapades- kept aside of me alive while I was dealing with nappies / potty training etc. It was comforting to listen to them while doing mundane tasks and I always got a laugh. I definitely didn’t agree with everything they said/ did but I enjoyed the content more often than not. I was so upset about the demise of the friendship. I’m finding the picking apart of Lindsay very hard to watch as it’s clear she is liable to shoot herself in the foot. I would have definitely aligned myself with Jenny during the podcasts etc. but I am concerned now though that Lindsay cannot do anything without being picked apart and scrutinised on this forum. She has lost a friendship that spanned 10 years as her friend betrayed her with her words - even though these were possibly warranted due to Jenny’s frustrations- who knows. It’s clear Lindsay is grappling to keep things going without the organisation and business mindset of Jenny. I think it’s only fair to give her a chance to do so. She is putting out content on patreon as agreed. I absolutely don’t agree with racism in any shape or forum and Lindsay shouldn’t belittle that it exists or comment on it flippantly. But I also am aware that online scrutiny can lead to suicide …
I think the way forward is to unfollow/ unsubscribe to Lindsay if you don’t enjoy her content. And if you are still interested to follow her and give her the benefit of the doubt while she finds her feet.
At least has given us some insight into her emotions after the split - galz… In my opinion- Jenny has aborted and is now feigning a
‘Everything is amazing’ life on insta which has never been what it galz has been about. They fucked up / were flawed but also were absolutely GAS and gave me personally so much entertainment.
In certain cases I get the attitude of “if you don’t like them just unfollow” but most of us here are in a different position because we’ve paid for the Patreon or for tickets to the live show so we kind of have to stick around to see what happens? Like I wanna know if I’m getting a fucking refund for the live show
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Chatty Member
Idk about you guys but I’ve given up on L. I don’t know what it’s gonna take for her to own up to her mistakes and tbh I’m not sure she ever will. She has shown time and time again that she is unable to grow, take accountability for anything in her life and be receptive to any kind of constructive criticism. She’ll always have excuses for everything and will always choose the comfort of her own ignorance over any kind of uncomfortable reality. To put it more bluntly- I think L is a lost cause and not worth the time or energy. And I’m not counting on her to prove me wrong.
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A few less posts licking Jenny’s hole maybe??

Unless all of the posters licking Jenny’s hole on here are actually Jenny herself under multiple accounts? Cos if so, that actually makes things waaaaay more interesting that this actual thread has been in a while🤣🤣🤣
90% of the comments on this thread don't even mention Jenny any hate Lindsay has gotten recently is because of the racist comments SHE made and how horribly she's treating the gals on the patreon
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The hypocrisy of you calling me a white Karen??? Wtf is wrong with her? Cause yeah that's the same. 🤯
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What's this educational shit she keeps going on about? The woman does not want to be educated. That's really obvious. She's happy to continue being racist.
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