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And as night follows day - it’s a certainty that the Israelis are a bunch of cunts!

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Genocide apologist.

Go back to thread 1 and you’ll see us condemning what happened on 7/10.

The following TWELVE threads evidence the systematic, deliberate and evil collective punishment and genocide of innocent Palestinian men, women and children.

Do one.
If the zionists had it their way, we'd all be here still condemning 7/10 and parroting their fake news about what happened that day, while cheering Israel on as they continue bombing Gaza to oblivion.

All while talking about antisemitism of course. There's nothing wrong with bombing Palestinian babies, Muslim or Christian, as long as British Jews aren't threatened by a few posters mentioning a river and sea.
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oh the figures from the ministry of made up statistics.
Have you seen the total destruction of the infrastructure in Gaza, including the hospitals which are meant to serve the 2m population. If anything, the figures quoted by the health ministry are vastly lower than the true death toll, thanks to the people who are unable to be recovered under the rubble.
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Certain posters not only on this thread, just come in act to act a diversion, when they do not want to believe what their own eyes are showing them.

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Good bless her. I am in hospital at the moment and read 3/4 books a week and know what happiness they bring to me.

I am thrilled for her. Look at the spark of joy on her face. The sadness is still there of course but the simple pleasure of a book. And the book is Anne of Green Gables. One of the best books ever.

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Wasn't he head of CPS and refused to prosecute Jimmy Savile? The same Jimmy Savile who used to sit in on Israeli government meetings?
The guy is an utter knob, he was my boss at CPS, he’s a power hungry arsehole. I know exactly what type of man he is. I really don’t understand how he’s got on in life he’s talentless and always out of his depth. The JS thing probably isn’t that headline, it will have been more about evidence and charging criteria, but as head of CPS he will be blamed for every bad legal decision by the Tories or right wing press etc. If there was any cover up about JS, the decision not to prosecute wouldn’t be starmers, I mean the fucker can’t draft and amendment about a genocide without asking the party enacting that genocide! But the JS headline is an easy unqualified trope, whereas we actually have him on record saying he supports the cutting off of humanitarian aid to Gaza and that he speaks to the Israelis before writing amendments to motions! The guy is a massive bell end irl, just glad everyone gets to see it now.
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Apparently there’s a lot of pages / posts mocking Aaron like this - no surprise, they have no compassion or human decency. Aaron had more courage and bravery than any of those little shits. I’m feeling so numb and hopeless since little Hind and Sidra were murdered, I just hope that Aaron’s sacrifice makes some difference and he didn’t die in vain. Rest in power Aaron ❤
Of course there is, fucking horrible bastards don’t know what self sacrifice looks like, they’re used to killing and arresting unarmed children 😏. TBF I searched him on FB and there’s loads of lovely testimonials about him, stuff he did with homeless charities, he seemed like a genuinely lovely caring lad. Meanwhile his opos in Israel are making people homeless and looting their things- cunts
So Israel have responded to the ICJ, there’s suggestions that they’ve responded to the aid and genocide incitement part (Israeli media reports) but the court won’t release the details but it’s also give to South Africa who might reveal what bull shit it’s come up with !
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How do you guys deal with people who say they don’t know enough to comment on what’s going on?

It came up as a topic with my friend and I asked her what she thought and she responded with that. Which was slightly confusing because how hard is it to say that this shouldn’t be happening? It’s not like the average person is expected to come up with some sort of peace deal between everyone

She did say she was anti-war after a bit of me asking why she thought she had to know everything to say it’s bad, but it still felt a bit ehhhh
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I really need to not venture onto social media before bed. The absolute horrors that are occurring right now. Imagine, a people live streaming their murder and still people deny the reality before their eyes and our leaders gaslight us.

Goodnight people, fuck the genocide apologists. Fuck those who get a kick out of others suffering.
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I never thought I would see the day, when the likes of the Nazis and the Khmer Rouge are seen as morally superior in the annals of genocide, yet here we are.
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The US aren't weak and powerless in this - they're vetoing any attempts to stop the killings, arming Israel to the teeth, and bombing anyone who tries to act against them.

The US pull Israel in line when Israel's actions don't align with US interests. If Israel got ideas about Saudi Arabia the US would have them changing tune damned fast, as it would impact on US trade and relations.

Much as AIPAC are in the pockets of any politician with even a small modicum of power, that loyalty only goes so far. If those in power in the US had any wish for a two-state solution or an end to the apartheid or genocide of Palestinians, they'd have done it.
The US are not just being dragged along for the ride. They are co-signers and willing sponsors of all the death and horror we are witnessing. All the PR and speeches in the world can't disguise that fact.
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New horrific image of the body of a Palestinian apparent prisoner (with a very tight zip tie round his wrist) who has been crushed by a tank just dropped. I'm sure there's a perfectly reasonable exlpanation for it.

What happened wrt the 'investigation' Israel promised on Hind, I wonder? And all the others.
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Norway to continue funding UNRWA: UN ambassador

Noway’s UN ambassador says the UN agency for Palestinian refugees is the “main lifeline” for Palestinians in Gaza “who find themselves in a humanitarian catastrophe”.

“Norway has decided to continue its funding. The needs of millions of people cannot be set aside because of the alleged participation of a small number of UNRWA-staff in the 7 October attacks,” Merete Fjeld Brattested said in a statement posted on the website of Norway’s UN mission.

“Norway urges other donors to reflect on the wider consequences of suspending funding to UNRWA in this time of extreme humanitarian distress.”
UNRWA suffered funding cuts after several of its staff were accused by Israel of involvement in the October 7 Hamas attack.

The UN and Palestinian officials have called for continued funding for the agency’s “crucial work” since the announcement in January.

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Are Hamas still firing rockets into Israel on a daily basis as it is rarely reported upon now which is strange as it was widely reported at the start.
Could be but as they have little,if any, impact, it’s not really news unless Israel wants to use it for victimhood purposes. More importantly it’s kinda embarrassing for Israel to, on one hand, have spent 5 months trashing a place, killing 300000 and telling the world they’ve captured the north and then, on the other hand, saying Hamas are still firing rockets from there…which one is it??? So maybe they’ve realised that stating rockets are still being fired by Hamas from Gaza, doesn’t hold up with their narrative they’ve killed 80% of Hamas 🫣 so have told the MSM not to mention it 😬
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I think we need to be very careful about how we frame this. It is Netanyahu and his government who are responsible for what is happening. There are many Israelis who do not condone these actions and who want this government out. Just as Hamas is not all Palestinians, so Israel is not Netanyahu and his government.
I think we need to be careful about how we frame the truth…really Moley? really?
There are not MANY Israelis who do not condone these actions - stop trying to make this about one man when it’s endemic in Israeli society. There are Israelis blocking aid trucks from entering Gaza. The majority of Israelis believe Netanyahu should GO HARDER. All the polls suggest a very large majority of Israelis fully support “these actions”, they want Netanyahu out, not because of what’s happening in Gaza but because what’s NOT happening in Gaza. Stop with your deluded bs Moley. This is not a one man issue. This is a national issue. An Israel issue. Do you think we can’t read? We don’t have eyes? Or are blind like a…MOLE!

Hot off the press…

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It is so sad to see Motaz now. The toll those days on the frontline has taken on his body are intense and now he rests they can all come out.

And I am glad he had appropriate medical care. But what of those in Palestine? Left to struggle all alone. 🥹
For those who make it out or survive the genocide of Gaza, I would be shocked if their lifespan isn’t lowered. Between the physical impacts of stress, the mental health issues, any long-term issues from starvation, diseases due to the lack of sanitation with the breakdown of infrastructure, and increased risk of cancers and lung diseases due to exposure to materials in the demolition from the bombs, the health impacts of this will continue. The targeting of medical professionals and hospitals tends to be a symptom of much more than a short-term plan to target a people.
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How is it March, how are we still here and things are worse 🥺
I wish back in October I was proved wrong, that decency and morally sound people would prevail, but this is playing out like I thought it would. We are approaching 5 months of this obscenity and like everyone here I am sickened by it all. I swear to God that the recurring headaches I keep getting are from this situation.

That U.S. State Department weasel being a vile apologist for genocide, is at it again, can't simply answer a question the Zionist prick. Let me forewarn you, this footage will make you want to throw something at your monitor or toss your phone/tablet.

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Have we discussed that the fkng settler who are blocking aid in to Gaza have actually broken in to Gaza? This is pure terrorism. Those absolute head cases will be savage. If they kill some Gazans then whoopsie but it they get killed then it’s gonna be get your candles and violins out for some poor old Israeli victim shit!

The only photo I’ve seen is one of the crazies running in with a batton and all the IDF standing by doing absolutely nothing. I really hope they get captured by Hamas. Little arrogant shit bags.
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Was this flagged up? How are your MPs responding? I have said before that my MP is sitting on the right side of history and would fit in well here.

This email has been verified as true.

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The months leading up to October 7th were the bloodiest since records began for PALESTINIANS but that’s okay because only the human animals were dying eh Jen 🤢 how dare they fight back against their oppressors the Israelis had them on a diet just above starvation levels with no chocolate or pasta and other stupid restrictions like they were in prison oh wait …. Why do you think the tunnels started they were originally for food and luxury items and they wouldn’t have been needed if the people living on the strip were treated like actual humans with dignity.
Keep living in your bubble Jen and keep believing the bs propaganda but one thing is certain this is not gonna end well for Israel because what we’ve seen of the depravity and dehumanisation in Gaza is the tip of the iceberg and the truth will out eventually.
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