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Chatty Member
What a despicable woman.

One of the many things I hate about Israelis is the way they say "Arab" like it's a dirty word. They rarely refer to them as Palestinians, they're just generic Arabs who can be taken in by any other Arab country. It's their way of removing Palestinian identity. It's like Russia telling Ukranians they can just move to any other European country.
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Are you not able to make points without being abusive? Why are you assuming I'm Jewish? I'm not. There is propaganda on both sides but if you honestly think the October 7 invasion was in some way a hoax then there's no hope.
Maybe dig deeper the Israelis have already admitted to killing a significant number of their own people
Straight from the horses mouth
If you think Hamas had the capabilities to cause the damage in the photos from the article then you are naive to say the least plus the US Government stated that Netanyahu had repeated warnings.
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The killing and targeting of starving people who are attempting to get food is now as normal as the bombing of hospitals. Remember the first hospital they targeted and pretended they didn’t and we were all shocked and then they went on to target all hospitals? Now we have the daily flour massacre. Such a moral army.
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They’ve been splitting Gaza in two down the middle and with adverts for prime property it leads me to think are they gonna push Gazans into an even smaller area while the Israelis put settlements on the prime real estate near the beaches so essentially cutting the Palestinians off more with a buffer zone with a high military presence I mean the settlers don’t mind doing similar in the West Bank.
Obviously the Israelis would take the prime area containing the Gas and real estate, I dunno maybe not but anything is possible with the shameless Zionists.
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This loser is trying to make #GenZionist a thing on twitter. I think it actually means "genocidal zionist".

View attachment 2789181
Standing up to the bullies? We are the ones standing up to the genocidal maniacs. The Zionists are the ones bullying others by calling them antisemites while they cheer for the murder and maiming of people in Gaza.

They are the biggest bullies that have ever existed.
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Chatty Member
Don’t worry, the UN, EU and western world accept the figures but they’re not good enough for Jen because one statistician writing for the Jerusalem Post says otherwise. We’re back to the days of the one lawyer for UK Lawyers for Israel arguing that there is no humanitarian crisis whilst 40+ renowned humanitarian lawyers from around the world say there is. Nonsense.
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Motaz is at the United Nations today. I am not sure if we will be able to see the interviews or a transcript. But they have to listen and believe him.

There should be an episode of Bisan's little shows again today. I haven't checked yet but it might be tomorrow by the time we get to see it.
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Thread title should of been

Just because you sympathise with the Palestinians plight
Doesn't make you an anti semite
You are deluded. Israel is a Jewish state! Be angry at Hamas - they are the same as Isis. Majority of Palestinians rejoiced on October 7th - carried the mutuliated dead bodies of young Israeli women on motor bikes and trucks.
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A realisation I had the other day.
If Israel win the war (complete the genocide) they gain the Gaza Strip.
If Hamas win the war they gain nothing, they are just fighting to hold onto what they already had and the right to exist.
No great revelation, just a realisation I had.
That is why, like I said in my first post on this thread I struggled to call it a conflict because it isn't. I just wanted to make it easy for everyone to find it.

I don't think future threads should be called so. It is Israel's attack on Palestine. We won't see Palestine again. They will succeed in wiping that country from the map and condemning them to history. We have tried our best we have written, lobbied, fought, protested. There isn't much else we could do. Who in 2024 ever thought we would see the elimination of a nation? Who ever would have thought our leaders would stand by and now only allow it to happen, but arm the offender to help them make it so? Shame on them.

I give up.
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South Africa are back trying to get the ICJ to act. I wish more countrirs would get behind them. There’s been a lot declaring they believe it’s genocide but not actually doing very much. If the iCJ do nothing this time I don’t see what use they are. They’ve not gone public with Israel’s response and they’ve done sweet FA to help Gaza to date. They can take years to make thru rulings, what’s the point!
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I think we need to be very careful about how we frame this. It is Netanyahu and his government who are responsible for what is happening. There are many Israelis who do not condone these actions and who want this government out. Just as Hamas is not all Palestinians, so Israel is not Netanyahu and his government.
Are you bonkers?

Israel as a nation will take years to recover from this on a political stage. Doesn't matter who or what. It will be like Germany east/west during/after the Cold War. Just like Russia has been frozen.

Israel might not be Netanyahu, but Germany wasn't Hitler and look how the aftermath of that played out.
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Whilst I’m not Muslim, my family are and the start of Ramadan has affected me more than I thought. I guess it’s because the people of Gaza look like me and my family, and I’m imagining the resolute determination, pride and courage they are employing in the face of occupation and genocide.

Thank you as a community who continue to shout for those who don’t have a voice ❤
Hopefully next Ramadan will begin more peacefully, and with enough food for all Gazans to break their fast.
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Journalist who writes for mainstream US press believes Gaza should be turned into a mass slaughterhouse.

Shes not the only one.

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Just saw footage of a little lad with one of his feet pointing completely the wrong way because his little leg has been blown apart. Mercifully he’s not alive to feel the absolute agony that must be. He doesn’t look much older than 5. Just a baby and lying on a cold, dirty floor, dead. My heart is just gone, gone, gone.
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Did you watch it?

Pretty sure he is on another planet. Poison is being spread by Islamic extremists.

We should reject the notion that we are on the wrong side of history.

The protests for Palestine have been the veil for small hateful groups.

A line must now be drawn. Basically no more protest. It is anti-Semitic to beam things on Big Ben supporting Palestine.

Do are America wants. Stop protesting
Stop criticising.
Watched it behind grinding teeth- you’re right though @IdeletedbutI'mbackagain he’s a fucking crackpot. I’m scared tomorrow I’m gonna wake up in the Republic of Gilead. How can these people say this shit with a straight face? He’s basically called everyone on a march an Islamic extremist. He couldn’t be more tone deaf to the feelings of the country right now. Fucking madness!
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70% of 30,000 Palestinian people killed are children and women the stat released today, yet all the men in suits around the world still sitting on their arses not doing anything but posturing, it knocks me sick. & now this, people who are starving, just going for food for them and their families to keep themselves alive, and they are shot at like animals, whilst again the men in suits whilst eating ice cream on tv (I’m looking at you Biden) talk absolute shite, thinking they are doing something when they are of no help. The worst feeling is feeling totally helpless.
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Big Davey C has entered the chat…😳
Wondered where this snivelling bastard had disappeared to, thought he had crawled back under the rock from where he’d come from. Erm, one thing he could do is stop arming the Israelis for fucks sake! It’s on him and his cronies this.
We need to have a proper ceasefire not a pause or whatever else they’re there on about! It The only way to get the hostages out alive anyway. A pause only means they will stop for a bit and then carry on. Get some hostages back potentially then they will carry on killing all and sundry committing every way crime under the sun, and this country will be 100% complicit in that.
Ive had enough, whats happening is against my morals and this government is representing me, even though I don’t want them to! After all this over so many people are gonna going to have ptsd, I know I will. I’ve not even suffered a fraction of what the Palestinian s have, I can’t even comprehend how they will be after….if there is anyone left 😭. It’s consuming me this conflict but I’m going to bear witness, I must. my daughter is pregnant with my first grandchild and I’m horrified that they will be born into a world like this!
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