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My fellas just asked can we please hit the McDonald's that's inside Asda we are heading to soon. Pointed out that poor starved boy and reminded him why I've made him and the kids boycott. One of the worst things I've seen from those evil terrorists so far. Wicked. Tracey Oberman can shut up as well 'oh I'm so proud of my Jewish roots so much I had my face surgically altered to rid myself of my Jewish features' wind ya beak in love.
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How do you feel about this?
I'd like to know what Jen feels about the babies currently starving to death, or those left in unpowered incubators to die alone after their mothers and medical staff were forced to leave them; about the journalists and doctors murdered with their families, or those who have disappeared; about the photos of elders and children hands tied and blindfolded, near naked, sitting on the ground in groups surrounded by IDF; the mass graves; little Hind and her final hours and the paramedics who came to save her; the hospital bombings and sieges; oh the list goes on. But I expect I know what her answer would be - that it's all Khamas's fault and Israel bears no responsibility.
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Yup, the pier only strengthens the occupation, while positioning the US as humanitarian heroes. It's very transparent. I'm sure I saw something a while ago saying Israel had planned a pier there since well before 7/10, in fact.
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It looks like shooting at those seeking aid in the North is becoming a daily occurrence. I can't tell whether the intention is to pick people off via gunshots, starve them by making accessing aid impossible while claiming they're letting aid in, or a mixture of the two.
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You just knew with Galloway's election there was going to be media hysteria, but my God even the PM is joining in? What in the Henny Penny nonsense is Rishi Sunak on about, saying "democracy is under threat"? Pfft! You want to talk about threats to democracy? Bud, you are a PM without an elected mandate, aiding and abetting a genocidal regime! This is what? Twenty-four hours after the Flour Massacre? 😤 Don't get me started on Starmer.

What is really sickening is how the media is basically portraying the Rochdale voters as stupid, ignorant or gulliable people. Once again, these elitist dickheads treat the general public like idiots. Have they not seen the horror coming out of Gaza over the past few months? You can be worried about your electrical bills and genocide in a foreign country simultaneously.

Liam Neeson as Unicef ambassador. He mentions abducted children in this clip.

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This speech has sent shockwaves through my Twitter feed this morning. All the right people it seems.

The mental gymnastics though, seeing Zionists going apeshit at Jews who condemn a genocide- it’s actually fkng glorious that these idiots look so deranged! The zios are losing their shit with Jews who don’t support massacre- I live to see it.
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Cheerleading genocide, the systematic murder, maiming and starvation of innocent humans.

Come to this thread and witness the death of humanity, with laughing emojis.
Literally getting laughing emojis while watching a C4 news report featuring a starving child, there are some very sick people out there.
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Ding, ding, ding. It is like Candyman. Say "where have the Zionist's gone" five times, they hear their call and one pops up.
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"There may be times when we are powerless to prevent injustice, but there must never be a time when we fail to protest. "
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There are more of us than there are of them. Don't very forget that 🩷 the world and everyone in it knows this is wrong. I like this story from Emily Ratajkowski

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Blimey. Who has been doing the "Candyman, Candyman....." "Zionist, Zionist..." over the top?

25,000 people is an entire Championship football league stadium. Imagine all of those people being killed just because. Not just killed, held in that stadium and slowly starved, a few snipered off, a little bomb dropped in one corner, some white phosphorus for a few, no medical aid, the inadequate hospital in the centre of the pitch razed to the ground, taking out the doctors and any medical care that existed. Oh, and those two journalists. They were definitely taken out. And as this is happening the Israeli soldiers (are we still calling them soldiers at this point?!) are prancing around with women's underwear that they have found, shooting out food supplies and making dolls headless. They were a few goats and donkeys roaming around and because they know all Hamas' secrets they too were shot by the most moral army in the world.

Yaeah. All those goats, donkeys, women and children, scary khhhamasss.
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I've never seen anybody say the killing of israeli civilians and the taking of hostages is deplorable. I've seen people mock a kidnap victim for not being raped and try and lessen the massacre by denying the slaughter and rapes. Seen a lot of that.
Check back to the posts from October, 6 months ago, you'll see plenty of posts then. We are now 6 months into a genocide that's slaughtered thousands upon thousands of civilians since then so that's sorta where our focus is now.

It's a bit insulting to be bringing the victims of the Hamas attack up when every day since innocent Palestinian children and civilians have been paying the price. It's called collective punishment, that's also a war crime.
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I may not be alive to see these idiots up in The Hague, but they will be, they are so stupid and arrogant they’ve pictured and video themselves and posted it on their own channels…duh! Thanks for the evidence stoopids!
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They’ll only stop when there’s no-one left to kill. Then America will call for a ceasefire and Israel will say ooops. Ok.

bunch of cunts.
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I just watch a baby, a literal baby pass away before my eyes because of starvation. Those paid shills aren't getting paid enough to spout their shit.
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