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Arctic Ocean

Chatty Member
Did someone really write this with a straight face??? 😳

View attachment 2710678
Trying to imagine a scenario where Yo would beg Alice to come back ... :unsure:

Alice hooks up with Kevin Costner, Brad Pitt or a "younger stud"
Yo and Bianca break up
Yo must choose between returning to Alice and joining a monastery
Alice wins an Oscar and reveals she's been a billionaire all along
The court oders Yo to move back into the garage and re-marry Alice or spend 20 years in a Siberian prison
Alice and Yo are the only two people left on Earth after a nuclear war

Nope, sorry. Coming up empty.
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She fails to inform her "you go girl" fans of the fact that her close friend Alison Boshoff writes articles in her favor for that terrible rag the Daily Mail. She even cites *sources* close to AFE. The rag AFE has written for herself.

Like this throwback from 2021 penned by her.


You can't continue to bite the hand that feeds you this way and not get some blow back. She let's people rail against the Mail without admitting to her own relationship with them.

That's lying by omission in my book.

You can't engage in good old fashioned pay-for-play and then pretend the one that cuts your checks is the monster everyone should ignore.

More for @Ametrine’s Big Book of Alice Lies:
‘All of a sudden I'm on my own, but I'm pretty resilient. I just wish he had told me the truth much sooner. I'm a problem solver, a realist and a pragmatist.’
That’s one lie per sentence. Good going, Al!

On a personal note, my best student got her Oxbridge* acceptance letter this morning. I’m so proud of her and so happy for her..
*Not going to say which institution because flying monkeys./SPOILER]
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So she was getting thru $250k a year but arrears on the mortgage and unpaid utilities and only $26 left.

Plus she said she spent 100K of her own savings so 600K in total in two years.

Ioan was still paying insurance including the car and paying things like phones. No wonder he wanted a forensic accountant.

She’s not buying tangible stuff like fancy cars, eating out or jetting around the world.

They split the school fees and even with Gloria’s salary taken out that’s about 20K per month! I’m not even going to start on the crying poverty and GoFundMe but she’s a thief and a liar.
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they will settle I reckon. only way for her to get anything

also works for her narrative: getting a lump sum looks very different to a judge simply ordering zero
You think? I'm not so sure. Her legal fees to Bernal are paid already. She's not going to end up with anything in court so it's a question if how much he will require her to pay back/deduct. Her aim all the way through has been to get in the DM and ruin him and leave him with nothing. I think she will continue to trial until he has spent all his money on legal fees. She may try to delay further by being admitted to hospital or firing her attorney or declaring bankruptcy just before the trial...but I don't think she will settle.
Please make sure Unemployed actress is in the next thread title. Pretty please.
Thread title
Unemployed actress Alice Evans receives $546,158 in the past three years from ex husband
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Ally Pally

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The sad thing is that Alice could have covered Ella's school fees, she hasn't even taken them to a theme park or holiday yet has syphoned off all that money?
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I'll post my thoughts on the documents a little later but I'm shocked at the state of Alice's filed financial declaration submitted by Bernal. Very unprofessional. Warped, discolored, and unfinished (check the date line near Alice's signature on the first page). Much like Alice herself.
Alice got the lawyer she deserves and Bernal got the client he deserves.


haha AFE is hiding money but they're on the case.
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It cracks me up how Alice pretends she doesn’t live on tattle and that people send her screenshats.
Seriously those sock accounts were Alice. There are things said on here that I think are sometimes a far stretch but when it comes to those sock accounts imo they were her. They were on tattle everyday and they tweeted 18 hrs a day in a crazed insane way.
HI ALICE 👋. Stop lying.
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As the younger sister to a narcissist (not saying Ella is one by any means, just in general) I feel so fucking bad for Elsie. Ella is probably allowed to get angry and upset but Elsie has to be the comic relief and cute baby. She’s going to be so sad. I hope she has good friends and lots and lots of sleepovers
They’re both sad. Ella’s sadness manifests itself as anger. It’s very obvious they’re not well adjusted kids which is exactly why the evaluations are happening now. I don’t think Alice’s now-deleted post will go down well with the professionals as it’s unnecessary (a caring mother would be sheltering her kids from press and public attention right now) and a clear attempt to use the kids as weapons. Do you know what might be worth a post? A picture of them having a great time outdoors or in fact doing anything other than fester away in that house. She thinks she’s made a ‘na-na-na-na-na’ post for the benefit of loan and Bianca but it’s more likely just another piece of evidence that will help ensure her RO is extended.
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Shame Bernal wasn't involved back when the TRO was submitted.

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Old Soak

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Personally I think she’s been having to submit to alcohol and drug tests, given her mostly restrained behaviour throughout the holidays, January and the engagement news. I think Ioan’s side have provided her with proof of her endless accounts and much info about just how much tony is involved. I also think she is starting to realize she is in deep shit financially so she’s trying to get receipts to boost/prove her monthly maintenance costs and that includes Emma’s “monthly” grooming
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Spot the differences between these two engagement walks. No headlock in the most recent photo, for one!

View attachment 2713788 View attachment 2713793

View attachment 2713789
The difference no ultimatum makes 🥰
Didn't AFE and her fools claim that she was being financially abused by Ioan? Someone needs to explain that to her.
Lupenis went on and on about that. He's another one that kept saying the truth will out - well you fudnugget... IT HAS!
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View attachment 2710258

ETA: didn’t blur faces because the point of Alice’s photo is their switched names on foreheads. More DM articles to come…sigh
This is a clear indication of how cruel and bitter Alice is. She has got the girls to pose for this as a message to Ioan - labelling themselves sarcastically to remind him of who they are - and Alice captions it in the same wording as the engagement post. No wonder she deleted it because that message is just nasty - and she has the kids coopted.
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The girls' ages are also incorrect.
You're right! I neglected to include this in my summary. There were so many things wrong with that declaration. 😭😂 Thank you.
I don't think he does owe Alice 2,026 for 2023. The amount due is for the full year to end Dec '23 but the amount that he actually paid is only calculated until end Sept '23 - so there are another three months of actual payments not shown in these figures
Thank you for catching that, you're absolutely right. My eyes were crossing by the time I got to that part, haha. I wish I could edit my post to clarify that the figure was as of September (and if so, he paid her for 3 more months in 2023, almost certainly resulting in an overpayment for the third year in a row).
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Arctic Ocean

Chatty Member
I find it fascinating how every kind of diverging viewpoint is nowadays ascribed to jealousy (in fairness, though, this isn't limited to Alice's backslappers - this is standard practice in every discussion about public figures):

You don't like her horse blankets? You're just jealous of her exquisite style.
You don't like her online rants? You're just jealous of her eloquence and her upstanding morals.
You call out her abuse of her ex-husband? You're just jealous because she got to shag Yo for years (and you want to).
You observe how miserable the kids and/or dog look in every photo? You're just jealous of her incandescently happy little family.
You find her acting wooden and subpar? You're just jealous of her checkered Hollywood career.
You make fun of her three remaining online sycophants? You're just jealous of her close-knit circle of supportive, loving, lifelong friends, nay, brothers and sisters.

When I call an asshole an asshole, I do so because they're an asshole. That's all there is to it.

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Here are my thoughts on Alice’s income and expense declaration. But first, a small rant. As a lawyer, seeing the state of Alice’s income and expense declaration was disturbing. It’s stained, messy, incomplete, sloppy, riddled with typos, and doesn’t attach any exhibits. It’s embarrassing to his client and insulting to the judge and court staff (and believe me, they notice). Not a good look, as AFE is so fond of saying.
  • “Employer: Unemployed Actress” (I’m just gonna leave this here).
  • Confused as to why she is still checking “married filing jointly” if she is no longer married, but I chalk this up as lack of attention to detail.
  • Note that Alice is intending to claim the children as her dependents on her taxes (when she doesn’t even pay anything for their care). (I know this because she states that she is is claiming 3 exemptions on her tax return—for herself, Elsie, and Ella.) This means she will get a bigger tax refund from the government; I hope Ioan’s lawyers dispute this and allow Ioan to claim the children as dependents, because he pays for them!
  • Alice couldn’t be bothered to finish dating the document when she signed it on the first page. We know she signed it in January, that’s it!
  • Alice now reports zero income for December 2023, but claims an average monthly income of $419, and $1,200 income from self-employment as an actress. No documentation or exhibits are attached so it’s impossible to verify.
  • Alice doesn’t disclose her spousal support from Ioan on page 2, which is the correct place to put it (not on page 3, Bernal).
  • Alice claims she pays $429 per month in union dues.
  • Alice claims she only has $14,000 in cash and $10,000 in personal property (for example, furnishings, clothing, jewelry, vehicles, etc.--if she still has the Bulgari watch, that alone could be valued at well over $10,000, so that number is a lie).
  • Of course poor Elsie’s name is misspelled.
  • Yet again, Alice does not provide her actual expenses but her proposedneeds. Let’s break them down, shall we?
    • $6,500 monthly rent (I guess she thinks she will stay where she is living?!)
    • $1,200 per month in health care costs not paid by insurance (this is a lot; co-pays are usually $20-50 for medical visits and prescription costs can vary but usually are mostly covered by insurance)
    • $800 per month for child care (for tweens/teens? why??)
    • $2,500 per month for groceries (I’m sorry but are they buying filet mignon? That’s $30,000 a year in groceries alone.)
    • $250 per month for eating out (oddly enough I think she is underestimating this particular figure)
    • $3,000 per month for utilities (this is INSANE. I live in a very expensive area of California and rent a bigger place than Alice’s. Even with my husband’s medical devices and computers running all the time, my combined gas and electric bill is usually $300-400 per month, my water bill is about $100 per month, and trash service is about $80 per month. I cannot imagine a utilities bill of $3,000 per month unless she’s mining Bitcoin in there.)
    • $150 per month for cell phones (reasonable for 3 of them, but doesn’t Ioan pay for the girls’ phones?)
    • $50 per month for laundry and cleaning, and it shows
    • $200 for clothes per month
    • $300 for entertainment, gifts, and vacation (that’s a lot of movies/games/whatever per month)
    • $350 per month for auto expenses, gas, insurance, and transportation (she drives a Prius, so it’s not for gas money. If she’s paying $350 a month for car insurance she needs to switch companies—or get a better driving record)
    • The $10,000 per month she receives is incorrectly characterized as child support and put in the wrong place. The support payments are for both advance spousal support and child support.
  • Her total expense needs have now gone slightly upward from last time. She now requires $15,310 per month to live.
  • Apparently Alice has no credit card bills or debts, since she didn’t list any in item 14.
  • Alice admits that her attorney’s fees were paid out of the house proceeds and “loans” (from whom? The loans are not listed as debts in item 14)
  • Alice claims that the children spend 99% of their time with her and 1% of their time with Ioan on page 4.
  • I need to quote this verbatim since it’s mind-boggling that it was put in a legal filing. When asked in item 20 if there is other information Alice wants the court to know concerning support, her response is: “MY INCOME FLUCTUATES I AM AN ACTRESS EARN MONEY IN TV OR MOVIES PLUS ROYALTIES AND APPEARANCES BUT DIJE TO AGE AND LACK OF RECENT WORK ITS HARD FINDING JOBS NOW.”
BIB It’s stained, messy, incomplete, sloppy
You've basically described the Abuser!
The girls' ages are also incorrect.
It's not surprising that she's more focused on the accuracy of the reporting in the Daily Fail than she is in her own legal filings 🙄
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Mad Betty

VIP Member
How can she not realise how ridiculous her last post on Instagram looks when it's known she gets paid for Daily Mail articles, she even had a picture of her with their reporter on her grid at one point. It makes her look mentally unwell that she doesn't see this.
And her dear and lovely friend Celia, whom I quite enjoy and find far more interesting than 💋, recently posted a glowing shout out to the Daily Mail for giving her newest book attention. Nicely done.

To recap: she takes money from the DM, her friends work for the DM, and other friends happily get press in the DM.

Meanwhile she's liking all the hateful comments calling for the public tarring and feathering of the two writers who wrote said article (one from Wales), and others just posting hateful comments about the DM in general.

The hypocrisy is something, as is the sheer lack of mindfulness.

It would have been so easy to just laugh about it and say whoopsie, I didn't realize posting so many doggie pics in a row would be a thing. Hilarious! Guess I'm back! 😂

That easy.

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