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He told Elsie there are going to be big changes when he comes back, and now he's casually referencing spending his day with her - he's trying to prep her for the change by easing her into the reality of him having another woman in his life - it's the kindest thing he can do if he intends for BW to be a part of his life. I'm not even saying she (Elsie) shouldn't be upset - it's upsetting! She's 8 and Mommy and Daddy have been the foundation of her world. But he's not "taking things out" on her. I suspect AE is still giving her kids hope he'll come back, so she can throw their continued disappointment in his face. I seem to remember she promised them he'd be home for Christmas this year. He's insistent on not setting foot in that house anymore, so I doubt he would. It seems like she's making promises on his behalf so he can "break" them and the kids get antagonized against him further.
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Wow, what was that all about?
I've been vaguely following this story but she seems seriously unhinged! I didn't believe her little pity party act at all. It was obviously set up so that she could come across as a poor, weak victim (I guess so she can use it as evidence in the divorce about how broken she is?)
Strange that she would want to come across this way as most people wouldn't feel sympathy for her after that interview, just that she either needs more acting lessons or some kind of medical intervention.
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We learned that 2 generations ago. Why would AE and IG have had an agreement that she stayed home anyway? Sorry, that is positively archaic. And I'm almost 59.
Agreed. It's 2021 ffs.

"telling other women not to allow yourself to be subsumed by domesticity at the expense of oneself could be an angle for her." LOL
I think her Nanny and housekeeper were the ones subsumed by domesticity. Now it's just Nanny but she is on 40 hours a week with both kids in school! AE doesn't even cook - it's Gloria or expensive takeaways. My heart bleeds :ROFLMAO:

If IG is Little Lord Fauntelroy then AE is Lady Muck!
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From personal experience of divorcing a narc... she will ditch anyone who doesn't agree with her. She will not listen to advice. She will ditch her lawyers and therapists unless they agree with her.
She thinks she know better than her lawyers and is listening to load of randoms on twitter giving her unlimited narcissistic supply and backing her.
Narcs thinks they are a special case and the rules (in this case divorce law and family courts) don't apply.
Well divorce lawyers know how the courts work and how judges think. You aren't a special case no matter how much you rage on twitter.
She wants her day in court to tell everyone he is bad and she is good. Black and white. You're on my side or against me. Sadly that goes for the kids too.
Divorce is no fault though so makes not a jot of difference ...narcs think they can manipulate the system to get the result they want - unfortunately it doesn't work. It just delays things and wastes thousands of dollars.
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Alice seems to think she has some pretty bad things against IG. She has stated she has recordings and knowledge of illegal activity. This is why I need the benzo if she does go on tv. She has threatened today to air it all out, even though she stated a few days ago it was not about her case directly but woman getting divorced in general. She seems to change her mind depending on her level of anger at the time.
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Agree. #teamioan

Now FM1 🍆 wants Andrea Deaton's fan account deleted.
"Friends of @AliceEvansGruff please report Andrea Deaton and this account. She has made a YouTube video bashing Alice and calling her supporters ‘flying monkeys.’

First of all it was a link to a YT video on flying monkeys - she didn't make it. They can't handle the truth 😄

^^ Agree with this 100%
I've started reporting FM1's more deranged tweets, see how she likes it.
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Chatty Member
Just watched the strange video of Ioan (Baby Angel) speaking about Alice (Angel) on that chat show. One thing he said was that she said he was boring (relating to New Years Eve). But looking at that clip, he bloody is boring and odd. I can totally see how she dominated him.
Morning! Happy interview day fishwife gang! I feel bad for him though, he could have been with someone who adored that he was boring and odd, she always seemed to hate him or thought she was better than him. The contempt in how she speaks about him…even when they were together! And now she wants to annihilate him for leaving a situation where he was clearly desperately unhappy. V sad.

Anyway big morning, it’s 8.15am here - going to study for 45 mins and then put Lorraine on the background while tidying up at 9!
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I’m standing in line at the supermarket browsing the page looking like a nut with my head in my phone. I was never like this before!
I love this so much because I had a Doctor appointment 45 minutes away and as soon as I arrived I got checked in and went straight to my phone and Tattlelife. In between X-rays and chats I had my nose buried in the phone. I’ve tried to limit my time on here but I can’t stick to it. Only fatigue and needing sleep works. We’re all addicted! 😂
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I’m so tired of Alice and the rest of the maniacal loons crying about BW being a home wrecker. So what if she was, last time I checked she wasn’t present the day that you and Ioan took your wedding vows in 2007. The marriage was between the two of you, BW was probably in high school in 2007. Let’s also not forget you have been legally separated for almost a year now. If anything malice is the home wrecker with the constant state of chaos in the Gruff house going on how many years now. No wonder Ioan left.
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The ironic thing is the people she thinks are “haters” are the ones that her probably giving her the best advice long term (apart from those trolls). Even her own lawyers have told her to stay off social media.
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She is privileged because let’s be honest if a ‘normal’ person was to put those bags on Etsy they’d probably sell zero especially at £100.
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She'll be on a Narc high for a bit now because of all the supply coming to her on SM.
She'll appear giddy and post manically for a day or two then she will crash and burn and all those new followers will see her nastiness.
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I genuinely don’t think that person is well. Their tweets and blog are so deeply paranoid and weird - I hope they have some kind of help/therapist.
What defense shields? Do he mean blocking? lol He has been watching too much Star Trek.

Someone speculated that Lupine might be AE's "therapist". The same one who can diagnose people he has never met. His special talent is always agreeing with AE. He sounds like a pompous ass and he may have visited here in the form of "Rufus", another pompous ass who was very good at diagnosing "internalized misogyny". Nah, I just don't like AE.
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If the roles were reversed, and it was a higher profile wife with a ‘known’ husband, who kept putting (at times unflattering photos) on his social media with captions like “she begged me not to put this on”. He made fun of her appearance (ie the nose post) and when she left, either for another man or not, he was on SM again passing comment about her looks/ behaviour what would we be saying I wonder?
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Long-time lurker, first-time poster – when this story was first posted here way back when, I thought to myself that what it looked like a person very calmly and carefully getting themself out of an abusive relationship using what advantages they had – distant workplace, public profile – to protect themself given that the point where the abused partner leaves is the point at which they’re in most danger, but it was going unrecognised because people aren’t used to seeing a man take those steps. Nothing that’s been revealed by Alice or others since then has changed my opinion on what’s going on. And while I know people here are wondering about why he didn’t take the kids etc, but as they say, you have to put on your own oxygen mask before you can help others.
I agree with this. Once you think of it this way, everything that's happened since makes sense.
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Chatty Member
I just still don’t get what the cause is. Make divorce illegal?
How to look bat shit crazy, alienate your children, make yourself unemployable and play into your ex husbands lawyers hands, I think!

basically a 101 of how not to deal with a separation or divorce.
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