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I’m so glad the courts consider the issue of parental alienation. I’d never heard of it before but I bet it’s common in cases where there is domestic abuse.
It's usually quite hard to prove, which is why Alice's tweets are such an own goal. I'm sure she does care about her children so when this bites her in the arse she'll feel worse than she already does.

To those wondering what the end goal is, I'm not entirely sure there is a conscious one in A's mind.

I think she'd either like things to go back in time, have I come home and play happy families OR completely destroy him, his family, his relationships with his children and anyone who is vaguely connected to him will be fair game as collateral damage, anyone who supports him in any way will be flamed and to finish she'll salt the earth, dust off her hands and feel fucking great about herself for about 2 seconds sitting amidst the burning wreckage of lives... and then move on to the next thing without a backwards glance, except the occasional nod to how victimised she was but how she'd managed to daringly turn the tables and get her own back.

Clearly option two is the most likely scenario. Their poor, poor girls.
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Latest AE rant review - 🥴

She's missing him like crazy and he wouldn't let them come to visit him this time because they'd planned their love-nest in the south of France, so why was he then... trying to make his daughter jealous? Why not ask HER about school?

Because AE has been a jealous nutjob since the dawn of time Elsie must be jealous of BW too?

I tried that for a year. I almost killed myself. Twitter is saving me. This week I'm doin even more.

I thought she said she would lay off twitter? Like an alcoholic who wants "just one more drink"

I'm worried if he goes too far they might just stick and not want to see him at all..

That's what she is actually hoping for - that both kids are totally alienated from their father. Sick.

I felt a little like he was preparing to have me pushed out and get them used to her being around.

Yeah, he is and that's the right thing to do if BW is to be part of his life. She still doesn't get the marriage is OVER.

Yeah - no he didn't try AT ALL with counseling. He just lied to the counselor each week and said how wonderful he thought I was, then the minute the zoom ended and we stood up he wasn't speaking to me again.

He had obviously checked out of the marriage after many years of disrespect. Don't know why he did counselling? Did the kids beg him to?

My (very smart) therapist asked me a few questions and immediately said 'he hasn't changed - he's been like this the whole time - you just loved him too much to notice, and he was very good at pretending" I think he's right. His mother is a total narc. But I thought he saw that.

The "therapist" called Lupine? What a joke.

There is NO REASON for him to mention the name of the ho THREE times in a convo with an 8 yo who was told last week that it was just a freindship. I feel that upsetting his 8 yr old by talking about his mistress constantly is just not right. He just wants to talk about his life. He doesn't even know Ella got the lead role in her play And he can't speak to me, so in order to drum it in that HE LOVES BIANCA he chooses to do it to a little innocent girl.

Why are you earwigging a private convo? Obsessed with the ex much? He is right to prepare Elsie for the changes he is making.

I was always immature. He was never totally mean though. Not at this level. My thinking is that he fell in love with "Bianca", and he just wanted it all to work out - to switch me out for her and carry on living the family life. And when I protested, he got mad.

She doesn't seem to get that "protesting" will not bring her ex back. He's gone, love. Nice that she admits being immature though.

I'm a mess. I think my joking on instagram has come back at me and he's taking it out on Elsie.

No, you are. POS

I would of COURSE want them to have a relationship with their father

No you wouldn't and don't. This is textbook parental alienation. 🤬

BTW I don't know how it works in Cali but in the UK if a Social worker thinks parental alienation is going on the kids can be put into care. I know of one family where the mum walked out saying the husband was abusive and he remained with 4 sons. He then applied for child maintenance as she earned more and the SW at CAFCASS decided to inform the council what she thought was going on. They stepped in and put the kids on child protection and put the youngest 3 in care. But in Cali want needs to happen before CPS steps in??? I know it's way different over there.

In fact I think AE should be reported to CPS before this gets any worse. That might straighten her out a bit.
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Any sympathy I did have is now gone, how horrible she is being to Ella Newton who isn’t much older than her daughter is beyond disgusting. She should be ashamed of herself. It’s not ok to bring everyone else down into your shit storm by calling them fat and using your ex husband to belittle them. Stand up and belittle them without hiding behind Ioan! Go on, if you going to bully someone, don’t use someone who isn’t there to defend themselves as your weapon. AE is quickly turning into a horrible POS. If someone spoke to my 20yo daughter like that I would have them for breakfast
On top of how disgusting and cruel this is, it’s such an unbelievable lie. Why on earth would a grown man in his 40s be going around saying a skinny teenage actress was “too fat”? It doesn’t ring true any way you look at it. Someone here suggested that AE might have been jealously poking IG and getting him to be critical of his costars’ looks to soothe her pathetic ego but even then it feels like a stretch. Or he just agreed with her saying Ella was fat just to get her to STFU for five minutes.
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Amanda Lin

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Just watched The interview. Kudos to Elaine for acting as if the whole divorce and finding a new partner situation was common place and normal, AE had nowhere to go really with her brand of cray although she tried hard.

It was great Lorraine kept reiterating how important it was for her to have a good support system around her which is completely true and would no doubt have helped reduce the crazy.
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This is not what she said to me, it was the next day when she openly messaged on Twitter and I think decided her account quickly afterwards. The messages she sent me were very therapist like.
Can’t believe a therapist would do something like that. Their focus would be on Alice & her unhealthy behaviours and thought processes, not messaging randos on the internet.
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As far as I can tell, Lorraine airs between 9 and 10am UK time. Assuming Alice gives a live interview, that means it'll be between 1am and 2am LA time. She regularly tweets through the night anyway but it really could be a total car crash.
1-2am LA time??!! She is gonna be drun-diddly-unk!! Drunky drunky drunk drunk. Two bottles of Pinot Grigio minimum 🤦🏻‍♀️
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Ioan Gruffudd and Alice Evans #7: Her sympathy votes are gaining traction, come on Ioan give her a reaction!
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Hmm, Lorraine is going to go softly, softly on her. Alice looks a bit puffy and tearful, she’s going to put on a good performance I think. If no one knows the backstory she’s going to get a lot of sympathy.
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I blame Alice for the exhausting day I have had. I dont usually follow her Twitter because it is like banging your head against a brick wall but last night I couldnt sleep so delved in and was still there till 5.30 this morning and then had to be at work by 7.30.

So today I am tired and extra grouchy and it is all Malice in wonderlands fault because some of us have to do a full days work after putting in an all nighter on twitter.

Her followers are loon, it's like watching a social media cult form and I bet not one of them actually gives a 💩 they are all just there for the ☕.

I can 100% see why IG had to get out of that marriage with just the clothes on his back. She is a venomous lying twat.

Not watching her on Lorraine because would have to watch it at work and my employer wont be happy when I get the rage and smash the TV in.
She was responding to tweets at 02:00 and again at 05:20 LA time. Apparently Ioan didn’t like it that she sleeps all day, but it’s the fibro apparently. Not the all nighters of ‘Drinking and Tweeting’ allá Brandi Glanville.
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I completely agree. I cannot and will not pass judgement on the way people do and don’t come out. It’s not something I will ever have to do and I will never understand how difficult it is, particularly when you feel that those around you may not be open and willing to accept who you are. Terrible situation for the partner, of course, but no one in that scenario is enjoying themselves.
I want to like this comment 20 times. A few of my friends have told me their coming out stories and the common emotion was that they were terrified that this was going to make their families not love them any more. I hope the day will come where ‘coming out’ is a historical thing people in the olden days had to do!
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Ena Sharples

Chatty Member

Here's the interview in question for those curious. It was really uncomfortable to start with but with hindsight it's even worse.
Even if I hadn’t seen her meltdown over
last few months, that interview definitely makes uncomfortable watching. I wonder because he hadn’t had a lot of experience with women that he thought that’s how women were? Then he gets his freedom when filming and sees that her behaviour is far from normal.
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God, she's going on like someone died yesterday. Not her husband left 18 months ago. It's all a little nauseating.
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The Secret is a self help theory, I think it's basically positive thinking and consciously willing things into existing. It's a pile of utter shite anyway :poop::ROFLMAO:
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I noticed that someone didn’t agree with her on Instagram so she accused that person being Ella the actress from Harrow that she is attacking. They are either BW, IG, Ella or their lawyers. Cos those are the only people that don’t agree with Alice.
I’m not sure how Ella got pulled into this drama so spectacularly. I feel bad for her. I took this screen shot last night cos I thought how can she go around accusing people of being Ella. Surely that is some type of harassment.


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She’s doing this to provoke him into reacting somehow. She literally has tried everything else
She will know how to push his buttons and she's trying desperately to get him to talk to her. So she's pressing the sympathy button here. This interview is for his benefit. The sympathy button has probably worked in the past with him and why he stayed so long.
Speaking to her directly (in her mind) is the way she will convince him to come back. Remember the DM article -how they could have discussed it and she could have asked how much in love with this other woman he is (aka she could get to work on convincing him he isn't). She wants to get him in a room and not let him out until she gets what she wants.
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Alice doesn’t hide the fact that she wishes a loveless miserable sad IG would have stayed with her no matter what. Such a saint Alice.
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I can’t see IG going anywhere near her. The kids will be dropped at his house by the nanny or someone else. But it will def blow up if BW is there. IG and BW are a new relationship they won’t want to be apart for long. So even if BW goes back to AU it won’t be for long or IG will go to AU for a bit. But eventually AE has to accept her there. I think they should give AE a few months to try to accept it. Give her a time frame like you give a child “you have 5 minutes left”
Id be shocked if she settled for somebody else dropping the kids off, I think she sees getting even a real life glimpse of him (see: dropping into FaceTimes with the kids) as a win on her part. She will continuously use those girls like puppets to get back at him.
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