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Amanda Lin

VIP Member
This, to me, gets to the heart of everything. It's why I was so interested to see how she could possibly escalate this into something wider. The idea that women who have 'kept quiet' (whatever that means, presumably persuaded not go on Twitter to publicly shame someone to the world - I wouldn't have enough followers anyway) are down-trodden is absurd. We're told to 'move on' from birth. You want that whole bag of sweets, you can't have it; you failed that exam, try again; you didn't get the job you wanted, there will be others; your bloke cheated on you, he was a twat anyway; someone you loved died, they'll stay with you in your heart. All this, and much worse, has been happening since the beginning of time to every human being. The best we have yet to come up with so far is 'It wasn't meant to be' or 'this too will pass'. I will take my hat off to AE if she can convince me that Twitter/public shaming is the way forward; until then, I'll stick with therapy or just my best mate telling me I'm an arse.
Exactly… the idea that she is fighting misogyny by sharing personal details of her divorce and the impact on her children and by insulting his new girlfriend is so bizarre.

We all go through struggles and learn how to deal with them and learn that life is not fair. The arrogance of assuming her struggles are worse than everyone else’s and therefore deserving of worldwide attention is infuriating and the reason I came to this site!
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FWIW Alice claims that he exagerated it, but even her version of the proposal doesnt sound very flattering :x
Could well be, but then AE is the queen of ass-covering. It's also a weird thing to over-exaggerate on his part because it's not actually funny at all. I get heightening parts of a story to make it more entertaining, but that particular story is just weird and uncomfortable to start with.

His complete inexperience with women would definitely make him a prime mark for someone controlling. Controlling people love those with no frame of reference; they won't know the signs yet. I wonder if that's why she's so fixated on Mama Gruffudd still. That's basically his only other point of reference, and maybe she did see the signs and tried to at least warn her son.
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Not sure how she gets up in the morning after tweeting all night and (as stated in previous twitter posts) saying she survives on tramadol ambien and effexor. She also said in a previous post "if I could take opiates I would"
What a weird thing to say....tramadol is an opiate and (I thought) highly addictive. Isn't this what Ant McP was taking ?
All I know is I was given tramadol after surgery once and it felt great, but I made a LOT of questionable online purchases 😂 (mostly presents for my family - sorry family)
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I do actually feel kind of sad for her now. Being a SAHM didn't work for her so she really should have got out and done something in those school hours. Plenty of other women do the 9-3 shift. Looks like the craft stuff was a way to fill bored hours. Surely she could have found other things, useful things, to do with her time. As someone said, giving lessons in other languages. Even teaching English to immigrants. Not just sitting at home, drinking, and feeling as if having a nanny is some sort of charity effort. I'm pretty sure Gloria could get another position as nanny if Alice decides to let her go.
Call me heartless but I have no sympathy for her. She has had a charmed (excuse the pun) life until now and even now she has much to be grateful for but isn't. She has gone from one wealthy man to another (with some overlap too) and now she has to stand on her own two feet. This is what happens when your whole identity is about the man you're with. Divorce is common and she acts like it's some terrible tragedy rather than an everyday occurrence. If she can't reinvent herself then even the kids will see her as pitiful in the years to come. The twitter circus will move on, she can only milk this so far before everyone gets bored of her "woe is me" spiel. It's getting exhausting for everyone.

She was clearly trying to do something creative as her main occupation was cut off from her.
I applaud her trying to make some money and to be fair she sold over 100 things. But it seems she got bored with it and doesn't bother trying to flog the stuff on Insta now. I thought she was afraid of being destitute? As for acting, she would struggle to get anything now so it's not really choosing to give up acting. Acting gave her up.
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He’s absolutely entitled to fall out of love, I just think the way he “announced” it on IG, in synch with his GF, was cringe at absolute best but ultimately calculated, unnecessary and pretty shitty for his kids. Even if they knew about her ahead of the post, I have absolutely no doubt they’re struggling with the changes, and I think they should be #1 priority above everything, including petty Instagram BS. AE is clearly the worse of the two, but I don’t think he’s above it either.

FWIW I don’t buy his “I’m just an innocent welsh boy from the valleys” nonsense either. He’s an actor, he knows the game, he understands how the internet works, how important image is and let’s face it, he was with her for 20 years. Birds of a feather and all that.
He was with her for twenty years because he probably couldn’t get away from her. He’s likely been trying for some time.
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AE is delighted with Vanessa' Feltz's piece (she has always loved her work!). Vanessa agrees that AE has the right to speak out. She does. But what seems to be being forgotten is that everyone also has the right to privacy. IG does, BW does, Ella Newton does, Olivier does - have I missed anyone? Oh wait, yeah, the children!! Their children absolutely have a right to privacy and to deny them that, as AE continues to do, is appalling. Why wouldn't AE do everything in her power to protect their personal lives from public scrutiny, regardless of what IG might be up to? That's why most rational people continue to 'keep quiet' (i.e., do not live tweet their shite to millions of strangers), it's to protect their kids. All she will ultimately succeed in doing here is inflict a far greater legacy of pain on her kids as a result of this "speaking out'.
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So what he does and doesn't do is still being controlled by fear of AE ? She's still controlling his decision making with her threats and tantrums?
He's probably been trying to get away from her for a long time and has finally managed it. You don't leave a narc easily.
He's done it in stages....physical distance through work, then counselling which hasn't worked, moving out and having the kids stay at his (maybe mooted as a trial separation initially to get her used to the idea), then divorce filed, then after a period of time breaking news of a new partner. He maybe thought doing it gradually in stages would be kinder and easier on the kids and her and she wouldn't go so mental (after all she was suicidal over a twitter row previously).
Unfortunately with a narc the gradual approach doesn't work.
The only thing that matters is what they want and they want control and they want to keep their possession/victim.
Yes this looks about right. I reckon he will eventually relocate to the UK and take the girls with him. Alice won't want to go back to the UK. And as for taking the girls with him, that should be a cake walk now, with all the evidence she has put for the judge to see.
His lawyers have it all mapped out and she's been following their trail of breadcrumbs.
Like I said before, she is new to this and thinks she can bedazzle the judge. The legal system know her type and have dealt with her type before.
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Ena Sharples

Chatty Member
I’m not sure any man would want to have a relationship with her in the future. The horrible warning of what will happen should they ever split will forever stay on the internet. Oliver got off lightly because she had new supply lined up.
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Can somebody explain to me why Alice keeps writing Bianca's name in quotation marks? Is that her way of showing that she doesnt accept her existence or something?
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Piers Morgan and Celia both follow Ioan on Insta but only Celia follows Alice. So apparently that’s another friendship that was mostly in her head.
she went ballistic on Twitter when someone told her he had stopped following her
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I dont know if it's because I'm biased but I didnt felt much sympathy because the over-acting was kinda obvious? She had midway through a breakdown when she was asked about having any contact. And a minute later she was fine.

I do think that this will gain her a lot sympathy and is very bad for him though.
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Let's all start making bedazzled bags and shoes!
Lets open an Etsy shop, call it something really stupid, and advertise that we're selling them to raise funds for a person trying to escape domestic abuse who escaped with only the clothes on his back.
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House of Tea

VIP Member
Ugh I actually felt sorry for Alice to begin with but she's being so embarrassing and harmful to her children she just looks bitter!! This is why you shouldn't revolve your life solely around a man. She should have kept a career or at least a hobby.

Alice he's gone , stop drinking , go to the gym get in the best shape of your life, put your girls first if you stop posting crazy shit on Twitter you might actually have a chance to meet another man ?
Maybe she doesn’t want to meet another man. Being without one is not the end of the world or a badge you are not living a good life. I agree she should focus on herself, get herself well and fighting fit. But to do it for herself not with the hopes of meeting a man.
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An absolute masterclass, a tour deforce in Narcissism. Bravo Alice, bravo.
The only slight slip in the poor me/victim mask was the reaction to Lorraine saying there are two sides to every story. Watch her uncontrolled reaction to that...the rage bubbles
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See the thing with staying together a few more years for the kids is that even if you do that, and then split when the kids are "older" (although in AEs case I'm assuming she hopes he miraculously falls back in love with her and it is just to buy herself more time) is that kids aren't daft and will absolutely know it's all been a sham. Everything about their family life, smoke and mirrors. I can't imagine that is any less damaging.
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I don't think anything she is saying is real.

If the kids are crying, it's probably from her harassment. Kids, even young kids, know what upsets parents and learn not to engage in those convos.

I think the kids are walking on eggshells with her - more likely lying to her to avoid her maelstrom of emotions - and she really thinks they are being honest.

What I can't understand is how she can't think of the predatory nature of the internet. She's giving a frickton of information about the kids and leaving it wide open for terrible people to groom and connect with them. There's so much personal data she's spewing and her older daughter might want to be in entertainment. How easy would it be to flatter and drop tidbits to gain entry into their lives.

Maybe it's because I've got so many people in my life who have been abused, it's a huge red flag to me. AE put that picture of her daughter in underwear and there's something deeply wrong that it's out there like that.
i believe the kids are upset about the break up of marriage and him having a girlfriend. That is normal. It’s normal for them to cry and have to adapt to a new family life. What’s not normal is broadcasting it. And Alice making it worse for them by her not accepting it. I’m sure Alice is making it much worse rather than calming it for them.
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