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Well-known member
Do we think that the lawyer may actually have filed a lawsuit against Alice and that’s why she’s been silenced on Twitter? I’m starting to think unit if you one of her tweet and deletes because she would definitely be back by now if she could.
Worried that she's in a really bad way. Trying to get her Cameo preview out of my mind, because it made me feel bad and guilty
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They're running out of money and Gloria is likely a financial drain right now. Without Gloria, IG will have a better chance of seeing his girls for multiple reasons. The biggest in my mind is that Alice will want a break from actually having to care for them, something I suspect falls on Gloria's shoulders. And Alice won't have a co-conspirator filling the girls heads with negativity about their father. Alice said that Gloria's husband left her for another woman. They've bonded over it. I said it earlier up thread, I believe it's time for Gloria to move on. Let Alice freak out. She needs the kick in the pants. Until she's actually working and making actual money she can take care of two children who are in school 5 days a week. Big girl panty time.

Went to bed with Alice fatigue and damn if I didn't wake up with it. Her pity me Cameo videos got my hackles up. Sorry! 😂
I wonder if she can get herself together enough that the girls are clean and tidy for school. She that they get themselves showered but what about clean clothes and tidy hair? I bet the school would be taking note of any neglect.
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I don’t think there are any expectations on how you use social media.
Oh ok. I guess I just thought that since she has a lot of followers and posts fairly regularly, that if she stopped maybe people would unfollow her so she might feel some pressure to continue.
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They are not good. She goes on about her self in them. I got bored of the one to the young guy and her droning on about 101 Dalmatians, didn't even watch it all. But hey, now we know Clive's full name.
I thought maybe he’d been a fan of the movie (seems right age) and so she specifically shared a couple of anecdotes from the set. I bet his mum bought him that birthday greeting 😁
ETA the 28 yr old, not SCM 🤦‍♀️
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Ena Sharples

Chatty Member
Maybe she meant to say that her MS came on aggressively, as it appears to have come on quite suddenly. It was similar in my cousins case… all of a sudden she couldn’t move the entire side of her body (can’t remember which one now). She was in hospital for a while, all sorts of tests until they discovered the MS. She’s actually never fully recovered her walk and can only walk short distances before having to rest.
Interesting she also has spine issues like BW. I wonder if there is some relation with MS and spine issues.
The Mail article quotes her saying in her video 2-3 times saying that she was diagnosed with aggressive MS. I was interested to read some more about the different types because I have people in my life who have it. They have managed theirs for years with diet, exercise and good lifestyle choices.

Reading the journal articles about Aggressive MS led me to believe she has it pretty badly in terms of the number of relapses, the severity and the irreparable damage each attack causes.

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He must have a fantastic nephrologist if he thinks this is what the meeting is for. Yeah, that was sarcasm. I would assume that the meeting is to discuss the process. He may have to have a hospital issued pager or other device so the hospital can reach him. They would talk to him about what to do when/if the call comes. The surgery and post-surgical routine. But compatibility? Unlikely. He may have had tissue typing at that meeting but they are not going to go into stuff like that with him. His age is a bit of a strike against him in terms of getting a donor kidney. They will be looking at how long he has been on the list and how poor his health is. If he is in relatively good shape and tolerating dialysis, he’s not going to be top of any list unless he has a rare blood and tissue type and a kidney match comes in. Generally family members provide the closest matches. I wonder if his siblings have offered to be tested.
What you're talking about is the real deal. I wouldn't be surprised if the DM tried to get in touch with him to add to the pathos of the situation.
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I don't think she can manage house maintenance by herself she needs to get a pool guy before they put it on the market. downsizing will be a benefit as she will actually be more able to take care of the house. Cleaners and stuff will be cheaper for a smaller property. She's probably feeling the pinch financially hence the cameo stuff.
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Personally (and this may come back to haunt me), if someone claims they have a serious illness and have given detailed information about it then I would believe them. I am a bit cyncial about why she is posting about it but again, not taking away the compassion I have. I know it's a personal thing but I wouldn't do something like that myself. Seeing what I see from social media, I think she has now given people material, like Alice has as well, to use against her.

My tuppence.
ohhh yes I agree! I don’t think for one second it’s made up. Whoever can make up having such a serious condition really do have a serious condition in needing attention for being ill.
like that woman a few years back who had that healthy living app, and said she cured her cancer through her special diet then it turned out she never had cancer. Just awful.
Not saying BW is like that at all!! I do believe she has MS and as you have so eloquently said, I can feel compassion for her whilst also not particularly being a fan. To be honest I don’t feel either way for her 🤷🏼‍♀️
but yes, the motivations for revealing everything now is what has me going “hmmmm”
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I think she at least opened his eyes anyway and perhaps supported him in leaving. That can be taken as a bad thing but in Alices case I see it as a good thing
When I was going through a divorce my lawyer said men never leave unless there is another woman or man.
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Oh there were/are 'witches' alright. Maybe he doesn't know or care too much about it, seeing it's been poorly portrayed all the way through, plus all those Hammer and hollywood renditions. Shameful period in history, similar to the commie purges and the vax/anti-vax BS being stirred today to divide and rule. They were real people then as now. Pity they didn't exert all that energy into medical research back then (and now) instead of laying into women and kids (mostly) who were out there collecting & mixing herbs on dreary hillsides so they could sell their cures for a few pence. And then, as now, a lot of it was political. Better not get me started, other than to say when my children were toddlers, they ventured down the back garden and saw through the fence cracks an old man clipping a tree. They called out to him, 'Hello man' repeatedly, but he ignored them. You should have seen their crestfallen little faces. I was keeping an eye from the back door, saw their faces, so said quietly, 'If you're so dead inside that you can't respond to two little children, why don't you just die for real and get it over with'. The kids came inside and I forgot all about it until about six weeks later I was down the yard with the children and a little old lady popped her head over the fence. Never seen or spoken with her before. She was very nice and as she was going, said her husband had very recently died. It was the strangest thing, she said -- he'd been perfectly well, then suddenly died. Apparently, investigation had shown that a hair from his chest had somehow gone inwards, into his heart. She sounded genuine. You can imagine how I felt. Since then, I try to keep my flashes of justice/injustice under control, although must admit, I give into it still if the situation calls for it. Three of them died in short order around here several years ago. Oh wow ... and a largish branch just crashed onto our deck as I finished typing that ...
Oops sorry meant nobody in his family was a witch!
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Ena Sharples

Chatty Member
The mail also called her Julia at one point so they are not the most reliable narrators 😂
But yes in the video she did state that too. Although she’s confirmed the type in her comments.
I do have opinions on this but I’m not going to share them 🤐 because I don’t think it will be very popular and will go down like a lead balloon. 🎈

I also hope that I am not right and just being too cynical. I do have a very cynical outlook on life, maybe I should look into the positivity stuff more 🙈

Also another article in the DM about her Instagram stories. Maybe this is PR build up to her movie A ray of sunshine? If it is about her MS that is. If so I am sure it will be an inspirational, uplifting one. And I’ve noticed so many comments on her socials relating to a ray of sunshine too.
I did think Julia might have been one of Alice's characters on Twitter to be honest.

I am interested in MS because of the people in my life who have it and I really do feel for Bianca that she has it too. I can separate the compassion I have for her illness and the fact that I'm not keen on her either. If that makes sense?

Personally (and this may come back to haunt me), if someone claims they have a serious illness and have given detailed information about it then I would believe them. I am a bit cyncial about why she is posting about it but again, not taking away the compassion I have. I know it's a personal thing but I wouldn't do something like that myself. Seeing what I see from social media, I think she has now given people material, like Alice has as well, to use against her.

My tuppence.
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