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VIP Member
It's just a saying though; it's not meant to be taken literally - the first explanation of the saying on Google is more than fitting for AE in my opinion.
I’m not sure what’s happened but I also didn’t like that comment but then I didn’t know it was a saying. I didn’t really understand it. But now I know.
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BW made the DM again, wonder if any of my nice comments will be published this time.
I see I read her post wrongly. I thought the picture was from August 21st 2021, after treatmet for MS. DM says it's a pic from her surgery. The text is definitively new, so why is the date on the pic?
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Oh there were/are 'witches' alright. Maybe he doesn't know or care too much about it, seeing it's been poorly portrayed all the way through, plus all those Hammer and hollywood renditions. Shameful period in history, similar to the commie purges and the vax/anti-vax BS being stirred today to divide and rule. They were real people then as now. Pity they didn't exert all that energy into medical research back then (and now) instead of laying into women and kids (mostly) who were out there collecting & mixing herbs on dreary hillsides so they could sell their cures for a few pence. And then, as now, a lot of it was political. Better not get me started, other than to say when my children were toddlers, they ventured down the back garden and saw through the fence cracks an old man clipping a tree. They called out to him, 'Hello man' repeatedly, but he ignored them. You should have seen their crestfallen little faces. I was keeping an eye from the back door, saw their faces, so said quietly, 'If you're so dead inside that you can't respond to two little children, why don't you just die for real and get it over with'. The kids came inside and I forgot all about it until about six weeks later I was down the yard with the children and a little old lady popped her head over the fence. Never seen or spoken with her before. She was very nice and as she was going, said her husband had very recently died. It was the strangest thing, she said -- he'd been perfectly well, then suddenly died. Apparently, investigation had shown that a hair from his chest had somehow gone inwards, into his heart. She sounded genuine. You can imagine how I felt. Since then, I try to keep my flashes of justice/injustice under control, although must admit, I give into it still if the situation calls for it. Three of them died in short order around here several years ago. Oh wow ... and a largish branch just crashed onto our deck as I finished typing that ...
Wow, you sound like a natural witch. Wouldn't want to get on your bad side. :)

I get the story now - I thought you were saying your kids saw a ghost and that's why he didn't reply.
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Oh it was! I was friends with mith and saw the tweets. Alice would have lost her mind if Ioan tweeted with some young woman like she did with mith. Talk about an emotional affair and embarrassment in front of the entire world on Twitter.
Why did he get kicked off twitter? Dick pics?
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So can we view all her cameos? Or only a select few to give us an idea of what they are like?
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Just William

VIP Member
Thank you, when I say I'm feeding the chooks I actually am (sometimes) feeding the chooks.
Sir Joh Bjelke-Petersen, former Premier of Queensland (1968-1987), and the longest-serving referred to news conferences as “feeding the chooks”. Just one of his many colourful sayings 🤩
Thanks! (y)😁
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Can someone please link me to where Bianca alluded to abuse in her last marriage?
I’ve fallen a bit behind, motherhood has come first these last few days 😅
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So I'm just catching up on the last thread. People keep mentioning that IG has been 'emasculated' by Alice. What do people mean by this? I can't work it out.
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Or..she is having a bad day and laughing takes effort? Just saying.
No idea. I just agree with others that for whatever reason it didn't sound like natural laughter.
@houseoftea I can't see AE's instagram but maybe that's for the best. I do hope those girls are okay.
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