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Idk I can't stop crying about how hard she's tryna play it off like she don't want the holy hills of that fine man's buttocks back under her duvet. 💀

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Alice revels in this mess. She’s finally the leading lady in a drama she is writing and directing herself. She has a court of fans that worship her every move. She is constantly featured in the daily fail and has even given interviews. Malice thinks she has finally found the stardom she deserves. She doesn’t care about anything or anyone else and I don’t see her stopping.
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I doubt he's ever going to regret leaving you. He hasn't left his kids so why would he regret that.
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Nooooooo HOW HAVE I ONLY JUST REALISED that Ioan was my childhood favourite / ultimate / obsessive impression to do !!!
‘is anyone alive out there ?????’ From Titanic hahaha I am actually creased here !
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Alice is so cruel and manipulative. I don't really give much thought to BW but do worry about IG just trying his best to maintain a relationship with his daughters while dealing with this toxic woman...
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See, number one really irks me. And the fact that they are recent shows you exactly who she is referencing.

Bianca, your boyfriend is in the middle of a divorce and custody fight, not even "officially" separated a year. It's an intense time. You are a new girlfriend, publicly at least, having only been introduced on the scene a couple of months ago, and the kids haven't even met you yet. Do not insert yourself in the middle of this divorce by passive-aggressively liking posts on social media about abuse and toxic relationships and escaping them. You are fanning the flames. Be a support to him, develop your relationship with him, but stay out of his divorce and custody battle publicly. If he wants to talk about abuse and a toxic relationship and escaping, then that is up to him, NOT YOU, the new girlfriend. And he hasn't.
How much is she expected to take? When is she allowed to post a pic or like a tweet? She’s not internet-fighting with AE, but she’s a grown adult and has an opinion. Personally, I don’t know if I could be that self-restrained. Plus she’s learning. I give her the benefit of the doubt.
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The thing is, none of us has to be TeamAnyone - only anti-Alice's narcissism. None of us knows IG, and he's very reclusive. a cipher: we've seen interviews, where talking points have probably been agreed upon beforehand with his PR people, and he has never made a career of splashing his thoughts 'n' feels across the press. He could be lovely, shy, naive; he could be a vain arsehole. I think most of us agree, though, that the obscene behaviour Alice has been exhibiting has likely cast a very long shadow over his life; and for those of us who have unfortunately fallen into the clutches of narcissists in the past, we can see all her tells - the lying, rages, histrionics, lack of boundaries, disrespect, lack of empathy, cruelty, chess-playing, narrative-switching, self-pity and grandiosity - a mile away. (So though we may seem to go off topic sometimes in these threads, or projecting our own experiences on him - well, it's lived experience, which we know all too well). I hope that IG is a nice and decent person, but you know what - it doesn't matter if he's a bit of a shit himself. No-one deserves to be treated with that level of toxic venom, and no-one should expose two vulnerable young children to such abuse.
I agree I’m not team Ioan but I am anti lies and smears. I am not defending him rather challenging this response to lies and fakery. It depresses me that these get picked up and used as the basis for attacking his character. For example AEs claim he has never had the children for more than 2 days and is always away on location. This is bollocks. She has been away on location after having children. He has long periods without work. When he was home full time with his family. He has probably had more family time than the average guy just structured differently.

Absolutely nothing she says has any creditably. Especially what she says about their marriage problems. These obviously predate August 20 when he moved into the spare room. Because that isn‘t a basic red flag. It’s a March pass by the Red Army. Nobody would just accept that as the sign of a bit of a marital wobble. That marriage had fallen apart before he went back to Australia.

In terms of people saying “come on, he must have gotten with BW in Australia“ I say “come on, the marriage was dead when he went”. Separate bedrooms on his return was the manifestation of that along with the affair.
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AE: i’m completely over the man himself

Nothing says that like doing a smear campaign against his new GF and getting the FMs to join in.
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I mentioned I think it was this morning or last night that a FM was watching us. That I knew 95% what they were. They never commented but had liked every bad BW post and their name was obvious. Well I just checked their account to see if they are watching and it’s gone. Wiped.
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Happy New Thread! I amaze myself I made it in before 35 pages 😂


Completely over him, are you? How quickly this happened, seeing how traumatised you've been up Shouldn't you be good at running a household already, given you've been the only parent around (according to you), what did you do previously when he was away working and something "only he knows about" broke?

Leaving this gif here for many reasons.

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Having Betty Broderick as a role model is not exactly reassuring, is it?
the funny thing is we all compare this to BB but its only because of her behavior.

Ioan is nowhere near as influential and (from what we know) cruel as Dan was. The betrayal was also nowhere near the same because BB literally made her husbands career (which helped his case) happen in the first place by paying for his education.

That's not to excuse what BB did (even if many do), but if she thinks that this case should be motivation for her she is honestly deluded. She is having a very ordinary divorce overall made special by her behavior
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Mad Betty

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Good morning from LA and yes, thank restraining orders I'm still not Alice. 😊

I see my mention of AE and IG both moving back to UK (seperately)kicked off some debate. Good! It makes the most sense for every reason I stated (and you stated), but you just don't get a Narc to behave and I doubt AE will do the right thing. Sigh.

I went to sleep angry AF last night. Alice's bullshit yesterday was a full blown repeat of my boredline narc sister's nightmarish behavior when she was in the height of one of her smear campaigns. It's scary and intense and hateful. When you see it, you know it. There will be injuries.

I have no hope for Alice at this point. She's spinning out and Pac-Manning lawyers. She can't even follow basic instructions to protect herself or her girls and stop the attacks on SM. She is far more invested in smearing IG and his new GF than breathing.

I hope everyone is well and hydrated. There will be more wine and whining from the woman formerly known as IGs wife.

Hugs to all. ♥
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what was that Gloria IG post about? it's gone

lol at her latest tweets: she runs a smear campaign that made him not want to ever see her again, now she pretends its the other way around "at the moment". She doesnt let the kids go to him but it's totally him that wants no contact to the kids because she desperately wants her kids to have the same victim narrative as she had with her dad.

And my question every day is: how can the people supporting her not see these awful contradictions?
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How has AE not been sued for defamation yet?
I can only speak for myself. She defamed me about my job. Thanks to Tattle, I have all the emails. But frankly, her mental state scares me and I don’t want to out that stress out there right now. But the Statute of Limitations lets me wait awhile, too.
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AE gargantuan ego has taken such a bodyblow that she cannot now think beyond getting revenge for being dumped. I don’t think she wants him back now, I think she is over the trying to get his attention stage. She has moved onto coldly trying to ruin him and his gf. In the process she doesn’t care about the collateral damage to her kids or her own well-being, she just wants to stick the knife in and keep twisting. This is going to go on and on.

She is healthy, wealthy, able bodied, intelligent (but not emotionally), articulate, loved by her kids and some others. She is truly blessed. Many people are truly stuck in life, including some of her followers on Twitter who are feeling sorry for her, yet she is stuck in a self-indulgent loop of self-pity and anger. In a year’s time she will still be in the same place. Except nobody will care except her.
Ha, I was at the same stage as you a few months back regarding her not wanting him back and then surprise, she still wanted him.

Sadly, I think with Alice you cant rule out anything. And I'd like to remind everyone that she posted this a month ago
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I don't know that I'd call BW a marriage wrecker as I think Ioan was out of it emotionally already but I do think she's shown signs of immaturity and enjoying the attention. I'm not a fan of any of them in this story but I do think Ioan was very unhappy in the marriage before he even met BW.
See I just don’t see the bit in bold AT ALL! Where do you see it? To me she went from someone who posted semi regularly about themselves, their life and interests, to someone who’s hardly posted at all post relationship reveal. She’s hardly been papped out and about bar one time (where she was absolutely not smiling or enjoying anything by the looks of it) I see someone who’s behaviour has veered towards reclusive and quiet, not revelling?

To me Alice is a very good example of someone clearly enjoying the attention, she positively soaks it up. Replies to every tweet, engaged with media, posted and posted and posted to the point she broke her laptop (lol.) I don’t see any similarities in BWs behaviour compared to AE if we use AE are a yardstick for someone who has enjoyed the attention.
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