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I found a bottle of Barossa Valley Shiraz that the FM should seriously consider sending Alice for Xmas 🎄...........
Barossa Valley is South Australia wine country

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lmao this horrendous beast.

“I didn’t post anything and I no longer intend to.”

Immediately posts the Big Lie about her estranged husband “suddenly” leaving again as part of a long rant and makes snide remarks about his age and Bianca’s appearance. Also again makes it seem like her girls do nothing but helplessly cry and act “terrified,” which is either bullshit or she’s a horrible mother that needs to build their resiliency. It’s a divorce, not Syria.

I don’t even know her and I want to divorce her; how did he survive?! At this point I don’t care if he cheated with Big Bird. Whatever gets a person away from Alice is cool by me.
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ALSO more thoughts:

Her standard-bearer for charisma is Blake Lively?

“I’m not dissing her. She just [ INSERT DISS HERE. ]”

Begging for support from British theater community by throwing an ill-timed compliment to beloved Helen McCrory, like, “Hi, Damien Lewis, I mentioned your wife in an insult to my husband’s new girlfriend, notice me, please.”

And lastly, an interesting return to the Bianca-broke-up-three-marriages well, weeks after she last drew water from it. Where is she getting this info? Is she drunkenly forgetting she originally heard about it from The Shart, who crumbled upon questioning?
How dare she even speak the name of Queen Helen! <3 God rest her fabulous soul.

I like the big WRONG scrawled in red across the screenshot. It's subtle, dignified and lets us know that Alice is fully in control and in no way completely blootered on 24 grams of something or 24 boxes of Walmart's finest.
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@Autisteuse I'm sorry I didn't catch your post from the last thread until now! 💚

After drug problems, psych certainly won't let me have anything addictive (which sucks, if I'm being honest, because those meds were the ones that really killed the anxiety).

I'm on gabapentin now! It works better than any of the other 5 or 6 non-addictive medications I've tried but I do have to have higher doses of it for it to actually be helpful. I was quite stern with my psych about previous needs to up my dosages because I don't play around with my anxiety issues.

Duloxetine is Cymbalta, correct? I was on that for years as an antidepressant and LOVED it, but it just stopped working one day and I had the worst summer of my life last year experimenting with different substitutes: trouble sleeping, mood swings, depression I have never before experienced that led to lots of dangerous thoughts. I miss Cymbalta a lot tho!

I hope you get your paws on something that helps you feel your best!

Idk homie I am still really, really put off by the likely possibility that she's still trying to create a situation in which Ioan has to see her if he wants to see the children. She has certainly done a SHIT-ton of evil, but this particular motive very horribly disgusts me. I think it's because it's one of the more blatant examples of her selfishness, of how much she's willing to risk in order to satisfy her own desires.

Like, lady, you're actually willing to complicate the process of your former husband—whom you STILL WANNA SHAG, GIRL, DON'T LIE—visiting the two most important beings in both of your worlds by somehow—and likely unsuccessfully—manipulating the circumstances so that he must talk to you?

What does this man owe her? Why does she feel so entitled to be spoken to, even acknowledged, after so much grief, anger, confusion, disappointment, and hurt she has dropped in his lap? What would she plan to do, exactly? Scream and cry at him, more out of longing than anger? Call him names because he rightfully deprived her of the privilege of being his wife? Yes, I know, narcs do that. But I can't help but ponder this anyway.

Good on Ioan for letting her throw a tantrum. We're obviously repulsed by that tantrum, but he's not letting her get her way this time, and in one of the most significant experiences of her life.

I'd find her poor judgment almost heartbreaking, if I weren't so outraged with her antics. Like, she is really actually truly only fixated on acquiring that ability to approach him, without any fraction of a thought about what the consequences of this would be. She really just wants to honor those moments of carrying out her shitty behavior and ignore the punishment that would arrive sooooooon after it.

And where are her beloved "little girls" in all of this? After all, she prioritizes her darling daughters' needs before hers, doesn't she? Hasn't she proclaimed that multiple times? Isn't she such a good mummy and SAHM, doing housework and feeding the kids and basically everything that is literally expected of her with those titles? Wow, you go girl, you get the gold.

Listen, I'm afraid to say this but I have a super-controversial thing I've needed to share that I really hope doesn't sharply divide this Tattle family or drive anyone away or lead to my timeout or profoundly shatter people's emotional welfare, but:

.........Alice fucking sucks.
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Alice’s lawyer txting her right now. Listing all the problems she now has to deal with.

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Can we all put this into perspective?

I am not an Ioan fan but some of this is unfair because it’s based on AE’s lies

here is a quick timeline

Aug 2020 - tells her he doesn’t love her anymore but stays living in family home, with his kids

Jan 21 - he gets his own apartment and has the kids on his own. AE reports his elder daughter was ‘screaming and crying’ when she went to visit (this seems an abnormal reaction of a 12yo)

March 21 - he starts divorce proceedings

July/Aug 21 - he goes to France for work

Oct 21 - debuts BW

Dec 21- comes back to LA with BW

if someone can point out anything contrary to the following I will listen:

this is an 18 month timeline. It is not recent
Ioan has had the kids for months, on his own. Alice is lying to you that he doesn’t. He has not suddenly become a single dad and then moved on to BW

how long are people meant to stay single?
is it child abuse to get a new partner?
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She is fucking disgusting.
She is the biggest cunt for saying IG is 'bipolar'. If he is bipolar then it is absolutely awful that she has outed him in this way. Her argument is so backwards as well, saying she wont let the kids see him because he is bipolar. Fuck off Alice you fucking mess.
I have actually been diagnosed with Bipolar, and let me tell you i am a million times better at being a mother than she ever will. I also have a career, i am very well educated, and i have more emotional intelligence and resilience in my little finger than Alice does in her entire bloated body.
She really is a fucking cunt.
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Just William

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My two pennyworth, incl' briefly on the IG/BW dynamic. And yes, I am #teamIG. (After the girls & Emma.)

Following this shitstorm is an emotional roller coaster. The many thoughtful & intelligent posts have challenged me & made me examine my
feelings, to the point I can understand some others POV even if I don't always agree 100%. When it comes to Alice however, once I discovered
who she really was & always has been behind the sympathetic headlines, I remain steadfast. I have zero sympathy for her. She's a horrible nasty
Narc. The way she treated IG over the years & since he left was & is disgusting as are the constant lies, personal abuse, hate & her treatment & parental alienation of the girls is unforgivable IMO. I have experienced a dysfunctional (albeit loving) relationship with a parent from a similar age to Ella, was used as an emotional crutch, a confidante, made to feel responsible for that parents emotional well being, etc it was a very heavy load to carry & left me damaged (I had decades of it) & it took a lot of years (as a much older adult) to come to terms with the dynamics & my parent wasn't an abusive Narc like Alice. So I feel enormous sympathy/empathy for the girls & what they're going through as from personal experience I doubt they will emerge from this unscathed.

I have also experienced being played/manipulated & then thrown under a bus by a Narc & a person I trusted, until my guts warned me otherwise.
So I also have a lot of sympathy/empathy for IG. By all accounts that we have seen here, he comes across as a very nice guy, a bit vain, a private
man, a loving dad & by his own admission, trusting & naive, character traits I don't believe people lose. That there are some who revel in taking
advantage of people, well that is all on them, not the ones they go on to abuse. IMO I don't think he truly understood who he was dealing with for a long time. I didn't. Why would he? I'm not claiming he's perfect, but I do think he's a basically decent person & again from personal experience people who don't abuse & manipulate others can't always see the evil that is going on right under their nose as it's so far removed from their own
nature. By the time the light bulb comes on it's too late as the damage has already been done.

The chat show interview where he recalls his marriage proposal after being given an ultimatum (after dating 7 years) was revealing & more than
a little sad as her behaviour even then had red flags flying, yet he seemed to find it an amusing, almost endearing, anecdote.
I understand that naivety, the believing in giving people the benefit of the doubt, the trust, the not seeing, then the not wanting to believe they really are that nasty even as your guts are finally screaming at you that yes they are! I know mine were & yet at the same time I was also ashamed & felt enormous guilt to be having such awful thoughts & doubts, even as I knew I was right. It's a hellish emotional turmoil. I can only wonder at how he felt being married for so long, her being the mother of his beloved children, I can believe it took him a long time to come to terms with who she was & then more time to gather the courage to finally leave & save himself. I have experience of that too & it's a horrible headspace to be in. The extra turmoil he must have felt at leaving his children but needing to escape her to save himself would have been enormous & not something undertaken lightly.

As for BW? We'll probably never know the real timeline of when/how they became involved but to me it's irrelevant. BW isn't responsible for him
leaving Alice. It's just a lot easier for Alice to blame BW than it is to examine her own nasty hateful behaviour over the years & the chances he gave her (by her own admission) to change that behaviour. And I say that as someone who has been betrayed badly.

I have kind of mixed feelings about BW. She seems nice enough & I have a lot of sympathy for her over the vile attacks made on her by Alice. So on the one hand I'm glad she's with him in LA to give him emotional support (& vice versa) & be a welcome distraction from the hate spewed by Alice.
On the other hand I think of the girls & the poison Alice is undoubtedly feeding them, incl' all this manipulative garbage about how she's IG's new wife, FFS, how she wants to be their new mummy, steal their home, etc this is so evil & manipulative. These are innocent children she is playing with & damaging in the process & all to hurt their daddy for daring to leave her.

His heart must be breaking at the damage she has already caused & I can only hope someday he can get back the loving relationships it was clear
he had with his daughters. I also don't think IG should have to hide away from Alice but then it comes back to the girls again & how they must be
feeling? Yet so far IG has been quietly & discreetly working hard behind the scenes & moving ahead regarding the divorce, custody, etc & doing it
the right (& legal) way & I really can't see that changing, esp' where his beloved girls are concerned. (But if he does try introducing BW to them too soon I would be disappointed as I don't think she should be in the picture for quite some time as he needs to have quality time alone with them & try to heal his his relationship with them.

The girls aside, one thing that does worry me is him going from a long term toxic relationship/marriage straight into another relationship. I think
he would have been (& still is) extremely damaged psychologically & emotionally by Alice & I can't help but wonder if it would have been better for him to stay unattached & nurture himself. Concentrate on getting decent therapy. Give himself time to find & rediscover himself again. Learn about
how to spot red flags & how to build strong healthy boundaries. Discover what he wants from life & what he doesn't. Give himself time just to breathe.

Being under long term stress can cause long term health issues. I know again from personal experience & it can take years to emotionally heal &
recover. (Physically some never do. I have had constant health issues & still do.) I hope for his sake he hasn't rushed into this relationship but
if & when love comes along you have to grab it as you only live once! I hope he finds happiness & peace as that in turn will be good for the girls.
But I sadly suspect Alice will always make things difficult for him. As she said of herself when threatening some guy on twitter she didn't even know
who pissed her off just by blocking her - she is relentless & she will not stop. Those 8 words speak volumes about her mindset.

@CookieMonsta did a brief but brilliant post (can't find it, sorry) about Narcs that was spot on. The gist of it was that you cannot apply normal parameters when looking at Alice or judging her as she is a Narc.
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I'm now 100 % certain that most of the things Alice said Ioan has allegedly done are things she has done (and possibly in his name). Her claiming that he is running a smear campaign with lies and feeding the press just made this too obvious.

Also nice of her to smear bipolar parents. No matter if Ioan is one or not, bipolar parents have every right to be parents too, and most of them are likely better at it than her.
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When I get a notification that someone has liked a post from thread 19 and I know they are drowning back there - Godspeed, little ones. We will be here waiting when you catch up 😂
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Hi im a longtime lurker. Just thought id say my piece. Im team Alice. I just see someone who is in the middle of a very painful divorce from a man she loved and was with for twenty years. I can understand why she feels very betrayed and she is not in a good place. Who here hasn't acted a bit nuts after a breakup. The betrayal and cheating must hurt so much. I feel her behaviour though is unstable and yes she has gotten nasty at times. I think she needs to put the wine down and get healthy.

Ioan is weak. I think he cheated and gaslighted Alice. If he had been honest with her then this shitshow would not have happened or at least it would not be as bad. I think Bianca is a plain smug marriage wrecker. I think she got her hair done the day before the expose. The real victims in this are those two girls. They are caught in the middle. Alice needs to get her shit together for their sake. Intensive therapy and stay off the booze.

I think Alice does love her girls but her focus is on her own hurt and she needs to stop drinking and focus on getting healthy. Id love to see her turn her life around as someone else here suggested. It would be the best result for those girls. Ioan is pathetic. I definitely think he organised those pap shots. I think Alice is very honest, brutally so and she would say she organised the pap thing if she had. I think for him to bring Bianca over to LA shows his lack of care for those girls. He is just thinking about himself and is weak. Alice has a real problem with emotionally vomiting when she drinks. She has to have intensive therapy, stop drinking and get fit. She will need to have all her ducks in a row in the divorce. Did her lawyers not tell her less is more. Everything she is putting out there can be used against her in the divorce and she has given them plenty of ammunition.

Hi 👋🏻 You’re totally entitled to your opinion, and I respect that.

Just curious as to how you feel about the following;

Slut shaming
Veiled threats of violence
Targeted harassment
Disclosing & discussing private medical details
Inciting others to feverishly do all of the above, and liking posts that wish infertility on BW & IG. The list goes on…

Do you believe this to be a proportional reaction to being cheated on? If indeed cheating was the case. I’m not having a go at all, I’m just genuinely curious as to your thoughts on this. She also keeps taking a shit on Welsh culture and our names, saying they’re unpronounceable. A tad problematic and downright fucking offensive to say the least….
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Also, Elsie and Ioan seemed very close. She must be feeling the loss of him in her day to day life. I have never really seen him interact with Ella much.
This really mirrors my childhood with Pops. I'm the youngest of two girls. My sister was always Little Miss Sensible. Did everything right, Momma's apple of the eye, Miss Perfect. Me though, I was hyper, daft, silly, loved to make jokes and have fun, and Dad was the same, we were best friends. After the parents split (we were 6 and 9) my sister didn't really care to see him but went anyway. I lived for it! Didn't mind Dad and Ma splitting, absolutely loved going to stay over with him. We'd watch laser discs (remember those?!?), play Nintendo, go for walks. They were such happy times. I seriously hope little Elsie gets that.

Sister and Dad never became friends like me and he did. After the move to the US she would go begrudgingly but for me it was the highlight of the year (yes, I only saw him once a year but it didn't matter to me at all). We spoke on the phone every Friday night and recapped Lost or whatever tv show we were both watching at the time! Ugh. I fucking miss that dude so much, but he was great. I don't blame him at all for the decisions he made, it didn't mean he didn't love me.
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Hi im a longtime lurker. Just thought id say my piece. Im team Alice. I just see someone who is in the middle of a very painful divorce from a man she loved and was with for twenty years. I can understand why she feels very betrayed and she is not in a good place. Who here hasn't acted a bit nuts after a breakup. The betrayal and cheating must hurt so much. I feel her behaviour though is unstable and yes she has gotten nasty at times. I think she needs to put the wine down and get healthy.

Ioan is weak. I think he cheated and gaslighted Alice. If he had been honest with her then this shitshow would not have happened or at least it would not be as bad. I think Bianca is a plain smug marriage wrecker. I think she got her hair done the day before the expose. The real victims in this are those two girls. They are caught in the middle. Alice needs to get her shit together for their sake. Intensive therapy and stay off the booze.

I think Alice does love her girls but her focus is on her own hurt and she needs to stop drinking and focus on getting healthy. Id love to see her turn her life around as someone else here suggested. It would be the best result for those girls. Ioan is pathetic. I definitely think he organised those pap shots. I think Alice is very honest, brutally so and she would say she organised the pap thing if she had. I think for him to bring Bianca over to LA shows his lack of care for those girls. He is just thinking about himself and is weak. Alice has a real problem with emotionally vomiting when she drinks. She has to have intensive therapy, stop drinking and get fit. She will need to have all her ducks in a row in the divorce. Did her lawyers not tell her less is more. Everything she is putting out there can be used against her in the divorce and she has given them plenty of ammunition.
Thank you for your post! It’s good that whilst you’re considering yourself as support of Alice you can see all her wrong doings.

The problem with Alice’s bad behaviour, which a lot of people have discussed here, is that it’s been going on for a long time, pre-separation and pre-menopause. Whilst alcohol may not have always been an issue, she has certainly alluded to it being a big part of her life for many years, even really soon after the bairns were born. When I say bad behaviour, I don’t just mean the emotional outbursts displayed on Twitter now, I’m including the more calculated manipulation she has conducted - This has been displayed in what she has detailed about past events.

From your post also, I think you mirror the sentiments of a lot of people here - we understand her why she is hurt, we don’t approve of her or his actions and that the only people really suffering from this are the two girls as everything is not of their doing and out of their hands, they’re literally the only innocent parties. I think the use of ‘Team whoever’ is unnecessary, I think we can all just see fault with booth parents so throwing a name behind it is just feeding whatever egos are at play here.

ETA: I’ve become very wary about my posts as I don’t think I’m able to articulate what I’m trying to say, so I’m sorry if this is a load of rubbish!
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Other members have accused other of being team Ioan/Bianca. As far as I'm concerned BE is a bit part in the current scenario. I am overwhelmed by the bile that is coming from AE.

I know that while IG maintains his current silence there is little to judge this on, however AS has given me plenty. She thinks she is winning on points? How deluded.

At the end of the day IG may be silencing his a assholeness (is that a word?) and pulling the wool over all of our eyes. I don't know! What isn't in doubt is that AE is a toxic bitch.
The thing is, none of us has to be TeamAnyone - only anti-Alice's narcissism. None of us knows IG, and he's very reclusive. a cipher: we've seen interviews, where talking points have probably been agreed upon beforehand with his PR people, and he has never made a career of splashing his thoughts 'n' feels across the press. He could be lovely, shy, naive; he could be a vain arsehole. I think most of us agree, though, that the obscene behaviour Alice has been exhibiting has likely cast a very long shadow over his life; and for those of us who have unfortunately fallen into the clutches of narcissists in the past, we can see all her tells - the lying, rages, histrionics, lack of boundaries, disrespect, lack of empathy, cruelty, chess-playing, narrative-switching, self-pity and grandiosity - a mile away. (So though we may seem to go off topic sometimes in these threads, or projecting our own experiences on him - well, it's lived experience, which we know all too well). I hope that IG is a nice and decent person, but you know what - it doesn't matter if he's a bit of a shit himself. No-one deserves to be treated with that level of toxic venom, and no-one should expose two vulnerable young children to such abuse.
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My mama has been emotionally, verbally, and, at one point many years back, physically abused by my father. They have been together for about 35 years now. She rejected the option to walk out when my sister and I were young because the abuse was so very much less visible, and so she sought to give us the opportunity to experience as much of our life as possible, altogether.

Now, it is almost impossible for her to leave. The abuse amongst us all by my father's hand is undeniable; over time, the cracks in their marriage became chasms, unable to be ignored like they once were. What was once invisible, is now glaring. Still, my mama doesn't regret staying all those years ago; she just regrets not having gone after some point in our young lives, when she foresaw it getting tumultuous within the family. Because she knew that that was when serious trauma was starting to steep in her children. I tell her that nothing is her fault, but she regrets it all the same. I love her beyond expression. I welcome any and all objections, but I just offer this:

I think the kindest thing Ioan has ever done for those kids was stay in that house.
Simultaneously, I think the kindest thing Ioan has ever done for those kids was leave.

To end on a lighter note, in a few minutes I'm going to interview an amaaaaaazing Voodoo priestess for my very last paper of 2021. Then I am off for a good, long, healing month, meaning my ass will not part from this fucking website.

Endless love, Turd Herd. 💚
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Hi im a longtime lurker. Just thought id say my piece. Im team Alice. I just see someone who is in the middle of a very painful divorce from a man she loved and was with for twenty years. I can understand why she feels very betrayed and she is not in a good place. Who here hasn't acted a bit nuts after a breakup. The betrayal and cheating must hurt so much. I feel her behaviour though is unstable and yes she has gotten nasty at times. I think she needs to put the wine down and get healthy.

Ioan is weak. I think he cheated and gaslighted Alice. If he had been honest with her then this shitshow would not have happened or at least it would not be as bad. I think Bianca is a plain smug marriage wrecker. I think she got her hair done the day before the expose. The real victims in this are those two girls. They are caught in the middle. Alice needs to get her shit together for their sake. Intensive therapy and stay off the booze.

I think Alice does love her girls but her focus is on her own hurt and she needs to stop drinking and focus on getting healthy. Id love to see her turn her life around as someone else here suggested. It would be the best result for those girls. Ioan is pathetic. I definitely think he organised those pap shots. I think Alice is very honest, brutally so and she would say she organised the pap thing if she had. I think for him to bring Bianca over to LA shows his lack of care for those girls. He is just thinking about himself and is weak. Alice has a real problem with emotionally vomiting when she drinks. She has to have intensive therapy, stop drinking and get fit. She will need to have all her ducks in a row in the divorce. Did her lawyers not tell her less is more. Everything she is putting out there can be used against her in the divorce and she has given them plenty of ammunition.
1. Alice has lied many times and it's well documented
2. Alice has been gaslighting Ioan. Also documented.
3. Cheating hasn't been proven or disproven so can't really comment on that

Yes she does need to get therapy and sober but she won't because she doesnt think she has a problem.
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No tears and I know when my Narc mum moaned “she never got a minute” away from us it was a huge lie. I spent summers with my aunt and had a ball.
She wants a round of applause for being a basic mum. I mean it’s the least you do as a mum, and she has Gloria!
Yea, when Alice describes all the hard work she does as a mum it's "and I have to look after all there ickle ahhs and ooos and and cuddles and and hugs". It's like the hardest part of her job as a parent is literally the rewarding part.

She doesn't clean up after them, feed them beyond distributing take aways, I'm sure they bathe themselves and they used to have another nanny so before they could I bet the nanny did it, Gloria does the school run I bet most days, I'd wager homework is take it or leave it, she doesn't work to provide any of the above and it's not like her husband asked to be waited on hand and foot.

So what exactly is Alice complaining about other than the fact she's probably been bored out of her skull for the past 5 years? Turns out being a stay at home mum without actually doing any mothering or homemaking leaves basically just staying at home.

She has done fuck all for years and her stay at home mum speech is so transparent because she can never list any real struggles of being a stay at home mum it's always "omg I had to give big E a hug today because she was upset, BEING A MOTHER IS SO HARD MY USELESS HUSBAND CANT EVEN AFFORD THE 3RD NANNY ANYMORE".
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I don’t know if any of what she said in her latest rant is true or not. However, if my husband left me and wanted to take our daughter for two nights while his new girlfriend was there, I would be absolutely seething and probably very capable of Alice levels of shithouse craziness. Absolutely no way just yet. Fuck that.

Again, I don’t understand why BW has inserted herself in this mess. She just really should not be there at this time. She does seem nice and naive and out of her depth but there must be a part of her that is reveling in this attention. IG needs to wake up a bit I think.
Maybe. but she wouldnt let them go even if he was alone because he is "bipolar" and that's "child abuse".

she has moaned about this from the very start: back in march she was announcing that she wont give him the daughter on a saturday he was supposed to have them. In the summer she was complaining about lawyers wanting him to have the kids for 4 days. She also wad admitting of "backing" the eldest to not go to him.

Her sole aim is to get him to parent in the house only so that she can maintain control over him and/or win him back or to trap him into a legal mistake. Her saying that she is over him (we see it) and doesnt love him anymore are attempts to lure him in, basically saying "you and Bianca dont have to fear anything, I wont try to win him back", same with her occasionally acting all calm, basically to prove that she wont do anything physically/verbally to him when he comes. when in reality he is probably more scared of the legal implications it would have.

This is I think something important to know: this behavior isnt a recent behavior of him having and probably living with a girlfriend. Nothing of her behavior is.
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Still tryna catch up. There is so much wrath omg.

(Also, I know former librarian interns who weren't allowed to handle the books because their sheer hotness would have smoldered them, just throwin' that out there.)

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