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Ena Sharples

Chatty Member
Help me out. Does that mean an accent not as "posh" as she's trying to portray? And thank you!
As a Brit, I can hear a mix of American, Welsh and a South/West England accent. She will have picked the Welsh twang up from Ioan (I pick up accents really easily from people I spend time with too). Don’t forget she lived in Paris for years so that may well be thrown into the mix.

The Bristol accent is very strong and rural sounding and I don’t pick that up from her.
She doesn’t sound particularly posh to me but neither does she have what I call a common accent either. Her accent sounds like a woman who is well travelled and has picked up a few twangs of other accents along the way as you would expect. I’m not picking up pretend posh accent from her voice.
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that did it? not that he is an abuser or whatever else you accused him of?

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I only know British accents from my Dad and I binge watching EVERY BRITISH SERIES EVER MADE but I don't think I've ever heard an accent like AE. Is this for real or is she just overdramatizing and over acting her own damn accent?
She has a Bristol accent and is trying to conceal it.
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Ena Sharples

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She still thinks Bianca is jealous of her, and that Ioan is going to regret his decision and find her and the situation irresistible if he steps over the threshold - I just cannot with this level of delusion.
I think some people who were very attractive when they were younger don’t update the internal image they have of themselves as they get older. They still hold that beautiful image of their younger selves.

I know it’s subjective, but I think Alice when she was younger knocked spots off Bianca, and was a real head turner and had star quality. Bianca is pleasant looking but as someone said here (to paraphrase) she looks like every other hotel check in receptionist.

Maybe Alice still carries that image of her very attractive younger self so thinks Bianca pales in comparison. Unfortunately age doesn’t discriminate and beauty fades. Add into the mix Alice’s high stress levels, alcohol and medication consumption and her looks aren’t as good as they once were. She definitely could look a lot better if she ditched the alcohol and bad diet.
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View attachment 914734

The above is something a teenaged girl would post, not a grown woman and mother of 2 girls. Her latest lawyer must be rethinking things today. She's gone rogue again. And three sharp ones every night (she Tweeted yesterday that she drinks 3 glasses every night) is a drink problem, Alice. It's also called self-medicating. You're mixing your medication and alcohol daily. Not good. View attachment 914735

The wine glass in question.

(btw, I’m never ever poking fun at anyone who has ever had alcohol / substance abuse issues on here when I post jokey memes or pictures like this. There’s a lot of alcoholism in my family, and I know it’s not a joke and I know what it’s like to suffer around it ❤)
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Ena Sharples

Chatty Member
So ... IG is now a bipolar coke head Narc. Riiiiight.
Still :ROFLMAO: at her claiming she never lies!
When you think about all the things Alice has accused him of being, moody, bipolar, coke head, narcissist, abusive, depressive, anxious, adulterer, mummy’s boy, pussy, vain

Why was she so upset when he left her? If you believed what she said about him the guy’s a total wanker and she’s well shot of him. Why would she stay with a man like that for 20 years?
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I'm trying to be a better person but Cadbury creepy grandpa guy has potential serial killer doc on netflix written all over him
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Mad Betty

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Alice is absolutely deluded. WHAT smear campaign did IG launch against Alice? Did we miss that horrendous public attack by IG on poor defenceless Alice? Anyone catch the chat shows, radio spots, Daily Mail articles and social media rants that IG did? Anyone.... anyone.....? I'm getting crickets.

Yes, Alice is delusional. She's created stories in her head that she now believes as fact. Amy Douglas defended IG and BW and Alice was so threatened that she decided IG was lying about her to the entire Harrow set. People on Tattle and Twitter started making comments about her abhorrent behavior and she launched into attacks saying OMIGOD, this must come straight from IG's mouth! It's not true! He's lying about me! Absolute madness. She started spinning out and became increasingly paranoid. She created entire conversations and plots that had been hatched for IG to replace her with BW and steal the girls.

There is no smear campaign on IG's part. He has always maintained a dignified silence and has not retaliated against her constant defaming of him. She took the things he said to her directly or via his attorneys and twisted it all into a fantasy smear campaign from what I've seen. Her narcissistic injury has completely consumed her. She cannot handle even a hint of criticism. No, IG wasn't unhappy. It's all him losing his mind because she has been the perfect wife and mother who has sacrificed everything for their little family. Meanwhile, her friends are distancing themselves from her because they see what she's doing. IG knows he can't see or speak to her again because she'll just blast anything he says on SM (she's already posted that she's recorded him repeatedly, made notes, etc.) and will twist it to fit her victim narrative, just as she's doing now. She's kryptonite.
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I'm still laughing my ass off that she thinks he would "spend time together as a family"... like with her as well. He wouldn't go near her with a bargepole and she works overtime trying to ruin his life only to slip up and admit she wants him to come do family day. It's too good.

I'm literally making a noise with my throat I don't recognize :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:

Also, y'all are absolutely killing me with these memes @ReturningthePearls that was a great most recent one
It's literally surreal isn't it? She really believes she can spend a year treating him like this and that if he spends 5 seconds in her presence he will beg to come crawling back.
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I get the sense that Ella has harassed her dad with her phone also. Do people agree?
how as a dad do you manage that one?
would be difficult, don’t even want to think about it actually. I bet she doesn’t have a mature calm conversation with her dad , but more angry accusing txts.
I’d be willing to bet that Alice has texted Ioan from Ella’s phone.
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I tend to agree with this. Although I don’t think Alice has family and friends apart from Tone .

As a family they could have lived anywhere in the UK because it is so small. But could easily afford a nice house in the Home Counties for 1-2m. She could have worked if she wanted to. They could have access to private as well as decent state or grammar schools. In the UK posh areas tend to have good state schools anyway. I mean he works everywhere and she never goes out. The Uk is perfect for never going out given the unreliable weather.

And a prenup would be worth jackshit.
Fact of the matter Alice would be getting a vastly better divorce settlement in England.
I think he would get more work here too, to be honest.The only movies I’ve seen him in lately have been Ava on Netflix (He’s killed off in the first 10mins) and Horrible Bosses, (where he’s the piss guy) Haven’t seen San Andreas. But I think he would be better off here, surrounded by family and a support system, and so the girls have the same.
It seems like such an isolated lifestyle, from looking at the pictures of Alice in that house. She doesn’t seem to venture outside very often… and when she does it’s like something from grand theft auto 🤦🏻‍♀️
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House of Tea

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AE gargantuan ego has taken such a bodyblow that she cannot now think beyond getting revenge for being dumped. I don’t think she wants him back now, I think she is over the trying to get his attention stage. She has moved onto coldly trying to ruin him and his gf. In the process she doesn’t care about the collateral damage to her kids or her own well-being, she just wants to stick the knife in and keep twisting. This is going to go on and on.

She is healthy, wealthy, able bodied, intelligent (but not emotionally), articulate, loved by her kids and some others. She is truly blessed. Many people are truly stuck in life, including some of her followers on Twitter who are feeling sorry for her, yet she is stuck in a self-indulgent loop of self-pity and anger. In a year’s time she will still be in the same place. Except nobody will care except her.
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Part of the Instagram rant. I'm not sure which is more gasp worthy. That AE has always wanted a "private life" or hot guys are DMing her or the Wine O'clock spelling. I mean hot guys may be DMing her 10 year old photos...🤷🏻‍♀️
Hot guys or catfishing incels from their New Zealand basements? I see you Lupine.

The private life thing is her trying to normalize the fantasy that paparazzi just live on certain streets 24/7 in LA to catch anyone famous. Not how it works. Whether to make a point that Ioan is totally vain (duh he's an actor in LA) or because she's delusional enough to rewrite history like they were totally a Hollywood power couple back in the day or to brush off the accusations of her tipping paps off about IG & BW's whereabouts on Saturday.

I’m just clipping my dog, exact same dog as Biancas. I’m wondering how she is walking it without getting snapped by paps and why they didn’t have it with them the other day? Where is the dog?
I can’t buy wine or clip the dog without thinking of all this 🙄
Because she is literally not famous. Not even being snarky about this, she is an actual nobody.

None of these people are famous enough to be a story that pings mainstream interest. Ioan is the only one who has a modicum of fame. At the end of the day this whole debacle is a very online, niche drama. No one is stalking these people for pictures.

And just realized this is very possibly sarcasm. I can't tell in this thread sometimes.
She still thinks Bianca is jealous of her, and that Ioan is going to regret his decision and find her and the situation irresistible if he steps over the threshold - I just cannot with this level of delusion.
Welcome to the mind of a narcissist. It's a frustrating thing to witness.
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I’m sorry but Ella is doomed already. The damage is done. She is an FM. Her relationship with her dad will be very damaged because Alice has managed to make her an FM using her own ‘traumas’. My dad left me too (and never came back) and not once did I make my children feel sorry for me about it. I understand talking about being bullied at school, but in the right context

so much about Alice and Ella is very off. I don’t think an evaluator would have much trouble eliciting all this from Ella, and that is what caused Ella to panic and flee. Often a very close family member will be under FOG - fear (you may harm yourself for instance), obligation (this is what good daughters do) and guilt (I have a nice life and mummy didnt).

I’ve had kids and known many - I have never, ever met a child who thinks or talks like this. Children are naturally self centred because they are the centre of their own world until their brain develops. Alice has managed to do a manual override on Ella 🙁
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Title by @Crapbagchrissie Trimmed due to length.

Please remember to keep thread title suggestions until the tail end of the thread and to use ‘thread title’ or ‘thread suggestion’. No swearing in them please.

Gentle suggestion to perhaps pop potentially triggering or upsetting posts behind a spoiler. Also Tattle has loads of chats going on in the off topic forum, check it out -

Okey dokey, back to the thread about Ioan Gruffudd and Alice Evans. Just them! 🤪
Wow erm shit thanks! I'm off to bed a very happy mofo
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Oh my god the double crying mice emoji.

If nothing else does, this woman’s emoji use makes it clear she is a completely insane infant.
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