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Hi tattlers - good morning/ evening one & all. Been lurking awhile so glad everyone survived the mysterious affair of the monkey that flew in the night 🤬😱🫂 been a little upset irl so didn't log in as I knew I'd say something I regretted (take notes SEL!!!!) Much love to everyone ❤

Thank you for asking @Just William but sadly lost my girl😰she was beautiful little soul I found abandoned with broken jaw as youngster but wouldn't change a thing
its just my world lot sadder without her. But still got 3 others tearing round like squirrels on acid trying to find & eat tinsel🤭

Just old joke from previous threads

@ReturningthePearls - huge love & luck to you. Keep smiling it'll annoy the fuckers💪

Like many newcomers I used to feel sympathy/worry for the SEL but that's long gone. Am longing for day their father has regular access to them to give them hope of normal life in future 🙏
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House of Tea

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This is such a great comment. I totally agree that engaging in anger once or twice about a thing can be a relief but repeatedly doing it just keeps all the hurt feelings right there.

It’s sad that when you look at the Russia pictures, she still has negative little snipes towards Ioan on all of them. And a photo of him asleep! She just can’t see that the problems were already there and it’s nothing to do with him faking or pretending.
I have been going further back on her Instagram- they did look happy, like a tight family unit, especially when they were on their travels. It must be so hard to go from that to where she is now. A figure of fun, desperately seeking attention and validation, looks so different to now, her world is so small now, filled with darkness. Her eldest child has been looking increasingly withdrawn and I started to think she was just a quiet child, but she looks like a happy smiley child in earlier Instagram posts, the guarded face is recent. IG has an uphill struggle in front of him - to repair the kids to being back to normal children without the weight of the world on their shoulders plus dealing with a woman who will not let go easily, and trying to get work in the middle of the shitstorm. He also has a relatively new relationship to deal with too, with a woman from a different generation with her own ambitions (career/kids of her own?) plus her own health issues. Hopefully IG has the same positive mindset as his new love. I think I would be exhausted at the thought of the mountain to climb.
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I really do have sympathy as a flawed woman myself. The last 18 months have been very difficult for me.
I was not in work so isolated (as we all were due to lockdown), studying at home completing an MA.
Peri menopause hit. There was no reason not to have that bottle of wine midweek… I’m not driving in the morning , my children are adults.

Here I am now 30 pounds heavier and completely blown away that I have done this to myself. It’s very easy to get lost and very difficult to pick yourself up when you do.

The problem is AE is not acknowledging her ownership in anything. She spews bile at other women shaming them and trying to elevate herself at their expense.

Alice is setting a terrible example to her girls and is the poster woman for how not to live your life through a man.
Alice’s only accomplishment are her children and she’s destroying them.
Beauty is not an accomplishment it is an accident of birth and Alice has destroyed that also.
I totally understand this and sending you hugs. I had to stop work earlier this year because of Long Covid which I've been suffering with since last year. It's really hard. I'm studying now to start something up on my own so I can control my hours because I get tired easily and my breathing hasn't been normal since I got covid. My child is young so I have to keep going with the usual school routine and life but I've put on weight and feel dreadful, I'm the heaviest I've ever been and even my face has lost its glow. I am fully aware of my flaws in this and am not blaming my husband or child or this or that. I got ill so I have to be kind to myself on that front but I also know only I can sort myself out and lose the weight.

Feeling isolated and slightly without purpose after working is tough. Sometimes the only people I speak to (other than husband and child) are the brief chit chats at school drop off and pick up. I'm a sociable person and miss lots of interaction. I'd never have known how my life was going to turn upside down when I got covid.

I also believe perimenopause has started for me in my mid-40s and I really don't feel like myself. Just wanted to say I understand and sending you well wishes.💗
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I may have said this before but what the hell I’ll say it again, it must be tough getting old if you were really beautiful. I enjoyed looking at those photos of Alice on the other thread, she was very attractive back in the day.
I don't know, I was really good looking in my 20s and 30s, now I'm mid 50s and podgy with grey hair and lines. No where near as hot as I once was but I appreciate the fact I was once a cracker and don't hate younger, gorgeous girls. I dunno, I was a fucking ugly teenager so maybe that changed my perspective? Haha.
AE seems to have a very dominant personality and also seems to be quite a greedy person. Not just materially but she needs attention like we need oxygen.
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Tabitha D

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How absolutely ridiculous, AE is now including BW in every bit of ‘legal ‘ information she puts out , which we all know is bullshit . The communication will only reference IG their father . Just another way of AE trying to bring attacks on BW 😡
I think it’s another example of how much she hates women - so much so that she prefers to blame them rather than the man. I still think she wants Ioan back - in her deranged mind he couldn’t possibly be doing all this willingly, it has to be Bianca pushing him. Which is obviously rubbish, for a start Bianca has no legal standing in the divorce or any child custody case. It’s the same with Alice’s father - she blames the step-mother for the estrangement, but her father obviously has his own mind.
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There has been invasions of FMs before and then they flew off as quickly as they arrived. :giggle: And I think AE herself paid a visit. Why didn't she use her real name? After all she is proud of not hiding behind anon accounts on twitter!

AE is rattled - for someone who loves attention and was gaining followers I would say it killed her to protect her account. It will limit the haters she like to fight with! Anyway Tattlers will not be denied her tweets. ;)
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I know I don’t post much here but I am a long time lurker. Maybe I’m triggered by this situation due to the breakdown of a past relationship that had some similarities. 🤷🏼‍♀️ I do think IG is a POS too though. I mm aware that’s not the general consensus snd that’s ok. I’m not here to fight. To follow up as sonmebidy asked why I felt BW was ‘gloating’ in her insta posts, I am reading into these as gloating. Maybe I’m wrong. As I said, the two kids are really the only losers in this tragic clusterfuck of a situation. They’ve all made their beds IMO.
I mean I’m in my 40s I’m not someone that would do that but she’s 29 and I think it’s normal for that age. A lot of her positive things she says is aimed at her MS. But I accept your opinion of her all the same
* I might correct myself. If I was in South of a France with IG I would be posting like all shit too 🤣
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I think Alice likes right fighting on SM, period. I don’t think it much matters if there is a cause or a point to it all. It seems to just go, Oh yeah? Yeah! Well then, f@ck you!

And for what it’s worth, there were rumors that Rhys and Russell were having an affair on The Americans before she split with her husband. So I’m not sure she is someone AE would go running to…
I think she likes fighting full stop. You can tell by the way she was going at the women over the parking spot. Those girls are going to grow up so mixed up, if they are just with her constantly 🤦🏻‍♀️
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Fuzzy Slippers

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She will always think she has a chance. She’s insinuating that’s the reason he won’t step in the house. That’s why she’s sharing the pics of them both. She’s lapping up the comments about them being a “model” couple. It’s weird.
if my ex was doing that I’d be creeped out.

I’m a post-Lorraine Tattler, is there a train of thought that perhaps her drinking over the years attributed to this split and the change in her personality?
Thinking out loud here.
That is what I think. She was probably always "a lot" to handle, but I think drinking was the final straw. When IG told her to change her behavior, and he quit drinking...I think the drinking what he meant. Also would explain why he told Gloria to leave her alone, when Glo thought she wasn't breathing. If you have ever lived with an alcoholic, this happens frequently. My mom would be passed out at all hours. I would just check to make sure she was breathing and not puking. No point in calling in an ambulance for something that happened frequently. Can't tell you how many times that I went and took a shower in anticipation of possibly having to take her to the hospital though.
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Why is he being so cruel?
OMG I can’t stop crying 😭😭
The girls are devastated, their lives are ruined forever, their hearts are broken and we are all sobbing and flailing around on the kitchen floor.
A ‘psychological evaluation’, what a cold hearted and soul crushing thing to do. Only a narc would do that.
This isn’t like him, it must be her, making him do it.. oh god 😭😭
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My law of attraction story: I read the Secret book or whatever, and it told me to test it on something small - focus really hard on a particular thing and it will come to you. I focused on a quarter. I pictured this quarter like it was my only job for about 3 days, how it felt, how it looked. I was walking down a silent street thinking so hard about this quarter. Suddenly, I heard a loud 'clink' behind me - someone had dropped a coin but I couldn't see the person. I freaked out and never went near that black magic again.

On a serious note though, I worry about this obsession with positivity. Like we should all be avoiding feeling anything negative all of the time. It's not healthy. Bad stuff happens and it's okay to acknowledge it. It's okay to feel hopeless, to feel unbelievably sad, to lose faith in yourself and believe you can't do it - all of those things are natural and ok! Feel them, move on, wake up the next day to a more positive outlook. Ride the waves. Life isn't all rainbows and stardust all of the time, just like it's not daylight all of the time. You can't banish negative feelings. You can only stuff them down. By avoiding feeling glum, you're avoiding learning how to sit with gloom and move through it. Not good.

No wonder IG went for her. He needs some toxic positivity to balance out the previous 20 years' toxic negativity!

My issue with the law of attraction stuff is that it leads very easily into toxic positivity. You’re told if you’re positive and send “good vibes” into the universe and *if you want something badly enough* then the universe will make it happen.

Imagine your child is diagnosed with cancer. You stay positive, send all the “good vibes” into the universe, and desperately desperately want a cure. It doesn’t happen and your child dies. The law of attraction teaches you that the death of your child is your fault for not wanting them to be cured badly enough/not being a positive enough person.

In BWs situation I imagine she’s trying to find a tiny bit of control with an unknown diagnostic prognosis; but if she has a relapse is it her fault for not wanting it/being positive enough? Of course it isn’t, it’s just an unpredictable condition, but that type of thinking gives you this weird sort of anxiety around everything. It also comes across as (imo) very immature and like someone is unable to accept that things just *happen*.

The example you give with the tent is more reframing an existing situation which is great and mentally healthy, and that’s not the bit that I take issue with at all! (Tho I would not be psyched to sleep outside in a lightning storm 😂)

I’m a miserable cowbag (raised Welsh Chapel, we’re a dour bunch!) and loads of great things happen in my life that I absolutely don’t deserve (according to the law of attraction) so I’m prob not the best person to be talking about it :p. I’m not so much a “glass half empty” person but more of a “glass? What bloody glass?!” person.
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Mad Betty

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And me. ♥ Alice talking about panic attacks hit home. I used to suffer terribly with them. She wants empathy but she weaponizes MH against others. She who clearly needs help and is spiraling out of control. She who mocked her own husband and betrayed him by sharing a video of him suffering with flight anxiety to IG.

Hugs to all of you. I see you. And we see things others miss.
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Influncer Snarker

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Well I for one am glad she's gone dark for a while. It gives me a chance to get stuck into the Ghislaine Maxwell and Josh Duggar trials.

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House of Tea

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I think AE saw being in social media her job, doing her bit to raise the profile of IG and AE. She probably started out quite mildly and with good intentions but got hooked on the validation of likes etc. it then became her obsession. I am surprised we didn’t get a post of him sitting on the toilet.

And then all the Trump stuff. Around the time of BREXIT and Trump (and then covid) I was reading a lot on Twitter, and it made me so anxious and angry too. It is just a lot of one side shouting at the other, nobody listening, egos rampant. AE was obviously in the thick of it judging by the tweets about Trump. It messes with your mind.

Last year I stopped looking at in on a regular basis because of covid - it was making me so fearful and depressed. I avoided mainstream news at the same time. I knew I had to know certain stuff about covid because of rules/regs etc so I started following Reuters news agency twitter - they give the headlines in a non sensationalist way - you can take the info without getting riled up or anxious.

Twitter is useful for things like when you can’t access your banking app, you check on Twitter and you see that it is down rather than you have been hacked. Or complaining publicly about X company if they have been ignoring your complaint - they soon contact you. But to be omnipresent on it like AE has been through the last few years has seriously fucked up AE’s head and has now fucked up her life. Just say no kids.
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Omg catching up with this thread is exactly like high school when I used to jump to the back of the book and used context clues. 🤣
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I was travelling for 6 hours for work and I'm coming back to 25 new pages, a l early locked thread and Alice's twitter being locked (I follow her btw, so no problem). FML, any recap? :ROFLMAO:
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Here is one from March 2018

AE: the hub’s last words in this video are ‘don’t post that’. And I reply ‘I’m not going to post it!’ Dear Ioan. I am really really sorry. I lied. Please understand it is for the greater good of the community, and that I look much worse than you do.

She is obsessed with likes and looks and likes seem to be more important than IG's wishes.

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Mad Betty

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BW still wore her wedding rings until Mid 2019 . Call me naive but I don’t think anything happened between them until 2020, and even then I think it was probably flirting friendship for a while. Only my personal intuition.
Yes, agree. I get a picture of two people wanting to end marriages and sharing their stories which deepened their connection. I suspect people who know Ioan well, including his parents, already knew he was gathering the courage to end the marriage. Something shifted in him while he was away from her for those long periods of time. It does happen. People outgrow someone. People find the courage to walk away.
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