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Yeah I agree Alice should be aswell but then so should Ioan too

I suffer from depression and anxiety (including agoraphobia)
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My opinion of her may change dramatically if she starts putting up posts about being so pissed off and telling people to DM her when they ask what’s wrong. Those fuckers really irritate me
Or tagging her location as a hospital and then replying to all concerned comments with “don’t want to talk about it” or “dm me hun” 😂. God maybe I should just quit social media.
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The first rule of the club: dont talk about the club… :)
Don’t take me back to that ten minutes !!! I’m booked in for therapy lol I never EVER want to go through that trauma again ! And AE thinks she has problems … try getting locked out of a thread love … then you’ll have felt real pain ! 🤣
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Does IG have any work now? Anything planned?

Can I just ask a little question about ‘highly intelligent’ Alice. Is it her 2:1 degree in French/Italian a few decades ago that earned her this accolade or is it because it was in languages and Brits, generally speaking, are usually a bit crap at acquiring second languages?
I’m quite stumped every time I see her described as ‘highly intelligent’ she’s done nothing except talk bollox on Twitter for decades, she can’t even mop the floor. What am I missing?
I think you can be highly intelligent and stupid at same time. I sound Iike Alice saying this but my husband is one of those. IQ off the charts, 22 years of uni and specialist education. But not one iota of common sense. Maybe Alice is like that.
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I don’t think they want us to talk about the fighting. It was someone (Alice) that thought IG should have done more and come back and got kids. We explained he had work, 10 days quarantine and you can’t just take kids. He had to go about it legally and not escalate the situation. Anywho I don’t know much more I checked out of the convo cos it went in circles and got very heated. The end.
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Actually to be honest our family had a rough time of it lately being medical and on front line. I kind of liked her positive thoughts. Just me though
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Madge Harvey

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not as far as I know.

I suspect not. Somebody pointed out the arranged beach pictures from june. People in the industry often do this to show producers that they exist and how great they look, so "hire me", but that's just speculation on my part.

Time for Alice to shine then, right?! Right?! After all the only reason she isnt working is because Ioan always works for maaaany months.
I had to go and Google these beach pics, and whilst I always thought Ioan was good looking he was just a bit too weedy for me.
However breaking up with Alice obviously is working for him as he has bulked up and is looking really good. Was like hubba hubba looking at the pics lol 🤤🤤
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the ships going down

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I am actually happy that AE is taking steps to limit what she is doing and saying. I know many on here have commented she needs to focus on the girls and getting a healthy lifestyle and mindset , I hope that we see less of the toxic behaviour and more positive behaviour from her.
Albeit by locking down her Twitter it doesn't actually mean she has stopped, at least (for now) it will lessen the attacks on others who express a differing opinion to her, so she won't (hopefully) become so riled up and lash out.

I do personally think that the reasons for it is because she has recieved offical/legal instructions to do so. Either way although I think she will try and find any way she can to continue her SM campaign/attacks.. I am pleased the vile name calling and accusations towards BW and IG has simmered down enormously! I was truly disgusted at the things being said and insinuated.

Hopefully something can be done about the continuous parental alienation and using the children as pawns.
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Lots of chat here saying that Alice didn’t accomplish anything over the past twenty years etc. Feel that is pretty insensitive to say to stay at home mums, we all have different roles in life.

She was a wife and mother, and nobody should feel shamed for not having a ‘career’ in my opinion. Obviously I take issue with AE’s despicable behaviour, which cannot be condoned under any circumstances. However, the fact she didn’t go back to work when she had the children I don’t think she should be slammed for.
Far from it. My mother was a stay-at-home mom, and many of my neighbors are. And I praise Alice when the kids were younger for being the main caregiver for the children (along with a full-time nanny) when Ioan was away working. That was best for their family and the children at the time. That was a very important role she was providing for her family being a stay-at-home mom. Although, I know he had major down periods also. The last five years have been good to him, except for the year he didn't work until August 2021. Before that, he had a lot of down time, not working during parts of their relationship.

She has complained she gave up her career, though, is why we're talking about it. But once the kids hit school, there were ways to keep herself in the game and bring in some much-needed money and fulfill herself a little bit. One-episode parts in TV shows, commercials, building up her Instagram mom-centric, making it interesting (like Jennifer Garner) and then maybe having sponsored products, which bring in money. She didn't seem to have any drive to do that. That's fine. She has her home, full-time nanny/housekeeper/sometime cook, marriage, and children (who are school-aged), but Alice doesn't seem to have any other interests, other than twitter and Trump.

Here's where that hurts her. I have seen it often. The kids grow up and leave the home. Many women have horrible empty-nest syndrome and are faced with a lonely house, a spouse they realize they have nothing in common with, didn't do things together outside of with the kids, or the husband realizes that. That's when depression sets in. Drinking can escalate. Or you are left by your spouse, and you realize you had never developed your own life outside of the marriage, in other words, interests, maybe a career, working on causes that are important to you and fulfilling.

No one predicts they are going to end up divorced later in life, but it is a reality that it can happen. Men tend to have a more outside life that fulfills them. Women, if they make their family their ONLY priority, that is a scary place to be once your kids are grown and if you are one of the unlucky ones that the husband walks out the door for a new life or someone else. Who are you now? So, no, it doesn't have to be a career, as in full-time, if that's not what she wanted when kids were younger. But many independent movies, with small budgets, are shot in three weeks. There's all kinds of ways she could have and/or now can get back into doing something she loves, and still have plenty of time with her kids. Podcasts.

It's good for kids, as they get older and are developing independence, to see their mother has interests other than them. (I'm ignoring that horrible bedazzling sneakers/purses brief enterprise). I don't think Alice has that nor does she seem to be thinking ahead to that this past year. Burning down your OWN career prospects on twitter, because you are so intent on destroying your soon-to-be-ex, wasn't and isn't the way to go. She will get alimony for a period of time and child support. But she had a career up till 40, and she needs to start being proactive, not spending her days and nights on twitter exhibiting the horrible behavior she has.
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I think we can be sure that she will accuse the evaluator of being in the pocket of Ioan's lawyers.
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Someone in a previous thread said that she wasn't getting her head around the fact it was over and he posted that picture as a sort of wake up call, to send a message that yes it is over and I'm not coming back.

I feel really uneasy about her giving twitter friends her address. She doesn't know these people. It's weird and is inviting all kinds of crazy. We had an intruder in our garden the other night and I'm not even pissing anyone off on social media (I did have a paranoid moment of oh shit, it's AE come to get me before returning to sanity).

And before anyone says I'm being dramatic, I can think of many stories in LA where horrible things have happened in LA to people in the public eye who didn't have as a secure a residence as they thought they had. Creeps start thinking this relationship is 'real' and cross boundaries without a second thought.

I agree that a controlled social media announcement was the only option. Otherwise AE would have sold the story to the DM and gone into twitterdown. Or, they would have been papped and a more compromising photo printed. But as others have rightly said why the timing? He should have waited until he was with the girls. Told them and then arranged for the post. AE could have been cut right out even if she did then go bonkers.

Some speculation on the possibility the tabloids had gotten wind. But no picture has ever appeared. Maybe they were aware of speculation on here ? But it’s not apparent why they timed it for when they did.

A speculative option is that one of the children asked him about a girlfriend. Could be out of genuine curiosity about a new partner. It’s the sort of thing kids do ask when you split. More sadly it could be because mummy dearest put them up to it. He was left with tell a shitty lie or tell the shitty truth.

AE has also posted contrary explanations of what the girls did or didn’t know about his dating and when they knew it. I don’t know if they knew before or not.

At the end of the day AE played a huge part in creating the circumstances that meant an announcement was made this way. She may also have contributed to the timing.

if she hadn’t been slinging mud and selling stories to the tabloids it could have been very different for her and for all concerned.
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Yeah she is unreal. I know a lot of people here don’t like MM but Alice seems to absolutely loathe her, she proclaimed that she was more of an activist than MM…. Like, loud ranty Twitter activism I guess.
View attachment 898268
Yeah, like what HAS MM done for the back community? Those high heels are a menace! AE wants to start a movement for flats!

Nice to see the typos are a long-standing thing for dear AE.
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about the new Instagram posts, I think Alice is back into grieving what she has lost. Or she is trying to remind her ex how good life was. She mentioned in a post somewhere - was he pretending how happy we were in Russia, so presumably that was a good trip for them. There has definitely been a toning down of the childish tweets which personally attack BW and IG - some kind of legal shut the fuck up has been given to her. So now she is back doing the memory lane thing. I doubt IG follows her now, BW and her friends and family do for sure, plus IG’s team (agent and legal). If she is hoping IG is going to see photos of them and melt, I think she needs to wake up.

She thinks she is using her anger and hurt positively as it is like lancing a boil for her, but the relief is temporary. To really move forward with positivity she should completely retreat from social media, get in shape, lose any addictions she may have, and emerge in about a year’s time in a completely different mindset. She is going to have a lot of free time on her hands, time when the kids are with IG. She needs to use that time to get well. The alternative is her sitting in the dark, angrily stabbing at a keyboard, or sobbing after looking at pictures of IG, getting more out of shape and further and further away from pulling it back to some type of normality.
This is such a great comment. I totally agree that engaging in anger once or twice about a thing can be a relief but repeatedly doing it just keeps all the hurt feelings right there.

It’s sad that when you look at the Russia pictures, she still has negative little snipes towards Ioan on all of them. And a photo of him asleep! She just can’t see that the problems were already there and it’s nothing to do with him faking or pretending.
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Sorry, I’ve just had this on my mind. Feel free to ignore, especially if it’s triggering.

TW: gun violence, stalking, murder-su*cide

So for a while I loved this American singer named Christina Grimmie, a year younger than me, very funny and quirky and cool. She was in season 6 of America’s singing competition “The Voice,” released like 4 albums starting at age 16, did a bunch of projects here and there, performed covers on her YT channel (which is where she got her start), was even at one point named one of YT’s most popular female YT’ers.

I never had the chance to meet her because while I loved her music I was young and wrapped up in religiously attending another musician’s concerts, but I’m friends with her (WONDERFUL) older bro now and a lot of my friends were good friends with her. They told me if I had just taken my ass out to her New York City shows, I would have gotten an EASY chance to meet AND talk to her because she always held autograph signings afterwards and liked to have long convos with people until like the venue closed lmao. Sometimes she’d even take them to a nearby restaurant to continue talking, she was so lovely.

Christina never wanted people to feel alienated, as she had grown up that way, hence why she turned to music to soothe her as a little girl. She always took the time to check up on my friends; she got to know them and their problems, so no matter how much time had passed between shows, she would always remember to ask about those issues and if they’d resolved them. She LOVED Twitter and communicated with anyone who tweeted her, made a lot of jokes, prayed for people who needed it.

In June of 2016, a nearly 30-year-old man stood in the back of the auditorium at which this amazing 22-year-old was performing, waited online for her autograph signing after, and when it was his turn he didn’t say a word, so she stood up to hug him—thinking he just needed help collecting himself to speak—and this monster shot her 3 times, in front of her brother and a bunch of young girls. Christina’s brother tackled him to the ground, wrestled the gun out of his hand, but he pulled out another and shot himself. It all happened in like a minute.

No one saw this coming. No one knew he was lurking on her profiles and basically worshipping Christina daily. His coworkers knew he “liked her a lot” and talked about her often and listened to her music during his lunch breaks, but none of them thought he was obsessed. And the scary thing about this is that he didn’t hate her. He loved her. He LOVED her. And he seemed heartbroken that he couldn’t have her.

It’s really upsetting watching Alice welcome these strangers so dangerously close to her private life, which is easy to do because she’s splashing it ALL OVER TWITTER. That flower delivery made me shudder. I don’t think Alice understands how horrible this could be. I really don’t. I think she prioritizes attention more than she does the potential risk of a mentally unhinged person arriving at her doorstep. I think she is so desperate for some form of acknowledgment that she doesn’t mind letting strangers peep into her reality. I’m still trying to wrap my mind around it.

Christina never stood a chance—her murderer never attempted to contact her in any way and she never, EVER offered personal info (except, obvs, to the fans of hers who became good friends). She was careful. Alice is not being careful and, unlike Christina, she has children who depend on her to ensure their safety. I’m not saying Christina’s fate will most certainly strike Alice, but she’s making it AWFUL easy for people to commit harm. This is just horrendously irresponsible.

(Miss you, Christina 💚)
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Haha that was so funny. Alice exclaiming she’s not Alice and then conveniently locking her Twitter whilst arguing on Tattle.
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House of Tea

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Why are politics so important to Alice?
I mean we all have our beliefs, it’s not world ending. You vote, you move on. Why do people have to be so aggressive over it? She should have had her mind in more important things like the state of her marriage and family.
Part of being intelligent is understanding people have different opinions and that is ok it doesn’t affect yours.
The whole world has become polarised. For the last 5 years - you are not allowed to have a middle ground - you have to be for or against. You have to pick a side. If like Ioan you make like Switzerland, and try to stay neutral, you get called out for being pro something when you are actually trying to see both sides of the argument, or for sensible reasons like trying to stay employed, you keep your thoughts to yourself. I suspect Alice’s zealotry for politics was born out of boredom, she got hooked on the response, whether it is positive or negative, and she has been stuck in that loop. IG quite sensibly did not want to get into Trump bashing - he had his career to think of. Also, IG is close friends with Piers Morgan, at that time PM was friends with Trump - he would not want to upset PM - because of their friendship but also if you upset him he has huge global reach and goes for the jugular (as Harry and Meghan can confirm). It has only been in the last year or so that Morgan and Trump fell out but back then at the time of the tweet, PM and DT were still mates.
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This post is really sad. He is clearly already cheating. When was this?
april 2017. he started shooting Harrow in Oz in August 2017. so unlikely (well, at least with BW)

I think it more shows you that their marriage wasnt as 'appy and perfect as Alice now claims.
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House of Tea

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I think if you really love someone, you love them regardless, but that said physical desire is obviously a big part of a healthy relationship. But I believe AE just said that about IG being attracted to thin women was just another dig at him and another way to rile up anger and hate against him.
People just fall out of love. It’s been a strange few years. All the stress and uncertainty around covid. It has given people time to think what they do want and what they don’t. If you go back on AE’s Instagram they looked like a fun family. She overdid the social media (understatement) but they the family looked like they enjoyed each other’s company. Although she must have been exhausting, she is high energy, always ON. Somebody said earlier what finished him off was calling him a pussy for not calling out Trump. I think that put the Cherry on the cake for him. He flies back to Oz, films Harrow, can breathe without AE being in his face, being crazy on Twitter.

He is still a youngish guy, probably gave it some thought, had made a connection with BW at that point and decided it was time to call time. She did not look so overweight until early 2020ish, she has really piled on weight this year. Menopause, too much alcohol, not much movement would cause that. I don’t suppose her weight helped, he keeps himself trim and good looking actors tend towards the vain, but I think he was ground down by her behaviour and her physical appearance did not come into it. Being apart helped him lose the connection with her. Absence didn’t make his heart grow fonder.
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