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VIP Member
Thank you for the good info. Ok, I have questions. :) What is "The Blast"? And what does "file in branches over your lawyer" mean? I'm just trying to understand the timeline and reconcile them with her sm posts.
The Blast is a gossip site. They get this sort of stuff first usually. The Daily Mail just got it from them.

As for the branches thing: generally in California if you file for divorce it becomes public domain. All papers are available in the courthouse (and the tabloids will find out in a matter of hours), but apparently you can delay this by a bit (until your partner is served at least, so they dont have to read it in the Daily Mail lmao) if you file in sub branches across the city. I dont know the exact process but Laura Wasser mentioned this a few times as something many celeb clients do. Obviously he didnt.
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It was when they split. D-listed was just going on about how it was not out of the blue that he was done with her.
His sm didn’t get set to private until the Twitter debacle.
When she first announced that he said her husband is to leave his family (*eyes roll*) "next week", then it was deleted, then she alleged that he deleted it? That debacle?
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I dont think she wants him back, this would be insane at this stage. But she certainly tries to shame him into giving in.

few hours ago

One thing is certain: we will probably see a lot of this saga in the coming years.

Sometimes I wonder if he regrets leaving her now instead of doing what most do and sitting it out until the kids are 18 while he secretely screws around.
It would be insane but I imagine she would take him back. But I don’t know for certain.
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Where is this from? IG was delusional if he really believed this crap and again he pretends not to understand the "whole internet thing" like he's 90.
"Why should I be paying for somebody to be so vitriolic and evil towards my fiancee?" Well they actually weren't and the site was good for your image, that's why your agent told you to pay for it.

"It's a forum for people, I guess, to express whatever anger and sadness they have in their lives." No it wasn't but he obviously got a lot of anger from AE over it so I think that's what he was really referring to.

"Presumably a fan who posts disparaging comments about Gruffudd's fiancee or vandalises her Wikipedia entry is labouring under the illusion that she is a threat to that person's ability to meet and form a relationship with Gruffudd themselves." WTF? LOL I never realised how powerful trolls were. I guess that's what AE told him and he was drinking the Kool Aid back then.

This is why he lost a ton of fans. No one likes being smeared as "evil" and patronised as "delusional" by someone they admired but he was totally pussy whipped back then. Not a good look. I hope the 2 years of subsequent unemployment gave him time to reflect.

I don’t blame the fans one bit! I would have said FY, see ya later. Which I suppose many of you did.
If that was the reason for the downturn in his career he deserved it. He must have been seriously whipped by AE to believe that load of utter bullshit. I wonder how many fans actually thought that?
I’m surprised he wasn’t on a leash! 🤭
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I'm watching Squid Game and I'll watch the rest. I already see a message about human nature. So I don't find it completely appalling as an adult. But yeah, I would never let my kids watch it until they got older and could make the decision for themselves. This is how we all get desensitized to violence and other adult content.

Speaking of nightmares, had a nightmare the other night, be prepared I'M SERIOUS!... The FMs were after IG in a maze like game and we were all there fighting them. The FMs had squares, triangles, and circles (like workers on SG) on their vests. Of course I laughed when I got up.

Right! We see for ourselves who people are based on the only thing we have to base them on in this case, which is their sm. I see AE and the FMs tweeting hateful and defamatory things about IG and his followers and attacking them with false accusations, plus talking about the people here and threatening to find out who they are then who knows what.

But I see the people they are throwing hate at being totally appropriate. IG is silent when he could be slinging insults an accusations right back at AE. Z being totally a grown up about the situation and not even engaging them. And I understand that she is in her 20s. Who are the more mature people in this situation? It's clear to me.
Also, it is crystal clear to me who are the people of honorable character in this situation. And it ain’t AE and her band of flying monkeys!
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AE fights with everyone i
I just noticed while cleaning up my hard disk two tweets from a few days ago I missed, which make me laugh a bit

Just to get this straight: wouldnt it be much easier to say awful things without that App? Things you say on there can be used against you, in-person not. That app also appears to have a negative sentiment score system. She somehow uses the opposite logic for him about the things she complains about for herself, but then again are we surprised after we saw what sort of communication gets her triggered? Does she define saying awful things as him letting her run into the trap because he knows what he needs to say without sounding unreasonable to make her angry on there?
(also that's one interesting definition of trying to shut your mouth lol)

Later she said that she doesnt like using that app because you pay for spur of the moment angry reactions with your livelihood in court. If there is no risk of him going this far what's the problem then?
Even if she didnt agreed using it, in a high conflict divorce (where anything that is said will be spun) the court will expect you to use it, otherwise it will be (rightfully) seen as you refusing to communicate, not him.
AE has been ordered to use that app by the lawyers or the court so she has no choice. And as you said he can’t say awful things or tear her apart without it being documented so she’s lying again.

She’s being “pulled apart”by the lawyers for her public defamatory tweets about her soon to be ex husband. Not her husband as she says. Just because she can’t stand not being able to rage and scream at IG to try and get him to come back. That’s what I believe she’s trying to do. It must have worked for her in the past.
I had to laugh about the keeping her mouth shut. 😏

About IG wanting to keep from going to court because “things” about him will come out? That’s a lie too because they will go to court eventually.
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Who knows who it is? I personally still believe it’s AE using FM2’s name.
Nonsense. And anyway, would it really matter if one of them would participate in the forum here? Don't think so. They would have to put up with the opinions of others about them (but they shouldn't complain afterwards - no one invited them here). So back to the actual topic.
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I wonder will AE become a stage mom? Enrol the kids in some stage school and try and get them work so she could live through them? And their earnings?

It wouldn't surprise me if the kids wanted to get into acting. They love playing up for the camera and it's what they know.
Gosh, can you imagine how horrible she would be? No one would hire the poor kids if she managed them. 😱
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Chatty Member
I think he’s having an affair and I think she is also very difficult to live with. He could be a passive-aggressive type. If she is the type to “wear her heart on her sleeve“ then, frankly they were always going to split in a dramatic way.
it’s easy to make someone like her ‘look crazy‘ plus, she does not help herself and could be a bit batty or emotional under normal circumstances.
My friends partner was always flirting with other women and it drove her mad. She used to shout and scream at him and we all thought she was a nut job. Until I saw him out one night flirting with this woman. I realised why she was so angry. But, he was always so calm and silent that, everyone thought it was her and not him. Maybe he was like this and also, he was not madly in love with her either. She gave him an ultimatum after all and perhaps, she felt insecure deep down.
I think she is difficult don't get me wrong but, I do think he’s up to something too. I noticed that, Joanne froggat has recently divorced her man, they both worked together on the drama Liar ..... any thoughts? Probably unconnected.....
This is where I am at. I am sure there is someone else and probably there has been some gaslighting of her over the years. And she has lost the plot.
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Here is some more hilarity from
She was there before for months even (there was no single post in this thread for months in the summer for a reason), I doubt it'll last long, but I bloody hope so!

In the meantime I recently remembered a forum I was lurking at back in the day that had a thread about him (from page 8 on it was about them) talking a lot about stories of them from when they met up to the website drama. If you are bored you can give this a read too, does show again that even many "casuals" werent impressed at the time, not only crazy fangirls
This is the gift that keeps on giving!
I know! I can't find the other one where she is completely naked on the toilet. She looks like a pooping demon. An old, kinda ****** pooping demon at that. 😂🤣😆

Just to be clear, that pooping demon comment wasn’t from me!
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Here’s the thing, I do feel for her situation. Whilst I think it would be wise for her to take a step back from social media, and I think she convolutes the truth, she’s in an undoubtedly shitty situation. She had a decent career, and it does seem to have taken the back burner to his. Whether or not her career would or could have been something else, whether she was impacted by Weinstein (I have no doubt she was, he is a monster), she now is facing the reality that giving up that independent career has fucked her. I think so many people end up in this situation, and it just has to suck. I kind of want to shake her - irrespective of everything, she’s a beautiful, intelligent woman who could get her shit together if only she’d get him off the pedestal and move forward. He may have aged well, but he’s pretty corny, doesn’t have the biggest career and if was she says is true, doesn’t sound like the most supportive of partners or fathers. Basically, all of her outbursts are fully playing into his hands, and she just doesn’t seem to see that.

Oh and Lady Victoria Hervey’s IG? JFC. 😬😳
There is a difference between intelligence and common sense.

I'm wondering what information gives you the opinion that he "doesn’t sound like the most supportive of partners or fathers"?
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So that means they were only happy for the first three years of the marriage? If she only survived the past ten years, then that’s not very long at all! 😳
No, that means that it solely was a sarcastic comment without thinking about any number - I probably should have skipped the "10" as it may be suggesting something it doesn't 😁
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