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Yes, please tell all, we are not worthy. 😉 I refuse to as well. 🤪

Speaking of AE having an agent, if the FMS are so concerned about IG “wasting” his own hard earned money while his wife sits back on her ass drinking wine, being online, and eating Cafe Gratitude that tastes so fine then why don’t they become her agents? Never mind that AE is no doubt doing nothing while the nanny cleans the house he bought. The nanny who works while his children are at school who probably has to wait on AE and keep her company during the day. The one who probably fetches drinks for her and listens to her talk shit about IG all day. The nanny whose salary he is paying!
His "official" fb page is a joke and not worth joining. I did glean that info on there a while ago though.

Who else thinks AE will use the child support she gets for cosmetic procedures, wine etc? She will also need it for her fender benders too cos 10% spousal support just won't cut it. 😁
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I’m gob smacked. Can you imagine if Madonna took her to court for libel they wouldn’t have a pot to piss in. She really needs to get off SM for her children’s sake and his career. Unbelievable 🤷🏻‍♀️
She needs to but she never will. She doesn’t seem capable of seeing what everyone else can. Or else she doesn’t care. AE is every bit as addicted to Sm as someone is to heroin. And Twitter is particularly awful.
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Her mother is dead, her dad estranged for years (and she and the step mom hate each other).They basically dont exist for her since she keeps saying that she has no parents anymore. She has two brothers, but she appeared to have falling outs with both of them at some point, although she says that she is good with them again. But anyway, they all are in the UK. His family too.

Although she and her (soon to be ex) mother in law dont like each other she mentioned on twitter a few weeks ago that she would love to have their help.
She then posted the other day that apparently IG did not want the kids growing up with their paternal grandparents because of his own strict upbringing. This was in the next of kin tweet.
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My blood pressure skyrocketed watching that video. I am emotionally fragile so I honestly would have pissed myself with someone that close yelling at me, WOW. Like even regardless of legal fault and such, I just don’t understand the sense of mocking a younger person at the top of your lungs…and the bizarre flailing gestures…?

Ugh, THIS is why Jesus wept…

Also I see a private FB group for IG that seems to have DebinPa as an admin, I think? …Don’t join it, right?
Right! Don't. could 😂 and see all the craziness that goes on there and how all the members are literally like Flying Monkeys because they bow to AE and the main FMs because they are afraid of FM 1 AND FM 2!
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I think it was "undiagnosed" a few days ago, but that has changed in the most recent barrage.

So first he didnt tell her any reason, now she claims that he actually did at some point (when if he is ghosting her since breaking up?)

Yesterday he was undiagnosed, so when did this happen? lol

This is like the first rule in any divorce: dont ever post that you are drinking anything, it will be used against you


you know what also never ends? It might be related, you know.


omg this reminds me of those silly nicknames

this Lupin dude lives in some kind of fictional world (he also claimed in another tweet that public opinion is on her side, perhaps they should check beyond her social media). In what scenario is her going public like this useful, except of humiliating her own kids (like she did this week with her daughters grades) or managing to cancel her only way to get income? It's not like acting crazy in public will make him change his mind, let alone give them any chance of a healthy relationship.

Her lawyers dont care? I guess this is like with Angelina Jolie and she just doesnt like the truth

(also why the hell do these people think that his convos with the girls should be monitored? Why should a father not have the same right as the mother? and dont tell it's because he left, somebody has to leave)

this is funny, because the way she is portraying this all the time does make it sound like he isnt seeing his kids by choice rather than to generate income
AE’s nutty follower gave her the perfect reason for IG’s leaving to save face and make her an even bigger victim. It will garner huge sympathy and make him look like the ultimate rat.
AE doesn’t know her arse from a hole in the ground anymore and she’s going to isolate and estrange her daughters from everyone just like she is. Their friends and their parents will be wary of associating with the girls having a mother as unhinged as she is. It’s tragic and sickening.
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To be clear I’m not saying cheating is why the relationship ended, I think there were clearly issues there but I still utterly believe there was also someone else waiting in the wings. I’ve never personally been cheated on (that I know of), but as we know it is common but I just don’t think he’s some celibate angel.
I honestly don’t believe anyone here thinks he’s some celibate angel. 😂
Like I said he’s a man! But I don’t want to speculate that he has until I know differently.
And if that proves to be the case I’m willing to say I was wrong.
Regardless, I think this is about way more than infedelity if there was any.

I have another excellent YouTube video to share. Do you recognize any of these characteristics?
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I don’t recall AE ever truly complaining about IG as a father prior to the separation. She likes to remind everyone how much he’s been away (working) and that’s shes taken care of them herself (with a five day a week, 8 hour a day nanny…), but he seemed pretty attentive when he was home (loads of cute pictures and video clips posted to her Instagram in which you can see how much the girls adore him) and I remember her posting “thanks for working so hard for our family! We’re so lucky to have you” in the not so distant past.

So I take what she says about the relationship with him and the girls post separation with a grain of salt because 1. I have no reason to believe he went from loving father to someone who doesn’t wish to engage with his children and 2 her story is ever changing. She implies he doesn’t see them at all, but corrects to say he does seem them multiple times a week at his house (the eldest began refusing to see him there and AE supports that). also remember her complaining on video about collaborative, something about if he was supposed to have them but she wanted to keep them home she was going to do

She said he doesn’t seem to care to reach out, then complains that his DAILY texts are too generic, and I’ve seen her complain twice about him reacting negatively when he’s been on FaceTime with them and she walks in (most recently chimes in).

To me it seems he doesn’t want to engage in what would probably be a very accusatory, unproductive, hostile phone/FaceTime conversation with ALICE at this time. Since he can’t see them in person right now (again. Because he’s working. Someone needs to provide), he wants the communication he does have with the girls to be as pleasant as possible and uninterrupted. What’s wrong with that?

he didn’t say he was unwilling to discuss the children. He asked her to follow what’s been agreed upon (whether she wanted it or liked it or not) and message him through Wizard (which I believe he did. That screen capture doesn’t look like any email I’ve ever seen). Sad they can’t speak on the phone or in person at this time but I believe her behaviors caused him to draw that line. With the way she goes off online I can only image how she’d be speaking to him directly. That wouldn’t be a healthy way of communicating.

has AE been somehow abused? Maybe. Or maybe he has. Maybe they’ve been abusive to each other. Who knows. The relationship is certainly toxic at this point, we can all see that, and I’m sure it’s not easy for either (any) of them.
If AE has been abused I imagine it was before she ever met IG.
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The ego of an actor cannot be underestimated. She had the bitter pill to swallow that her career just wasn’t working (sorry I don’t buy the bullshit that she gave up her career to look after the kids, she was still hustling for parts it just wasn’t happening). Her status then came from being married to a ‘celebrity’- all that being taken away from her has sent her absolutely batshit as her ego has taken an almighty battering. I don’t think even serious therapy will help in her case I just really hope she reigns it in around those lovely daughters 😥
She is seeing a Counsellor but yeah she doesn't seem to be able to reflect on her behaviour.
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Ahhhhh okay. I stand corrected. Thank you 😊 Either way, her behaviour indicates to me that she is trying to alienate them from him.

Me too!! I definitely remember reading something about the kids at school. I overstepped and speculated it was bullying, so that’s on me and I apologise, but the kids at school have definitely been bought up in a now deleted post.
I agree @baldurs. She's taking the lowest road trying to alienate them.
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this is double ironic because when his TV show "Harrow" was announced many people were pretty unhappy that he played yet again a medical examiner, and these two were complaining about fans being not supportive of his choices (lol). Actually already for every role that was announced after "Forever" - because people were understandably sad that this all made more seasons of Forever unlikely - they were trying to control opinions so hard and shame people for living in the past and whatever. So you would think that she wouldnt keep already years ago the name of the character he played in the series they so desperately want people to forget about (even if this is clearly the one series that brought him the most recognition since the mid 2000s, maybe matched by "Liar" later on), but nothing is normal with them.
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The bottom line is though....that if, the relationship with Alice was a happy one, he would never have left. Even if, he had an affair. Men sometimes have affairs, when there is a problem in the marriage but, they never leave ....usually they beg to come back. So, ultimately there was obviously a problem, I do ultimately suspect her behaviour contributed to it. I don’t think her behaviour was always bad but, just totally unsuitable for his character. They were incompatable and this obvious became worse as, they got older. Some people love outgoing, outspoken and emotional people, but he is obviously not one of them....

Incidentily, I do think he is successful enough to warrant an actress wanting him with two children. acting is horribly cutthroat and it is very naive to think that a person (man or woman) would not use him to gain even limited success....
but, I don’t think this is the case,....I think he fell out of love with her and she is the dramatic type and won’t let you leave quietly. ....she wears her heart on her sleeve! Which is not always a good thing. If, it were me, I’d have let him go and been polite about it. The cried into my pillow ,.....then....pulled myself together!!!!
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Hm, you sure? She looks young on her twitter profile (I must confess she looks scarily similar to me, and I'm barely older 😅). The other one keeps mentioning that she remembers Kennedy's death. And the one that stayed loyal is indeed a young adult too.
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I want to thank you guys so much for introducing me to Alice Evans Twitter. Not just for the woman scorned on steroids stuff - which was pretty interesting - but for Ted Lasso which is now one of my all time favourite shows. If you haven’t seen it, you’re in for a treat.

Alice mentioned watching it on one of her tweets (in between the ranty ones) and, in the spirit of the great Ted Lasso, I am choosing to give Alice a pass on her crazy. She’s going through something pretty life changing, doesn’t seem to have any real support and appears to be self medicating. I hope she manages to come out the other side soon.

This only applies to Alice as thanks for the recommendation, all other celebs are still fair game 😉
No one should ever get a pass for emotionally and mentally damaging their children. Thousands and thousands and THOUSANDNS of women go through this literally everyday and don't behave this badly!

That’s it exactly. She’s lying! This particular issue just makes my blood boil and why I call her awful. No matter how angry and hurt you are I find her saying this morally reprehensible.
You and @bluecandle are so right on this! I'm actually so excited that other people are seeing and speaking out about it, at least here. It is absolutely horrible what she is doing! Evil!

Go along with me, here: The boy was a catch in the 90s/early 2000s, and he still is (!), but he has changed in facial appearance...and I'm not just referring to the work of natural, beautiful aging. This is speculation, I'll be honest about that, and you're entitled to call me in if it goes too far, but remember when I mentioned that I think Hollywood jaded him a bit? Well, at times I fear that Hollywood (or maybe even just Ioan himself!!!) cultivated some self-image issues over the years. We all have a few of our own, but when you actually have financial access to undergo procedures that can correct what you're feeling self-conscious about, it becomes an entirely different reality.

I think of him and I do sense image insecurity. It has been said quite a few times that he seems highly concerned about how he looks in the public eye, in terms of reputation and physical appearance, that he wears makeup when he goes out and, hell, he even stated during an interview that when fans request selfies, he is often the one choosing the best lighting and snapping the photo because he "doesn't like looking like shit." Add to that the brutal stigma associated with having cosmetic procedures, and add to that Alice Evans having so nonexistent a filter that she actually feels entitled to just shout into a cyber-megaphone the fact that he has indeed undergone such procedures...and you might have one very self-conscious, dwindling-self-esteem Ioan Gruffudd.
I think what has happened is that he is just open about his insecurities, maybe not to the point of admitting any cosmetic procedures (and remember, we still don't know this to be true), but he has openly spoken in interviews about his insecurities, his panic attacks. So we know this info as opposed to other celebs/actors, most would never talk about this kind of stuff. But we know they all have those insecurities, they just don't talk about it. I'm sure that more celebs bite their nails, have anxiety, and other issues, than don't have them. We just don't hear about it. Most of them may have drinking or drug problems but we don't hear about them unless they either admit it or the tabs expose them. I'd say the fact that he's open about it shows he's definitely well-adjusted, more "normal" than most celebs and I would even say more morally sound than most celebs. Just my HO.

Incidentally, AE has lied about so much that I don't believe anything she says. I know there are others that feel the same. If she ever does tell a truth on social media, how will we know? She'll be the woman who cried wolf.
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Yes. Here are the original posts from her Instagram and Twitter. Said she thinks she was about 16 in the young black & white one and that the other one is “pure 80s.”
Well if she was born in 71 as she claims they would both be from the eighties! 😆
I realize she may have been referring to the style in the color photo. I just couldn’t resist!
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I'm new to this thread but have been following AE's outbursts since the announcement of their split. I just looked at her says she gave IG a "marriage ultimatum" in 2006 :oops:
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I feel like I should add that I am going through my own marriage separation at the moment, nobody else involved on either side but we have both said and done hurtful things at times. We are living separate lives in the same house as neither of us wants to rush or see the other slumming it. We have a 16 year old daughter who deserves so much more than her parents arguing so we go out for tea, cinema we have a couple of holidays planned and we still make the effort with each others families. We are both determined that when we separate on a more permanent basis we will do do as friends with our daughters happiness intact (I realise not every marriage can do this but we can and why make it more difficult) if we didnt have a child together or finances were better we would have made a clean break earlier but it is what it is.
Very commendable of you two to do what you're doing. You are obviously thinking things through and putting your daughter first. The taxpayers appreciate you trying to stay out off the courtroom. 😃
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California Law is absolutely terrible for those who have a lot of money (high Spousal and Child Support, Spousal Support lasts virtually a lifetime if married more than 10 years, community property, etc.), so if you dont do a prenup you are an idiot.
So the spousal support will last until the youngest is 18? I suppose without seeing the prenup we don't know. Does community property mean the house would be split 50/50?

So if he proposed on New Years Eve 2005 that’s essentially 2006. That’s still a long time for someone with a biological clock ticking to wait. And she did require IVF ultimately. And essentially it’s harder raising a child the older you are. Also there’s a higher risk of losing a parent in childhood.
Like Bridge of Sighs I’m surprised she waited.
I'm surprised he waited too. He knew her real age and obviously wanted kids too. They were lucky to be able to afford the IVF.

Also her mother died at 59 of a heart attack. That's only 6 years off AE's real age. :unsure:
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