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Shalom, everyone, and happy Chanukah :)
I've been lurking but not commenting; thought I'd share my stories of Narcs in My Life.
Warning - triggers.
The first was my father, a covert narcissist alcoholic. He'd spend hours talking about his terrible childhood, beat my mother and myself up constantly, and wallow in drink. A full-fledged alcoholic, who intefered with me when I was 13 and my mother was away for the weekend, because that's what narcs do: try to find supply. Alice?
The second was my ex-husband. I was 20, and in love with the idea of being in love. He took my money for 'our spending', monitored my friendships and alienated my darling mother, badmouthed my family and tried to shape me into the being he wanted me to be. He'd laugh at panic attacks and have absolute contempt when I was fearful. Alice?
The third was my ex-fiance, in my early thirties. He love-bombed me like nothing else, telling me he loved me within the first week; then, gradually, he knocked me off the pedestal of his own making. Soon, he became violent - emotionally. physically, mentally. I didn't know if up were down or left was Tuesday. Endless threats, gaslighting - his favourite; he'd be lovely one day and a sociopath the next, and I dreaded him being nice - and I still have the scars and a permanently damaged back. Luckily, he'd set up a new victim on Twitter, and discarded me when I was going through cancer tests. Alice? (Boris Johnson?)
No-one knows just how much pain these sociopaths can put us through. I had C-PTSD and was close to suicide. It takes an infinite amount of equal pain and equal strength to break free from them. I'm finally out the other side.
I believe Ioan.
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Ultimately the whole Bianca issue is neither here nor there. It’s really not important whether she’s in LA, Oz, France or wherever.
IG is not getting back with AE regardless of whether or not he has a new girlfriend, be it BW or anyone else.
The key issues are their kids and their finances/house. BW has no bearing on any of that.
AE needs to stop behaving like a 3 year old who’s been told they can’t have a toy in a shop “but it’s MINE!!!!” and start thinking about a future in which her girls can heal mentally and emotionally.
Whatever she says about IG now, they will be internalising that shit. They are half IG. If IG is a horrible, nasty, evil shit and all the other things AE says, they will start wondering if they are half all of that stuff as well.
Every knife she throws at him, she throws two smaller knives at those two girls.
Love your kids more than you hate each other …. It’s a shame she’s acting like such a knob because it’s gonna come back to bite her good and hard !
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Amanda Lin

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He blindsided her. Alice was married to him forever in her head. Many people commit to others like this, they are married for life. He chooses the younger model. Then goes public with it, regardless of how his kids takeit or are affected by it. And Alice, god bless this woman, stands in her own truth and honestly divulges how angry and hurt she is. Because she is angry and she is hurt. Dignified silence? Why? He put his relationship up on Instagram. Stuffing away anger destroys a person. Alice is healthy. Her kids have learned a lesson, which is to voice your anger. Good for her.
Pears, she called her Mother in Law a cunt on Twitter
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Wow - anyone would be lucky to have you as a counsellor. You have great empathy and insight.
Good luck with it ♥
That's what I really love about this site - the way that commenters are so appreciative of one another, are supportive, share humour (and much needed cat pictures) and show genuine concern for others. You don't pile on to others merely because they have dissenting opinions, either. (I mean, I completely disagree with Tattle's perception of Meghan Markle - another one of AE's victims - and think she's been manipulated into a hate figure by a seamlessly executed press campaign; so I won't visit those threads, and know that you won't all jump down my neck for it either.) Best wishes to all of you, and let's hope that IG and his children can emerge from this ordeal unscathed.
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Well done 😂👏🏻
They’re a lot less tolerant on IG than they are on Twitter… Twitter is basically a free for all, and I’ve reported so many accounts and comments on there and nothing is ever done about it. They’ve done nothing about the defamation, the comments about infertility, the blatant targeted bullying. Seems like Woofington has been deleted though
I've managed to get one of their nasty tweets deleted👍🏻. Don't all congratulate me at once 😂
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I feel a bit bad for Alice right now (just wait and see all my goodwill evaporate with her next SM assault). It looks like she'll be all alone on NYs eve as she has no friends. That sucks. I can already see her guilttripping the girls about this, tho.

I'm also suddenly really happy Bianca is in Cali with Ioan (at least I hope she is). This means he won"t have to worry where to spend Christmas and won't be tempted to go back to the house to spend it with the kids, and get back under Alice's control.
I'll be alone on Christmas AND New Year's! I'll also be in L.A. Question: If I keep AE company on NYE, can I have IG for Christmas? ;)
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Going back to something AE said (yesterday? I can't keep up) about people disagreeing with her like us probably don't know Americans, are in awe of film stars etc.

Alice, hen, you do realise that the Internet is international and that people from all over the world are in this group, including neighbours of yours? Americans aren't exotic; half my family live in the USA and are US citizens, though one did emigrate - to Australia 😂. You're no film star, anymore than I'm a television presenter. Yes, you've been in a couple of films many years back but then I did a couple of presenting gigs for the Beeb years ago. I'm now unemployed, just as you are, though I've worked plenty in between unlike you. No one is envious of a friendless raddled old alkie who ruined her face with cheap plastic surgery and fillers, and whose atrocious personality is showing more and more for anyone to see. We care about your children and dog though, and what you're doing to them, you psychopathic parasite.
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What are you studying ? <nosey>
Not nosey! Haha. I’m studying to become a spiritual & grief counselor at a hospice. 🥲 Put this in a spoiler because it revolves heavily around grief & death…

This semester we’ve got:

-listening practicum course (teaches you how to listen actively, without judgment, etc.),

-pastoral & spiritual care (how to respond to crisis situations, very similar to listening practicum!)

-death, dying, and bereavement (exactlyyy what it sounds like: how to assist people safely through the grieving process, how to confront and navigate death, etc.)

I understand that it sounds suuuuuuper depressing, I completely understand. But I’ve always been interested in hospice/end-of-life care. It’s a privilege being able to help people into the next universe and to take care of their loved ones left behind, tho that’s just my opinion.
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Ioan is on his way, letting Alice know he is preparing for battle to save his girls from complete parental alienation. He has all the twitter receipts he needs.

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I'm so sorry you have gone through this, and Covid too - awful.

I sound slightly similar to you, and am. Although my ex is still alive. When things were good they were absolutely fantastic, and it was a good 2 years before it actually came to a head (If you get me), however there had been a slow build up. If things said maybe 8-10 months in were said at the start I would (probably) have run for the hills, but I took them just as him really wanting me to be his (and I adored him) even before we got together I had felt a weird pull to him. We spoke at the gym, I thought he was absolutely gorgeous, I'd been on a couple of nights out where things had taken a bit of a nasty turn (not actually concerning me) but he would whisk in and sort it all out.
I know I had a lot to say about AE & IG… however, I am absolutely appalled and feel physically sick that she commended and applauded and thanked someone for wishing infertility.
Whether I believe any of it, who I believe. At this minute is irrelevant, that comment, liking it, bringing attention to it (because she knows others are watching) and wishing infertility is sick. I’ve just been diagnosed with endo this year and have fertility problems, and I’m just shocked….. shocked that any person let alone another woman…. 2!!! The poster and Alice have wished this upon someone. I’m literally disgusted. Can only empathise so far…just…. Ugh and the poster even saying it!!!!
That was a disgusting thing to wish upon someone, I mean she has two girls for goodness sake, plus the struggle they went through to conceive and carry to term. She says she has nothing to lose - what about her girls - I'd say they are the No 1 most important thing she has to lose with her behaviours (medically/legally/psychologically) I get so angry looking in at her life which seems to revolve around SM - she was even boasting yesterday of a new computer game the girls had that kept them quiet for hours (she can't seem to see how lucky she actually is. I too have fertility problems due to illness, I've always yearned for a child. I have had 2 partners with a child (my 2 partners had split custody) a little girl aged 1 year old and a boy of 10 and our relationships were amazing, I used to really look forward to them coming to us. Going to pick up little M and bringing her home all snuggly in her car seat, then home for bath, story, milk and bed. After the break ups I felt the loss of them too and it really hurt. It really hurts not being able to have a much wanted child - especially when every friend around you has their own little families.
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You’re either on it or you’re out on this thread. No half arsed commitment or excuses such as work, life, husband got in the way and I can’t keep up. Only the strongest and most dedicated are surviving.
The reason I joined tattle was cause of one of the best clap backs I’ve ever read ‘she’s got more blocks than Minecraft’ ever since then I’ve been surviving on 3 hours max sleep per night ha ha … love you guys you’re all so funny and smart ❤🕊😂💪
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Part of the reason I found this forum is because I thought I was the only person who thought she was a nutjob. All the comments I saw on SM were supporting her. I now know that's because anyone critical was doxxed and blocked and the thread was often deleted by AE. Alice can't dox the users here and she can't delete people's comments. I would say *most* people feel like we feel here, which is why there isn't much conflict.
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The only way you can describe what Alice is doing on Twitter as “clever” is if we’ve fallen through a wormhole into opposite land.
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I’ve just had a thought - I think Covid and the lockdown sent a lot of narcs over the edge into tantrum zone. I stopped speaking to my narc parents on 23/03/2020 just as the UK went into lockdown because my mother threw a tantrum and I’d had enough.

My theory on the timeline of it all is:
2018/9 ish: IG and BW meet briefly on set but nothing comes of it. BW follows IG and AE on SM, likes a few bits here and there. Nothing else.
March 2020: mega Covid. AE demands IG stop production and come home. This is the final nail in the coffin of their relationship.
Apr - Aug 2020: IG becomes more and more disillusioned, wants to finally end things.
Aug 2020: IG goes to OZ, starts up with AE (this is where I truly believe the overlap occurs and he cheated for a month or two at most), IG sees what a relationship can be like. BW becomes a bit of a lifeboat and a catalyst for him. Makes the decision to end things with AE.
Sept 2020: IG returns to LA. Tells AE he doesn’t love her and wants to separate. He moves into his flat.
Jan 2021: IG files for divorce.
Jan - Oct 2021: AE refuses to accept it.
Oct 2021: IG and BW out of frustration of AE not believing and dragging her feet, post their Insta couple picture.
And, well, we know the rest.
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