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Mad Betty

VIP Member
Wow she is getting horribly nasty with a tweeter trying to be sensible! She is terrifying. Like terrifying that I want to back up what this genuine person is saying from a place of compassion but don’t feel ready to take on the vitriol of her & the rabidly blind pack of villagers with pitchforks & flames for anyone even trying to HELP her from making it worse. My God, what did that man & other people close to her have to deal with? Prayers for those children & pup. Hope she runs out of wine. She is the stereotype of the alcoholic lolling from crying in their beer mug to smashing it to slash someone that suggested they call it a night.
I'm reading her Twitter attack on Sarah who was on point and honest. Real talk is needed before she loses everything, including the girls.

The way Alice attacks when faced with the truth tells me Ioan must have been terrified of her after he told her he wanted out. She's a nightmare.
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Yes thank you for this, at that point she doesn't care about punctuation or spelling things correctly 🤣 Which tells you that she doesn't proofreads and just pounds away at the keyboard. Also she tweeted that she got a different keyboard and doesn't know how to use it.
Erm excuse me !! If you don’t know the word ‘eouldbtvvrvavke’ by now then I’m wasted here !! It’s the old English word which translated means ‘I’m pissed’ smh 🤦🏻‍♀️ 🤣😂
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Chatty Member
OMG I am triggered. My husband’s ex wife always used to say ‘they will remember how you treated me’ and ‘I’ll make sure they know’ GIVE ME STRENGTH…
You know what those poor kids remember? Mum screaming at dad on the doorstep countless times calling him every name under the sun…
They also remember their dad being at every football match, parents evening, carol concert, sports day and taking them on holidays, getting them new football boots and school shoes so mum didn’t have to worry when her hours were cut etc…they remember Dad being there when it mattered and never bad mouthing mum even when she was whoring her way through tinder. These are not ‘children’ problems and they should never know of them. All this bollocks about ‘they will remember how you treated me’ literally makes me scream.
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curious km

Chatty Member
Wow she is getting horribly nasty with a tweeter trying to be sensible! She is terrifying. Like terrifying that I want to back up what this genuine person is saying from a place of compassion but don’t feel ready to take on the vitriol of her & the rabidly blind pack of villagers with pitchforks & flames for anyone even trying to HELP her from making it worse. My God, what did that man & other people close to her have to deal with? Prayers for those children & pup. Hope she runs out of wine. She is the stereotype of the alcoholic lolling from crying in their beer mug to smashing it to slash someone that suggested they call it a night.
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Ena Sharples

Chatty Member
A woman on Alice’s Twitter is telling her that women all over are behind her and that they’re protesting in Leeds about abuse.

Protesting about abuse is a great thing and it should be encouraged and abuse should be stopped.

But Alice wasn’t abused. Her husband is divorcing her and even though I stand to be corrected, the act of divorcing someone isn’t abusive. It is an act that basically says, I don’t want to be married to you anymore. How is that abuse?

I wouldn’t say I was Team Alice or Team Ioan, even though having seen her behaviours I’ve probably got more sympathy for him than for her. But this woman on Twitter should surely do a little bit more research than she has before she picks her team. And when I say ‘a little bit’ that’s all it would take.

To say she is Team Alice is to say ‘I pick the side that is for parent alienation, I support the alcoholic rages/deletions of a person on Twitter, the verbal abuse of other women, the total disclosure of sensitive and vulnerable marital and family secrets.

Now call me old fashioned, but if I’m picking a team, a side, a religion, a supermarket and if you’re pushing it, even a new pair of slippers; my choice is a reflection of my values, what is important to me. And other people will be able to see that reflection too. So this lady on Twitter is basically saying she places value on parent alienation, alcoholic rages, abuse of women and disclosing sensitive secrets.

I pick my friends and who I spend time with really wisely and I sure as hell wouldn’t pick her.
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Hes planning a nasty divorce. She is cleverly collecting evidence.
Alice has already admitted to a crime on social media, publicly saying she recorded 95% of their conversations. Something illegal to do in California where the consent of both parties is required. Not exactly clever is it?!
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Arctic Ocean

Chatty Member
Hes planning a nasty divorce. She is cleverly collecting evidence.
What evidence is she collecting?

That he banged another woman while still married?
Makes him a dick but is hardly a crime.

That he told her he bought 24g of coke?
Even a mediocre lawyer will tear that „evidence“ apart faster than AE can say bogan.

That he plans to move into the marital home with his new girlfriend and send AE to live on Skid Row?
Unlikely move for man who, according to AE herself, is more concerned about his reputation than anything else.

That he is ruining her life with full intent?
It is more than obvious that she doesn’t need him for that.
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I’m starting to watch more closely, after that comment, it was like a switch went off. Although I still feel empathy for any marriage that’s broke down for that long, I think I was more imagining a situation in which the woman WAS the victim. But after seeing that comment….. I absolutely CANNOT support that. She took the time out to actually type “Thank you so much🙏🏻“. Thank you so much?? Thank you so much for wishing infertility upon someone. What the f. I’m so angry. Appalling and I really want to find the Twitter user who posted that comment in the first place, does anyone know her @?
Sometimes it really does just take one thing to really see through a situation and realise…. I apologise if I was condescending in any of my posts. I don’t think he’s completely innocent but I’ve now realised she is toxic. So toxic. I’m looking at every comment for what they are now. It’s easy to listen to her story on “Lorraine” and not know the ins and outs of her Twitter posts, replies, likes, instagrams, alllll the parts that aren’t shown on mainstream television. How dare she and how dare that poster ever wish something so utterly heartbreaking upon anyone.
The thing is, I think most of us felt some compassion and empathy. Especially we who are a similar age. But once you read the facts, watch the bile and pure nastiness she spews. See what a vindictive self pitying bully she is, then you lose any sympathy for her. The children (and dog) are the real victims. AE is the architect of her own misery. PS glad you hung around. There's a lot of decent, intelligent people on here x
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the ships going down

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😡😡😡 I really don't believe he demanded that they only talked about BW on the phone.. BTW Alice..She isn't his mistress! She is his girlfriend (apparently)View attachment 893258
She probably demands the girls to talk about BW or when IG contacts the girls she demands that they grill him about BW.. Sickening and disgusting behaviour. She is using those poor girls and I am so angry at what she may possibly be saying to them.. Come on Jo Frost! Please step up and her what's what.. Grrr!
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and here I thought he only ever talked for 2 minutes about his hotel

interfering in phone calls, taking kids to the park when he is calling or blackmail him to only have contact if he talks to her is not "trying to make the relation work"
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Just William

VIP Member
Some thoughts. Sorry don't know how to add spoiler.

I can't help but wonder about those 7 years IG spent dating AE as to whether his guts ever warned him not to commit to her which is why he held back until her marriage ultimatum? By all accounts she was super confidant & worldy wise whereas he was more lacking in confidence & more naive. That could have been very alluring for him, she was very pretty & Narcs can be extremely charming, kind & fun - when it suits them.

Speaking from personal experience (ex friend) of the lies, manipulations & being played that are parts of the Narcs tool box, it was still easier to ignore the gut warnings (despite them screaming) as you simply don't want to believe that someone you care about & trust could be capable of doing you harm because it's so far removed from your own behaviour, being a non Narc. It leaves you more inclined to give them the benefit of the doubt instead & if your MH is fragile (mine was & the Narc took full advantage) it leaves you very vulnerable to their games & manipulations. I actually felt huge guilt for doubting her! But I learned the hard way that Narcs only ever do something nice/kind if there's something in it for them, as ultimately they only care about themselves & they don't give a fuck who they hurt or how badly, to get what they want, whatever that may be.

I remember a fleeting moment catching her looking at me & her expression was that of someone examining an interesting specimen on a slide under a microscope while saying seemingly kind words at the same time. It was chilling. But then they don't have a conscience. They truly think they are so much better than everyone else & therefore more deserving of everything. Despite knowing in my gut what was happening it still came as an absolute shock when the shit hit the fan that they could be so cruel, calculating & evil to me. It took a lot of years to come to terms with all of it. There's more but really don't want to share.

AE is a text book Narc. The histrionic drama, the wanting to be the absolute centre of attention all the time, the obsession with looks, the over inflated sense of self worth, the lies, delusions of grandeur, the utter nastiness they can do without any guilt just to achieve their goal, as they don't see anything wrong with any of it. I don't believe they can feel true love. They're like empty shells inside & I also believe it is borne of a deep rooted insecurity which they cover up at all costs as they are incapable of self reflection or soul searching. The only thing they DO truly care about is themselves.

So I can understand how IG got swept up & devoured by her & how it took him so long to fully realise just who he was married to.
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Just William

VIP Member
This shuts up those slating him for not doing anything & being an uncaring father. He has done it the right (legal) way & sadly that takes time. It must have been torture for him to remain quiet & be missing his girls & his stress levels must have been through the roof throughout this vile campaign of abuse & we know he already suffers from anxiety. I can't imagine the huge hurt he must feel knowing she has poisoned their minds against him.
I know he still has a battle ahead, not least in trying to rebuild his relationship with the girls, but if there's any justice his love for them will eventually trump her hate. Evil woman.

I hope he can breathe a little bit easier now?
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Ena Sharples

Chatty Member
btw thats the AA post she mentioned
View attachment 893321
On the one hand she is working hard to alienate the girls from their father by whipping them up in a frenzy of horror, terror and abandonment, and on the other hand she is trying to get his attention through Twitter by saying saying the girls don’t know where their father is.

What she is really saying is she wants to know where he is so that she can get his attention in order to get him back. He’s not biting and it is killing her.
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The only thing I keep wondering through this situation playing out, is how IG is supporting his two children?

I don't mean financially, I mean surely they need to see their Dad in person, feel him hug them and look into his eyes when he tells them they are still much loved and important to him.

While Mum is having a bad time understanding and working through this split (and splits are devastating for many people, we can clearly see she's not having an easy pathway in her non-stop posts) he must know that a couple breaking up will affect their children and I'm a little saddened that he hasn't made time and space to be with the girls. :cry:

The time he's spent with new person, could have been put to one side for a while and maybe the Nanny could have brought the girls out to him (and only him) so they can spend time and ask Dad what they need to, in order to understand all that is happening.

Mum can only tell them what she thinks/believes/feels is happening or has happened and in her pained vibe right now, that's not a good thing.
The time he has spent with BW has been when he is away working in Australia and France so he couldn't physically be with the girls anyway. But he was home in LA for nearly a year and according to AE was seeing them 3 times a week. As for Gloria bringing the kids out to visit him, I doubt it was possible with the Covid restrictions, schooling, Gloria's own questionable health and most of all AE. She deliberately weaponizes the kids against him, which shows how much he does love them, and uses them as as the prize to be given or withheld dependant on him contacting her and doing what she wants. There is no way she was ever going to give him easy access to his kids, even before she knew about BW.

AE has had a long time to drip poison in their ears and I will bet you anything she is telling them daddy doesn't love them anymore just like she's telling the whole world daddy has abandoned them all. She has already drastically alienated those girls from their father, and they will be even more torn because she will make them feel guilty and claim they don't love her if they want to see him or even mention missing him. Instead of putting the girls feelings and well-being first, she's making them put her feelings above and beyond everything and making them feel like they are betraying her if they want to see daddy.

IG really needs to make his relationship with his daughters a priority but he's stuck between a rock and a hard place. He tried to do a collaborative divorce, he's tried to have the girls in therapy, he's constantly trying to contact them, and this is just what AE has admitted. We don't know what's going on behind closed doors, but sadly the law isn't on his side and he can't just swoop in and take them without facing serious legal repercussions, including potentially losing all access to them. The reality is he's a jobbing actor, he's the main if not only breadwinner in the family, and he needs to work, for all their sakes, and often that work is not in LA. People keep saying they want him to step up and do more for the kids, but realistically it sounds like he is doing everything he can in the parameters of the law and within the restrictions of his financial and career demands. Ideally if he could get full or even 50/50 custody of the girls, take a year off work and just focus on rebuilding his relationship with them, but I doubt if he could afford that before this divorce, let alone now with the way AE is deliberately dragging it out.
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Mad Betty

VIP Member
What Alice is doing is just ridiculous. I'm assuming it is her own lawyer who told her via letter that Ioan can legally get 50/50 custody. It's not a shock. Adding in the Bianca nonsense is just to elicit more sympathy from her sycophants. This is between two people who are ending a marriage. She's been trying to ignore the lawyers to avoid the ultimate outcome. She can't.

Grow the F up, Alice. And stop saying 'us' when referring to Ioan divorcing YOU. He's not divorcing his daughters. Stop projecting your past onto your girls.

It's time to woman up.
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Chatty Member
Oh lord, giving her 50% is generous! Lol
She will use her 50% time to poison her daughters against Dad and partner.
"I think I need to rest." Seclusion time.
Alice out with the smelling salts and the fainting couch again. No idea how lucky she is that she is being offered that.
I don’t read this as her agreeing to 50/50 though. I read it as her saying “he is telling me he expects me to agree to 50/50”. Usual bullshit from her. It’s amazing how many lies she can fit into Twitter character limits.
And you’re not “splitting” the children. They aren’t divisible property. They are humans who will spend some of their time with one parent and some with the other. Alice knows exactly what she is doing when when uses these inflammatory words.
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I have seen a fair number of posts over the last few weeks from well meaning posters asking why IG doesn't drop all and get back to his daughters.

I won't repeat what has already been discussed but I feel an element of relief that he clearly has been working behind the scenes, with his quiet dignity, doing his best to secure his future role as a father.

Apart from that Instagram post which the best I can describe was ill-judged, he has always maintained the upper hand. We have seen what he has been dealing with for many years. I wouldn't be surprised if he suffers from PTSD.

Alice has well and truly been the merchant of her own destruction in all this. For her to state on SM that she has to agree to 50/50 parenting I believe shows that if she doesn't agree they will take things further. It is in IGs credit that he hasn't maliciously tried to take the girls. I strongly believe AE has given him more than enough grounds to do so.

AE may have gone full Betty Broderick, but IG is not Daniel. AE may claim it is down to him worrying about his image, maybe? But I think he is worried about his daughters. Whatever her faults, they love their mother. I do however think if she can't get her shit together, he will take things further... Baby steps!
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