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I do like that "tedious bitch" and threatening abandonment etc was fine but Ioan calling Ella manipulative (true) is severe abuse and a RO lmao

and dont forget Alice's insane harrassement of him, this was even more fine

Ioan must have been a huge pushover during their marriage
a lot of people will do many things if they are paid enough.

this gentleman psychologist is a pal of Ioan’s and is surely approved as a chaperone by the courts or whatever.

just for the girls (I have a teen myself) I can imagine it wasn’t a comfortable situation, knowing the girls are rather fragile.
what do you suggest he does though? they were uncomfortable with a middle aged woman too
Ella says 70-80 years old I think. Imagine if the poor guy is 55 Lol

Also I doubt the man was a friend. He was likely hired professional which I doubt would be 80 years old
retired professionals often do this tbh. I wouldnt be suprised if he was 70, but so what?
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Was that posted already?
bog-off posting more articles…

Something odd is happening. I saw several comments that were against Alice and there was a comment calling Ella a brat. And now these all have vanished and instead, there is a message: "No one seems to have shared their thoughts on this topic yet".
Is Piss-off deleting unfavourable comments in the middle of the night?
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Ally Pally

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Absolutely, and if Ella had a normal mother and wasn’t being abused and manipulated she would probably have just met Bianca with no issue and loved her in time. How anyone could’ve thought meeting her at the moment would’ve gone well, with how manipulated and angry the girl is, is anyone’s guess. Surely I and B didn’t assume that Ella would be totally cool about it?
I don't think Bianca was meant to be present, the dance class being cancelled brought them all back to the apartment earlier than they would have been. I believe that Ella behaved exactly as she's been coached in kicking off. I could be wrong but I really can't see Ioan just springing Bianca on them given the volatile aggressive nature of Ella.
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Seriously a batterers programme?
At this point I were Ioan and Bianca I would be considering a PRO against Ella.
That statement is just a load of bullshit.
Mummy dearest calls you a bitch but when Daddy supposedly calls you a brat it warrants a restraining order?!?! I can’t really see him doing that anyway.
Poor little Elsie. She is caught in the midst of a war zone - I really hope both girls are removed from the cunt’s ‘care’. Whilst I don’t think Ella could move in with Ioan I do think Elsie could and could get a chance at a childhood back.
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I suspect there will be another donation to an MS charity in due course based on that article - not exactly accurate even based on the court filings is it?
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Ally Pally

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Maybe just maybe Ioan shouldn’t have moved in with Bianca if there wasn’t a way he could meet his daughters on his own. The children obviously aren’t happy with Bianca being around then, regardless of how they came to this belief.
For you 6-12 months is a respectable time but it’s just an arbitrary timeframe you’ve come up with. It’s painfully obvious that the daughters have been damaged by their parent’s separation, especially the eldest.
You do not give the power to your ex or your children to decide who you should live with!
Its not the separation that's causing the damage but the mothers refusal to be a responsible adult.
If they don't go forward with the hearing then it's proof that AE and Ella think the PRO request is a crock of shit too. Case closed. It was just done for the DM headline and the mullah (lol) from the DM.
She's got to go through with it because Alice wants full custody and she thinks this will seal it 🤔
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They can't say whether she is lying but what they can do is build a picture which is what will be asked of them. Gloria can comment on before and after, and the father can comment on after.

Ella's team has to make the case that the abuse occurred "beyond reasonable doubt" which is incredibly difficult to prove without EYE witness, but they will rely on the other two as key "picture" witness'. Ie: To build a picture on the case. Gloria can comment on Ella's behaviour/etc before and after the incident, and the other father can comment on after. This is used to build a picture on whether Ella was lying or not - ie: did Ella seem out of character, was her reaction beyond her typical behaviour boundaries, was Elsie immediately confirming Ella's version of events, etc.

In cases without eye witness' you will be surprised at how much this is relied upon and can swing a case. Do not dismiss it because of our support for Ioan. Alice is a witch, and a narcassist who fooled many for years. We all thoght the custody case would have been over quickly, Alice face legal repercussions for breaking the order in January, but things didnt swing that way!

My final comment: I am on Ioan's side, but that doesn't mean I have to agree 100% with all actions and nor does it mean I can't point out strengths (amongst a million weakness') to Ella/Alices case. Life isn't black and white and I won't bother citing this anymore as I fear there is lack of conversation and debate tonight! Strength be to Ioan, B, and those poor kids especially sweet Elsie who I am glad appears to have a surrogate family in the background <3
I wont discuss this with you anymore because I simply disagree with the degree you are representing a one-off incident, so I'm saying something different now:

assuming the judge agrees that "Bianca slammed the door" in the attempt to stop Ella from leaving parental care after she trashed the apartment, do you honestly think he would give the Restraining Order for this?

I was sceptical about how save Bianca is to not get the PRO (Ioan was probably always safe because she seems to not allege any abuse at all lol) for a long time because Alice's socks were implying a very malicious approach (repeatedly slamming, violently etc.) that if it was the narrative Ella filed could have been problematic for Bianca if the court ends up believing her (whether with those "witnesses" or not), but Ella's account makes it sound extremely accidental. To me there is no case to start with. And seemingly also not for the court who didnt even grant the TRO that has the lowest standard.

I mean we are calling BS on this alone based on Ella's account (and so did the court); this is before considering Ioan's/Bianca's
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So more of the plot is revealed. They deliberately don't pack the leotard to try to get him into Alice's den.

"I texted my mother because I started to have a panic attack." I told her the plan was partly foiled with the trip to the Grove.

Sadly we now know that Elsie is involved in the plot too. "While I was in the parking lot, my sister started having a panic attack in the bathroom of her dance class, and she called my mother." A pre-arranged hissy fit.

"I called my friends because I felt safer with them on the phone." The friend was probably Alice who was recording it all. Teens are a bit too unreliable. Another part of the plot exposed.

"He calls me a brat." You are.

We also see how bad Ella has now become. IG "has threatened to call the police on me anytime I misbehave" but she's "afraid of the Respondent for my personal safety." Why???
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Loopy is obviously wrong with his narrative that not paying all the luxury in the world is abuse, but when you see how crazy entitled Ella is this is exactly what they think, especially since Alice has taught them that Ioan has to pay for everything and pays for nothing (not true). Ella is essentially asking for a restraining order because her father is being a father and not her pushover. Its nuts.

Obviously the request isnt serious, its just meant to hurt him (reputation and personally, all of this is maximum rejection, from the changed names to the order itself), its meant to work as a leverage so Ioan lifts Alice's RO (not because Ioan would get one otherwise, but because she is essentially blackmailing him that she will make his life hell over the kids otherwise, this is basically her final warning shot) and she can get her clutches back on his life (after he and Bianca under all the pressure break up). It's truly terrifying that after all this time she still wants to lure him back to the house: I can only imagine what she plans to do with him there.

Regarding the whole Bianca story: Ella's testimony differs from one declaration to the other (no direct contradictions, but missing key info in one compared to the other) which already changed the context of meeting Bianca. I think we should wait for his version to know for sure. But i wouldnt blame him either way. When you have overnight stays you should expect the 2 years girlfriend to be there, whether the full night or just a bit in the evening before she takes the ride to a friend, just like you expect the chaperone to be there.
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Thank you for doing this ❤
I - like so many others here - have been connected to trauma and abuse.

Ioan could have screwed Bianca in the living room in front of the children while reciting his marriage vows to Alice while she hot glued her hands and baby heads to her chins and not deserved this level of abuse from anyone.

The documents seem to be circulating and it's a public service against Alice's clear need for incarceration.
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I have so much empathy for Ella, she's a 13 year old girl brought up by a toxic evil mother isolated from extended family. She shouldn't be worrying about her mother or pleasing her , her mother should be helping her navigate the teenage years. I so hope things turn around for her and she has a happy life. Its so tragic and sad. She's so angry and hurt.

This is trauma in full play it's hard to understand , she feels abandoned and angry. Abused children will usually vent their anger on the more safe parent, they are testing to see if that parent will abandon. It's not safe to try on the abusive parent.
So I help nurse severely traumatised abused people and its common for them to develop a therapeutic relationship but then lash out with verbal and physical aggression. Its testing the relationship to see if you will also abandon and abuse them.
Please don't blame her this is the consequence of being abused.
Yes, she is angry and hurt, but what possesses an almost 14 year old girl to trash her father’s apartment, she could have just as easily told him she was angry and hurt. If something doesn't change she will keep behaving this way because it gets her what she wants, just like her mother.

Something I have wondered about, Ella says Bianca was standing in front of the door with her arms out to block her from leaving, but she got around her, does that mean she ‘knocked or pushed’ B out of the way? How else could she get past B? Nothing about this makes Ella look good, she is a young teen with more problems than any of us realized, and the biggest problem is her psycho mother. I hope CPS realizes what a danger Alice is to those girls.
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Loopy wrote a new article. tons of hot air as usual

Not content with dumping their toxic malice on a stressed out Ella Gruffudd, Ioan then goes on to claim that Ella is lying about the assault to Ella literally in the minutes that followed that assault. He tries to do so in a manner that prevented Ella's phone from recording it clearly of course because Ioan knows that phone in Ella's hands is detrimental to him.
So Ella was recording then, eh?

Not so Ioan Gruffudd who has done everything he can to make the divorce as punishing and brutal as possible without any regard whatsoever for the wellbeing of his children at any level.
You confused him with your witch friend

As soon as the divorce became public knowledge, a posse of Gruffudd / Wallace Stans appeared out of nowhere attempting to concern troll Alice into silence before switching to false claims of parental alienation when Alice would not comply. These trolls have often shown that they have been provided information that they should not be aware of.
Yes, Alice provided it and then deleted it after waking up from her drunk rage

Many of Alice's followers noted several attempts by Ioan Gruffudd to stop Alice from speaking about pretty much anything on social media most especially on Twitter. This amounts to coercive control as defined by law in the State of California.
So where is Alice's restraining order for Ioan? Nothing? thought so. Its not coercive control if you try somebody from posting stupid things

Gruffudd went on to present his "new" relationship in the media without warning the family he was in the process of abandoning which had the harshest impact on Alice and her daughters as possible.
A lie. Even Alice admitted that she knew beforehand

Instead of addressing the logistics of the separation like a normal person would, Gruffudd elected to give Alice the silent treatment and refused to respond to her directly in preference of sending legal demands through his lawyer. This had the dual effect of stripping Alice of money and causing her the maximum amount of stress possible.
Ah yeah, Ioan is responsible for Alice's Narc injury, gotcha

Gruffudd ceased providing any financial support for his children and allowed Alice to be essentially beggared as she tried to maintain some form of normalcy in her family's life.
As already proven in court: a lie

It is very easy to predict what Gruffudd will likely attempt in response to Ella's court action. Gruffudd and Wallace will turn on their impression management and falsely claim that Ella is unstable and abusive due to the "parental alienation" Alice is inflicting on Ioan.

They will likely claim that Ella was out of control and Wallace was acting out of concern when she tried to stop Ella from leaving resulting in an "accident" that Ella is now falsely claiming was an assault.

All of this will be presented in Gruffudd's most reasonable tone. He is very good at that. I have heard that man in action. Gruffudd will likely claim he is the victim in all of this and he is merely a deeply concerned parent struggling to a be a father to his "alienated" daughters and that all of this is simply an extension of his "Gone Girl" ex-wife's abuse of his magnificent person.

It is quite possible that Gruffudd will try and wheel out the therapist that he has demanded Ella attend sessions with to support his claims, and of course the Amberii are very familiar with how that tactic is applied. Gruffudd is cunning enough to know that Ella was always going to be the stone in his narc shoe and that discrediting his daughter was likely going to be required.
Yes, a teenager that throws food all over the apartment and their father is definitely "stable". The way these people want this child to just turn worse and worse is truly insane.

And yes, the story Ioan supposedly will present is very similar to Ella's, you clown. Ella herself admitted that she was unstable and the whole door smashing thing was so clearly an accident the way Ella herself describes it.

Any normal person would have simply kept his new partner and his existing children apart but Gruffudd is not a normal person as the evidence shows. What we see is a man who evidently sees his children as nothing more than an extension of his whim and his inconvenient ex-wife as trash to be disposed of.
Any nomal person....????? WTF, he is basically saying blended families are not normal?!?!

Personally I see these latest events as the point where Gruffudd has lost his daughters for I strongly suspect they will never forgive him for what he has done and that Gruffudd will devote his life to trying to paint himself as the victim of his own offending and generally vile behavior.

One thing is very certain. Wallace will never have any kind of relationship with those girls no matter how hard she tries to force herself upon them. That reality is set in stone. Ioan wants to be very careful what he wishes for in my view. I see his future.
Since he is Alice's friend this is a very clear threat

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House of Tea

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Alice is going to keep refer to the girls as sweet babies when they are middle aged. I hate the cutesy language she uses. We all know she is as hard as steel so all that lil baby talk is just more of the fake stuff that she uses to disguise her real character. For sweet babies read meal tickets.
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Tbh I already said it before it but Bianca is crazy that she didnt leave him yet. The insults/harassement she got on SM as well as financially helping him is one thing, but getting set up in a child battery? He isnt famous enough to go through all of this, she clearly must love him. And this drives Alice nutty.
I think not only does Bianca absolutely love and adore him, but she has a strong and resilient personality, the security of having family money, a loving family and a good upbringing, and a strong group of friends. She is being given career opportunities in Hollywood. She has been welcomed by Ioan's family and friends back in Wales, as well as his Hollywood friends.

Basically she has everything Alice doesn't (although I am still convinced Alice has a vast pile of money hidden away somewhere).

The absolute outrage and unfairness at what is happening to him is also probably a factor in Bianca staying. She ain't going to be bullied by a bloated boozing belligerent baboon.
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Sorry to disagree with you. She’s a white woman, but the words upper class are not remotely appropriate to describe her.
LOL!! I did use the wrong phrase, I meant upper economic class. Although apparently she’s the most destitute person living in a 6 grand apartment in Beverly Hills.
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So conveniently Alice forgot to pack the leotard so they tried to get taken home. When that didn't work and he took them shopping for a new one, Elise has a "panic attack" and phones Alice
Because they were instructed to bring dad home…Elsie was terrified.
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Funny how the DM article from last night, now has had the comments heavily moderated. The highest voted ones even a few hours ago were in defence of Ioan and saying Alice was the problem, with around 2.5k votes, but now they have been removed to more neutral comments. Disgusting really.
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Meanwhile...if there was any doubt about this sock. the old "book writing threat" is wheeled out.
This will be the third book I think. After the bestseller one about Wales and Matthew Rhys's mum and then the follow up one about Ioan.
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