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I don't think he will want any part of it, she will take it that he's iniating a relationship with her and that's the last thing he'd want.
Agree. He’s done with her.
That will be hurting her the most.
That’s the thing, the majority of us understand her hurting and appreciate it. It doesn’t excuse her behaviour toward him, Bianca and directly her own girls.
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If I were being harassed and picked on and cut off, I'd bloody well sort myself out, dust myself off, find a job, pay my own way and stay the hell off social media until I'd put my life back together and was standing on my own two feet with much satisfaction.

It's sad that there are other people who'd rather sit on their arse in a dark room stirring up trolls and depriving their children of a decent life, not to mention access to their father.
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House of Tea

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Also this comment under one of her selfies. She’s hinting that Bianca gets jealous when she posts selfies. So bloody ironic.. little girls who have always had their own way… hmm remind you of anyone??? She’s so delusional.
She’s deluded. Nobody is jealous of Jabba the Hut.
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Morning tattle tots! Been reading this thread for almost an hour oh what the fudge has Alice been doing on Twitter!!! This is insane, has she been reading the recent suggestions of prisoner cell block H and actually wants to be wearing dungarees and vieing for role of top dog or what! She is living a kind of chronic, never ending temper tantrum of a spoilt brat who has been told no, but she will not go away she won't accept it and just spews and demands attention in her constant self pity. As she idles away drinking and miss-spelling on SM making a complete tit of herself, she you would think could be better involved in packing boxes, organising her belongings and getting ready to vacate that house that she can't afford to stay in once the divorce has processed. What was the stuff regarding she has no money, how did she finance the pop concert the other week? She is an insult to real parents who are seriously struggling, and are working and trying their level best to keep afloat. She hasn't got a sodding clue! And! Why does she keep saying, I've got two babies to feed?! Alice, grow the f up they aren't babies anymore they attend school and you have time to get off your lazy backside, do something actually productive and get a dam job! Because all I see is an immature, pitiful woman who spends her time filtering selfies, wanting people to blow smoke up her fat arse, bitch at her ex's partner, blame her ex and partner for everything wrong in her life and talk bollocks on social media. I watched the Marjorie video last night, properly for the first time. It was cringringly weird, baffling and unfunny. Alice definitely has a personality disorder of some kind, I'd go with the narcissistic personality disorder as mentioned on here, of which I would have some sympathy for. But Alice is such a nasty relentless c### I cannot muster the empathy for a person like her. I hope she gets the consequences she deserves for her latest actions, ioan please take the girls!
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So, fun story time. I have the Australian equivalent of a PRO against a guy whose ‘romantic’ advances I rejected. He was behaving, to the absolute letter, like Alice. Right down to accusations about cocaine use. And his primary weapon was, and still is, social media. He periodically gets arrested (it’s been going on for 18 months and he’s in court-ordered mental health treatment) and then rants about how corrupt the justice system is. He also INSISTED that it was my partner reporting him to the police, and not me- if he admitted to himself it was me, he would have to recognise being rejected. And I see Alice is blaming all legal repercussions on Yo’s partner.
Anyway, my stalker has a diagnosis: NPD. He’s textbook. So he gets dealt with under the Mental Health Act.
I’m seeing far too many similarities in Alice, honestly. There’s so many that I couldn’t list them all. She does produce a lot of material.
Yep mAlice is a classic narc abuser - she's textbook. The Judge for the PRO will have seen her type MANY MANY times before. It is guaranteed that IG and BW will get the TRO - hopefully for 5 years too. Frankly with AE it will need to be a lifelong PRO as she will never stop. She has promised that.

Also I have a strong sense of deja vu with the way AE is lashing out. Those of you new to the last 99 threads may not realise that this is "Alice Evans Abuses - The Remix". She is saying exactly what she said before the TRO but with the odd tweak. YAWN

There were the same refrains about her needing help and the kids being in danger on here but nothing happened on that score because Children's Services in the US sucks and the kids are not in physical danger. But while AE (being a narc) will never accept meaningful help, this time IG might have a plan re the kids, ie, going for full custody and using his family to help with the kids.

That said, it won't be anytime soon - that will have to wait until the divorce trial. They need to cement the TRO on 14 June so that AE gets a criminal record as the first step. The plan IS coming together but it's a slow process and I hope there won't be more victim blaming on here like we had in the past. The mods shut threads down due to the arguments victim blaming caused on here previously.
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So the brother fucked up all negotiations because he was still at it on Twitter screaming ioans name and saying all sorts of terrible things. AND still to this day asking people to follow him.
Sounds like IG’s solicitors know something about that account 🤔😂 to the mystery machine 🏃🏻‍♀️
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Oh, he's paying some kind of spousal support while separated, plus child support, plus health insurance. She's not supporting two "babies." He is. That spousal support and child support payment is paying for the food, house payment, electric, water, etc.
Ioan would be the one making that payment - rather than have her ruin (or lower) his credit rating. I cannot see him leaving that payment up to her to take care of. The house is not in Alice's name.
ETA: the house payment amount might be considered as part of the (cash) support he is currently supplying.
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What’s so revolting for me here is how she calls textual abuse & harassment “desperate messages.” I’m seething again. I believe she was desperate, but desperation and abuse aren’t mutually exclusive. She was fucking abusive, too, and in that very sentence she’s attempting to excuse herself. I hope that PRO smacks her so hard she thinks she’s still on the set of The Christmas Card.
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I agree with all said on this matter but I also want to say getting no vitamin D (sunlight) can cause all of those pains … my eldest son worked nights and was gaming all weekend he never saw daylight for months ! I kept going mad at him and one day he said he had these pains in his legs he could hardly walk … I got him some vit D and he said within the hour he felt better ! We know she’s allergic to daylight that’s probably half of what’s wrong with her 🙄 but those kids should be out and about with a decent diet !
again I don’t know the ins and outs but I know she exaggerates everything….
humans are just plants with complex emotions we need food water and sunlight…❤🕊✌🏼
I pretty much can’t catch up, but omg how awesome are the posters here??!! Claudia, trope, welp, my beybey Pearls… how absolutely insightful and intelligent is everyone??!! I have my NPD diagnosed stalker in court as I post this, and he’s claiming I use cocaine (lol, as if anyone can afford it in Australia) and a lot of stuff I shouldn’t put here because it might be triggering for abuse survivors. Literally posting here and messaging my lawyer at the same time. I just want you all to know I appreciate you, and this is so much a healing place.
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You know what I find most baffling about Alice’s claim that 97% of their/her friends support her?

97 is a prime number.

The only way a whole number of friends supported her is if she has a minimum of 100 friends.
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House of Tea

VIP Member
If you were in doubt if something would get you in legal trouble on social media in her position, you would cease until it was all over. She just can’t help herself
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These reminded me of Silence of the Lambs. Isn't that what the PRO is all about - the Silence of the Alices? I am not good enough at photoshop to put the moth over her mouth, but maybe some talented turd could do it if the PRO is granted? I'll bring the popcorn.

View attachment 1315768
Anyone else see a resemblance?


If she licked her lips, someone could stick her to a window. It might keep her quiet anyway.
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She will see consequences of this, maybe not this week, possibly a tiny bit next week but I doubt a DVRO will matter much to an arrogant piece of shit like Alice. What will happen eventually is those girls will start to realise that Ioan was correct, this may take some time but it will happen.
Now, she has allowed the girls to believe they’re famous, she has allowed them to live without much parental guidance or rules. She breaches their confidence and boundaries. She has prevented them from seeing their daddy.
That has consequences.
Meanwhile, Ioan and Bianca will get stronger together and she will end up alone.
I’m here for it.
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Just William

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From an entirely nosy point of view, I wonder how public the outcome of the court hearing will be or whether it'll just be a case of sifting through Alice's social media posts to build the picture of what happened.
I'm hoping Ioan leaves it all unsealed again? It's a good way to document everything so that one day his girls are able to read the truth.
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She’s so full of self pity. That hearing is going to be explosive. I don’t see her having the self control. I feel a contempt of court coming up.

She’s only been back on Twitter a few days and she’s burning it to the ground already!!
That letter with the flowers is vomit worthy 😂
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I’m off to bed. I’ve misbehaved so badly on here tonight 😂😂😂
I’m not even sorry.
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