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Why’s she so into using people’s full names? Putting her sister in laws mothers full name is totally unnecessary. Why did she need to state her maiden name?
Why is she so obsessed with finding a mother!? She was in her 30s when her mum died same as I was, and I can’t say it’s ever crossed my mind to look for a new one! Although my MIL isn’t a cunt* so there’s that 😂

*neither is Alice’s I’m sure.
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this parcel thing is particulary absurd given that his mother in law died this week.
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Ena Sharples

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I must be so freaking naïve cause not a day goes by when I'm not shocked by AE or her FM's. I get saying extreme, hurtful things when you are angry and hurting and wanting to lash out, but the sheer depth and consistency of rage and nastiness in a lot of these people really does shock me at times.
Give it time it’ll pass.

I think I’m at the stage now that if Alice did anything genuinely nice or remotely human like you’d have to restart me with a defibrillator.
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She’s going through a painful divorce, she’s unemployed, unable to function and about to lose her home. Thank god she has a brother to support her and focus on the important things in life, like sleeping all day and tweeting boring crap to anonymous accounts all night. Dammit, she’s such a lazy cow 🐮
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Alice "I'm not reading tattle" Evans
View attachment 938993
(also you did talk badly of MS, because Bianca has it, honey)
Also, yet again, she has no grasp of time. None of that was said today. The black eye related to the golf club incident discussed a few days ago and which was in the media when it happened; she had mentioned 50-50, I believe, some time ago and said she was going for 80-20; and joking about people with MS … not joking, bitch. Wishing infertility and ill health on one in particular. So further to her commenter, yes Alice, you are saying all this. It’s been screen grabbed here. To use her favorite word … how disingenuous.
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I think the presence of lawyer's letters to Alice shows he is actively trying to resolve the situation to get partial or full custody of the girls. It isn't like he he washed his hands of them.

People always talk about how fathers or other relatives don't take matters into their own hands, but what would that mean practically? He can't go to the house, near Alice. Not safe. He wants to go with a third party and she's said she won't allow it. Imagine the scene and what damage it would to the girls for him to show up and how Alice would react. He can't physically take them away, they're eight and twelve, they no doubt wouldn't go willingly due to the amount of crap Alice has put in their heads. He isn't going to show up and remove them with force.

It's an absolute nightmare for them but I personally believe he's trying to do everything by the book to ensure custody gets sorted asap. In the meantime is he supposed to stay in his house so nobody sees him? Why isn't he allowed to walk outside or see friends? Should be abstain from parties (important for networking) until he gets custody sorted? What would that achieve? It takes time to sort out custody arrangements when one parent is actively withholding the children from the other parent. She has him over a barrel.

Sorry, I just find it frustrating when people can't see how things would work in reality. Alice wants the narrative to be that he hasn't bothered with them, while tweeting in the next moment that there's no way she'd allow the girls to go spend time with him. She says things like 'he hasn't seen his kids since May' while conveniently not mentioning that she won't allow it.

It reminds me of some comments I saw on a facebook post about a child who was abused and killed in the UK. Relatives had reported concerns to social services who investigated and didn't see any evidence of harm, which is truly heartbreaking. People commented saying 'if it was my niece/nephew I'd have been over there and saved them/taken them to safety, where were the family? How can they live with themselves?'

Aunts/Uncles/Grandparents have no legal right to remove a child from their parents, you can't simply show up at someone's home and take the child, that'd be kidnapping. There's nothing you can do other than refer to the authorities to step in, who actually have the legal ability to step in and act. Trying to show up and remove a child would have you arrested for kidnapping. The commenter made out like family just didn't care enough when in fact they made reports to the police and social services, which is all you CAN do in that situation.

Ioan has parental responsibility for the girls just like Alice but when they live with her, are refusing to go to him, she won't facilitate handover without him going to the house (and even then I don't think she'd allow it) which isn't a safe environment for him and would cause distressing scenes for the girls. What more can be do but resort to legal recourse and wait for a judge to mandate shared custody so he has the law on his side?

So much of what Alice has said has shown that Ioan was very likely to have been the victim of abuse. It's appalling to call him a coward, imo. She's also shared plenty of evidence that he's a loving, involved, caring father. I have no doubt he's doing everything he can to get custody of the girls in a safe and legal way, but he has a real job on his hands considering the bile Alice has been filling their heads with, and the fact that she wouldn't allow him his time with the girls over Facetime without interfering, leaning in, trying to involve herself. I didn't know who either of them were prior to this saga but from everything I've seen it really breaks my heart what the kids and him are going through.
I think what annoys me the most about all of this is that in my eyes she is just existing within the same four walls as the girls. She isn’t raising them really, she isn’t engaged with them, she isn’t dedicating anything to them. If she was wildly tweeting only on days they’re at school - whatever - but that isn’t the case. The weekends and evenings, even the holidays, when she ought to be engaged with them is not happening. Just because she’s physically within the same space as them does not mean she’s providing adequate care and supporters or opposition of Ioan don’t seem to realise this. I see him doing way more to cater for this girls needs from a distance to ensure that they are mentally and emotionally well because he understands how toxic this situation is.
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As other tattlers have put much more eloquently though, it is still tragic that DV amongst men isn’t recognised with the same severity as women. When it comes out publicly how abusive she has been, I hope those who supported AE run for cover as they will be seen to have been supporting a monster.

I truly hope IG and the girls find peace one day.
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I feel sorry for Ashley/Clive, though the unmentionables in the parcel cracked me up. He sounds lonely, even though he has a wife. But then I wonder how anybody can see AE's SM and continue to think she's the innocent angel Ashley wants to think she is...
I feel sorry for his wife tbh, I’d be miffed if my partner was spending a lot of time and money shipping stuff across the world for some other woman he clearly has a crush on!
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Idk, sorry for this, it's just that every inch of what she says is dripping with deception, and she is completely aware of how this works. Even through fucking language, she's exploiting her children.
Yup, She is very skilled at emotional manipulation and has absolutely no morals and qualms about doing it. Like Trump she knows she is lying, she doesn’t care and nor do her supporters. She just needs to tap into their bias, prejudices and anger. Tell them something they want to hear and that will solidify their already skewed opinions.

The mummy and daddy language, is just her playing the role of hurt child who needs to be saved. She is basically assuming the role her children should have in this. Their pain is elbowed out of the way to make room for mummy’s.

The victimhood is strong. Many people got lost in all her supposed and imagined life challenges. But she is a grown up privileged woman who is rich, educated and who has full time support from a housekeeper / nanny. Her only challenge in life has been that her marriage fell apart and her husband may have cheated on her. No mean thing but people deal with far worse in impoverished circumstances with no support.
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Anyone else get peed off if you sneak off for a spy on Twitter and she's being all normal posting about the weather and politics and such frivolity ,I'm like it's wine and red lippy time !!snap to it lady I have a life that's pileing up here !!
It'll happen. Here in Aliceland we must have faith - wine o'clock always arrives eventually.
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"his lawyer's mean letters nearly broke her"

If only... She seems to use his lawyer's letters as toilet paper.

I missed the last thread - does vagina revokers refer to AE's calling BW "fresh pussy"?

What brand of feminist is AE again? The misogynist kind?
No apparently if you don't support other women even if they're in the wrong you should have your vagina revoked
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I’m at work and I’ve lost it. Laurence Llewelyn Ioan is the best thing ever. 🤣
Ioan’s assemble…
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"*This is pure speculation. If the girls were in fact independently assessed, as AE claimed was going to happen, then some findings might have been reported back. Not nice ones for Alice.*"
Alice posted a tweet - something along the lines of saying that the therapist/her friends/the world agree she is not to blame/a bad mother...... @welp (I think it was you who had the screenshot?)can you help me out here? Is this one of the ones she has deleted? If not, then she is saying the girls have been evaluated......
oh yeah, she indeed deleted that one

I dont think it means they were evaluated though.

Also she is obviously lying, because just recently she complained about their friends being too "Switzerland" and that they dont believe her that he is this terrible etc. etc. etc.

The "therapist" seems nuts, according to Alice he only talks about somebody that isnt his patient. After dropping a bunch of therapists she seems to have found somebody to deliver narc supply for her.

Also I love how the nanny and babysitter are suddenly two different people LOL

And wow, only now realized the "I should lie to my kids to protect his reputation" - the reputation towards his kids? Since when is this a competition? WTF
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