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Ooof I just read his post about the divorce news
Jeez the whole thing is deeply disturbing at how wrong it is - and something like that will DEFINITELY impact his career - even a whiff of DV/controlling behaviour.
Then I read a whole slew of other articles -sheeeeeesssssshhhhhhhh Perez is a FM
I’m sure that now he’s away from Alice, his career might actually improve. She was probably an embarrassment and always causing a scene anywhere they went as a couple. I’m sure people know him and know what he’s like and they are likely to be on his side… Alice has very few celebrity supporters now, if any. I saw Tara Strong on her Twitter the other day, but I don’t see anyone else supporting her anymore.
He’s a good actor - he was great in Liar. I doubt he will ever be A list but he can still get good quality work, and probably lots of it now the Kraken is out of the picture
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Sadly I feel she now sees the children as her new "things to control main obsession by proxy" previously they were just extensions of her main obsession 😔have not seen any evidence of them being loved just for themselves without reference to how wonderful she is & how awful IG is I truly hate to say it but I think the minute they start making their own choices she'll turn her back on them.
Let’s face it, she’s actually still controlling IG using the children as her weapon. She’s abusing/punishing him for leaving her by refusing him straightforward access & parental alienation. Sadly it’s affecting the girls too, but she’s too focused on her main victim to see that 🤷‍♀️

Haha I thought that once too but then I figured I was being crazy. I think it was what they were saying and how invested they were it made me think.
If you reread the posts between #TeamAlice & Paul Willow, visualising AE as #TeamAlice, I’m absolutely convinced it’s her. The combative style &, as you say, the vested interest reeks of mAlice!! It makes reading all the gushing posts, of how beautiful & intelligent she is, even more nauseating. She’s an absolute fruit loop!!! 🙃
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Ena Sharples

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I think what @KindnessMatters said about her being emotionally stunted at a teen age is right on the money. Alice won’t (or can’t) grow up and take responsibility for herself. It seems very upsetting to her to have to do so. When she was with Olivier she described their relationship as having a father/daughter dynamic with him providing money and security. Then she seems to have wanted the same from IG, and maybe that was flattering at first to someone not that sure of themselves. But as they got older and had actual kids to look after, the fecklessness, the cutesy baby talk, lack of responsibility about anything from money to ensuring they have drinkable water…what a burden for IG. She should have married some ancient billionaire who’d have babied her, she’d have been much happier.
Alice is definitely emotionally stunted.

She has no concept of boundaries either for herself or others. In her world there is no sense of separateness, everyone else is just an extension of her.

From what she’s said, I get the sense that she didn’t see Ioan as an individual, just as someone she could control and manipulate to get her needs met. When he started to withdraw that’s when she started to spiral. Her needs were no longer being met so she descended into a world of alcohol, suicide threats and raging on social media.

The only people she has ever spoken well of are her mother and Oliver. Maybe they both let her get her own way, they didn’t enforce any boundaries on her?

The people she rages about the most, Ioan, her father and possibly her ex MIL are the people who have said no to her. These people will never be forgiven for putting firm boundaries in place with her.

I’ve got a sneaky feeling the reason her father was a no-show at her wedding was because Alice didn’t want his wife there with him. She wanted her ‘daddy’ there on his own not with that horrible woman who said no Alice your behaviour isn’t appropriate.

Alice’s outer world is a reflection of her inner world. She creates chaos and has no concept of consequences.
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VIP Member this from Alice?

Quite honestly, if my sister would reveal on twitter that I'm a drunk and have marriage issues she would be lucky if I would speak to her (eventually I would of course), which is exactly what happened. They only got back into contact when he got ill this year (according to Alice). I dont want to sound mean, but to me it sounds like the only relative that is backing her does so because he needs her at the moment. Regardless how much I love my sister I wouldnt go from no contact after a fight and her embarassing me to the world within a few months to being this overly/embarassingly "supportive" (when I would be the person that needs more support given the illness) without having my own interest.
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I am so sorry, I have only now seen your message from Saturday, I'm still quite new to all this, so please excuse the length of time it has taken for me to see and reply.

That has to be the kindest message to me. What a beautiful person you are. You praying in the name of my wellness would be so greatly appreciated, thank you and your kind selfless soul.

I have over the past days been very dizzy and nauseous. I have had a bit of pain too (though I'm not so bad today). I am seeing my consultant in hospital tomorrow but fear I might be kept in after my usual u/s & b/s as experiencing symptoms. It's ok if I do have to, know it's for the best.

Myself, mum & granny all have faith, I was raised that way, though mum/granny go to church when they can. After the v sad loss of 3 close people I can't go as I just cry. But I am very spiritual. I also have a neighbour, bless her soul, we meet outdoors sometimes and I know I am in her prayers everyday.

Sorry for being a bit deep. I would much appreciate prayers and comforting thoughts.
You are in my thoughts often, I've also had discussions with mum detailing the kindness, support and humour. You take care and stay safe,
Thank you xx
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I wonder why two of them struggle with addictions?

Just curious.
Because they are addicts.

And that's a hard road no matter who you are.

But there are choices addicts can make in moments of clarity to improve their own health and the safety of those around them, especially the children.

AE clearly needs help & I think IG went with the approach to extract himself and be healthy enough to extract his children and keep them safe.

In a year I think both girls will be living with him.
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She really needs psychiatric help - for herself and her children, this is not a healthy environment for those two girls to be in...
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She responded with the wrong account! I knew it was just a matter of time! Watch how quickly that gets deleted now.
I'm laughing soooo hard over here!
It made me titter! Obviously ‘Tone’ will come up with some excuse and pretend that he was trying to be funny or whatever, but it’s very clear it was a cock up.
I’m actually relieved that there isn’t a really sick man on dialysis sat up at 2am tweeting playground level insults to strangers to ‘defend’ his narcissistic, toxic sister from internetters.
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I think what annoys me the most about all of this is that in my eyes she is just existing within the same four walls as the girls. She isn’t raising them really, she isn’t engaged with them, she isn’t dedicating anything to them. If she was wildly tweeting only on days they’re at school - whatever - but that isn’t the case. The weekends and evenings, even the holidays, when she ought to be engaged with them is not happening. Just because she’s physically within the same space as them does not mean she’s providing adequate care and supporters or opposition of Ioan don’t seem to realise this. I see him doing way more to cater for this girls needs from a distance to ensure that they are mentally and emotionally well because he understands how toxic this situation is.
It baffles me how she spends so much time on social media tweeting while she has the girls. Even the tweeting until the early hours of the morning, does she not want to get up with them in the morning? The younger one is only eight, does she not need someone around to help her get ready for the day/have breakfast etc.?

I try make it a rule to not even look at my phone when I'm with my toddler, I use it a lot when he's at childcare or asleep but kids know when you're distracted and not interested in them. Not saying the odd text or whatever isn't okay, it is, but her ENTIRE focus is what's going on on twitter or here or instagram. She basically lets Gloria raise them, or when Gloria isnt around they raise themselves.

Let's also not forget that Ioan is the one working to provide for them. Providing money and resources for children is such a key part of parenting. Alice makes him out to be a deadbeat and like she's been the one sacrificing everything (I sacrificed my career to care for the kids waah waaah), neglecting to highlight that Ioan has sacrificed time with his family for his career, which is the only income supporting two adults, two kids, a house, and a housekeeper.
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Just William

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She's quite a low level narc. She has absolutely no understanding of what she is and thinks everyone else has the problem. I don't think she's malignant either....
her posts are not sadistic. However we can all see she is narcissistic enough to cause a lot of damage to peoples' lives.
I have to respectfully disagree. I don't think she is low level & I do think she can be sadistic.

Sadism definition and meaning | Collins English Dictionary › dictionary › sadism
Sadism is a type of behaviour in which a person obtains pleasure from hurting other people and making them suffer physically or mentally.

The constant SM #putdowns of IG (death by a thousand cuts) for years but always with the deniability factor of it 'only being a joke'.
(The 'get a room' comment was particularly odious.)
The IG post about her step sister with unnecessarily graphic description meant to cause maximum pain to her father & step mum.
The disgusting name calling - designed to hurt both BW & IG.
The liking a post that wished sterility on BW (with the excuse that she didn't see it when she was called out)
Her lol emojis at any IG put downs from other people.
Even the girls don't get a pass. On SM she has mentioned little digs about nose/boobs/height/school grades/bed wetting, etc
Her PA is also sadistic as it's designed to cause maximum pain to IG (even ignoring what it is also doing to the girls.)

She knows exactly what she's doing. POS Narc.
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Is it not weird that Alice is doing the whole I’m the one being harassed and then out of blue after a month of leave Jenny comes back going ballistic at everyone.
I was just thinking that “Jenny” has some real anger issues!!! I don’t understand why so venomous… & the name calling??
I see pussy has made its’ way back into the conversation too!!! 🧐


Also, I spotted this when doing a bit of extra sleuthing… I do hope that was just a drunken error & not something more sinister!! 😬😬


Jenny seems to be a bit warped that way too!!! 🤢🤢 It’s all getting a little bit icky!

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Why did Ioan stay with her for so long without noticing how bonkers she is or that she is a narc?

I think the reason IG didn’t realise how AE was “off” AE was because they spent a long time working and socialising in showbiz before they settled down. Quite a bit of that time in HW. AE’s behaviour probably didn’t stand out too much in a sea of narcissistic behaviours. It’s a shallow and vain world full of people who have Uber egos and self esteem issues. Realistically both were probably drinking a bit and partying like showbiz types.

Then they got married and had kids. A few years of tantrums could be written off as part of their fertility and ivf problems. After that they were living an average family life. Something Ioan could normalise because he was brought up in an average functional family. I suspect the Evans were not functional family as you can see today.

We know at some point IG changed his lifestyle majorly. Cut out or cut back the drinking, watched what he put in his body, got fit and repositioned his career. He had lived in a fog with AE (maybe some of it his own making with the career choice, drink and partying). Once that FOG lifted he started to realise how dysfunctional it all was. But not what exactly she was capable of until he got out. Which is when abusers ramp it up to maximum.
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Night night, all. Had my booster today (Moderna) and my arm feels as though someone's driven a spike through it. Welcome to all beginning the night shift - please screengrab any and all of Malice's uber-rants! Be well, be content x
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And then she exposed Tattle as a den of evil where they doxx celebs AND THEIR CHILDREN! She doxxed herself btw. How else would she get the salad cream from the shortbread stalker?

But it's ok when she threatens to doxx us cos you know... she's special innit?
Don’t forget revealing our beastiality! I knew my crush on Disney Robin Hood would come back to bite me in the arse
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Turning in unusually early tonight after a long, tiring moving day (watching it unfold was tiring). I will double lock my our (!) doors in case Alice finds me and sends Instapol.
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Thanks. I think what a lot of us have been saying is that yes, we can see how hurtful this would be to her, how she is grieving the end of a long relationship - and no one thinks she shouldn’t have those feelings. It’s what she’s done with them that is difficult to watch. She insists on being the crazy star of this show when she should be keeping those feelings for her immediate circle and away from the kids. It’s very sad that she considers her immediate circle to be Instagram and Twitter.
👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽 I don't understand how she doesn't understand the damage she is doing to the girls. It breaks my heart. You're supposed to try to protect your children from pain. So many of us have been through the same thing and not only protected them from knowing ugly details of infidelity and divorce, but made sure that their relationship with the other parent was preserved. The whole "he left US" thing got me from the start. I DETEST her behavior.
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