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I don’t think I was being rude. And is this not hypocritical being as what I said getting policed? The same goes for me stating an opinion. It’s not nice to have everyone pile up on me.
I had been posting about the timeline of their relationship and a possible affair and someone complained that we shouldn't rehash it. But we rehash other stuff all the time. You responded with 'yeah, who even cares about this?' or something like that, which is why I felt it was rude. It felt like people were complaining about me and a couple of others discussing a particular thing just because it didn't interest them. I'm pretty sure it's in the rules to not moderate the discussion, and it's not like it's off-topic. It's very pertinent to the topic like someone else pointed out.

Nobody is policing your right to say something is boring and the thread has been putting you to sleep lately (or whatever it was, I can't remember) but I felt like a conversation that was interesting to me was shut down just because others had heard it all before.

Imagine the uproar if I did that when Bubba bear was mentioned!! /joking
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Lol too many movies the majority of psychopaths don’t hurt anyone. They walk among us and a lot of them are very successful people.
Yes, but they're very hard to detect actually. They're usually much smarter than Alice and would never out themselves with such histrionic behaviour. They're far too manipulative and calculating for that.
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It must be even harder at the moment with Covid, is he clinically vulnerable? There are delays with hospital treatment too. It must be very difficult for him.
I don’t know where he lives or the impact to the hospitals there. He needs a kidney and if one came up the hospital would do it with or without covid impact. Although if a particular hospital had no icu capacity they could fly it to one that did.
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Chatty Member
A friend of mine made a vision board every year cutting pictures out of magazines of all the things she hoped for. She had always wanted a house by the sea and she and her husband eventually did move to a really beautiful ocean-front house. They had been living there for about a year when she looked at one of her old boards and saw she had cut out the exact same house she was living in.
Holy Manifestations!! I might start making vision boards now, that's incredible!
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Chatty Member
I’m not doing anything for self care to be honest; I’m too sad, just found out my dog is deaf :(
I can tell he’s scared and he sticks to us like glue now.
I am so sorry to hear this, poor fur baby.

You have probably already looked into it, but there are some good books on sign language for dogs, at reasonable prices in Kindle editions.
This one is only 1.99 for example, it's in BSL but there are are other options available (and I am sure there are lots of free resources online as well)

SIGNS FOR DEAF DOGS: Handy Mobi Flashcards (Let's Sign BSL) Amazon product

(Hope it's ok to post that link as an example, if not I apologise in advance and the expectation it may be removed by the moderators)
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That fella and his parcel. Keeping her updated in a panic because it’s delayed. Mate, she’s not arsed. Spend your money on your own family or the bloody foodbank. Get a grip.
I am actually annoyed at this mans desperation and stupidity.
He is desperately seeking her great approval and a pat on the head, and boasting to those who want to have inside access - so to speak😂
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Ohhhhh my gosh, thank you for acknowledging that it was a Black person she was going after.

There's really so little for me to contribute because my personal experience with TSA is super limited so I really shouldn't be talking, but I honestly try to accommodate the fact that they're on their feet for hours parroting the same commands again and again, often to people who either don't listen or think the regulations somehow don't apply to them, not to mention the lines are fast-moving and they have to keep them that way. It's like they're choreographing a Broadway performance in there, and I honestly can't take that out on them, as much as I dislike people givin' me attitude.

This is strictlyyy just me, I won't dare pretend we've all had the same TSA experiences...but I just be nice?

Obviously there's no time for chit-chat, but I do say "Thank you, sir/ma'am" and all that jazz or, and I feel stupid saying this, but if the line is really short/less people to handle/things are slower, I just quickly look for any cute earrings or nice tattoos they have (arm tats are ok, apparently, as I've seen), and I say I like them. Pick up my luggage out of the bin, slip into my flats again, put my panties back on, wind my large intestine back into my stomach through my ass, wish 'em a good day, and hey, sometimes I can even get a smile out of them, which is SO nice, haha. 💚

They're people, and I wish she remembered this before she took to Twitter, posted (illegal?) photos of TSA agents, and pawned her children YET AGAIN in an exaggerated attempt to garner sympathy and punish tired-ass people, people who work a hell of a lot harder than she ever will.

Attitudes aren't cool, but we have to offer slack sometimes, you feel me?
Better their attitude than hers!
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Chatty Member
It definitely didn't though, she's been tweeting about it, he's talked about it in interviews and there's been articles how they've had problems in the marriage for years.

They tried counselling and it didn't work.

He ended the relationship, moved into the spare room and then left the house (taking nothing) over the course of months.

The photo of IG&BW was posted many months after he left.

It's not really sudden that's for sure. It would be a wrench to see the picture, but it was anything but a shock he was leaving her.

Even so the shock at the picture doesn't excuse her behaviour.
True I don't mean a complete shock as in she had no warning, I meant shock as in she probably thought he'd come back and things would go back to normal again like she's tried to control the rest of her life. Usually those who try to control are the ones who feel the most out of control. But I don't support any of her bad public behaviour either.
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VIP Member
I am so sorry to hear this, poor fur baby.

You have probably already looked into it, but there are some good books on sign language for dogs, at reasonable prices in Kindle editions.
This one is only 1.99 for example, it's in BSL but there are are other options available (and I am sure there are lots of free resources online as well)

SIGNS FOR DEAF DOGS: Handy Mobi Flashcards (Let's Sign BSL) Amazon product

(Hope it's ok to post that link as an example, if not I apologise in advance and the expectation it may be removed by the moderators)
Just bought it! Thank you ❤
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Just William

VIP Member
She's complaining that Ella doesn't want to decorate the tree and is still complaining that they didn't go to In and Out burger when they were out earlier. It may not be that serious, but she seemingly can't post about anyone else without getting a dig in somewhere at someone.
I just wish she would be more protective and supportive of them.
It's like an(other) addiction with her. Was it the usual #putdown? (I'm not on IG)
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Thanks for saying that out loud, I was thinking her behaviour was passive aggressive too in liking those quotes. I’m not sure if she was behind the wording of their ‘big reveal’ photo but that felt PA and underhand too.

I hope Ioan hasn’t gone out of the frying pan into the fire with this one. My bad gut feeling about her just won’t go away.

In some respects Alice’s in your face behaviour is easier to deal with because it’s so obvious what she’s doing. PA behaviour is harder to pin point but equally insidious. If you’ve never been on the receiving end of it it’s really hard to explain other than it’s an accumulation of small ‘emotionally immature/stunted’ behaviours that are easily deniable.

Ioan would be much better placed being on his own for a while and getting help for his issues before embarking on another relationship. I think if he did, his choice of partner would be very, very different.
I agree with this. BW needs to be cleaner than clean - not for her sake but for Ioan and the kids. I just think she HAS to take the high road. I am not sure whether she will last or if she is just the 'safe place' for now but if she is in it for the long terms both he and she need to be sure she is the one doing everything right for the kids sake and to ensure Alice isn't able to add her stirring spoon to the pot.
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