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Well-known member
man, I feel so dirty for completely agreeing with Piers, especially this bit "many things said in divorce litigation are wildly exaggerated or even plain untrue" so much this 💯
Me too, it's the only the second time I've ever agreed with him. Very balanced piece of writing, I wonder who he is alluding to?
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Chatty Member
I don’t trust easily and you joined today so I’m not going to engage anymore, but I suggest you take the above advice and educate yourself on all the crap her and her supporters have out innocent people through.
I definitely will, and I get the not trusting easily thing too. Thank you to everyone who's been so kind and understanding and sharing here x
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VIP Member
I'm so sorry Tilly27 ❤ The realisation that my ex husband was not who I thought he was and was actually purposely cruel and hurtful towards me was partly the cause of my breakdown too x
That's so hard, maybe we could chat on the off topic thread - I think the button is up there ⬆ I can still remember the exact time and moment, I was at work. Luckily I had my own space, but work employees coming in and out, I had to just leave and attempt to drive home, but had to get family member to come get me. Put it this way, was lucky I had a sink inside and a courtyard out back.
Go us😘🐶🐱💛⭐ Sending you thoughts, care and hugs x
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Chatty Member
It’s the mantra I live my life by! I did share one of these memes in a past thread but felt it was worth reiterating :)
In the same vein: “never argue with a fool, from a distance you can’t tell who is who” or something like that. Trying to remember the fading print outs adorning my corporate colleagues desks over the years lol.
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Can we please add it to the Wiki that DV/DA and narcissistic abuse includes but is not limited to mental, emotional and psychological abuse as well as physical, sexual and financial abuse??
Yes cyber bullying has actually become big in DA/DV cases with Twitter FB, IG so popular now. They take it very seriously. google DV in your area and look into it if anyone feels suss about it not being DA/DV
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Well-known member

This is a very interesting read — especially if you put Alice in the place of the person who has been cut off and her father or Ioan as the people who’ve cut her off.
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VIP Member
First the salad cream now the talk of the brother and sister being lovers but not in the biblical sense??
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Speaking of Gibran, Alice would do well to read his “On Children”:
And a woman who held a babe against her bosom said, Speak to us of Children.
And he said:
Your children are not your children.
They are the sons and daughters of Life’s longing for itself.
They come through you but not from you,
And though they are with you yet they belong not to you.

You may give them your love but not your thoughts,
For they have their own thoughts.
You may house their bodies but not their souls,
For their souls dwell in the house of tomorrow, which you cannot visit, not even in your dreams.
You may strive to be like them, but seek not to make them like you.
For life goes not backward nor tarries with yesterday.
You are the bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth.
The archer sees the mark upon the path of the infinite, and He bends you with His might that His arrows may go swift and far.
Let your bending in the archer’s hand be for gladness;
For even as He loves the arrow that flies, so He loves also the bow that is stable.
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Yes, you can google (or look up here) her exchange with Franklin Leonard on Twitter. She also made a comment that the prenup meant that she and the girls would have to move north of a suburb in LA - I forget which but a couple of LA tattlers let us know it was somewhere which is mainly known for having an immigrant population.
OMG Franklin Leonard!

Thank you for this, I was aiming to get to the end of the page and then was off to google and you've saved me the trip ❤
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Chatty Member
Gentle reminder in the first post,
“The pink button is a wiki full of history for this subject. Please remember no thread title suggestions until the tail end of the thread. Add ‘thread title’ or ‘thread suggestion’ and remember to keep it clean.
Please consider popping personal or potentially upsetting or triggering posts behind a spoiler.
Tattle has lots of off topic threads if you just want to chat, including one for people from this thread - and
Finally, a gentle reminder this thread is for Ioan and Alice. Don’t give peripheral trolls the attention they desire.”

Pg 1 – @Silver Linings shares a somewhat terrifying video of a dishevelled AE doing … something. I can’t find the words, either go and look for yourself, or avoid like the plague if you are currently eating. If you can’t access the vid, more versions have been posted further down.

There was a lot of “who’s who” discussing again about Essie being BW, Tamika being someone, Essie being EN, us being BW, I couldn’t keep track but we’re all gently reminded again to keep the topic on AE / BW.

Pgs 5 to 9 – Comedy AE and FM tweets aplenty, including AE being “nice” in a sort of … self-involved kind of way, discussions of our good selves despite them apparently not caring about Tattle, and an old video of IG and Elsie adoring each other which AE weirdly twists into a suggestion that they get a room. Also apparently AE has had a fight at 04:00 am with both of her children (homework? Hmmm) which is why she’s not on good form. Of course it couldn’t at all be because of the vid of BW being reunited with her pooch. Discussion ensues.

Pg 10 – @Penguin86 helpfully shows how to insert a giphy to your post, @ReturningthePearls posts another of her classics, @EllaBella89 shares screen shot of the hilarious detail Ashley/Clive is sharing to ensure AE knows precisely when his “package” will arrive. The day x the time xx THE VERY MINUTE … xxxxxxxx

More “who’s who” follows.

Pg 12 - @PinkyWinky shares some AE fashion staples, one ironic, one historic (credit to @EllaBella89 “I refuse to believe these shoes aren’t a prop Ioan yoinked from the set of Titanic years ago. They look like they’ve been dwelling on the ocean floor for a century”, that was fucking hilarious)

Pg 16 to 21 – More FM/AE tweets, Hugh Jackman being fed chocolates, HJ Wives Cordially Assemble.

Pg 23 – Message from mod @Yel, everyone take note, we don’t want anyone thrown off unless they’re sock puppet FMs x
“Can people stop going on about the boring shit and stuff that's been done to death and no one wants the thread derailed into yet again.
And anyone attacking mods for trying to keep the thread running well to everyone, have a look at yourself and stop giving us a headache. I've had enough of saying the same thing that goes ingored and won't gently remind people next time.”

Pg 26 – Hilarious IGram exchange between AE and a free mind.

Pg 27 – Mod requests that account names are scribbled over if we’re sharing screen shots, it’s better that way for everyone. @Lizzymint shares DM article from January this year about IG’s father knowing there were problems with the marriage

Pg 28 to 29 – More Twitter / IGram posts, including an immense response to AE on IGram which completely misses it’s mark

Pg 31 – For IG fangirls, @Snowgie posts IG interview from Forever days
Thanks again for posting that for me lovey, tis difficult to be there for the end of thread for me a lot of the time! ❤
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Just William

VIP Member
Well, Alice is the one that recently said she told him what to say in interviews. So I guess that means she "embellished" it. He just rehearsed the
story. :ROFLMAO:
And yet IIRC I read somewhere (?) she wasn't happy about him telling this story!
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Chatty Member
with defamation I think Alice would have to prove what she says is true.
Not to get into a back & forth but that is not how libel works in California with public figures. Burden of proof is on the plaintiff and they, ironically enough, have to prove actual malice.
The Courtney Love Twibel case is also something I think Alice would reference for a defense playbook if there ever is a libel suit from anyone for her tweets: delete the tweets, claim you were intending to DM and convince the jury you didn't know what you were saying was false.
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i agree it’s totally possible but I feel that if you’re getting out of a difficult marraige would you be so quick to get right into another committed relationship, he seems a little too reserved to get so spontaneous about something that serious. You’d have to be really sure it was going to work. It seems like a short time frame to me but in reality these things do sometimes happen.
Not at all. He was with her AU in 2020 then online from Aug to Aug that is a whole year of online alone. Although obviously the decision to move her to France and LA came early-mid 2021. I think they got to know each other 2020. Just doesn’t have to involve an affair. New relationships move quickly also. I’m not 100% saying there was no affair but I can also understand if there wasn’t one.
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